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The Amazing Spider-Man Fan Fic


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The Amazing Spider-Man

This is a little bit in the future, where Peter is about 20 and he's living in an apartment and Gwen has just moved in with him.

Part 1

Peter's POV

I crawled through the window of my apartment and peeled my mask off. I was soaked to the bone and shivering from the brutal weather outside. The past couple days it'd been pouring down rain, and the temperature was getting close to freezing.

Gwen wouldn't be home from college for a couple more hours, so I had the place to myself. I stripped off my soaking suit and took a warm shower.

When I got out, I changed into sweat pants a sweatshirt. I turned the thermostat up trying to warm my quivering body. It didn't seem to be helping much, so I settled down on the couch with a blanket and turned on the TV.

I got about halfway into a National Geographic show when I felt a tingle in the back of my nose. I sniffed trying to relieve the itch, but it only seemed to intensify it. I rubbed at my nose with the back of my hand, but that didn't do any good either.

My breathing started to hitch and I knew the inevitable was coming. My eyelids fluttered shut and my nose scrunched up.

Ah'cht! Ah'chh! Chhht!

I let out 3 sneezes and webs came shooting out of my wrists.

"Ugh, shit," I cursed sniffing.

I grabbed a tissue and blew my nose thoroughly not wanting that to happen again. Then I cleaned up the spider webs off of the furniture.

Right as I sat back down again, Gwen walked in, arms full of groceries.

"Hey, babe," I greeted her, getting off the couch to help put away the food.

I took the grocery bags from her and she kissed my cheek.

"Thanks," Gwen said. "Why is it so hot in here?"

"Oh, I got cold. Sorry," I mumbled as I put the frozen food away. "You can turn the thermostat back down."

"Are you sick?" Gwen was at my side in an instant.

"No, I'm fine," I tried to assure her.

"Are you sure?" She grabbed my shoulder and turned me to face her.

"Yeah," I said with a chuckle.

She reached up felt my forehead with her small dainty hands, and her blue eyes showed all the worry and stress she tries to hide from me. I closed my eyes feeling guilt seep over me.

"You feel warm," her voice was soft and gentle.

"I'm just tired," I said opening my eyes again.

"Go sit down, I'll put everything away," she said shoving me lightly in the direction of the couch.

I sighed, but didn't argue since she wasn't one to lose an argument. I moped towards the couch and sat down rubbing my goosebump covered arms.

In no time, Gwen was done putting away the groceries and had sat down by me. She pulled me into a hug and I buried my head in her soft smooth hair.

"You're shivering," Gwen noted pulling away.

I gave her a crooked grin and she rolled her eyes. She picked up the blanket and covered me up.

"Stay there, Parker," Gwen told me sternly. "I'll be right back."

I nodded obediently. She reminded me of Aunt May. Stubborn.

I felt my nose twitch involuntarily and my eyes close as my body reacted to the itch in my sinuses.


My breathing hitched. On reflex I quickly pulled my hands up to my face and cupped my mouth and nose. Just in time too.

Hep-tchtt! T'chhh! Heh-chh! Chhht! Heh...eh...heh-sht!

Webs had shot from my wrists, but luckily they just stuck to my hands instead of flying all over the room.

"Not sick, huh?" Startled I turned around and saw Gwen looking at me with a stern motherly glare.

"Nope," I said repressing the urge to sniff.

"Sure," she agreed disbelievingly.

I tried to casually swipe my nose with my sleeve making it look like I was moving a strand of hair from my eyes.

"You're the worst lier I know, Peter," Gwen stated sitting next to me on the couch.

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So adorable! I love Peter Parker fics blushsmiley.gif I really like the webs coming out when he sneezes thing too!

Continue? yes.gif

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Thanks, I still gotta think up a second part to it...

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Lol, you guys are awesome. I'll try & work on it, but it might be awhile cause I don't have wifi at my house. I'm raiding my friends wifi... And food, but that's a completely different story :P

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I love superheroes! Please continue!

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Be free my little cupcakes... Read and Enjoy! :)

Part 2

Peter's POV

I managed to pretend like I wasn't sick the rest of the night until Gwen had went to bed. Then I quietly slipped outside so I could cough up a lung on the welcome mat.

Wracking coughs bent me double, stinging my dry throat.

"Owww," I whined when I had finally stopped heaving up my guts.

I stepped back into the house to find Gwen leaning against the wall giving me a, 'really, do you think I'm that stupid?' look.

"You heard that, huh?" I asked bashfully.

She nodded and rolled her eyes before taking my arm and leading me to the kitchen.

"Only you, Peter," she muttered, and I gave her a quick grin.

* * *

"Noooo," I protested swatting away Gwen's prying hands.

She was trying to force me to swallow poison, or what you people call cold medicine.

"Shhh, just let it happen," Gwen said.

---((A.N. not that you people would care, but that's me & my friends inside joke, we always say 'shhh, just let it happen,' whenever we're doing something the other doesn't like))---

I restrained her hands above her head so she couldn't force the nasty tasting liquid on me. She gave me a playful glare before lurching forward and kissing me.

"Mmmm, you should do that more often," I mumbled into her lips.

I slowly relaxed and suddenly, I was choking on the cold medicine Gwen had so rudely shoved down my throat.

"You're not very nice," I muttered making a disgusted face at the taste.

"I know," she flashed me a brilliant smile.

Since it was about midnight now, Gwen pulled me to bed and crawled in with me, snuggling up to my chest.

I was minutes away from a somewhat peaceful sleep when I felt a insistent tickle start up in my nose again.

Oh, you've got to be kidding me? Seriously?


I reached up and pinched my nose between my thumb and forefinger. My eyes were squeezed shut as well as my mouth as I tried to hold in a sneeze.


I couldn't hold my sneeze in any longer, but I still managed to stifle it.

Het'ngtx! Luckily I had repressed it well enough to not have webs come flying out of my wrists.

Gwen stirred against my chest and I held my breath hoping she wouldn't wake up. I sighed when I felt her breathing steady again.

"Whew..." I muttered.

Oh, karma, how you screw me over.

Heh'chhht! T'chhu! Ahh'cht! Ash'cht! Chhht!

My core clenched as I let out sneeze after sneeze, making me gasp slightly after each one. To my surprise-and relief- no webs came out, but that probably meant I was too weak to produce any.

Gwen blinked up at me, moving away from my heaving chest as I took in another quick breath, preparing for another sneeze.


"Bless you," Gwen said, a spark of laugh in her voice.

I sighed, "thangs."

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  • 3 months later...

I don't know how I missed this before, but it's so cute! I really hope you continue it!

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Holy fudge I didn't even know anybody still read this. Wow. I guess I'll have to continue it for you lovely commenters out there ;) THANK YOOOOO! :D

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Guess who didn't update..? This girl! *points to self* yeah... I'm not sure where to go next... Any ideas?

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I love this story.

you asked for suggestions on how to continue...

How about him dragging himself to school, being worried about sneezing because of the webs, then sneezing and trying to contain the webs in the middle of class or something?

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Muahahaha! Challenge excepted :3

Peter's PO'V

I woke up in the morning in an empty bed. Gwen had gone to college and I had yet to get to mine. I still felt like shit but I didn't think missing another day of class would help keep my grades up. And being Spiderman meant I had already missed enough of it. You'd think teachers would give a superhero a break once in a while.

I dragged my aching body from bed, groaning. I was forced to breathe through my mouth since my nose was blocked solid. Another great addition to my horrid cold.

Hehh... oh come on, already?


Webs. Everywhere. And how was it even possible to sneeze wetly with your nose completely blocked? Ugh. I sniffled, wiping my nose unabashedly on my sleeve. Yeah, I'm gross, shut up. Then I cleaned up the rest of my mess.

I went to the bathroom and found a sticky note with Gwen's cursive scrawled across it, saying: 'I left some cold medicine on the kitchen counter, and I'll be home as soon as I can, love you! Feel better.' I peeled off the sticky note and went to the kitchen, dumping the medicine down the sink. What Gwen doesn't know, won't hurt her. And that stuff was icky.

I dressed in my college attire as quickly as my weak, slow body allowed, and grabbed my bag, heading out into the dreary, drizzling morning.

Almost as soon as I step foot outdoors, my nose began to run. And guess who forgot to bring tissues in their hurry to get to class? Yeah, me. Oh well, too late now. I hopped a cab and gave him directions to my college.

I really should've taken the cold medicine Gwen left out for me. If I did I probably would feel a lot less like I got hit with a two-by-four with nails embedded in the wood. Seriously. Ow. My head was pounding, and every few seconds I sniffled, and my throat felt like someone took sandpaper to it. If I got through the day it'd be a miracle.

I absently scrubbed at my nose, my eyes drifting across my paper. I straigtened when I felt a familiar feeling flit up into my nose. No. Not now. NOT. NOW.


I blinked, willing it to go away.


I'd have to stifle it and hope to God no webs shot out.


I pulled my shirt over my nose, stifling sucessfully. I drew in another staggering breath before sneezing again. And again. And again.


The fit exhausted me, and attracted a few onlookers, some gave me sympathetic looks while others simply looked annoyed. I avoided all of their gazes however as I again pulled up my shirt to stifle more sneezes, my eyes squeezing shut.


Again, thankfully, no webs.

But the annoying tickle still wasn't gone, and I knew if I didn't get out of there soon it'd be too late to make ammends. I quickly excused myself and hurried to the bathroom.

Once there, I let loose, sneezing eight unstifled sneezes.


"Bless you," I turned around to see Gwen leaning against the tiled wall.

I sniffled thickly. "You do know this is a boy's bathroom, right?"

"You do know I don't care, right?" Gwen said. "I came home to check on you, and you weren't there. You really are a goody-two-shoes, going to school even when you're sick."

I laughed hoarsly, "yeah, and you're a rebel, skipping class to check on be." Congestion made itself known in the last sentence. "You're a bad influence."

"Oh, yeah. I'm a total badass. Come home with me and you'll see just how bad I can be."

I laughed but agreed, grabbing my stuff and following Gwen outside to catch a cab.


The end! Sorry if part 3 is short I typed it in a different electronical device haha :) hope it was okay.

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