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Suits - Mike Ross (one-shot)


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So my first fanfic (CSI Love Sick) was kind of a fail, I didn't even get to the fourth chapter, just sort of left it hanging sleep.png

So i'm gonna try again!! Only from now on i think i'll stick to oneshots and drabbles biggrin.png

I'm reeeaaally into Suits right now, and--please correct me if i'm wrong--I don't believe i've seen any Suits fics on here, soooo... I'm going to try a sick Mike Ross one shot!!

No romantic pairing between Harvey and Mike, just one guy showing concern for the other smile.png Also, I've more recently been watching season 1, so this takes place mid-season 1... So here goes...


Mike Ross pedaled through the bustling streets of New York City, now being gently sprinkled with delicate wisps of icy snow. It might have been a beautiful sight, as the trees appeared to have been lightly coated in powdered sugar, had Mike not been stricken with a throbbing headache and runny nose. Despite his lack of energy, Mike pedaled even faster, his navy blue windbreaker rustling in the crisp December air, desperate to find refuge in his cozy cubicle at Pearson Hardman.

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Wow! A huge thank you to the admin for fixing my thread!!

Also, I accidentally posted the first few lines of my story, so I’ll just call that a teaser ;)

Anyways, continuing with the story…


Mike Ross pedaled through the bustling streets of New York City, now being gently sprinkled with delicate wisps of icy snow. It might have been a beautiful sight, as the trees appeared to have been lightly coated in powdered sugar, had Mike not been stricken with a throbbing headache and runny nose. Suddenly, a tickle in his nose caught him off-guard. Uugh, hetcchhh!! Mike sneezed, and nearly swerved into traffic. A taxi honked its horn next to him as he sniffled wetly and groaned from the pain of his agitated headache. Despite his lack of energy, Mike pedaled even faster, his navy blue windbreaker rustling in the crisp December air, as he was desperate to find refuge in his cozy cubicle at Pearson Hardman. However, Harvey Specter had other plans for his associate.

“You’re late,” Harvey grumbled as Mike attempted—without much success—to slink past the older man. Mike jumped in surprise, his crystal-blue eyes widening, letting his tattered messenger bag slump to the ground. Harvey rolled his eyes and let out an annoyed sigh, snatching the bag up from the floor. “Here,” he growled impatiently, shoving the brown bag into the frightened man’s chest.

“Umph,” Mike let out a short gasp as the heavy bag collided with his frail body, nearly knocking him over. While grabbing the bag with his right hand, he coughed twice into his left fist, and then tried to regain his composure while removing his windbreaker.

“We have a new client, a Mr. Craig Green,” Harvey began, walking briskly down the hall, Mike trailing behind and trying to keep up while catching a blue folder that Harvey had tossed his way. “Worked for Imperial Network as a construction manager. Apparently one of the workers he was supervising lost an arm”—whatever color that remained now drained from Mike’s weary face—“so Green’s been fired. But Green feels that Earl Bennett, the company’s Super, pulled a fast one and planted the safety hazard in order to have legitimate reason for firing him.”

“At the expense of someone losing their arm?” Mike asked, his lower eyelid rising slightly in horror, and then coughing into his fist again.

Harvey winced at Mike’s apparent distress, but continued anyway. “Well, Green thinks that Bennett’s been covering up embezzlement from past clients and apparently thinks that he’s found evidence that proves it. He’s also convinced that Bennett wanted to scar his reputation to prevent him from posing a threat.” Upon reaching his office, Harvey stopped to turn and face his pale associate. “I want you to find out more about the incident at the construction site and also whatever you can dig up on Bennett. Got it?”

Mike shivered slightly. “Got it,” he responded quietly and turned towards his cubicle. The only thing on Mike’s mind now was the idea of sitting down at his tiny desk and resting his flushed cheeks against its cool surface. However, as Mike wiped at his sore, pink nose with a crumpled tissue from the pocket of his suit, Mike could hear someone following him.

“Wait,” Harvey called out from behind, before Mike could take another step towards his cubicle. “Come here.” Mike closed his eyes and sighed with disappointment, then turned towards Harvey, who reached out to Mike’s forehead, gently touching it with the back of his hand. Mike’s eyes drooped slightly as the cool touch of Harvey’s hand relieved him somewhat of the heat that emanated from his feverish body. Harvey pulled his hand back and took a look at his ailing associate. Beads of sweat were forming at Mike’s hairline, and his skin had almost turned a light shade of gray. “Okay,” Harvey said gently, “come sit in my office.”

Mike was not sure whether or not his fever was making him delirious, as Harvey’s sudden kindness shocked him. But Mike followed Harvey anyway, with Harvey bearing most of his associate’s weight, keeping him from swaying and planting his face on the tiled floor. Harvey, practically dragging Mike with him, eventually made it to his office. Donna, having just looked up from her computer, sat bewildered, barely managing to ask, “What happened?!”

“He’s sick,” Harvey replied, with a pronounced look of worry plastered upon his face. “Can you grab the thermometer from the first aid kit?”

“Done,” Donna stated affirmatively as she hurried off. Meanwhile, Harvey helped Mike onto the black sofa in his office.

“So,” Harvey began. “What were you thinking coming to work with the flu?”

Mike groaned, smiling to himself, and then responded, “Harvey, you wouldn’t possibly…” Mike paused and raised an eyebrow, “…care about me, would you?” Mike was still grinning as he waited for Harvey’s response. Harvey opened his mouth in a smile, as if to say something, but then closed it and sighed with resignation.

At that moment, Donna returned with the thermometer. “Is he going to be alright?” Donna asked, outwardly displaying her worry for the young man.

“He’ll be fine,” Harvey replied, taking the thermometer from Donna’s hands.

Mike continued to grin and chuckle to himself between coughs and teased, “Aw, Harvey has a heart.”

Harvey then shoved the thermometer into Mike’s mouth. “Shut up.”

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Great story but AHHH YOUR PIC IS A CAT:o get it away...-. -hides- . i'll be bak when you update.

(awkward exit commence~~~:P)

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No I don't hate them I'm just allergic :-; but theyre cute. aha. You're welcome do continue the storie.

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Aw, thanks!!

I agree, someone had to make Mike miserable... :D

I'm really hoping that Mike will actually get sick sometime in the series; but it's still a relatively new show, so you never know, some fluffy goodness could be ahead!!

I also found a request from like a year ago for a Suits fic about Harvey, so maybe I'll do that next :)

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Pls make that Harvey fic! and and and and and pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaase make another Mike Ross one <3

this was awesome!!

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  • 2 years later...

SUITES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BROMANCE :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

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