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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Secrets in September (Adam Levine/Blake Shelton: For Rachiella44)

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Thank you all so much! I will update as soon as I can! I haven't had much time lately, I'm on my high school's swim team and districts are on the 30th. After that, I should have more time!

DeathNoteOwner: I will probably just keep this as a sick fic, but I like the interview idea! I might add some allergies for Blake later on, though (we'll see)

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  • 1 month later...

Agh! Sorry I (unexpectedly) made it to regionals, so (unfortunately) that meant more practices. Regions were in November though, and I really just don't have an excuse for the rest of the time... I'd like to say I was busy, but I have no life and it was just pure laziness... Sorry... On to the story...


It was a week later, and luckily, Adam was getting over his cold. The same couldn't be said for Blake, however; the country star was just beginning his. Adam was still congested and had a cough that worried Blake, so the tall man hid his illness to take care of his boyfriend. They had an interview today and Blake really wasn't looking forward to it. Adam was in the shower, so he snuck some cold medicine, willing his symptoms away so Adam wouldn't notice.

Adam came downstairs, dressed and coughing harshly into his sleeve. Blake sighed. "Babe, you think you'll be alright at the interview?" He asked, pulling him into a hug and kissing him gently. Adam nodded. "I'll be okay..." He sniffled, smiling.

They left, arriving at the interview shortly. Blake lasted through the interview with hardly any problems. A sneeze or two occasionally, but that was it. He couldn't say the same about Adam, the poor man had almost coughed up a lung at least six times during the duration of the interview. It was hard for the country star to not just pick him up and kiss his forehead while rubbing his back each time.

They walked out, getting into the car. Blake told the driver to go to his place and the man nodded, starting off. Adam immediately collapsed against Blake and the heat radiating off of him frightened Blake. "B..." Adam whimpered, "dod't feel good..." He sniffled, burying his face in Blake's shirt. "Hepshhhuh! Hepshhhhiew!" He was too tired to be embarrassed and Blake stroked his hair worriedly. "Bless you..."


TBC? Comments? Requests? Other things?

Edited by NightWolf
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I just want to say that this still makes me absurdly happy...and thank you again!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you all so much! This is fun to write and Rachiella, I am SO happy you like it!


They arrived at Blake's house in about ten minutes. Adam had fallen asleep against Blake and the tall man carried him inside after thanking the driver. He laid him on the couch and let him use his lap a a pillow. He stroked hi hair gently, kissing the top of his head. He rubbed at his nose, sniffling softy. "Hatcchhhhhhhuhhhhh!" He sneezed loudly and Adam woke up with a jolt, lookin scared out of his wits. Blake smiled apologetically. "Sorry Adam." The sick man sniffled, sitting up and coughing harshly. Blake rubbed his back. "B... are you okay?" He asked softly. Blake nodded. "Of course, why?" Adam shrugged. "You were sneezing a lot during the interview." Blake kissed his temple. "Something in there just bugged my nose, babe. Don't worry." Adam nodded, snuggling closer. Blake held him as he whimpered softly. He got him medicine.

A few days passed and Adam's cold went away. Blake was feeling worse than he thought he ever had. Adam was still sleeping an Blake was in the bathroom, taking a cold shower to try and bring his temperature down. He got out and went downstairs, coughing loudly into his elbow. Adam came out of the kitchen, a worried look on his face. "You sound awful B..." He felt his forehead, sighing. "You're burning up. Couch. Now." Blake started to protest but Adam just pushed him down onto the couch gently. "I'll make you soup." Blake sneezed loudly. "Bless you!" Blake sniffled. "Thank- hih... Hih...hih... Haa..."


Comments? Requests? TBC?

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Thank you all so much! This is fun to write and Rachiella, I am SO happy you like it!


They arrived at Blake's house in about ten minutes. Adam had fallen asleep against Blake and the tall man carried him inside after thanking the driver. He laid him on the couch and let him use his lap a a pillow. He stroked hi hair gently, kissing the top of his head. He rubbed at his nose, sniffling softy. "Hatcchhhhhhhuhhhhh!" He sneezed loudly and Adam woke up with a jolt, lookin scared out of his wits. Blake smiled apologetically. "Sorry Adam." The sick man sniffled, sitting up and coughing harshly. Blake rubbed his back. "B... are you okay?" He asked softly. Blake nodded. "Of course, why?" Adam shrugged. "You were sneezing a lot during the interview." Blake kissed his temple. "Something in there just bugged my nose, babe. Don't worry." Adam nodded, snuggling closer. Blake held him as he whimpered softly. He got him medicine.

A few days passed and Adam's cold went away. Blake was feeling worse than he thought he ever had. Adam was still sleeping an Blake was in the bathroom, taking a cold shower to try and bring his temperature down. He got out and went downstairs, coughing loudly into his elbow. Adam came out of the kitchen, a worried look on his face. "You sound awful B..." He felt his forehead, sighing. "You're burning up. Couch. Now." Blake started to protest but Adam just pushed him down onto the couch gently. "I'll make you soup." Blake sneezed loudly. "Bless you!" Blake sniffled. "Thank- hih... Hih...hih... Haa..."


Comments? Requests? TBC?

Continue :) love dis

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Awww yeah blake is sick!! Funny i was watching the voice and i couldnt help but think back to this story..

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  • 2 months later...

Hey everyone! Sorry it's been so long! I haven't had much inspiration for writing recently... Here's another installment, however! Feedback is always welcome! Please comment and enjoy!


"Hatsccchhhhhhuuuu!" Adam handed him a tissue, rubbing his back. "Bless you, B." he said softly, kissing his cheek. Blake blushed, blowing his nose softly. "Thank you, darlin'," he drawled, leaning back when Adam stood up. The sexiest man alive grinned and disappeared into the kitchen to make his lover some soup. Blake sighed, happy to have his little love muffin in his life. Adam was his better half, his soul mate, and Blake loved him with all his heart. Adam returned about a minute later with soup, cold medicine, and orange juice. He set each item down, making Blake take the medicine before letting him eat.


It was an half an hour later, when they were cuddling on the couch, watching Supernatural, when Blake suddenly jumped up, almost knocking poor Adam off of the couch in the process. He ran into the bathroom, kneeling down in front of the toilet right before losing everything he ate previously. Adam came in, wincing when he saw Blake retching, and got a damp cloth. He sat beside his man, rubbing his back and dabbing his neck with the cloth. By the time Blake was done, Adam was holding a glass of water for him to rinse the taste out of his mouth. "You okay, B?" Adam asked as Blake sipped the water and nodded. "I'll be fine, 'm just a bit nauseous is all." Adam rolled his eyes, sitting him back down and flushing the vomit down the toilet. He get Blake's forehead with a sigh. "I think your temperature has gone up. Cone on, lets get you laying down." He helped him up, steadying him carefully as he wobbled a bit. Blake squeezed his eyes shut. "Damn..." He mumbled. " 'm really dizzy." Adam lead him to the bedroom with a worried look, getting him laid down with a garbage can next to him in time for him to grab it and vomit up all of the water he'd drank while Adam rubbed his back. "B... This is bad... You need to keep hydrated, but you can't keep it down. I'm calling a doctor." Blake stood up. "No no, that's alright! I'm fine, baby! I promise!" Adam took out his phone, ignoring his protests and starred to dial the number. Blake took a few steps forward before collapsing, out cold. Adam let out a squeak. "B!" He dropped down next to him, changing the number to 911.


Okay, so I hope that wasn't completely horrible! I don't think anyone even reads this anymore, but The Voice is back on, so I'm in the mood to work in this fic! Feedback please?

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Hhhhuuunnngghhh!!!!!! This wascjfycxtxtxjxgxhcmsjycuffyd awesome!!! Cytckxxhxxudydkdfhjgtjzjbyb!


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