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Help Me (story for Purpleninja)


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Here is the next part, I’ve been on vacation and I just got back today so I didn’t forget about you.

Part 8- 12:00pm.

Justin had gotten his voice back and he felt a little better, not much but something, He was currently sleeping, a deep restful sleep. He really needed it with everything going on with whatever sickness was taking a trip in his body. When would he get better? (Hopefully never, I’m so mean)

Next Day

Justin awoke to a cold wet cloth on his forehead.

“What’s going on?” he asked Allison, dazed.

“Your fever got higher overnight so I put something on your forehead to try and bring your body temperature down a little bit.” she replied

“I’ll be right back” Justin said

“Where are you going?”

“The bathroom” he replied. Justin got up and went to the bathroom. When he came back he started to feel very dizzy all of a sudden. Allison saw him start to fall and caught him so he didn’t hit the ground.

“Oh my god” he said to herself. Justin was knocked out cold. She layed him in bed and called Scooter.

“Hello?” he said

“Hi umm… Justin passed out and he’s not waking up.” Allison said panicking.

“I’ll be right there” he replied then hung up. When Scooter got there Justin still wasn’t awake.

“What happened?” he asked

“I don’t know” she replied

“We have to get him to the hospital.” Scooter said calmly, trying not to freak out and make the situation worse.

Dun, Dun, Dun……. To be continued?

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Ooh suspense!! More please!!!!

Only if you put the next part of your story up, haha. (Justin Bieber one- Rest)

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;I the suspense I can't handle. Ugh please continue & Purpleninja continue Rest. Okaie? :3 I'd enjoy that.

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If you insist...

Thank you so much, not to be a bother at all. I just love your stories too much to wait.

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Here is the next part. I couldn’t let you suffer like that without knowing what happens next. I hope you like it.

Part 9

The ambulance came and Allison got in because she could tell them what happened, Scooter was on his way there.

“So what happened?” asked one of the women.

“Well he was coming back from the bathroom and he just passed out with no reason at all.” She replied. Justin’s breathing got slower and they put an oxygen mask on him.

“He looks a little pale; that might be a cause of the fainting.” She said

“No, he’s actually sick” replied Allison.

“Do you know what illness?” asked the woman.

“No, I don’t” replied Allison

“How long has he been sick?”

“About 5 days” (just pretend)

“Ok, well we’ll figure out what it is.”

“Thank you” Allison replied gratefully.

At The Hospital

After about 30 minutes of being at the hospital Justin finally woke up. He was told everything that had happened so he wasn’t just left confused. A nurse came in to check on him and see how he was doing.

“How do you feel?” she asked him.

“Terrible” he replied

“I’m sorry honey” she said sympathetically.

“PSHH!” “PSHH!” Justin sneezed twice suddenly, turned to the side into cupped hands.

“Bless you” she said softly.

“Thanks” he replied sniffling.

“Here” she said, handing over a couple tissues for him to blow his nose. But he didn’t want to, he was embarrassed to.

“You can blow your nose honey” she said, noticing his reluctance to do so.

“I know” he said shyly.

To Be continued? Is it getting bad? I feel like it is.

Here is the next part. I couldn’t let you suffer like that without knowing what happens next. I hope you like it.

Part 9

The ambulance came and Allison got in because she could tell them what happened, Scooter was on his way there.

“So what happened?” asked one of the women.

“Well he was coming back from the bathroom and he just passed out with no reason at all.” She replied. Justin’s breathing got slower and they put an oxygen mask on him.

“He looks a little pale; that might be a cause of the fainting.” She said

“No, he’s actually sick” replied Allison.

“Do you know what illness?” asked the woman.

“No, I don’t” replied Allison

“How long has he been sick?”

“About 5 days” (just pretend)

“Ok, well we’ll figure out what it is.”

“Thank you” Allison replied gratefully.

At The Hospital

After about 30 minutes of being at the hospital Justin finally woke up. He was told everything that had happened so he wasn’t just left confused. A nurse came in to check on him and see how he was doing.

“How do you feel?” she asked him.

“Terrible” he replied

“I’m sorry honey” she said sympathetically.

“PSHH!” “PSHH!” Justin sneezed twice suddenly, turned to the side into cupped hands.

“Bless you” she said softly.

“Thanks” he replied sniffling.

“Here” she said, handing over a couple tissues for him to blow his nose. But he didn’t want to, he was embarrassed to.

“You can blow your nose honey” she said, noticing his reluctance to do so.

“I know” he said shyly.

To Be continued? Is it getting bad? I feel like it is.

Here is the next part. I couldn’t let you suffer like that without knowing what happens next. I hope you like it.

Part 9

The ambulance came and Allison got in because she could tell them what happened, Scooter was on his way there.

“So what happened?” asked one of the women.

“Well he was coming back from the bathroom and he just passed out with no reason at all.” She replied. Justin’s breathing got slower and they put an oxygen mask on him.

“He looks a little pale; that might be a cause of the fainting.” She said

“No, he’s actually sick” replied Allison.

“Do you know what illness?” asked the woman.

“No, I don’t” replied Allison

“How long has he been sick?”

“About 5 days” (just pretend)

“Ok, well we’ll figure out what it is.”

“Thank you” Allison replied gratefully.

At The Hospital

After about 30 minutes of being at the hospital Justin finally woke up. He was told everything that had happened so he wasn’t just left confused. A nurse came in to check on him and see how he was doing.

“How do you feel?” she asked him.

“Terrible” he replied

“I’m sorry honey” she said sympathetically.

“PSHH!” “PSHH!” Justin sneezed twice suddenly, turned to the side into cupped hands.

“Bless you” she said softly.

“Thanks” he replied sniffling.

“Here” she said, handing over a couple tissues for him to blow his nose. But he didn’t want to, he was embarrassed to.

“You can blow your nose honey” she said, noticing his reluctance to do so.

“I know” he said shyly.

To Be continued? Is it getting bad? I feel like it is.

Here is t he next part. I couldn’t let you suffer like that without knowing what happens next. I hope you like it.

Part 9

The ambulance came and Allison got in because she could tell them what happened, Scooter was on his way there.

“So what happened?” asked one of the women.

“Well he was coming back from the bathroom and he just passed out with no reason at all.” She replied. Justin’s breathing got slower and they put an oxygen mask on him.

“He looks a little pale; that might be a cause of the fainting.” She said

“No, he’s actually sick” replied Allison.

“Do you know what illness?” asked the woman.

“No, I don’t” replied Allison

“How long has he been sick?”

“About 5 days” (just pretend)

“Ok, well we’ll figure out what it is.”

“Thank you” Allison replied gratefully.

At The Hospital

After about 30 minutes of being at the hospital Justin finally woke up. He was told everything that had happened so he wasn’t just left confused. A nurse came in to check on him and see how he was doing.

“How do you feel?” she asked him.

“Terrible” he replied

“I’m sorry honey” she said sympathetically.

“PSHH!” “PSHH!” Justin sneezed twice suddenly, turned to the side into cupped hands.

“Bless you” she said softly.

“Thanks” he replied sniffling.

“Here” she said, handing over a couple tissues for him to blow his nose. But he didn’t want to, he was embarrassed to.

“You can blow your nose honey” she said, noticing his reluctance to do so.

“I know” he said shyly.

To Be continued? Is it getting bad? I feel like it is.

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I'm so sorry that it posted multiple timesblushsmiley.gif

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Here is the next part, I hope you like it! Also thank you for all the nice comments, I see them every day and I love reading them. There are 2 parts to this part of the story.

Part 10-part 1

When the nurse left the room he blew his nose in relief.

“Well that was embarrassing” he thought. Soon another tickle arose, this one was stronger and his muscles tensed up. Justin looked up at the light to try and coax the sneeze out.

“Huh’PSH’iew!” “Huh’PSH’iew!!” He sneezed uncovered towards his chest. Justin grabbed a tissue and blew his nose wetly. He hoped that no one saw or heard that. Justin was kind of a closed person; he didn’t want people to see weakness in him no matter what. There were other aspects that made that harder. Fame for example. The media would look for weakness to make you look bad, so Justin kept himself pretty closed. He sometimes couldn’t even open up to his team that cares so much about him.

To Be Continued? Sorry for being so short and there’s another surprise coming up. (hehe)

Here is the next part, I hope you like it! Also thank you for all the nice comments, I see them every day and I love reading them. There are 2 parts to this part of the story.

Part 10-part 1

When the nurse left the room he blew his nose in relief.

“Well that was embarrassing” he thought. Soon another tickle arose, this one was stronger and his muscles tensed up. Justin looked up at the light to try and coax the sneeze out.

“Huh’PSH’iew!” “Huh’PSH’iew!!” He sneezed uncovered towards his chest. Justin grabbed a tissue and blew his nose wetly. He hoped that no one saw or heard that. Justin was kind of a closed person; he didn’t want people to see weakness in him no matter what. There were other aspects that made that harder. Fame for example. The media would look for weakness to make you look bad, so Justin kept himself pretty closed. He sometimes couldn’t even open up to his team that cares so much about him.

To Be Continued? Sorry for being so short and there’s another surprise coming up. (hehe)

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This keeps copying to much, I'm so, so, so sorry about that :(

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I love it :3 he's embarrassed too un-cover while I enjoy it ;D. Continue yeh

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Here’s the second part of part 10, I hope you enjoy!

Later That Day

Justin was sleeping as Allison sat in his hospital room. She watched him sleep peacefully. He suddenly woke up.

“How do you feel?” Allison asked

“Worse” he replied weakly.

“I’m so sorry honey; I wish you could feel better.” Allison said sympathetically. Justin only nodded, not feeling like speaking at the moment.

“PSHH!” “PSHH!” “PSHH!” Justin sneezed three times, his breath still continued to hitch fiercely in his chest. He sniffled and rubbed his nose.

“PSZH!!” “PSHH!!” “PSHHH!!” The last sneeze wetter and more violent into his cupped hands.

“Bless you!!” Allison said shocked at Justin’s sudden sneezes. She noticed his reluctance to lower his hands from his face and passed him a couple tissues. Justin grabbed the tissues gratefully and blew a wet blow.

“Thank you” Justin replied.

To Be continued?

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umm not a fan of justin but ur a good writer. Good job:)

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  • 1 month later...

Hey everyone!! I’m so, so, so sorry about the wait!! I got so caught up in everything and kind of pushed this story out of the way, but for your reward I’m posting the next 2 parts. I hope you like it!!

Part 11- 10:00p.m.

Justin was having a test done to figure out what illness he had. When he had come back good news was out of the window.

“Ms. Kaye?” the doctor asked

“Yes,” she replied

“I’m afraid that I don’t have good news.” He said

“What is it?” Allison asked, scared.

“Well he first had a nasty chest cold that transmitted into a severe chest infection.”

“Oh my,” she replied

“Yes, he will have to stay here for about 3 to 5 days.” (Don’t go by me, I’m not a doctor so I’m just guessing for the story)

“Oh, ok.” The doctor soon left the room and Allison called Scooter to tell him the news.


“Umm… Justin had a test done and it turns out he has a severe chest infection.” She said while biting her lip nervously.

“Ouch,” he replied


“So how long will he have to stay there?” Scooter asked

“About 3 to 5 days at the least, I hope it doesn’t get any worse or turn into something more serious.” Allison replied, worried for the boy.

“I know. I’m going to have to cancel a lot of things regarding his schedule.”

“That will be fun,” Allison said sarcastically.

“Sure, alright bye,”

“Bye,” with that Allison hung up.

Part 12

It was now the dreaded time to tell Justin the news, how would he take it?

“Justin, honey, I have to tell you something.” Allison said softly.

“What is it?” he asked, confused.

“You seem to have a severe chest infection,” Justin’s eyes welled up with tears and spilled over (Don’t hurt me); he was overwhelmed with everything going on, it was too much for him to take in.

“Oh honey, please don’t cry,” Allison said softly, sat on his bed and pulled him into a hug. Justin just kept on sobbing, letting his emotions pour out.

“Shh, shh, it’s alright, let it out.” She soothed gently while rubbing his back soothingly to try and calm him down. Allison kept on rubbing his back and whispering to him that it was ok to cry. Justin suddenly pulled away and coughed into his fist from deep in his chest, a harsh barking tone to it. When he finished he cupped a hand to his throat.

“Did that hurt?” Allison asked although she already knew the answer. Justin nodded and went back into her warm embrace. By the time she looked down next he was fast asleep.

“Poor kid,” she thought.

To Be Continued? As mentioned please don’t hurt me, I just am a sucker for sensitive guys.

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