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Sneeze Fetish Forum


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I am so in love with this I must follow. I adore his sneezes, exactly how I would imagine. &&&& Justin with a cold?! I've read a lot of fics - Justin or otherwise but I think this is my absolute favorite ever. Everything is perfect.

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I'll continue this story soon, I've just had some writers block to deal with.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey everyone! I’m sorry for such the long wait. I’ve have some very bad writers block with this story but I’m here now, I hope you like it.

Part 6-next day- 11:00 a.m.

Melanie opened up the window to air out the house. With germs everywhere she wanted to get some fresh air. A piece of pollen floated in the air and Melanie nose twitched. She was highly allergic to pollen, so you wonder why she opened the window. Well she just wanted to replenish the air. Her breath hitched softly.

“Huh’PSH’iew!” “Huh’PSH’iew!” “Huh’PSH’iew!” “Huh’PSH’iew!” “PSHH!” “PSHH!!” “PSHH!” “PSHH!” “PSHH!” “PSHH!!” She had a fit of 10 rapid fire sneezes. Melanie’s sneezes were high pitched, but not obnoxious. Justin was in the room when the fit had happened.

“Bless you!!” he said to her.

“Thank you” she replied. She hated having her fits, they were embarrassing; Melanie would always draw attention and she didn’t like that. Justin went upstairs to go to bed, Melanie soon followed.

Next Day

Justin awoke with a very strong tickle in his nose, Melanie was sleeping right next to him and he didn’t want to wake her. His breath started to hitch sharply, his chest moving up and down with each breath. Justin pinched his nose trying to stop the oncoming sneeze.

“Huh-huh” “Huh-huh” “Huh’PSSH’ieew!!” Justin sneezed too fast to cover, his head pitching downward; the abundance amount of spray cascaded down to his lap. Melanie stirred in her sleep hearing Justin sneeze, her eyelids fluttered open as she woke up.

“Bless you” she said sleepily.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you” Justin apologized

“Don’t worry about it, you can’t control it baby.” Melanie reassured.

“I just feel bad that I’m always waking you up with my obnoxious sneezing and coughing, you don’t deserve this.” Justin said and let his head hang down, mad at himself.

“Shh, shh, don’t say that” Melanie replied softly, hushing him. She gently stroked his hair and he fell asleep in no time. Melanie kissed the top of his head and then she also slowly drifted away into sleep while listening to his steady heartbeat.

To Be Continued?

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Oops I posted the Drabble wrong >.< sorry. That's embaressing, please forgive that. Please continue ur Justin story doe

Edited by DeathNoteOwner
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I'm gunna throw a Drabble In here. Title: Cat-astrophy (lame puns at ur service). --------------------------------------------------------- The boys were out in town shopping ( wearing disguises so they wouldn't be seen). Niall had nerd(3D theatre glasses) & a fake moustache aswell as the other lads opted for the same outfits. They then entered a pet store because Hazza wanted to see the cats, Niall was about to object but couldn't say no to Hazza's cute face. They entered the store & walked over to the cats, as soon as Niall. & the lads were close Enuff to the cats he started feeling a tickle, not wanting to draw attention to him & the boys he wanted to hold them in "Heh-heh". Zayn put his finger under Niall's flaring nostrils not wanting them to get caught, suddenly Niall sneezed rather loudly "Hurshoo Hurshoo " his glasses fell off & fake moustache too. He realized he had just sneezed on Zayn's hand & turned bright red. Zayn offered a "Bless you, cover ur mouth next time". Niall blushed deeper red & said "Thank u". He sneezed un-covered spray flying everywheres on Louis this time. "HATCHOO" . He then blushed sheepishly & said "Excuse be". They're were a few fans in the store so they had to run out quick getting chased by them. When they were finally safe in Liam's car, Liam handed a few tissues to the blonde Irish lad. Niall nodded in thanks & apologize for causing a scene. Harry than said "It's not ur fault that it was a "Cat-astrophy" he then chuckled at his own pun, then Louis playfully sacked him in the balls (reference to adventurous adventures of 1D). .... -------------------------------------------------------- Note: I just went along with my ideas, hope it's not rubbish .

Umm... I think you posted this in the wrong spot.

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I'm gunna throw a Drabble In here. Title: Cat-astrophy (lame puns at ur service). --------------------------------------------------------- The boys were out in town shopping ( wearing disguises so they wouldn't be seen). Niall had nerd(3D theatre glasses) & a fake moustache aswell as the other lads opted for the same outfits. They then entered a pet store because Hazza wanted to see the cats, Niall was about to object but couldn't say no to Hazza's cute face. They entered the store & walked over to the cats, as soon as Niall. & the lads were close Enuff to the cats he started feeling a tickle, not wanting to draw attention to him & the boys he wanted to hold them in "Heh-heh". Zayn put his finger under Niall's flaring nostrils not wanting them to get caught, suddenly Niall sneezed rather loudly "Hurshoo Hurshoo " his glasses fell off & fake moustache too. He realized he had just sneezed on Zayn's hand & turned bright red. Zayn offered a "Bless you, cover ur mouth next time". Niall blushed deeper red & said "Thank u". He sneezed un-covered spray flying everywheres on Louis this time. "HATCHOO" . He then blushed sheepishly & said "Excuse be". They're were a few fans in the store so they had to run out quick getting chased by them. When they were finally safe in Liam's car, Liam handed a few tissues to the blonde Irish lad. Niall nodded in thanks & apologize for causing a scene. Harry than said "It's not ur fault that it was a "Cat-astrophy" he then chuckled at his own pun, then Louis playfully sacked him in the balls (reference to adventurous adventures of 1D). .... -------------------------------------------------------- Note: I just went along with my ideas, hope it's not rubbish .

Umm... I think you posted this in the wrong spot.

. Oops that's embaressing >.< wrong thread my apologies.
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