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Help Me (story for Purpleninja)


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I hope you like this story, I just started writing it and I liked the challenge of doing 2 stories at once so here we go! biggrinsmiley.gif

Part 1

It was a very hectic day for Justin. He was going to have an album coming out soon; he knew that he had to make it perfect for his beliebers. They always supported him, never left his side no matter what. Justin really appreciated that. But today Justin felt a little off, he didn’t feel like himself for some reason. He was in the middle of recording a song when he started to feel a tickle forming in his nose, Justin tried to just keep singing and maybe it would go away, but no. The tickle became stronger and stronger until it was unbearable.

He pulled away from the microphone and sneezed twice into cupped hands. “PSHH!” “PSHH!”

“Why did you stop singing?” asked his manager, Scooter.

“I had to sneeze” he replied back.

“Well bless you then” Scooter said

“Thank you”

Later that night he layed in his bed and felt worse.

“I really hope I’m not getting sick” he thought to himself. Justin knew that he couldn’t afford to get sick; he had to go to the studio every day for countless hours. This would push everything back and he didn’t like the idea of that.

The next morning Justin woke up with a heavy feeling in his sinuses. He felt like a brick was placed upon his nose.

“Oh shit!” he said in a whisper. Speaking made his throat tickle crazily; he coughed and cleared his throat. But Justin’s throat was a whole other story. It felt like razor blades cut down his throat. When he swallowed a sharp pain seared through his throat.

“What will I tell Scooter?” he thought. He couldn’t just blow it off, he had to go, fight through the pain.

To Be Continued?

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Continue continue continue <3 this is too cute.. "Why did you stop singing? I had too sneeze" bleh sick Justin is cute:3

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I wish you could've seen how happy I was to come home from a long, crappy day at work to find this little gift :) Thank you! And I agree- please continue!!

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Here is the next part, I hope you like it.

Part 2

When he got to the studio his manager came up to him and his eyes filled with concern.

“Are you feeling alright? You look a little pale.” Scooter questioned.

“I feel f-f- Huh’PSH’iew! “Huh’PSH’iew!” Justin sneezed twice, managing to turn away so he didn’t sneeze on his manager.

“Bless you” said Scooter.

“Thank you” replied Justin sniffling. Just then he felt another tickle overcome his body and he sneezed again into cupped hands.

“PSHH!” Justin’s breath still continued to hitch fiercely. His mouth hung open slightly, eyelids fluttering. He turned to the light to try and coax the sneeze out.

“Huh-huh-Huh’PSHH’ieww!!” The sneezes exploded out of him. He kept his hand there because it was messy. He got a tissue, wiped off his hands and balled up the tissue.

“Bless you!” said his manager, he looked stunned.

“Thanks” Justin replied, he sniffled thickly and was then ordered to blow his nose. Justin turned around while he blew his nose; 1) he didn’t want to be gross and 2) because he didn’t want his manager to see that his cheeks turned a shade of red. He threw the tissues away and coughed a little.

“You’re going back to your bus, you’re not recording” Scooter said sternly, he wasn’t being mean; he just didn’t want Justin to get sicker.

“But-“Justin tried to protest but got cut off.

“Now” his manager said.

“Fine” Justin gave in and went in the car with Scooter, going back to the busses. Justin was on tour but the tour was on a little break for a week. To Be Continued?

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Yes, yes, continue!!! I hope Scooter takes care of him; it'd be so cute :)

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CONTINUE RIGHT NAO THIS INSTANT. uhm I meen continue please..

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Don't worry, I'll put the next part up a little later.

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Here is the next part, thank you for all the nice comments. :)

Part 3

When they got back Justin trudged into his bus and went to his bedroom and sat on his bed. Scooter went back on his bus and saw Allison, she was reading a magazine.

“Hey” Scooter said to her

“Hi, aren’t you supposed to be at the studio with Justin?” she asked curious at his appearance.

“Yes but Justin’s sick so I made him come back”

“Aww, poor thing” she said sympathetically.

“Yeah, you want to go check on him?” he asked her.

“Sure” Allison replied and went over to Justin’s bus. She knocked on his door.

“Come in” he said congested now. She opened the door and walked in. Justin was sitting up in bed watching tv.

“How do you feel?” she asked him.

“Like shit” he replied

“Oh I’m sorry about that” she said.

“PSHH!” Justin suddenly sneezed into his elbow.

“Bless you” she said

“Thank you” he replied. Scooter came in with some tea for Justin to drink.

“Here Justin” he said, handing the cup to him.

“Thank you” Justin replied

“No problem, I don’t want to see you like this; you’re like a son to me.” Scooter said. Justin suddenly started to cough, wet coughs that sounded bad; he didn’t stop though. Allison rubbed his back soothingly and he started to stop coughing.

“You okay?” Allison asked

“Yea, I’m fine” he replied out of breath.

“Ok, just checking” she said.

To be continued? Sorry about not so much sneezing *hangs head*, but it’s coming soon; you’ll be really happy.

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make him have an allergic fit? Allergies+cold= sneezy mess>:D yay:D

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make him have an allergic fit? Allergies+cold= sneezy mess>biggrin.png yay:D

No, sorry. I already have it planned out or shall I say written, but you'll be happy for what happens.

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Here we are with the next part, I hope you like it.

Part 4- Later That Day

Scooter went to check on Justin, he quietly opened up the door and slowly walked in. He found Justin sound asleep with the covers up to his chin, he must be cold. Scooter didn’t want to wake him so he quietly walked out the door and closed it behind him.

Next Day

This time Allison was the one to check on him. Scooter and Allison were taking shifts, she wasn’t forced to do it; she wanted to, never in a million years would she want to see Justin suffer. Allison walked in to see him fast asleep; she carefully sat on the edge of the bed next to Justin. She gently put her palm on his forehead, it was searing hot.

“I’m going to wait until he wakes up to take his temperature.” She thought to herself. Justin’s eyelids fluttered open slowly.

“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you” she apologized. Justin opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out, his throat was dry and felt painful. He cleared his throat and coughed a little; a pain shot through his throat.

“Do you want some water?” Allison asked, noticing his problem; Justin nodded. She handed him the glass. He sipped it gratefully, the water moistening his raw throat.

“Do you want anything else?” she asked him.

“No” he said finally.

“I’ll be right back” she said and he nodded. Allison went into the kitchen and saw Scooter.

“How is he?” he asked

“Justin’s ok for now” she replied grabbing the thermometer and some Tylenol.

“Ok” he replied. Allison went back into Justin’s room and told him to put the thermometer under his tongue. A couple seconds later it beeped, she took it out and sighed.

“101.4, you’re staying in bed today.”

“Fine” Justin replied, too tired to protest. Allison gave him the Tylenol and he took it.

To be continued? I’m sorry this is so shitty, I feel like this story is just not as good as I expected.

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It's not shitty! I can imagine it very easily smile.png Yes, yes, continue smile.png

Thank you so much!w00t.gif I thought it was getting bad.

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Here’s the next part, sorry it’s up a little later. Some really hot guys were working on my basement and I was kind of not paying attention to anything so I had to leave my house a lot because it was very loud.

Part 5- 6:00pm.

Scooter and Justin were talking about the tour; he was trying to get Justin’s mind off being sick. Justin soon got a distant look on his face; he sniffled and rubbed his nose. Scooter knew that Justin was going to sneeze but he made himself look like he wasn’t paying attention, but he was. He didn’t want Justin to feel watched, bad enough he always is, that’s the hard part. Justin pinched his nose to try and stop the oncoming sneeze but failed.

“Hgnxt!” Justin stifled the sneeze and sniffled after.

“Bless you” Scooter said

“Thank you” Justin replied.

“So… how do you feel?” he asked

“Terrible” Justin replied.

“I’m sorry about that.

“Don’t be” Justin said.

“I really think you should get some rest Justin, go to sleep.” Scooter told Justin.

“Ok” he gave in with a sigh.

“Goodnight Justin” he said

“Goodnight” Justin replied.

“Feel better” Scooter said then left the room.

Next Day

Allison walked by Justin’s room to hear crying. She silently went in and saw Justin crying, Allison was confused.

“What’s the matter?” she asked him, keeping her voice soft.

“I just feel really bad” he replied in between crying and coughing.

“Oh honey” she said and pulled him into a hug.

“Shh, don’t cry” she added soothingly.

“I can’t control it.” He replied

“I know, just try to calm down; everything’s alright.” Justin suddenly pulled away from her; she could hear his breath hitching sharply in his chest.

“PSHH!” “PSHH!” “PSHH!” He sneezed three times into his cupped hands.

“Bless you” she said softly.

“Thanks” he replied, sniffling.

“Do you want a tissue?” Allison asked, Justin nodded and she handed him two tissues. He slightly turned to the side and blew his nose; a wet blow.

“You don’t have to turn around, you’re not being gross.” Allison reassured him.

“I just get embarrassed” he admitted.

“Why?” she asked

“I don’t want to seem like a gross person.”

“You’re not, everyone gets sick, don’t be ashamed.” She said softly, trying to comfort him.

“Ok” he replied and hung his head.

“What am I going to do with him?” she thought.

“Do you want me to stay with you?” Allison asked Justin.

“Can you, please?” he asked, feeling small.

“Sure honey” she replied.

To Be continued? The next part has the surprise in it, try to guess what it is.

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Here is the next part with the surprise, I hope you like it!

Part 6- 12:00pm.

Allison was still with Justin in his bedroom. They were watching tv when it got really sunny outside and the bright light triggered a stubborn tickle that was deep inside his sinuses. He sniffled to try and push the strong need to sneeze away.

“Huh’PSH’iew!” “Huh’PSH’iew!” He sneezed too fast to cover; aiming towards his lap. Allison saw the spray floating in the air as it cascaded down to his lap. There was still the need to sneeze. Justin had a pre-sneeze face on, his breath hitched sharply in his chest as he built up. Torture was written all over his face, Justin’s eyelids fluttered, jaw slack, and his nostrils flared. He then took one last gasp and what happened next wasn’t pretty… it was more surprising.

“PSHH!” “PSHH!” “PSHH!” “PSHH!” “PSHH!” “PSHH!” “PSHH!!” He sneezed; a fit of 7 and his breath continued to hitch. Justin looked pained and exhausted; the sneezes were really taking all of his energy.

“Huh-huh-huh” his breath hitched.

“Huh-huh-Huh’PSHH’ieww!!” The sneeze exploded out of him; into his cupped hands. He kept his hands there and you could tell it was messy.

“God bless you!!” Allison said surprised at what just happened. She handed him a couple tissues and he blew his nose.

“Thank you” he said, shocked himself. Where the hell did that come from?

To be continued?

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Sneezy + spray :3 the spray is the best part<3 Good two parts<3

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Here’s the next part, I won’t post for a couple days because I’m going on vacation.

Part 7- Later That Day

Allison went and talked to Scooter about Justin.

“How is he doing?” Scooter asked

“Not that well, a couple hours ago he had a sneezing attack.” She replied

“Really?” he questioned

“Yep, it was really shocking”

“I bet it was” he replied.

Next Day

Allison had gone into Justin’s room to bring him some soup. He had not gotten any better yet, this illness was really strong. When she went in Justin was coughing harshly, he was doubled over with the force. Allison went over and rubbed his back, he started to calm down.

“Are you ok?” she asked concerned. Justin shook his head no.

“Did you lose your voice?” she questioned and he nodded.

“Oh poor baby” she said sympathetically.

“I brought you some soup, do you want it?” Justin then nodded his head again. Allison handed him the bowl and he started to eat. The warm soup soothed his throat.

To be continued? Sorry it’s so short and

Authors note: Allison is more of the care taker; I like the mother figure better.

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Are you going to continue this?

yes I will, I've been on vacation, I'll put up the next part tomorrow
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