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Plane Ride (for the SPN meme)


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Hey all! I know, I know, I promised a Dean one, but I'm still working on it, and this prompt is so cute, I had to write it. It's for the meme at tarotgal's livejournal (GO THERE) and here is the prompt from greeneyes_fan:

First year at Stanford, Sam is visiting a classmate's house for Christmas. (Maybe Zach?) He has to fly out there with them, then fly back alone right after the holiday. On the way back, he's sick (picked something up over the break) and the dry air and combination of scents on the plane are seriously irritating his nose, and he is all angsty because he's alone, and he can't call his family.

Does anyone save him from the ANGST?


“Did you take the medicine I gave you this morning, sweetheart?”

“Yes, Mrs. Warren, thank you—“

“And you have tissues?”

“Yeah, I’ve got plenty, thanks.” Sam smiled sheepishly, sniffling.

The blonde woman sighed, looking the younger Winchester up and down, a motherly expression on her face. “Are you sure you don’t want to rest back at the house for a few days and go back home with Zach and Rebecca next week?”

“Thanks Mrs. Warren, it’s really nice of you to offer, but I have a big test tomorrow that I can’t miss, and—huh’kitssshhhoo! Sorry, I, uhhHih-tsshhhuhh!

“Oh, bless you, honey!” Mrs. Warren reached up, standing on her tiptoes to reach his forehead, and planted a kiss there. “Take it easy, then, alright? And be sure to call Zach and let him know you’ve landed safe and sound.”

“I will. Thank you again for letting me stay over the holidays. Your hospitality was wonderful.” Sam pulled a tissue from his pocket and slung his back over a shoulder.

“Of course, sweetie! Any time! You can come on back for Spring Break, too! That is, if your family doesn’t miss you too much.”

Sam wasn’t really sure if his family even thought of him anymore. He wasn’t about to say that to sweet Mrs. Warren, however, so he smiled and nodded, thanking her again and walking into the airport.

His friend Zach had invited him to stay at his family’s place for the holidays, knowing Sam would have been spending all of Christmas cooped up in his dorm studying otherwise. Sam had had a lot of fun celebrating the holidays like a real family, but toward the end of the trip, he’d managed to come down with a cold, and now, faced with upcoming tests and essays, he had to travel back to California alone (Zach had decided to stay a few extra days).

He muffled some coughs into his elbow, shivering. Why did airports always need to be so cold?

Security checks were an ordeal, because everyone in line shot him dirty looks if he so much as sniffed, and his pale face and bloodshot, watery eyes caused the checkpoint attendants to double check all of his luggage for drugs. They still looked suspicious as he gathered his things and made his way to the proper gate.

As he settled down on a bench in the waiting area, he observed the people walking by. One little boy grasped his older brother’s hand tightly as the boys’ parents checked their tickets for the gate number. Sam felt a wave of loneliness. He missed Dean. He didn’t like to admit it, it had only been a few months, and he and Dean hadn’t exactly parted on good terms, but he and his brother had never been this long apart, and it was starting to have a negative effect on Sam. Now that he was sick, all he wanted was his big brother to hand him tissues and rub his back and ruffle his hair when he thought Sam was sleeping. He wanted Dean to give him the extra blanket and make him tomato rice soup and feel his forehead—though Sam would protest and push him away.

Atshsh! Huh’tshchshuh!” He sniffled, pulling out another tissue to hold to his nose as the next wave of sneezes hit. “Hih-hitschhoo! Heh-ehhtschhuh! Hih-iitschhhoo!

He looked up, scrubbing at his nose, and noticed a woman carefully avoiding a seat near him, picking one on the opposite side of the bench.

Sam felt like an invalid. A sad, repulsive invalid. He tried to hold back some coughs, but they ripped through his lungs, echoing in his chest.

Finally, passengers were allowed to board. The pretty carmel-skinned flight attendant pointed Sam’s seat out to him, telling him to enjoy his flight. He seriously doubted he would; it seemed every person on the plane was glaring at him, his head was pounding, and he was wracked with shivers.

As he settled down, a sense of misery set in. He slumped in his seat, grabbing the travel pack of tissues Mrs. Warren had forced on him that morning and placing them in his lap. The dry air on the plane was already aggravating his nose, and he twisted away from the aisle to sneeze into a wrist. “Hup-tshchoo!

A woman sat down in the seat next to his, gave him one look, and pulled out a small bottle of hand sanitizer, applying it generously to her hands and giving Sam and angry look, as if it was his fault he was so sick. Not to mention the fact that she was wearing strong perfume that was irritating his sensitive nose.

He attempted to stifle a sneeze, twisting away from her in his seat. “Hhtsch-xxt!

The woman looked affronted, and squirmed away from him.

Sam could cry. Now, not only was he alone, sick, and miserable, but everyone hated him. He just wanted to be in a motel room with Dean, listening to him talk about a recent hunt while he sipped tea and kept warm under the extra blanket.

He felt the need to sneeze again—her perfume was really strong—and hid his face in his sleeve, turning away from the woman again to avoid thoroughly offending her. “Huh’tshheww! Hah-tshhhuhhh! Hih-kitshheww!


He looked up, sniffling.

“I knew it was you! I’d know your cute sneezes anywhere! Jesus, they were the most interesting thing I heard in Econ during pollen season. Beckler’s classes are so boring!”

Sam’s eyes fell on a tall blonde smiling at him from the aisle as she pushed her suitcase into the overhead compartment, showing off her toned abdomen.

“Jessica! Hey!” Sam blushed a little, embarrassed she had to see him like this.

Jessica looked at the woman sitting stiffly beside her friend, obsessively rubbing the sanitizer over her hands, and she made a face at Sam over the woman’s head.

The blonde bent over, tapping her. “Hi, listen, do you wanna switch seats? He’s my friend from school.” She nodded toward the sniffling Winchester.

Sam’s seat partner looked relieved, nodding furiously.

“I didn’t know you were from Missouri!” Jessica exclaimed, sliding in the seat next to his.

“I-I’m not. I was visiting Zach’s family in St. Louis.” Sam said, coughing into his shoulder.

“Oh my god, I can’t believe I didn’t run into you sooner! Zach and I lived like three blocks from each other!” She bubbled, pulling a pack of tissues from her pocket. Sam had just run out and he was making hitchy, desperate-sounding gasps..

“Th-hh-thanks—Huh’kssheww! Huh! Hitchoo.

“Bless you! Oh my god, you’re so cute.” She wrinkled up her nose, grinning.

Sam didn’t understand how he could possibly be cute at a time like this, but he didn’t argue.

“Did you catch a cold over the holidays?”

“Yeah, unfortunately. Missouri is no sunny California, I guess.” He shivered.

“That sucks! Poor thing.” She pulled a blanket out of her bag, throwing it over him.

He looked a little surprised, and very grateful. “Thanks! What else have you got in there? Maybe some tea? A bed to sleep in?”

“Well I’ve got a day spa in here… And a strip mall. Oh! And a golf course…”

Sam laughed, suddenly feeling on top of the world. “Hey, Jessica. Thanks.”

“Of course, Sam! I had to save you from Miss Germaphobe over there. I felt bad for you. You looked pretty miserable.”

“Well, I kinda was. But, thanks. For saving me.”

“You’re welcome.”

Sam was asleep before the plane had even taken off, and his head slid over onto Jessica’s shoulder about halfway into the flight. But she didn’t mind one bit.


Thanks for reading everyone! I love you!

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NO WHAT OH MY GOD I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT YOU FILLED THIS okay give me a few hours (or maybe an entire night) to read over this entire thing a few hundred times and then I'll see you over at Livejournal ohhhh my god I loved this to pieces thank you thank you

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Awww!!! That was soo cute!! Love it!! And now you have me excited for the promised Dean one too! YAY!

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OMG this just made my entire night. Loveeeeee. *squeals* awww. That was just so cute. :D

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Awww. So sweet! I wouldn't mind being trapped on a plane with him... I love it! Thanks!

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@SenBeret: I'll see YOU over at livejournal... and cry with happiness because I've already seen it and you're just absolutely so lovely!!

@Alexys52: Ahh, I'm glad you liked it and I'm glad you're excited! I've been gone for a week or so, but I have more time on my hands now, so the Dean one should be finished and up pretty soon...

@LiveToBeMe: Brilliant?? GENIUS??? Nooooo, that's too nice, those words are toooo nice. I can't accept. The prompt wasn't mine anyway... But I'm SO happy you liked it so much!!

@Introvertedme: Awww, you're comment is making MY entire night! Aaahhhh!!

@AngelEyes: Are you kidding?? I'd LOVE to be seated next to sick stanford Sam... :D Thank YOU! I'm happy you liked it!

@Always-a-Ginger: A Sammy hug! Yes please! Here, I'll send an imaginary one your way! ;)

@milkyCoffee: I'm in love too!! With your profile pic and signature... *drools* Thank youuuuuu! You're sweet.

@PortlandLove12: Thank you! (I have Portland love too! <3 <3)

@iluvsneezes: Thank you so much!! :D

All of you make me soooo happy! I can never wipe the smile off my face when I read your sweet comments! If Stanford Sam is a hit... you guys might like my upcoming fill for the meme (if my free time goes according to plan) which features sick Dean and Stanford Sam... :D

Thank you again everyone!!

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Mmmmmmmmmmmm *_*

Your. Sammy. Is. BRILLIANT!!!

Jess recognizising Sam because of his cute sneezes? *grins* Hello, sneezing fetish over there?

Oh, I absolutely love your descriptions, I can picture it all in my mind, it's so vivid!!

The woman avoiding the seat next to him because he seems so sick and sniffly, and the germophobe lady in the plane,

Sam feeling all awful and sick and embarassed because everybody seems to hate him just because he's sick and awwww Jess saving him <3

There is so much love in this fic <3 <3 <3

Sorry I haven't replied earlier, I need to get used to having more leisure time now that school is over xD

Wow. Just wow. I think I love you, Zwee.

Usually I'm a Dean girl, but, hooooo, that was very, very sweet <3

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