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Havnt seen a Zac Efron movie in a while but here goes nothing? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. --Zac's P.o.V.------- As I, Zac Efron, opened my blue eyes, my eyelashes fluttering, as if my eyes were a blue butterfly & they were spreading its wings, I felt my breath hitch quite rapidly as my chest expended I felt a tickle in the back of my nose I sneezed into cupped hands around my nose & mouth as not too infect the room with whatever I had caught "Ishoo Ishoo" my eyelids snapped shut & I opened my eyes once again & sniffled. As I reached for the tissue box , I couldn't help but find my throat hurt as if a thousand razor blades were in my throat stabbing my Adam's apple. I plucked a tissue from the tissue box & wetly blew my nose. I grimaced at what content the mucus made in the tissue, I quickly threw away the mess in the rubbish. I guess today I wouldn't be able too chill with my cast-mates as we had planned. I think that it was my fault that I caught this cold because I was filming in the rain for 17 again.. Ah rain scenes -sigh-. I quickly sneezed openly towards the ground & saw the spray before my brown hair fell on my face. I wrinkled my nose in disgust. -------------------------------------------------- Note: sorry if this is Rubbish, I'm not quite into Zac Efron anymore. Havnt seen one of his movies in ages. Soo ill leave this here , hope you enjoyed :3

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