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Harry & Ginny - Taking Care of You


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Buenos días! :) Here's the beginning of a new story. Harry wants to take Ginny out for a date, but then he finds out that she is sick...! Enjoy! And please let me know if you'd like me to continue!

Harry was casually walking down the Weasley's drive way. He was in an excellent mood. A year had passed since Voldemort's defeat; a year, in which Harry along with Ron and Hermione had gone back to Hogwarts to complete their magical education with the exams at the end of their 7th year. Much to Harry's enjoyment, they had been in the same classes as Ginny. She was also a major reason for the smile that spread on his face while he was walking towards the Burrow on this beautiful summer day. Now that they had graduated and Harry had moved into his very own apartment in the heart of London, he felt more independent than he had while still in Hogwarts.

This, in his opinion, had also had an impact on his relationship with Ginny. They were more like an adult couple now. In Hogwarts, of course, they had had separate dorms and their dates had mostly consisted of walks through Hogsmeade or around the lake. Now, however, he was free to take her out whenever he liked to, so for tonight he had invited her to go to a Chudley Cannons Quidditch match with him.

Harry was almost at the front door now. Of course, he could've simply apparated into the interior of the Burrow, but somehow he would consider that rude. This way, when Ginny saw him apparate at the end of the driveway, she would have some more time to get ready and prepare for their date.

As usual, it was Ron who opened the door for Harry. Him and Hermione hadn't been lucky with their search for an apartment in London yet and Mrs. Weasley had offered them to stay at the Burrow together for a while.

“Hey mate”, Ron greeted his best friend and they hugged.

“How are you?”, asked Harry. “How's 'mione?”

“Oh, you know.” Ron grinned. “Studying, as usual.”

Harry shook his head in amusement. “For real? What's the point? We finally finished school!”

“I know, right?”, laughed Ron. “I've been telling her that, but it's different with her, though. Harry, she's been offered to teach summer classes at Hogwarts! That's what she's preparing for!”

“Oh.” Harry smiled. “That's wonderful.” Unfortunately, his own career was merely a mystery to him and everyone else. Ron, on the other hand, had applied for a position in the Ministry of Magic and, with a little help from his dad, chances were that he would be accepted soon. It seemed as if Harry was the only one without a plan. Well, besides Ginny. That reminded him. “How's your sis?”

Ron's grin widened. “All excited, as usual. She's been getting ready for hours now. The last time I saw her was at lunch. She barely ate and didn't say a word, then rushed upstairs. She's crazy about you, mate. Just like when she was first into you. Better get upstairs and calm her down!”

“Alright, see ya!”, said Harry and turned around with a frown. Yes, Ginny was in love with him and hopefully also excited to see him. Still, Ron's description of her behavior seemed a little odd. Was she really that nervous only because her boyfriend had promised to pick her up and take her out for a date? Harry began walking up the stairs quickly while Ron was murmuring something about wanting to go to the game with Harry instead of his sister. Harry, however, simply ignored him and kept walking upstairs quickly. He wanted to see Ginny! Now! Somehow he couldn't help but feel like something was wrong with her.

He stepped inside her room and gasped when he found that it was empty. Then he just stood there, breathing heavily, wondering what he should do, when he heard a noise from behind the bathroom door.


Harry frowned and started walking towards the bathroom door. Was that really Ginny?

“Hat-chee! He-ishh!”

“Ginny?”, he called out, as he knocked on the door. Harry realized that he'd never heard her sneeze before. And now it seemed like she was having a fit of some kind.

At first, there was no response, so he called her name again. Then she responded, in a really quiet voice: “Harry...? You're here already?”

He shrugged, then realized that she couldn't see that through the door, so instead he said: “Yeah. What do you mean? What are you even doing in there?”

“Nothing!”, she called back in an usually high voice. “Hi-ghhn!”

Now it sounded like she was trying to stifle her sneezes somehow. “Open the door!”, Harry demanded.

“Just give me a minute”, Ginny called back and Harry could hear her stifle another sneeze.

“Please?”, said Harry. He only wanted to be with her. He'd been looking forward to seeing her so much and now she was hiding from him, which was ridiculous.

She hesitated for a moment, then finally turned the lock and opened the door for him. “Hi Harry”, she said not very enthusiastically.

There she was, rubbing her small, up-turned nose with the back of her hand, looking at him with her beautiful, large eyes. Harry couldn't fight down the urge to be close to her and simply pulled her into a tight embrace. “Hey!”, she said, but then looked up at him with a smile. Harry bent down to kiss her, but as he moved his lips closer to hers, their noses accidentally touched for a second and Ginny caught her breath and turned away from Harry instantly. She started breathing heavily, her eyes half-closed. Then her head jerked back and forth with yet another sneeze. Again, she tried her best to stifle it and buried her face in the crook of her arm just in time. “Ha-tchgg!”

“Bless y-”, Harry said, but was interrupted by another of Ginny's desparate sneezes.

“Ha-thxgh!!” She kept her eyes closed for a while, as if waiting for another one, then sniffed, rubbed her nose and looked back up at him. “Alright, do you wanna leave?”

Harry's jaw dropped and he just stood there. He had never seen Ginny sneeze before and now she had just had a major fit in front of him and was apparently going to leave it unexplained...?


“Babe”, he said softly, but she'd already left the bathroom.

“Okay, what do I need?”, she babbled as she walked back into her room. “I'd like to wear muggle clothes somehow, but I guess that'd be a little odd, and besides we're running late, so...” She trailed off, standing in the middle of her bedroom, closing her eyes once again. For a second, Harry expected another sneeze, but then Ginny emitted a tiny noise, like a sigh, and he realized that she was about to faint or something. Immediately, he was by her side, steadying her by pulling her into his arms. She sighed again and he kissed the top of her head. The sweet smell of her shampoo surrounded him and he thought to himself that he was really lucky that she was still using the same one, because he'd never told her how much he liked it.

“You okay, girl?”, he whispered and she slowly nodded her head Yes. “Just felt dizzy for a second there”, she mumbled apologetically.

“It's okay”, Harry said. “Don't worry about it. I'm here now.”

“You're right”, she said. “I've wasted enough time already. We should get going!”

“Wait!”, Harry said, as she tried to pull away from him. “Are you alright? Ginny!”

She stopped and looked at him. “Well, yeah”, she said irritably. “What do you mean?”

“You just seem a little...”, he trailed off, unsure of how to put it. He didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable, but at the same time he wanted to make sure that she was fine.

“I'm fi... fi...fah...” Ginny's breath hitched and Harry looked at her expectantly. Her eyelids fluttered, her nose twitched. “Hep-chew!” She started rubbing her nose hectically and turned away, as Harry attempted to kiss her.

“It's nothing”, she repeated, but now Harry could tell from her voice that her nose was getting more and more stuffed-up. Harry sighed and pulled her towards his chest, ignoring her stuggle to get free. “Sh...”, he whispered close to her ear. “Relax, baby. It's okay.”

She sniffed miserably and finally stopped fighting him. Harry gently cupped her face in his hand and gasped. “Whoa”, he exclaimed. “You feel really warm, love!”

“No, I don't!”, she said and sniffed again. Harry only raised his eyebrows. She sighed and looked down. Harry bent down to place a gentle kiss on her forehead. It felt warm to the touch.

“Ginny”, he said softly. “I love you. I'm your boyfriend. You should tell me the truth.”

For a second, she flinched as if the thought of telling the truth was somehow making her even more uncomfortable. Then, she moaned, closed her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. Before she could talk, though, she had to clear her throat. “I woke up this morning feeling all stuffed-up and gross. I knew that mom wouldn't let me go with you if she knew about it, so I tried hiding it from everyone. Spent all day up here trying to get better all by myself. Slept a lot. But then I got up again and was feeling worse than before. The worst thing was that I saw you coming and couldn't stop sneezing. So... yeah. Now you know.” She blushed a little and turned away again, still sniffling.

“It's okay”, Harry said and started brushing her long, open hair with his fingers. He loved how soft it felt. “You could've just told me you're not feeling well. It's not your fault, babe.”

“But...” Ginny looked horrified. “But now you probably don't want to go out with me anymore!”

“Well”, Harry said and started moving the back of his hand over Ginny's cheek in small circles. “It's true. Now I don't want to take you to the game anymore, because I think it'd be better for you to be wracked up in a nice blanket and take a nap until you feel better.”

“But...” Now Harry's girlfriend looked like she was close to tears, which was really unusual for her. Harry was getting really concerned. She was obviously running a fever. “What do we do now?”

For some reason, the desperation in her voice made her even more adorable. Harry had to fight down the urge to just pick her up and rock her in his arms like a baby.

“We should probably go downstairs and get you some tea or something”, he suggested, thinking that a hot drink might help with her congestion.

“No!”, Ginny yelled and broke off coughing. Harry held her, until she had recovered from her coughing fit and looked up at him with wide, shiny eyes. “Please don't tell mom!”

Harry frowned. “What do you mean? I'm sure Molly could help you!”

Ginny shook her head feverishly. “No, she couldn't help me.” She coughed in the crook of her arm again and Harry started patting her back. “Why not? She could probably cure you in a heartbeat!”

Ginny wouldn't stop shaking her head. Harry was surprised to hear her giggle. “Oh Harry”, she said, sounding almost amused all the sudden. “You've been living in our world for so long and still there are so many things you don't know.” She looked at him with sympathy and continued to explain: “The common cold is one of the last medical mysteries. It's the only muggle disease that we haven't found a magical cure for yet.”

“Well, still”, Harry said, feeling a little stupid. He would probably never catch up with Ginny's knowledge about these everyday-facts concerning magic. “She could make you better.”

“No!”, Ginny said again, sounding upset. “She'd be all over me with her tea and hot water bottles and soup and tissues and all that stuff!”

Harry couldn't help but notice the disgust in Ginny's voice. A little offended, he said: “That's about what I was going to do for you!”

Ginny's facial expression changed immediately. “Oh, Harry. That's so different. If it's you, I'm not as embarrassed. I love you.”

Harry sighed with relief. “Then do you wanna go to my place and spend the night?”

“I...” She broke off again, looking irritated.

“What?”, Harry asked, but then he realized what was happening, as Ginny started sneezing again.

“He-chggn. Ha-inxch!”

“Bless you”, Harry said and leaned towards her to kiss her cute, pink nose. She blushed.

“Do you wanna apparate from here?”, asked Harry and Ginny nodded. “Okay, straight to my apartment, right?”

Ginny nodded, then shook her head. “I'b...”, she sniffed miserably. “I'b dnot sure I cadd...”

Harry raised his eyebrows and she explained: “I just feel so weak... It might nodd work...”

“Alright, sure”, Harry said, wishing he would've realized that by himself. He wanted to take care of Ginny as best as she could. “Just hold on to me, then, babe. Don't worry.”

She nodded, smiled thankfully, grabbed his arm and they apparated side-by-side.

Okay, please tell me how you like it! Love you guys! ;)

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Oh. God.

You've killed me.


Ahh my HxGfeels! This is perfection! Please please more please!!!

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Lovely to read some sneezy Ginny ; there just isn't enough! [Though I once wrote some, which had a bit of Snape too]. And nice to know that they went back to Hogwarts , as I've always assumed they must have.

Very wise of Harry to take her back to his flat; he can give her a couple of large Scotches with ginger wine and hot water, then get her a sustaining supper like a steak and kidney pie and chips from the local Indian............

And welcome to the forum.

Edited by count de tisza
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Thanks everyone for the great responses! I'll be on vacation with my family for the next couple of weeks, but I'll see if I can sneak away from them to write you guys a second part. Then I shall post it when I return! ;) Glad you like it!

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This is cute <3 I love how they're irritating each other it's so funny. I'm so weird.

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Asdfghjkl, this is amazing. I am dying from the cuteness, aw.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you so much, Not_Telling and St3faniiG...! I'm still on vacation, but I sneaked away from my family to write the second (and final) part of this story for all of you! Hope you'll enjoy it! Again, please let me know what you think! Love ya! :D

They reappeared in the living room of Harry's small, but nice apartment in the heart of London.

Ginny didn't look around, she knew the place. Instead, Harry noticed that she had started shivering.

“Hey”, he said and pulled her into a tight hug. “Are you cold, Ginns?” He had started calling her that for fun sometimes and usually she told him not to, but he was sure that secretly she liked it.

He noticed that now she was even smiling a little. Then she sniffed.

“I'm okay.”

Harry only sighed. He knew that his favorite Weasley girl could be stubborn sometimes, but he'd never seen her so sick before and he had a feeling that taking care of her wasn't going to be easy.

“Babe”, he said patiently. “How about, I go make us some tea and you put on jammies and lay down in my bed.”

She sniffed again and turned her head to him, eyebrows raised. “Jammies? I'm not a five-year-old! Besides, I don't have anything like that at your place. Remember... I forgot to bring it.”

“Alright. Then just wear your underwear for now and I will bring you one of my t-shirts, if that's okay with you”, he suggested, careful not to upset her by addressing her like a toddler again. It was hard not to do that, though, because usually all he got to see was the tough Ginny and now she looked so vulnerable and hurt and about 6 years younger than she was. At least.

Harry almost squealed when he saw his girldfriend rub her pink nose with the back of her hand.

“Do you need a tissue?”, he asked sweetly, as she sniffed wetly.

“I su'bbose”, she replied, sounding so stuffed-up, Harry could almost feel the congestion himself.

“I think it's bedtime for you, young lady”, he said, in an attempt to cheer her up by joking around. It came out a little lame, though, and she only smiled weakly. “M'kay”, she said, nodding.

Harry knew that she must be feeling horrible, because it really wasn't like her to give in to his suggestions so easily. For a moment, he considered picking her up and carrying her to bed, but then he remembered that she was still Ginny Weasley, and opened the bedroom door for her instead.

He went into the kitchen and quickly prepared some tea for her with the help of his wand. Longingly, he thought of Mrs. Weasley and the thousand spells she knew in order to fix all kinds of wonderful meals. All he had to offer Ginny were some cheap, boring, non-magical Ramen noodles.

He was on his way through the living room to the bedroom, carefully balancing the cup of tea in his right and the bowl with the soup in his other hand, when he heard Ginny sneeze again. This time, it sounded like she wasn't even attempting to stifle them, probably because she wasn't aware that he could hear her.

“Hit-choo! Ha-it-choo!”

Harry waited a second, but when she didn't sneeze a third time, he called “Bless you!”, through the door. She didn't answer, and he realized that he was going to have a hard time opening the door with his elbows. His wand was in his pocket, but his hands were full, so he raised his voice again.

“Ginny, baby? Can you open the door for me please?” There was a moment of silence, then he hard the tip-tap of her naked feet on the ground. She opened the door and Harry's heart jumped when he saw that she had already gotten rid of her clothes, except for a plain, white bra and a thong.

Merlin, he was probably never going to get used to that sight! She still took his breath away.

He was just leaning forward to kiss her, when all the sudden she turned away. His lips only brushed against the side of her head and he asked: “Hey, what's wro...-”

Then he recognized the fluttering of her eyelids and the way she was twitching her nose and only looked at her expectantly. He wasn't disppointed, when she had a small fit of four.

“Ha-it-choo! Eh-choo! Hep-chee! Ng-chee!”

“Bless y-”, he stared to say, but he was interrupted by her hectic apology: “I'b so sorry, Harry! I dob't even kdow why I sdeeze so much! I usually dob't sdeeze as much whed I have a cold! I'b really sorry. I kdow it's gross!”

She had her back turned to him, her hands still clasped over her nose and mouth, which made her voice sound even more muffled. Harry could see that she was blushing again and he stepped closer, gently running his fingers through her long, glossy hair and down her back. “Sweetie, don't worry about it! I know you can't help it! That's okay, you're sick! You can sneeze as much as you like.” When she flinched, he corrected himself: “Or better, as much as you have to.”

She didn't say a word, so he simply went to set down the tea and soup on the nightstand first, and then walked back to her to put his hands on her slim shoulders and manouver her over to his bed, where he gently pushed her down. She felt unusually fragile to him, a bit like a doll.

“Do you want a blanket?”, he asked, when she started shivering again and he noticed the goose-bumps all over her arms and legs. Without awaiting an answer, he simply grabbed the blanket and carefully wrapped her small body in it. Ginny closed her eyes and Harry couldn't help but reach out and gently touch her warm cheek with the back of his hand. He started rubbing small circles on it, the way she liked it.

“How are you now?”, he asked quickly, before she could go to sleep.

She mumbled something that was almost inaudible and Harry asked: “What did you say, love?”

She sniffed wetly and repeated: “Glad. Because I'b with you dow.”

He smiled at her sweetness and bent down to push his lips against her temple for a quick kiss.

“You're so adorable”, he whispered, knowing that she wouldn't hear it anymore, because she was already half-way asleep, but he was wrong. Her green eyes almost pierced him.

“I'b dot adorable!”, she claimed, but it was hard to take her serious. Harry fought down a chuckle and only said: “Do you want your tea and soup?”

“Fide”, she said, glaring at him. Calling her 'adorable' would have been a mistake at the best of times. Harry figured that she probably would have gone to sleep, but now that he had insulted her with a word like that, she would have to try and be all tough again, which included forcing herself to sit up the way she did now. Silently, he handed her the tea and she accepted it reluctantly at first, but started taking quick, tiny sips then, closing her eyes with relief as the warm liquid ran down her throat. “You can eat your soup, too”, said Harry, ignoring her protests about how she didn't want “sick-people-food”. “... while I go and get you something else quickly!”

A few moments later, she had almost finished the bowl of noodle soup that she had rejected about a minute ago, and Harry returned to her with a large pack of tissues in his hand.

“I dod't deed those”, Ginny exclaimed right away, causing Harry to laugh.

“Sorry, Ginns, but you kind of sound like you do!”

“I do dot!!”

“Just listen to yourself, okay? Hey, don't look at me like that! I love you, remember?”

That finally got her to stop glaring at him and he gave a comforting smile. “Just blow your nose, Ginny, alright? I'll even leave the room, if that's what you want.”

She looked at him for a moment, nodded then, and accepted the tissue he was handing her. Then she held it up to her face, but she didn't blow. The only thing that wasn't hidden by the white fabric where her shiny, green eyes.

“What?”, asked Harry.

“You said you would leave the roomb!”

“Merlin, I was joking!” When she squinted her eyes, he put up his hands apologetically. “Whatever you need, babe”, he said and left the room without another word of protest. Outside, he waited patiently until the sounds of soft gurgling had lapsed into silence. Only then did he re-enter the room, finding an embarrassed Ginny and two crumpled tissues on the nightstand.

He decided to say nothing about it, because he didn't want to increase her feelings of shame, and simply asked: “Do you want to sleep now? You look tired.”

For once, she didn't feel insulted, and simply nodded. She sounded a little less stuffy when she said: “I am. I'd really like to sleep, if that's okay with you!”

“Of course!”, he said quickly, and he meant it, too. “I just want you to feel better, love! Honestly!”

She nodded a Thank You and wrapped his blanket around her, before burrowing her overheated head on the pillow. “Wake me up when you get bored, mkay?”, she mumbled and Harry promised to do so, even though he had no intention at all to wake her up before her body was ready. In fact, he wanted her to get as much rest as possible before she would have to return to the Burrow without him, where Mrs. Weasley would start fussing over her. Maybe, he mused, he could keep her throughout the next day and spend the following night at the Burrow with her.

Ginny moaned in her sleep. Harry was surprised, because usually she was completely silent during the night, while laying close to his chest. No snoring, no sleep-talking, no loud breathing.

Now, however, she was moving around uneasily, almost whining in her sleep and breathing audibly through her mouth. Without really thinking about it, Harry took off his pants and shirt and crawled under the blanket next to her, careful not to wake her up. Ginny moved her head closer to his shoulder, as if she could feel his presence even in her sleep. He turned to her and now their faces where so close that he could feel her irragular breathing on his cheek.

One more time, he found himself admiring her beautiful face. Sleep-watching her had become sort of a hobby for him, since she never let him look at her that closely when she was awake. Absent-mindedly, he started tracing the lines of her face with one finger. He started at her temple, moved over those well-defined cheekbones, that other girls would probably die for, to the corner of her mouth. He traced her upper and lower lip and went on to her nose, without thinking about it. As soon as he touched the tip of her up-turned nose, though, he noticed his mistake when her breath hitched and Harry realized that he had just set her off again. Her head fell back a tiny bit and jerked forward again with a small, but foreful sneeze. “Up-chew!”

The spray coming from her nose hit Harry's face like a sort of mist and for a moment, he didn't know what to feel or do. For some reason, he wasn't disgusted, even though some part of him felt that he should be. Ginny moaned again, semi-awake, and Harry thought that she had probably noticed the sneeze, but not the fact that she had sneezed right on her boyfriend.

As he continued to closely observe her, Harry couldn't help but notice how a fine line of snot was running out of one but her round nostrils. Quietly, he pushed himself up a little and reached across Ginny, but the box of tissues was too far away. The only thing he could reach was the tissue, which she had used before. Harry hesitated, but only for a second. It was full of snot, yes, but at least it was her snot, so he didn't really care. Careful not to wake her up, he took one corner of the fabric that had remained dry and used it to wipe Ginny's nose. When the clear liquid continued to run out of it, he put the tissue around her nose and gently squeezed it a little, which seemed to do the trick.

To him, Ginny looked happier after he had thrown the now-recycled tissue on the ground.

For almost half an hour, nothing happened, except for Ginny snuggling closer to his chest unwittingly and Harry, who had his eyes closed, almost fell asleep himself, but he pricked up his ears when he heard her breath hitch again. Her nose twitched, and she sniffed one last time before letting it all out. “Hip-choo! Ha-shoo! Itch-chg! Ha-etch!” What followed was a fit of at least eight, some came out freely, others where fully- or half-stifled, and Harry thought to himself that he had never seen her lose control over her own body like that before.

“Wow, what a sneezy cold”, he said right after she was done and she jerked away from him.

“Harry! I didn't know you where right there. I mean... I'm...”

“Hey”, he said softly. “Relax, okay? Oh, and bless you, Ginny.”

She didn't thank him, instead she looked horrified and then started apoligizing again.

“Seriously, babe”, he interrupted her and blew a soft kiss onto her forehead. “Stop being so embarrassed! It's not your fault that you're sick! I know you hate being weak in front of me, but we can't change that at the moment, and besides, it's kind of cute.”

When he saw her look, he quickly added: “In a feminine, attractive way. Not in a girly way, of course.”

“You don't think I'm disgusting?”, she asked quietly, looking at him with her big doe eyes.

“Why would you even say that? I think you're the opposite of disgusting! You're beautiful on the inside and outside and attractive in any way I can think of!” A smile crossed her face and Harry was thankful that he had learned how to talk like that over the last couple months. At the beginning of their relationship, it had been all “Well-your-kinda-pretty”, in his boyish, immature voice. Now, however, he knew how to please his girl and make her smile.

“I'm just so sorry”, she said, while resting her head on his hard chest.

“What are you sorry about, Ginns?”

“You know. Because of the game. It's my fault we can't go, isn't it?”

She sounded so sad, it made Harry's heart contract. Quickly, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close, while kissing the top of her head. “Don't you worry about that! I'm sorry, because you're not feeling well.”

She sniffed and then she said something that really surprised Harry.

“Thank you for taking care of me.”

He was too surprised to answer at first, then he quickly said: “Anytime!”, and she turned her face to blow rasberries at his chest. He giggled and said: “You know, being with you and taking care of you isn't so bad, after all. It's kind of fun for me, actually.”

“It is?”


“I love you, Harry!”

“Love you, too, sweetie. And Ginny?”


“Get better, okay?”

“Sure, I'll try. Will you take me to another game then?”

Harry smiled and nodded his head Yes. Ginny raised her head one more time and they kissed. Then she claimed that she was tired again and fell asleep soon afterwards, still lying on Harry's chest.

He started brushing her hair with his fingers again, thinking that, in the end, their date had been a success.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Ahh... no replies at all?! :( Don't get me wrong, I'm not gonna beg you guys for comments! If you really didn't like it, my bad. I tried. At least, I thought some people wanted me to continue, so that's why I wrote the second part... I'm just wondering... is there anyone out there who liked this? By any chance...?

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I'm surprised there aren't any replies! I just now saw this, though! I loveee this part it's amazing! The whole story was great but this part especially! I really did enjoy it! You're a great writer! :)

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I'm surprised there aren't any replies! I just now saw this, though! I loveee this part it's amazing! The whole story was great but this part especially! I really did enjoy it! You're a great writer! smile.png

Thank you so much, Marina! I feel so much better about this now, knowing that you enjoyed it! Made my day! :)

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I love this!!!! Thank you!

Thanks a lot, Amberlight! It means so much to me when people enjoy my stories! happysmiley.gif

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I love this. I read it the first time when I wasn't signed in and forgot to comment. This is really sweet :)

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I love this. I read it the first time when I wasn't signed in and forgot to comment. This is really sweet smile.png

Thank you so much! I appreciate that you took the time to comment! :) Btw, I love your signature! It's really cute!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I has no internet and have just discovered I can use the forum on my phone, soooooo, yay! I don't even like (or have ever watched/read) Harry Potter, but this is amazing. A-freakin'-mazing.

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I has no internet and have just discovered I can use the forum on my phone, soooooo, yay! I don't even like (or have ever watched/read) Harry Potter, but this is amazing. A-freakin'-mazing.

Thank you so muuuch! I love getting comments on my stories when I don't expect them anymore! You made my night haha... And HP is great. Maybe you should read the books at some point. It's worth it! ;)

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I has no internet and have just discovered I can use the forum on my phone, soooooo, yay! I don't even like (or have ever watched/read) Harry Potter, but this is amazing. A-freakin'-mazing.

Thank you so muuuch! I love getting comments on my stories when I don't expect them anymore! You made my night haha... And HP is great. Maybe you should read the books at some point. It's worth it! ;)

Haha, might have to after reading this! :P

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  • 2 years later...

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