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Sneeze Fetish Forum


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Just to give you some background info, this story is based on a dream i had (!). hope its okay.

"Remember, smurflings, that you must be very careful not ever to sneeze on another Smurf."

"Why?" questioned one of the younger smurfs.

"Because, if you sneeze on a smurf, they will sneeze. If the illness spread, that wouldn't be smurfy at all, would it?"

"NO!" the crowd chorused.

Smurfette felt a small tickle in her nose. Just enough to make her sneeze... SNEEZE? Smurfette ran into her hut and buried her face in tissues. The sneeze must not spread, she thought. The thought that she would only have to go through the sneezing process once at least kept her hopes up.

"k'tew!" The itch was gone.

"Papa!" called Smurfette. "Do you think I should get to work?"

"For smurf's sake what are you doing in there?"

"I had to sneeze."

"Really? I didn't hear you." said Papa.

"I was covered with tissues..." Smurfette grabbed several tissues.

She threw her head forward three times, silently stifling several sneezes.


Smurfette was confused. I thought we only sneezed once!

The sneezes kept coming. Some were silenced, some made small noises, such as "k'tchew!" and "'thoo!" Smurfetter felt dizzy. She flopped onto the bed, dazed. stretcher.gif


Any ideas for part 2? I'll post more

Also... what do you think?

thumbup1.gif /thumbsupsmileyanim.gif or thumbdown.gif ?


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Cute, allergy sneezes? To flowers maybe as they were picking flowers.. Sneezy smirf came along forgetting his allergy, he sneezed whilst bumping into Clumsy smirf who then sneezed & so on? .-. I don't know

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Cute, allergy sneezes? To flowers maybe as they were picking flowers.. Sneezy smirf came along forgetting his allergy, he sneezed whilst bumping into Clumsy smirf who then sneezed & so on? .-. I don't know

Will try to post it later... Thx :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ugh I can never seem to get any private time!!! I will have to wait until after summer :(

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Smurfette was up and about after taking a day off in her hut, her face buried in tissues and her nose red. As she walked through her small garden, she spotted Clumsy. "Hello!" She called. Clumsy asked her to take a walk in the flower garden. Strolling along, they made polite conversation. They were having a good time until Clumsy tripped over a large clump of dirt, sending a cloud of pollen up around them. "Ha-ACHOO!!" Clumsy sneezes, right on Smurfette. "A-a-" She pressed a leaf over her nose. "Ti-ti-ah...ti-tish-oo...ah!" she tries. Luckily Clumsy understands and tosses her a box of tissues. Smurfette digs in the box. To her dread, it is empty. Desperately squeezing her nose, she ran to the nearest hut to look for tissues. Bursting in, she

Ugh!!! Will post later

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Smurfette was up and about after taking a day off in her hut, her face buried in tissues and her nose red. As she walked through her small garden, she spotted Clumsy. "Hello!" She called. Clumsy asked her to take a walk in the flower garden. Strolling along, they made polite conversation. They were having a good time until Clumsy tripped over a large clump of dirt, sending a cloud of pollen up around them. "Ha-ACHOO!!" Clumsy sneezes, right on Smurfette. "A-a-" She pressed a leaf over her nose. "Ti-ti-ah...ti-tish-oo...ah!" she tries. Luckily Clumsy understands and tosses her a box of tissues. Smurfette digs in the box. To her dread, it is empty. Desperately squeezing her nose, she ran to the nearest hut to look for tissues. Bursting in, she

Ugh!!! Will post later

. So good already :D loving It so far :D
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