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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Grimms Don't Get Sick (Grimm fanfic, M)


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Hey guys! Well, I'm new to the forum, but I've always loved writing and have been doing it for a long time. I finally wrote something that I believe is good enough to post, so here it is! My first real story for the forum! In case you haven't heard of it, Grimm is a great show on NBC. Basically, it's about a cop who is descended from the Brothers Grimm and has to fight the creatures (called Wesen) they wrote about in their fairy tales. If you haven't seen it, I highly suggest that you do!!!

The call came at 3:22 a.m. Being a cop, Nick Burkhardt was used to the early morning calls, but this time it seemed especially hard to wake up. He sighed and quietly got out of bed, not wanting to wake his girlfriend, Juliette. Nick had just recently moved back in with her after some problems in their relationship (amnesia, spells, love potions, all sorts of great stuff) and was determined to make things right again. Waking her up in the middle of the night probably wouldn't be a good start. While he was getting dressed, Nick felt a small tickle in the back of his nose. He tried to ignore it and keep getting ready, but pretty soon the feeling was unbearable. “Hehshuuuh!” The sneeze snuck up on Nick, its force causing him to double over. Quickly, he glanced over at Juliette, worried that his little explosion might have woken her up. Thankfully, she was still sleeping soundly. Nick finished getting ready and headed downstairs, wondering what he'd have to deal with at the crime scene. In the call, his partner, Hank, hadn't said much: just that it was an unusual double homicide. “Unusual” almost always guaranteed that there would be Wesen involved. As Nick walked out the front door, the brisk autumn air hit him like a slap in the face. The chill almost immediately caused two more sneezes to shoot out of his nose. “Huhshiewww! Ehshuuh!” Weird. Nick was usually a very healthy person, but tonight he had sneezed three times. As he got into his car, Nick figured that it was probably just the cold wind or the fact that he didn't get enough sleep. Besides, he was pretty sure that Grimms don't get sick.

Well there it is! Sorry it was so short- I'll continue this soon! Tell me what you think!

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Great start! Please continue!

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I love this series. Nick is a definite cutie!!

One really, *teeny*, tiny little thing. If you could maybe paragraph it... it just was a little hard for me to get into initially. :bag:

That isn't a huge deal though... this is a great start- and I'd love to see more :wub: !! Seriously, when I saw that there was a Grimm-fic I felt like this: :bounce:

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I love Grimm and though I am mad at the season finale again I am waiting for tne next season to start like NOW!!!!!! I love that you started this and I cant wait foor the next part. Please and thank you!

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Please continue. I see some caretaking coming after a poor boy return home from his work.

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