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Doctors Make the Worst Patients {Glee!}


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So I've been thinking about this AU for quite some time. Blaine and Kurt are both in their mid 20's. Blaine's an immunologist (Think Cameron from House MD) and Kurt's a fashion designer. Also, Blaine's actually from England. No real reason why, just a sexy accent. They live in NYC. The setting for this particular story is in the early days of December. Enjoy!!


His nose felt to stuffed, to itchy, to do anything but focus on it. Blaine was waiting for test results to come back for his latest patient, but all he really felt like doing was falling asleep.

It was early December, snow was falling, and germs were being spread like wildfire in New York City. Almost half of the patients seen at New York General had some case of the flu.

Pinching the bridge of his nose, Blaine let another shiver wrack his slender frame, his nose crinkling up. He could feel the tickle growing and Blaine just hoped that the sneeze wouldn't be as messy as it had been earlier that day during Clinic.

"Heh..." Blaine's eyes fluttered shut, nostrils quivering and glistening a light pink, moisture falling down onto his upper lip.

"heh'TSCHH! hu'GNXT'uhh! hehh....hi'TCHHH!...snnnfl!"

Groaning, the young man pulled out a few tissues that had seen better days, wiping at his already sore nostrils tenderly, clearing his throat and wincing. He was definitely sick, no doubt about it.

Jumping slightly at the sudden noise of a door being opened, Blaine looked up from his seat in the lab to find William Schuester, the resident doctor that Blaine worked for, staring at him worriedly.

"I was wondering where you'd gone off to. Are you alright?" The older man asked, watching as Blaine's jaw slackened slightly.

"Yuuuh-Yes. I'b..snnnfl, I'm fine," Blaine assured, rubbing his eyes that were exhausted from two long days of work. All he wanted to do was go home, get some sleep, and cuddle with his fiance.

"You look a bit peaky..." Will observed, and Blaine knew he did. The curly haired man was pale except for the slight feverish tint in his cheeks, and the pink hue to his nose. His eyes looked like they had bruises under them and Will cursed himself for not sending the obviously miserable man home earlier.

"huhh....ehh...eh'TCH! huh'ISHH'uh!"

"Bless Blaine. Go home. Get some rest. Come in when you're feeling better," Will smiled, Blaine wordlessly nodding and getting up.

Fourty five minutes later and Blaine was trudging up his apartments stairs, walking in and locking the door behind him. Coughing harshly into the crook of his arm, he wondered if Kurt was home. Maybe he would be and would even rub Blaine's back.

TBC (I swear this time!)

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CONTINUE ITS KLAINE<3 just no words for how perfect this is. :-;

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This is so adorable! I love it! Please continue!

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Thank you guys for the feedback!!


"Kurd?" Blaine called out, though his weak voice didn't travel very far. Staying quiet for a moment, Blaine listened and could hear the shower running. Thank. God.

Lethargically, Blaine took his jacket and scarf off, hanging them in the coat closet, as well as placing his shoes on the rack. Even with socked feet, the cold floor managed to send another shiver up his spine. He wondered if he should take some medicine but decided against it, knowing Kurt would help.

Padding his way back to their bedroom, Blaine changed into sweatpants and a long sleeved henley, not even bothering to put his clothes in the laundry. The small man climbed in bed and curled into the warm covers, pressing his face into his pillow.

"ehh.....huh'ITSCCCCH'uhh! he'GNXT! h'iTSCH! ugh..snnfl....huh'ISHHH!"

Blaine sneezed wetly, his pink nose dripping. Hazily, the sick boy brought the hem of his sleeve up to his nose, wiping it delicately, though the rough fabric only caused more of a tickle.

"HeTSCHH! uh'TCHH'oooh!"

From inside the bathroom, Kurt could hear his fiance in the room connected, sneezing and coughing. Starting to worry, the slightly older man got out and dried off, pulling on some underwear and a tshirt before walking out, cooing.

"Oh baby...looks like you've been spending to much time helping other sick people hmm?"

Blaine merely nodded blearily, his nose still streaming.

"Cad.....cad you rub by bagk?" Blaine asked tiredly, coughing into his pillow.

Kurt nodded, feeling his heart break for his extremely miserable fiance. Grabbing a few fresh tissues, Kurt pressed them up against Blaine's nose.

"Blow baby. It'll feel better..." Kurt trailed off when he heard Blaine's breath hitch, saw his eyes flutter shut.

"huh'GTSCHH! ehh'TCHH'uhh! snnfll....ugh...mb'sor-suuuuhh...i'TCHH! Sorry!"

Kurt just shook his head, keeping the tissues cupped around Blaine's now cherry red sensitive nostrils. Said man gave a low, gurgling blow, though it didn't help much.

Giving up, Blaine laid his head back down and turned to be on his stomach, Kurt cooing again and starting to rub his back.

"My poor brave boy has a bad head cold hmm?" Blaine merely nodded, pressing his still itchy and runny nose against Kurt's thigh.


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Poor Blaine :-: I can't help but want too cuddle him. Kurt is so sweet to him. Continue C:

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