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The Fosters Fan Fiction (Jesus)


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The Fosters Fan Fiction (Jesus)

Okay before I begin the story I want to tell you I'm spelling Hesus' [Jesus'] name wrong on purpose. I'm Christian so I don't think it's right to call anyone who isn't Jesus, Jesus. Plus they don't even pronounce it Jesus in the show.

Okay, now that we have that established, go ahead and read :)

Part 1

Hesus' POV

I woke up in the morning with the worst head cold imaginable. My nose was stuffed up and itchy, and my head felt like it was going to explode from a terrible head ache. I sniffed and realized glumly that my nose was blocked solid.

I rolled out of bed as quietly as possible so I wouldn't wake up Jude, who had just been moved into my room a couple weeks ago. I sniffed again, which I realized too late was a bad idea. The itch in the back of my nose became more prominent, until it was unbearable. I pinched my thumb and forefinger around my nose trying to repress a sneeze.

I waited a couple seconds until I thought the sneeze had passed and removed my fingers.

"Heh-" I guess my nose had other plans. "Heh-tchhh!"

I groaned and swiped a wrist under my pink irritated nose. I glanced over to Jude, who was still asleep to my relief.

I pressed the back of my hand against my nose and retreated out of the room as I felt the tickle return. I just had time to quietly shut the door behind me before the sneeze was jerked out of me.

"Huh-chht!" I tried to muffle it into my arm, but it didn't help much.

Sighing, I knew I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep now. And if I kept sneezing like I was, I'd for sure wake up Jude. Running out of options, I walked down the stairs and crashed in the living room. I glanced at the clock and realized I only had an hour left of sleep before I had to get up for school.

With one final groan I closed my eyes and tried to fall back asleep.

* * *

"What is he doing on the couch?" I woke up from my fitful sleep when I heard Lena's voice.

I closed my eyes tighter and tried to ignore the conversation going on about me.

"I have no idea..." Stef said. "Hesus? Honey, are you okay?"

I groaned in reply, and slowly sat up, rubbing my eyes.

"Why'd you sleep on the couch?" Lena asked.

I cleared my throat before replying in a scratchy voice. "I don't know..."

"Are you sick?" Stef asked, concerned.

"No," I said too quickly.

A tickle in my throat sent me into a bout of coughing. It was a wet, hacking sound that defiantly did not come from a healthy person.

"Uh huh," Stef said disbelievingly, raising one of her thin blonde eyebrows. "Back up to bed for you, young man."

I shook my head stubbornly. "No. I feel fine."

Stef pointed to the staircase, "bed. Now."

The tone in her voice said 'that was final,' so I knew there was no point in trying to argue anymore. I sulked towards the stairs, my disappointment evident.

I stiffened suddenly when I felt my nose twitch unconsciously. I brought my hand up to my face, my forefinger hovering underneath my twitching nose. My eyelashes fluttered waiting for my sinuses release.

"Heh...hhhu...." I was right on the verge of an explosion, but it wouldn't seem to come. It was almost painful.

I blinked a couple more times, and scrunched up my nose trying to get it out.


Irritated, I climbed the stairs up to my room, passing Jude on the way down the hall. As I walked into my room, I felt a pair of eyes glaring at my back. I turned around to see Mariana.

"Whad?" I asked, my voice husky with congestion.

"What's wrong with you?" Mariana asked bluntly.

"I'b sick, whad doed it loog like?" I deadpanned.

"Oh... Are you going to school?" She asked curiously.

"N-no..." I felt the pressure in my sinuses return. "Ah-ngtx!" I muffled the sneeze into my arm.

"Bless you," Mariana said.

"Thangs," I sniffed.

I knew Mariana was still pissed at me for getting into a relationship with her closest friend, Lexi. But I didn't care what she thought, she never listened to me, so why should I listen to her?

I went back into my bedroom and crawled into bed, wishing I would feel better. Since I was sick I couldn't see Lexi today, which sucked balls.

* * *

About 12, I was jerked awake with a coughing fit. It wracked my body, bending me double and sending my head spinning. Once I had calmed down, I began to shiver uncontrollably.

"D-d-damn c-cold-d," I muttered pulling my comforter tighter around me.

Even though I was shivering, I was sweating at the same time. Ugh. This was horrible.

"Eh...heh...." I began to suck in a pre-sneeze breath. "Hehhh.... HIHHH... E'CHT!"

I sniffed, and my breath caught again, and began hitching once more.

"HEHHH... HUHHH..." I knew this sneeze was going to be painful. "HET'CHU!"

I bent double at the force of the sneeze. Instead of subsiding, the tickle in my nostrils was becoming more intense with each explosion.

"Huh-ET'CHEW! T'CHU! Eh...eh... EH'SHU!" My sneezing became more desperate, as my nose tried to dispose of the constant, infuriating itch. "Huh- SHOO! ECH'OO! RU'SHT!"

I sighed as I finally stopped sneezing. This was going to be a long day.

Since I couldn't go back to sleep with the constant sneezing and coughing fits, I decided now would be as good a time as any to catch up on video game playing. The rest of the day was spent doing just that.

I heard the door open and looked up to see Mariana walk in with Lexi.

Crap. I probably looked like shit, I didn't want her seeing me like this. I bet Mariana did this on purpose.

"Oh my god. Hesus, are you okay?" Lexi completely abandoned Mariana and came rushing to my side. Looks like her plan backfired.

Lexi wrapped her arms around my neck and mine wound around her small waist.

"I feel much better now that you're here," I whispered huskily into Lexi's ear.

I gave Mariana an evil smirk, and she glared daggers at me.

I released Lexi from the hug, and she stroked my cheek delicately, sending shivers of pleasure down my spine.

"Do you want me to take care of you?" She asked sweetly, and I nodded.

She smiled at me, and gently pushed me back down on the couch, covering me up with a blanket.

"C'mon Lexi, he can take care of himself," Mariana said. "He'll be fine."

I broke out into a fit of fake coughs, which almost immediately morphed into real ones. Lexi gave me a sympathetic look as I nearly coughed up a lung.

"Look at him!" Lexi said, gesturing to me. "This is not fine."

"Ugh, whatever. If you'd rather take care of him than hang out with me, go ahead," Mariana growled, stomping up the stairs.

Maybe it really was her time of the month. That was harsh.

(:To be continued:)


Btw I looooove this show!!! I have a major crush on Hesus [Jake T. Austin]... Who knew little Max Russo would grow up to be such a hottie?! ;)

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-dances all over this thread- I had to re-read the title to make sure it was the Forsters but omg it is continue continue<3<3

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Part 2

Hesus' POV

My coughs had finally subsided by now. Lexi sat next to me on the couch, her eyes a little misty. I pulled her into my arms and stroked her soft silky hair.

"She's just upset cause she doesn't have a boyfriend as awesome as me," I murmured and Lexi giggled.

"You're the best, you know that?" She asked snuggling into my chest.

"I know," I grinned.

A strand of Lexi's hair brushed against the tip of my nose and I stiffened.

Oh crap.

My breathing started to hitch, and my eyelashes fluttered.

"Hesus?" Lexi looked up at me, seeing my nose scrunched up and my eyes half closed, she realized what I was about to do.

"Heh...hu...." I blinked rapidly still trying to fight off the inevitable.

I felt Lexi shift next to me, and one of her hands slid up and down my arm trying to comfort me. I cupped my hands over my nose and mouth unable to suppress the sneeze anymore.


"Bless yo-" Lexi started, but was cut off.

"Heh-chu! T'chhh! Atch! ATCH!" My sneezes began to get harder to control. "Het'CH! EH'TCH! HEH... HEH'SHU!"

When the fit ended I was red from embarrassment. Out of all people to see that, it had to be Lexi.

"Bless you," Lexi's dark eyes were dancing with amusement.

I sniffed wetly, "thad was nod funny."

"It kind of was," Lexi said with a laugh.

"Ugh. Noh, id wasn'd," I sniffed again.

"It was cute," Lexi blurted.

I raised an eyebrow, and her cheeks turned pink. She looked down at the floor trying to hide behind her hair.

"You're cude whed you blush," I told her, gently pulling her chin up so I could look into her eyes.

"Slow down Romeo," she muttered.

We locked eyes, and I felt myself leaning in. Our lips were inches from touching when Lexi spoke.

"I don't want your cold, Foster," she said, then pulled away.

I sighed, pouting slightly and Lexi laughed at my disappointed face.

"I don't even get a kiss on the cheek?" I asked with wide innocent eyes.

"Fine. But only because you're cute," she said leaning in once more.

She closed her eyes and went to plant a soft kiss on my cheek, but I turned my head so her pink lips landed on mine instead. At first she was surprised, but she melted into the kiss in seconds.

One of my hands wound in her hair which was curled in ringlets today, while my other hand pulled her closer to me.

Before things could get too out of hand, she pulled away from me. I gave her a devious smirk and she rolled her eyes.

"You didn't take your pill today, huh?" She asked sternly.

"Maybe...maybe not. You tell me," I said still smirking.

"I'm guessing no," she said. "But if I get sick because of you, I swear I'll-"

"What?" I asked knowing she wouldn't do anything.

She gave me a playful glare, before pushing me onto my back. I let her, wondering where exactly this was going.

One of Lexi's hands trailed down my chest making me shudder with pleasure. Her hand stopped at the hem of my shirt which was just above my pants. I groaned and closed my eyes in discomfort. It was annoying to have her so close, yet not being able to touch her.

She was teasing me. But I shouldn't fool around, I knew that. Not now, it was too soon in the relationship. And if we were going to do 'things,' I knew sure as hell it shouldn't be happening in the living room.

Lexi's hand kept stroking my lower stomach, and I could feel myself getting excited. I wouldn't be able to keep it together much longer.

"Lex," I groaned, clenching my teeth.

"Yeah," her whisper tickled my ear.

"We can't," I muttered fisting my hands in the blanket.

"What do you want me to do?" I just about broke when she breathed that into my ear.

"Stop. We can't do this now," I breathed out.

"So, you're saying that... I'm in charge?"

I could feel her smirking above me, and I wanted to take her right then and there. But that would mean she won. I'd never admit she had me on the edge.

"Never," I whispered opening my eyes.

Now it was my turn to tease her. I pulled her down on top of me and rolled her under me. I kissed her jaw, softly sucking in some spots, and was rewarded with a moan from Lexi. I pulled up slightly, one of my hands running up her thigh, making her arch her back.

Lexi let out a panting breath, moaning again. "Hesus...please..."

I pressed my hips lightly against hers, and she lost it completely. Her arms wrapped around my neck and she pulled me to her. My lips crashed against hers.

After minutes of just making out, I pulled away and kissed up her jawline.

My nose brushed against her now wild hair, and it began twitching. My breathing hitched, and I let out a gasp.

"Uh...Hesus," Lexi groaned.

"Heh....ehhhh... Atch!" I tried to pull away from Lexi, but she held me there, so I was forced to sneeze into her hair.

When I sucked in a gulp of air, my nose once again brushed against Lexi's hair. I felt another sneeze building up and tried once again to pull away from Lexi.

Unsuccessful, I began sneezing into her hair again. "HEH-TCH! T'CHU! ATCHU! CHU.... HUH-TCH!"

I blinked tears out of my eyes, and felt Lexi's weight shift under me. I must've killed the moment with that escapade.

"Sorry," I mumbled.

"It's okay," Lexi reassured me.

I was hit with a surge of dizziness, and I reeled back. I sat on the couch, holding my head with one hand.

"Are you okay?" Lexi sat up, and grabbed my free hand with hers.

"Yeah...fine," I murmured, squinting as my eyes flew in and out of focus.

"You don't look fine. I'm worried," Lexi said. "What should I do? Do you need to go to the hospital?"

"No, no. I'll be fine, I sw-swea..." The tickle in the back of my nose returned. "Chhhhht!"

"Bless you."

"Ugh, thangs," I mumbled, my voice congested again.

I started to shiver again, and rubbed my bare arms trying to warm up. Lexi quickly grabbed the blanket and wrapped it around me.

"Come here," she murmured making me lay down again.

She put my head in her lap, and began stroking my hair soothingly. I closed my eyes and savored the feeling.

"Thad feels good," I half whispered.

A couple minutes passed by, and I could feel myself drifting off to sleep.

"You're so handsome..." That was the last thing I heard, and I wasn't sure if I was meant to hear that.

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Continue that's is all <3<3 he sneezed in her hai cute cute

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