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Sneeze Fetish Forum



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Hey, peeps! Been having some mean writers' block lately on my main story, so I decided to try and whip something up for here to get my inspiration back! Note: Justin is younger in this story. I like young Justin a lot better than saggy-pants Justin. And...his younger age makes it more easier to fit some caretaking in there ;) . Sorry about the story being so close up; this thing won't let me skip spaces! Getting super annoying...might go to the tech support place on here and see if I'm doing anything wrong. Summary: Justin's overworked and coming down with a winter cold. Scooter's debating whether or not a day off is worth it.

16-year-old pop sensation Justin Bieber sighed as he rubbed his forehead with the back of his wrist. Both seeing and hearing another crazed fan stop at the table in front of him, he dropped his hand and plastered on a smile as he signed the autograph and handed it to the squealing teenager.

“You alright, JB?” he heard from behind him, Scooter squeezing his shoulders lightly.

“Yeah.” Scooter’s eyes narrowed at the soft, wispy tone of Justin’s reply that didn’t sound confident. At all. The older man bit his lip, stuck between giving the kid a much-needed day off and needing to keep barreling forward. Justin’s career had skyrocketed in the past few years, and they’d all worked too hard to stop now, even just for a day.

But still…Justin could really use the day. Scooter kept his hands on his young protégé’s shoulders, feeling the tense, knotted muscles as he worked, signing autographs as quickly as he could and struggling to hide every wince his fans’ screams caused. Scooter knew the poor kid must get some killer headaches from that. Hell, Scooter did himself when he was exposed to the ear-piercing shrieks for too long. But Justin wanted this. He wanted this too much to take a break. Or did he?

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I would like to add a lil' shoutout to Belieber! Saw it's your birthday; I wish I would've known so I could've dedicated this to ya from the beginning! Take it as a present ;) Hope you have an awesome birthday and remember to have fun, chica!

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Thank you so muchw00t.gif I didn't expect it, I woke up this morning and saw it. Also a tip on your writing problem: you can type it up on microsoft word and copy and paste it to here. I hope that helps you!

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That's so good c: I wish someone would write me a special one for my bday next week :-; but continue this <3

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Hey, guys! Back with part 2, hope you enjoy!! Just a little note first, though: Justin’s sneezes in this story are based off of the first sneezing video on YouTube, not the second, seeing as in this story he’s around the age he was in that video, so that would be what his sneezes would’ve/should’ve sounded like at 16, if the video is any proof. Does that make sense? I hope so. Anyway, on to part 2!!


Justin breathed a sigh of relief and let a small smile grace his lips as he reached the end of the line of fans. He felt relief bubble up inside him when he finally signed his last autograph.

“Ready to go?” Scooter asked, and he nodded, getting up. He shook his head to try to clear it, disguising the action as one of his signature hair flips. He let Scooter guide him to the exit, but stopped once the cold outdoor air hit him. He balked slightly with a sudden shiver, not wanting to leave the suddenly-comforting warmth of the building.

“What’s wrong?” Scooter asked when Justin didn’t move, and Justin shook his head and started out into the cold. He stuffed his hands in his pockets, wishing he’d worn gloves or something. He raised one hand to wipe his suddenly-runny nose on his hoodie sleeve, frowning slightly as he felt a tickle blossom in the back of his nose. Though he tried hard to hold it back, his chilled nostrils flared insistently, and his eyelashes fluttered softly.

“Hup-CHIEW!!” Scooter was both slightly concerned and amused by Justin’s cold-induced sneeze. Mainly he was amused by the way Justin made no effort at all to cover his mouth, but seemed too tired to execute one of his usual full-body sneezes. He chuckled softly as the kid’s shoulder jerked lightly with each hitched breath.


“God bless you!” a woman walking a bit too close to Justin said, shocked at the star’s unhygienic habits. Justin blushed and hung his head, not answering. Scooter felt a twinge of sympathy, understanding Justin’s reluctance to talk to the lady. She was a representative of Justin’s record company, here to oversee the autograph signing to promote his latest album. All she’d really done all day was make everyone uncomfortable. Most of all, it’d be a long day for Justin, and he was a little less tolerant, understandably. Justin was elated when the big, black car came into view. Scooter became even more concerned when he saw how willing Justin was to accept help as he climbed into the enormous SUV, Kenny supporting his light weight. The teen’s eyes clouded with an unreadable, yet obviously negative expression as the representative sat right down next to him, forcing Scooter to take a seat on the other side of her, and Kenny to move to the back.

“Would you like a tissue?” the rep. asked a few minutes into the ride, pulling a travel pack of Kleenex out of her bag. Justin blushed, hoping his increasingly-congested sniffles hadn’t been that obvious. He grudgingly accepted the “gift,” but found he had absolutely no idea what to do with it afterwards. There was no way he was blowing his nose; it just wasn’t happening. He settled for swiping it under his nostrils, having to continually repeat the action as his nose ran from the sudden temperature changes. By the time the car pulled up to the parking lot of the hotel Justin was currently calling “home,” the rep. was convinced he was coming down with a cold, though Justin struggled to argue otherwise, blaming his runny nose on the weather. Upon getting out of the car and seeing his own breath, Justin actually felt the urge to cry, wishing he could just be warm for good already. He lagged behind until he was at Scooter’s side, relishing the warmth Scooter gave off when he wrapped his arm around Justin’s shoulders.

“Here, bud, it’s freezing out here,” Scooter said, stopping and kneeling to Justin’s level, taking off his scarf and wrapping it snugly around Justin’s neck. He could look into Justin’s eyes and just tell that he was fading fast. It’d been a hectic few weeks for the kid, this one being especially bad. He was tired and getting sick and frankly, Scooter couldn’t blame him for being a little down.

“C’mon, let’s get you out of this weather, okay? I think your mom’s in there,” he said, straightening and leading Justin across the parking lot.

“Hup-SCHIEW!!” Justin sneezed again suddenly, his head pitching downwards, the scarf coming up to cover his nose and mouth. Justin looked up, realizing he’d sneezed into Scooter’s scarf, and Scooter saw tears swimming in his mocha-colored eyes, his breathing starting to hitch ominously.

“It’s alright! Don’t worry about it,” Scooter reassured, struggling to come up with a reason for Justin to be so upset over such a little thing. He was usually such a strong, happy, independent kid. Scooter closed his eyes and sighed as he remembered: Justin called his family last night. Any time the kid talked to his family he missed them more, which explained why he’d been slightly clingy to Scooter; the poor little guy missed his father. Scooter was almost more relieved than Justin when they reached and entered the hotel, wanting to get him up to his warm room with Pattie as soon as he could. Justin wasn’t one to get this out of sorts over a little thing like a cold, so obviously his mood was worrying Scooter. The older man rubbed his young protégé’s shoulders throughout the entire elevator ride, getting him out of the elevator first. He hustled Justin to his room, fishing out his room key and trying to ignore Justin’s little cough as he finally unlocked the room.

“There you go, buddy,” he whispered as he put his hand on Justin’s back, guiding him in. He followed, wanting to talk to Pattie about Justin’s sudden emotional sensitivity. He’d gone from tired to emotional and a bit sick in a matter of hours.

“Hey, Sweetheart!” Pattie said, getting up upon seeing her pale, red-nosed, sniffling, shivering son trudging into the room.

“How was the signing?” she asked nonchalantly, trying to check his temperature as discreetly as possible.

“Long,” Justin replied honestly, a wet sniffle following the one-worded answer.

“Mm,” Pattie hummed sympathetically. Upon finding his face still cold from outside, she gave up all pretense and took his hoodie off, slipping her hand down the back of his shirt to see if his torso could give any clue to the kid’s temperature. Justin swallowed and closed his eyes as his mother’s soft, warm hand pressed against his skin.

“You look pretty tired; you wanna go shower and get in bed early?” Pattie said, sighing softly as she withdrew her hand. Justin nodded, and started for the hotel room bathroom.

“Well, I guess I don’t need to tell you that he’s getting sick,” Scooter said with a small, joking smile after he heard the shower start. Pattie nodded.

“It seems like a little more than that, though…Did something bad happen today?”

“Well, that’s what I wanted to talk to you about. I think he’s upset because he talked to Bruce and Diane and Jeremy last night,” Scooter said honestly, leaning against the TV stand.

“Why would he be upset?”

“I think talking to them makes him miss them more,” Scooter replied, and Pattie got it with a sigh. A tight knot of guilt formed in her stomach when she thought about what her son was missing out on. Sure, his career was amazing, and he really did love it, but sometimes Pattie wondered if she’d made the right choice to let her young, rather vulnerable son into this business.

Hope you enjoyed! Next part coming soon!

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Hey, guys! Sorry about the wait; I’ve been super busy lately! Here’s another part, and hope you enjoy!


Pattie couldn’t hold back a smile when Justin emerged, his hair still slightly damp despite having just finished blow drying it, a towel wrapped securely around his waist. The delicate pink tinge that had tainted his nostrils before was now a brighter, darker pink, and had spread to the tip of his nose as well. She watched as he got dressed in his pajamas, then she went and pulled back the sheets. Justin looked up and smiled tiredly, then climbed into the bed, burrowing under the sheets and heavy comforter to try and get warm. Pattie lay on top of the covers next to him, stroking his hair and trying to soothe him. Soon Justin’s tired eyes drooped closed, and he fell asleep with a final soft cough.

The next morning, Justin woke up realizing the inevitable: over the night, his cold had gone from a slight nuisance to a full-blown illness. The young teen sat up in bed and sighed, rubbing his temples and trying to sniffle against the heavy congestion that had settled in his nose overnight. He coughed openly into his lap, cringing as he heard and felt the first signs of congestion beginning to seep into his cough. Great. He swallowed and cringed, leaning back to retrieve a rough, cheap tissue from the hotel-supplied box on the nightstand. He tried to blow his nose, but didn’t have much luck. He sighed again as he slid out of bed, shuffling to the bathroom to throw away the tissue, hearing the door open.

“Good mor-“ Scooter stopped with a start when he saw the bed empty, then saw Justin emerge from the bathroom.

“Morning, JB, you’re up early,” he said, a bit puzzled; normally the kid slept late when he got sick. Justin murmured something back, and Scooter frowned slightly as he took in the congestion in Justin’s sleepy morning voice.

“Not feeling too great, huh?” he asked, opening his arms as Justin leaned into his embrace. He shook his head, for once openly admitting to his illness. He snuffled softly into the fabric of Scooter’s shirt, struggling to keep his nose from running. Scooter discreetly checked the kid for a fever, but didn’t feel anything out of the ordinary.

“Listen, how about you go take a warm shower, then we’ll go down and get some hotel breakfast, okay?” Justin nodded and broke away from Scooter’s warm hug. Scooter sighed as he trudged into the bathroom, rubbing his eyes wearily.

“Hup-SHIEW!!” he heard from inside the bathroom.

“Bless you, bud,” Scooter said with an amused smile before leaving the kid to shower in peace.

“You sure about this?” Scooter asked skeptically, getting up to leave. Justin nodded. He had another brutal autograph signing today, and despite Scooter and Pattie’s efforts to keep him in bed, Justin insisted on being there. Scooter sighed and pulled his scarf from yesterday from his jacket, wrapping it snuggly around Justin’s neck once again.

“There we go, bud,” he said before leading Justin out into the bitter cold. Justin’s red-rimmed eyes immediately began to water as the wind blew in his face, making his red, chapped nostrils burn and his cheeks flush. His nose began to run, and he wiped it hastily on the sleeve of his hoodie, sniffling thickly.

“Hup-SHIEW!!” he sneezed weakly into the open air, the spray dissipating around him.

“Bless you,” Scooter said, guiding Justin into the SUV again, thankful that Pattie decided to come along today.

“Hup-SCHIEW!!!!” Justin sneezed, a bit more violently this time, into his lap.

“I know you’re not feeling well, baby, but try to cover, okay?” Pattie advised, whispering so as not to embarrass him. He nodded, blushing slightly as he dabbed at his damp nostrils again. He swallowed, frowning at the raw feeling in his throat, then leaned into Pattie’s side, suddenly hit by a wave of sudden fatigue as the car heater began heating the interior of the car to a toasty, soothing temperature. Between that and the vibration of the car, Justin began to fall asleep. Pattie felt horrible when she had to wake him up as they arrived at the venue. Justin grasped Pattie’s hand, letting her help him out of the car. She frowned at how pale he became in the biting cold, his nose beginning to run immediately, a large bead of clear, runny moisture dribbling down his upper lip. Pattie got a tissue out of her purse, glad she’d thought to pack them, and gently pinched Justin’s nostrils in it when nobody was watching, grateful when Justin just stayed quiet and let her wipe his nose quickly before anyone saw. She then folded over the tissue and handed it to him to hold on to.

“I know it’s not something you normally do, and it’s usually not a problem, but just remember to cover, okay? You don’t want to get any fans sick, huh?” Justin shook his head, pressing the tissue to the underside of his runny nose with a tired sniffle. He rubbed both eyes, staggering slightly as he tried to keep walking. Pattie was amazed at the way Justin was able to seem considerably healthier as he took his seat behind the table, the line of fans already out the door and around the block. Justin started signing immediately, trying to mask the shivers racking his small frame as the bitter wind from outside blew through the open door and right on him. He just focused on signing, going as quickly as he could.

About an hour into the event, Scooter’s complaints about the open doors were finally tended to, and the heater was turned on. The combination of the heat and the cold only made Justin feel worse, though he just appreciated Scooter’s intentions and kept signing. Soon the star felt his skin getting clammy, his body unable to decide between hot and cold. He kept sniffling constantly, trying to fight against his runny nose and the tickle that had cropped up in his sinuses hours ago and not left since. He nursed the tickle, and finally his breath began to hitch. He continued to sign autographs until the tickle was too much to take. He dropped the Sharpie marker and frantically dug his tissue from earlier out, leaning to the side and clamping it over his nose and mouth.

“Huh’PSCH!!” The sneeze rocked his tired body back and forth, then he struggled to recover as quickly as possible, sniffling and wiping his nose, then stuffing the tissue in his pocket and continuing to sign, for the first time in his career trying to ignore his fans. Their screaming had helped the dull ache in his head form into a pounding headache, and his droopy eyes felt swollen from rubbing them so much, struggling to keep them open.

“You need anything, buddy? Some water? A break?” Scooter asked, rubbing his back. It felt so good Justin almost started to cry. He shook his head, not wanting to talk in fear of losing his composure. He looked down and continued to sign autographs, willing himself to get a grip. He’d never felt like this at an event before; he’d always been able to shove it down and hide it and just get through it. Today, though, Justin wasn’t so sure.

Hope you enjoyed it, and more to come!

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-.- you made him cover???? I was enjoying the spray parts. My imagination enjoys spray :-: Anyhow continue this is so good.

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This story is so amazing, please continue, if you don't I may die.

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Thank you so much for you sweet comments! I really enjoy hearing y’all’s feedback :) . Now, before anyone dies around here…


Though the end was in sight, Scooter didn’t think Justin was gonna see the end of that line. Though he tried, he wasn’t able to hide his shivering any longer, and he looked a little sweaty. Given his reaction to the last time he was touched, Scooter didn’t want to go check him for a fever. It’d probably just embarrass him, anyway.

“You’re almost done, buddy,” he whispered, pulling up a chair next to Justin. Up close, he could hear how congested Justin had become, which worried him. He hadn’t coughed but maybe two times, meaning he’s been holding it all back, and probably making it worse for himself. Scooter watched as he expertly held back a sneeze, his eyelashes fluttering.

“You can sneeze, buddy, it’s alright,” he said, glancing at the box of tissues sitting untouched on the table from where Scooter had requested them. But Justin seemed to be avidly holding back any signs of his symptoms, letting out only thick, desperate sniffles in order to keep his nose from running. Scooter sighed, running his fingers through his short hair. It’d been another long day, and he was ready to take the kid back to the hotel.

“You wanna blow your nose? It’ll help,” Scooter suggested. Justin nodded, and Scooter smiled at the progress.

“Later,” Justin finished, and Scooter sat back with a sigh. Justin swallowed and cringed slightly. Scooter leaned forward and grabbed the bottle of water that had been given to them, every request Scooter made gracefully fulfilled. He cracked it open and handed it to Justin.

“Here, drink,” he said softly. Justin nodded, but leaned away slightly.

“Later,” he repeated.

“No, bud, right now,” Scooter insisted, and Justin sighed, putting down the pen and stopping to take one half-hearted sip, then he handed the bottle back to Scooter and continued. Scooter sighed, getting a bit frustrated at Justin’s stubbornness. He began counting down the minutes until this would end, and it finally did. The moment the last fan left, Justin sagged back into his chair, his eyes drooping.

“C’mon, bud,” Scooter said, gathering everything up and getting ready to leave. Justin gave him a pathetic look that made it clear that getting up was the last thing he wanted to do.


“Bless you!” Scooter said, surprised at Justin’s sudden, uncovered sneeze.

“Finally letting that out, huh?” he asked Justin, and Justin blushed.

“You ready, Scooter?” Kenny asked.

“Yup, just a second,” Scooter said, kneeling down to be at Justin’s eye level.

“C’mon, bud, let’s go back to the hotel,” he said, rubbing Justin’s back again. Justin shivered, then his lower lip began to quiver, and he found he was too exhausted to hold the tears back any longer. Scooter was shocked and worried when his young protégé just gripped the bottom of the seat to keep himself from falling and cried openly, his shoulders shaking with hoarse sobs.

“Get Pattie,” Scooter told Kenny, happy to see the burly man still standing there. Kenny nodded and went immediately to find Justin’s mother, the only person who could make him feel better right now. Scooter discreetly passed Justin a few tissues, trying to ignore his runny nose for the poor kid’s sake.

“Oh, Honey,” Pattie cooed when she saw Justin, rushing to his side. Justin leaned towards her, and Pattie hugged him without hesitation, not even seeming to care when Justin coughed into her neck, a thick, phlegmy, congested cough that made Scooter and Pattie both cringe.

“I think we need to stop at a drug store on the way, hm?” Pattie said. Justin didn’t answer, just continued to sob into her shoulder, getting himself more and more worked up.

“Shh, baby, you need to calm down,” Pattie hummed, gently peeling Justin off of her. She got a tissue and gently wiped his tears, then he got some more and blew his nose, the sound thick and heavy. Just minutes later, the small party finally left for the car, Justin still hiccupping and coughing. Scooter looked up the location of a drug store on their route, and told the driver about the extra stop. Scooter looked over when he heard Justin gasping, wondering why he would start crying again, but was met with another scene entirely.


“Bless you,” Pattie cooed, even as his breath hitched more.


“Bless you!” Justin aimed another congested cough into his elbow and leaned against his mother, sniffling and looking for comfort. Pattie happily obliged, rubbing his back soothingly. Upon arriving at the drug store, Scooter and Pattie shared a glance.

“Should I go?” Scooter asked. Pattie bit her lip and looked at Justin, who’d fallen asleep against her shoulder.

“Yeah. Be careful!” Scooter chuckled.

“I will,” he said, getting out and closing the door behind him. Pattie waited anxiously, hoping he wouldn’t draw too much attention to himself. She sighed in relief, though, when he came back with two full bags.

“I pretty much got everything he should need,” Scooter said as he buckled his seatbelt. Pattie smiled and thanked him and with a sigh of relief, the group started for “home.”

Hope you enjoyed! And I just had to stick that little bit of minor angst in the beginning…

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I love it!! Please continue soon, I can't wait, I love your writing so much!!! It really helps me. :)

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Hey, guys! Thank you again for all the comments; they really do make my day. I’m sorry this took me so long, but here I am again! Hope you enjoy!


Scooter sighed softly, regretting getting Justin a room with only one bed for the millionth time that night as he heard the kid launch into another coughing fit the next room over. With only one bed in his room, there wasn’t much room for anyone to stay with him, and while Justin slept most nights alone in his own hotel room, this time was a little different. Scooter flicked on the lamp beside his own bed and sat up. He got the extra key to Justin’s room off of his bedside table and started for the next room over. Upon entering Justin’s pitch-black room, he could hear the kid’s crackling, congested coughing getting even louder and more desperate, soft snuffling noises now accompanying his rattling inhales as he struggled to suck in air between intense bouts of coughing. Scooter flicked on the light in the hotel room’s kitchenette, opening the fridge and getting the bottle of orange juice he’d bought for Justin earlier. He poured it into one of the hotel-supplied plastic cups and went over to Justin.

“Shh, buddy, calm down, I’m here,” Scooter soothed when Justin woke up and began to panic, his back arching off the bed.

“Look, look, here,” Scooter urged, holding the cup to Justin’s chapped lips. Justin drank a little, and his cough seemed to die down, at least for now.

“There ya go,” Scooter encouraged as Justin downed the entire thing, handing the empty cup back to him. Scooter went and tossed the cup, putting the orange juice back into the fridge and getting a teaspoon and the bottle of cough syrup he’d gotten, hoping it would work better with this dose than it had with the last. His heart ached with sympathy as Justin choked down the bitter liquid, wishing he could just make the kid healthy already.

“I know, bud, it tastes awful,” he agreed, closing the bottle and putting it back, getting a tissue and wiping Justin’s runny nose for him, to which Justin blushed and weakly pushed Scooter’s hand away. Scooter busied himself with propping Justin up on more pillows, refusing to admit to himself that he was only stalling, wanting to spend as little time as possible away from Justin.

“There ya go, relax,” he encouraged as Justin slumped back against the pillows, feebly pulling the sheets and blankets higher up onto his shivering frame. Scooter helped, tugging the thick down comforter from where it had slipped off the end of the bed, covering him more. Justin rubbed his eyes and sniffled, wanting to talk but not sure exactly what to say, and not looking forward to how his throat would respond to speech. Scooter sat on the edge of the bed, gently stroking Justin’s hair. The young star closed his eyes, relishing the feeling of Scooter’s cool hand on his fevered skin. The moment was interrupted, though, by a sharp tickle taking up residence deep in his infected sinuses. Scooter smiled with amusement as he watched Justin’s red-tinged nostrils flare, a bead of clear discharge trickling down his upper lip. Justin forced himself up on one elbow, his eyes already closed when Scooter pressed something soft into his hand, then raised his hand to his face, helping Justin cover his mouth and nose.

“Heh’PPPSH!! PPSH’iew!! PPSSH’iuh!! PZSH’iew!!!” Feeling the tissues in his hand begin to disintegrate, Justin tried to hold back another sneeze, but was too weak to fight it.

“BBBZSH!!” Justin and Scooter both heard how messy the last sneeze was, and Justin definitely felt it. He closed his eyes with a sigh, feeling his cheeks flush with embarrassment.

“You, uh…need some more tissues?” Scooter guessed, and Justin nodded, feeling his lower lip begin to quiver as fresh tears stung his tired eyes. He gratefully accepted the bundle of fresh tissues Scooter held out to him, again thankful when Scooter looked away while he mopped up the mess that sneezing fit had made on both his face and in his hand.

“I’b dode,” he murmured, throwing the tissues away with a thick sniffle. Scooter glanced at the child that had in the past few years become the son he’d never had, concerned upon hearing how choked Justin’s voice sounded. Sure enough, there were silent tears coursing down his flushed cheeks, following the paths of the previous tears that Scooter could now see had been shed sometime earlier in the night.

“Hey, hey, what’s wrong?” he asked, pulling Justin into a hug. Justin shook his head, sniffling again, struggling to keep the congestion in his nose from leaking out onto Scooter’s t-shirt. Scooter rubbed the kid’s back until he was able to calm down.

“Why were you crying before?” he asked, waiting until Justin finished coughing.


“You were crying before I came in here. Why?” Justin thought, seemingly trying to remember.

“Oh, thad…” Scooter didn’t miss Justin’s tiny shudder.

“I had a dightbare.”

“From the fever,” Scooter murmured, getting up.

“You stay here, and I’ll be right back, okay?” Justin nodded weakly, laying back down again. Scooter went back into his own room and searched through his suitcase, smiling when he found the stack of clean, fresh white handkerchiefs that he never really used, but always kept around. He brought the stack into Justin’s room, setting them on the nightstand and trying to ignore the kid cleaning up from another sneeze.

“Whad are those?” Justin asked, his entire head tilted back slightly as he sniffed hard. Scooter plucked one off the top and unfolded it, then pinched the cloth around Justin’s red, runny nose.

“Blow,” he commanded gently.

“Oh, doe. Doe.” Justin said firmly, trying to pull away. Scooter placed a hand on his back, bracing him.

“Blow,” Scooter insisted. Justin tried to squirm out of Scooter’s grip, feeling the pressure of tears behind his eyes again as his nose began to drip. He tried to sniffle, but it was too far gone. Giving up, he relaxed and blew into the cloth Scooter held, more tears dribbling down his cheeks. He had to admit, though, that it felt a lot better to be able to breathe through his nose, at least a little bit.

“See? That wasn’t so bad, hm?” Justin shrugged, a bit preoccupied.

“PPPSH!!” he sneezed uncovered, opening his eyes in time to see the heavy spray drifting down into his lap.

“See what happens when you blow all that crap out? Bless you,” Scooter said, and Justin only nodded, worn out already. He laid back down and snuggled back under the covers, watching Scooter to see what the older man would do next. And what he did next shocked the hell out of Justin.


Edited by purpleninja
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Please continue, I can't take the suspense. When I mean continue I mean now!! Not to be demanding *place nervous giggle here*

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Continue this is so good c: :D lovely update.

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