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Sneeze Fetish Forum


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This is my first story on here so be gentle, criticism is very helpful. I hope you enjoy it.biggrinsmiley.gif

Part 1

Justin woke up with a scratchy feeling in his throat, he cleared his throat but it didn’t help. Lying next to him was his girlfriend of 3 years, Melanie.

“Good morning baby” Melanie said to Justin.

“Good morning” Justin replied back, his voice was hoarse.

“Shit” he thought to himself.

“Are you feeling alright? You sound a little rusty.” She asked concerned.

“Yep, right as rain.” He replied

“Oh, ok then” she said a little skeptical. Justin and Melanie went downstairs, as Melanie was in the kitchen making breakfast she heard Justin sneeze from the living room.


“Bless you” Melanie said, now getting more concerned.

“Thanks” Justin replied back sniffling. Melanie went into the living room and sat down. About 10 minutes later Justin got a distant look on his face, his breath started to hitch; jaw went slack, nostrils flaring.

“Are you ok?” Melanie asked Justin. Justin shook his head “no”, then he sneezed twice into his fist.

Huh’PSHH’iew” “Huh’PSHH’iew”

“Bless you baby, are you sure you’re feeling alright? I think you’re sick.” Melanie said concerned for her boyfriend.

‘Yea I’m fine” Justin protested.

To be continued?

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Thank you, I really appreciate all the positive comments.

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Wow this is really good... its your first? Are you sure cuz you seem pro.

Please continue <333333

and Keep it up w00t.gif

It's my first, I just love to write and thank you. thumbsupsmileyanim.gif

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YESYESYESYESYESYES!!! I've been waiting for so long!! More PLEASE!! It's beautiful!

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YESYESYESYESYESYES!!! I've been waiting for so long!! More PLEASE!! It's beautiful!

I've been wanting to get an account for a long time and it finally worked. I was inspired by your stories and I wanted to start writing. I wanted to help you because I know you love these and need them. I totally understand because I'm a belieber too and I feel the same way. Thank you. <3 laugh.png

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Thank you for all the nice comments, I appreciate them a lot. So here’s the next part.

Part 2- Next Day 12:00

“Hgnxt” Justin stifled a sneeze trying not to have Melanie notice, he felt terrible but he didn’t want to be a bother so he kept saying he was fine.

“Bless you” Melanie said softly, shit, she noticed.

“You know it’s not good to stifle your sneezes. Don’t be afraid to let them out, I won’t make fun of you and second of all, I know you’re sick and don’t argue with me mister.” Justin tried to protest but ended up having a coughing fit. It was a persistent wet cough that sounded like he had a lot of mucus.

“That doesn’t sound so good.” Melanie said to Justin.

Later that Day

As the day went on Justin’s voice got more and more congested but he wouldn’t admit that he was sick. Melanie knew he was, but she was just waiting for him to admit it so she could take care of him. He’s so stubborn.

“Why won’t you just admit you’re sick?”

“Fine, I’m sick, you happy now?” Justin said snapping at Melanie.

“Excuse me?” Melanie questioned Justin.

“I don’t know why you’re so concerned, it’s just a cold, and I’m not dying.” Justin replied, Melanie was not happy with his tone.

“Because I care about you!” Melanie said, her voice raising.

“Maybe I just want to be alone and not have you bother me all of the time” Justin told Melanie coldly. Then he ran upstairs and slammed the door.

To Be continued?

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Ah Silly stuborn Justin. YOU MUST CONTINUE!!!!!!!!!! I might die of suspence and sadness if you dont.


Keep it up w00t.gif:doublethumbsup:

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YESYESYESYESYESYES!!! I've been waiting for so long!! More PLEASE!! It's beautiful!

I've been wanting to get an account for a long time and it finally worked. I was inspired by your stories and I wanted to start writing. I wanted to help you because I know you love these and need them. I totally understand because I'm a belieber too and I feel the same way. Thank you. <3 laugh.png

AWWW thank you SO MUCH!! And you're an awesome writer; keep going!! Can't wait for the next part ;)

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Okaie I shall just wait for more. I JUST CANT GET ENUFF Q.Q

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Thank you everyone, well I don’t have homework so I thought I would put up another part. Also because of the nice comments.

Part 3- Melanie’s POV

Why doesn’t he just understand that I love and care about him? He doesn’t have to over react. You know what, I’m going to go upstairs and talk to him. I quietly went upstairs and carefully opened the door; I found Justin sound asleep with some tear stains on his face. I feel bad; I was kind of hard on him. I carefully sat on the edge of the bed next to him and gently stroked his hair. His eyes fluttered open.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.” I said softly. His eyes looked bloodshot.

“Its fine” he said, his voice got even more congested.

“I’m sorry for getting on your case, it’s just that I care about you so much, I hate to see you like this.”

“I understand” he said. I pulled him into a hug, as I was holding him his breath started to hitch.

“PSHH!” “PSHH!” Justin sneezed before he could move on my back.

“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to do that!” he kept apologizing.

“Trust me, its fine” I assured him

“Here, blow your nose” I told Justin as I gave him a couple tissues.


Justin and I were watching a movie when his breath started to hitch.

“Huh’PSH’iew!” “Huh’PSHH’ieww!” “PSHHH!!” he sneezed three times towards his lap, his body pitching forward, not even bothering to cover. I saw the spray in the air.

“Bless you” I said rubbing his back.

“Thank you” he replied congested.

“Come here” I told him, he scooted more towards me and I held him. About 2 minutes later he sneezed again; twice. Aiming into his elbow.


“Bless you” I said

“Thanks” he replied.

End of POV

To Be continued?

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Sorry about how it's written, it screwed upblushsmiley.gif

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Yes continue :3 I love descriptive un-covered sneezes<3 umph

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All the comments really help me, I’m bored so I thought I’d put the next part up already, here we go!

Part 4- Next Day

“Baby wake up” Melanie said softly trying to wake Justin up. She didn’t want to wake him up, he needed to rest, but it was 12:00pm. She didn’t want him to sleep through the whole day, he needed to eat. He slowly started to wake up. Justin got a really strange look on his face; she realized he had to sneeze. His breath was hitching sharply in his chest.

“PSHH!” he sneezed downward, his body moving upward from his laying position. Melanie felt some spray on her arm but didn’t want to upset him so she didn’t say anything.


“PSHH!” she was cut off when he sneezed again. He still had a desperate pre-sneeze look on his face, he looked pained. After some false starts he finally sneezed. It was a fit of 5 sneezes (I don’t want to spell them all out, you get the point) and they were loud, Justin’s sneezes were neither loud nor soft, but this was surprising.

“Bless you sneezy!” Melanie was shocked.

“Thanks” he replied. About 5 minutes later he had another fit of 4, wet and desperate. Melanie felt bad for him, he had no control, they just kept coming.

“Why are you so sneezy? Did your cold just get more intense over night?”

“I don’t know but it’s killing me.” Justin replied.

“I just feel so bad for you”

“Don’t, I’ll be fine” Justin replied

“I hope so” Melanie said.

How do you think it is? Again sorry, it copied wrong.blushsmiley.gif

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Here’s the next part, sorry if it’s a little bad.

Part 5- Later That Day

Justin was sleeping in their bedroom; he was in a deep sleep. He needed the rest because if he didn’t something worse could come along. Melanie went upstairs to check on him, he had been sleeping for 3 hours already. She found something that made her giggle. Justin looked so cute as he snored quietly. Melanie went back downstairs because she didn’t want to wake him; he looked so peaceful, like he wasn’t feeling bad. She sat down on the couch in the living room and picked her magazine back up and began reading again. Justin soon came downstairs and joined her on the couch.

“Hi sleepyhead, how do you feel?” she asked.

“A little bit better” he replied

“That’s really good” she said. Melanie went over to hug him and while she did a piece of her hair brushed over Justin’s delicate nose. He felt a tickle start to form and grow stronger. He pushed her off of himself gently, she looked confused. He started to build-up, gasping for breath and then the explosion happened.

“PSHH!” “PSHH!” “PSHH!” His body pitched forward with the force of the sneezes, but the battle was not over yet.

“PPSH!!” “Huh’PSH’iew!” “Huh-huh-Huh’PSH’iew!!” The final sneeze left his body. Justin finally was able to take a deep breath, his nose was running and he grabbed a tissue, bringing it to his nose.

“Bless you!!” Melanie exclaimed.

“Thank you” he replied gratefully

“Blow your nose” she said, he complied

To Be Continued?

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