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Cat and Mouse (Female, DotA2 Fanfic)


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This is a silly little thing I began a few months ago and never bothered finishing until now. It features two characters from the game DotA 2, but no knowledge of the game is needed to enjoy.

Said characters are Lyralei the Windrunner, an bubbly, bouncy archer blessed with powers of the wind and also my current avatar picture (she's the best seriously) and Traxex the Drow Ranger, another archer who's totally got the whole "Ice Queen" thing going on in more ways than one. The basis for the story is the longstanding rivalry between the two of them (who's the best archer, etc etc).

Anyway, hope you enjoy.

Cat and Mouse

She always shot first.

The woody thunk of the arrow against the tree pierced the quiet forest air, followed a moment later by the whispery crackle of frost. Lyralei grinned, turning and holding a hand to her ear as the quiet footfalls behind her grew ever louder. This was her favorite part. That tiny moment of electric anticipation right before predator saw prey. When they still thought they had a chance at catching her.

Another thunk echoed through through the shadowy trunks, and the red-headed girl’s smile grew wider. She took a deep breath, savoring the sharp scent of pine needles in the air, and began to run.

The surrounding forest faded into a muted backdrop of greens and browns Lyralei’s footfalls quickened, sending her deeper and deeper into the murky jungle. The jungle, she mused, leaping to avoid a stray root and then skipping to the side as another frost arrow thunked into the soft earth near her feet. I wonder why they call it that. Jungles are tropical, aren’t they? And they don’t have pine trees. Strange. She vaulted over a fallen log, then ducked to avoid another trio of freezing arrows. “Tsk tsk,” Lyralei said, making sure her voice was loud enough to carry through the trees. “Wasting ammo. What a shame. I’m sure those frozen arrows aren’t cheap.”

Her quip was met with another flurry of bolts. Some went wide, some fell short, some were dodged, but none hit their mark. Lyralei laughed, the sound of it ringing through the forest like a chorus of bells. “Oh, don’t worry, Traxex, I’m sure you’ll catch me someday!”

Or maybe, I’ll catch you, she thought, smiling craftily to herself and quickly drawing an arrow out of her quiver. This wasn’t just any arrow: it was unique, specially crafted to her exact specifications. Made of the finest Ironwood, fletched with the feathers of a Joerlok eagle, and trailing a long, thin cable strong enough to restrain even the mightiest of foes. A Shackleshot arrow, the finest she had ever held.

Quickly now, Lyralei urged herself, ducking behind a tree and notching the arrow in her bow. A moment later, the trunk shuddered with the force of what must have been at least five arrows slicing into it, one after another. She had to suppress a giggle. It’s like cat and mouse, but she doesn’t realize who’s the cat.

Her pursuer’s footsteps were slowing now, becoming softer, stealthy. But Lyralei’s ears were sharp, and with each snapped twig and crunched dead leaf she became tenser, drawing her bow tight. She would have only have one shot at this. Quit literally.

“Are you really doing this?” A voice came from somewhere behind her, its familiar coolness tinged with the slightest hint of smug satisfaction. “You of all people should know, Lyralei. You can run...” There was rustle of leaves. Windrunner held her breath, gripping her bow tightly enough to turn her knuckles white. Just a few more seconds...

“But you can’t hide,” Traxex the Drow Ranger said, leaping forward past the tree and nocking an arrow in the same fluid motion. Her pale lips were curled in a triumphant smile, an expression that quickly turned to shock as saw the arrow pointed at her chest.

“Oh, I’m not hiding,” Lyralei replied brightly. “Just waiting for you.”

Traxex didn’t even have time to shout before the Shackleshot hit, throwing her back into a nearby tree with a loud thud. The arrow’s cables were around her in an instant, binding her just tightly enough to allow breathing but not much else. She clenched her teeth, allowing a short huff of frustration to escape her nostrils. She was trapped, and now that autumn-haired ditz would flounce away, just like she always did...

Or so she thought.

“That was fun, wasn’t it?” Lyralei called, sauntering over and flashing her captive a grin. “Almost got me, too!”

Traxex glared icily back at her, but otherwise didn’t reply. Windrunner slowly shook her head, sticking out her lip in an exaggerated mock pout. “Oh, c’mon, Traxex! Cheer up for once. It won’t kill you.” She paused, then giggled. “Probably.”

The Drow Ranger remained silent, staring icily back out from against the tree. She might’ve lost this round, but there was no reason to give her rival the satisfaction of beating her. That, at least for now, was the only thing she had left.

“Why?” she asked, careful to put as little emotion into the words as possible. “Why are you doing this? To gloat? Are you that petty, Lyralei?”

“Hmm.” The redhead put a finger to her chin, as if considering. “Gloating was part of it, but there was something else... oh, that’s right!” She glanced around the trees, searching for something, then turned back to the bound Ranger. “I’ll be back soon. Don’t go anywhere,” she said, winking. Traxex just glared.

True to her word, Lyralei returned a few minutes later, smiling and clutching something behind her back. She sashayed over to the tree, then tapped Traxex’s slender nose with a finger. “Back! You miss me?” The Drow Ranger remained stony-faced.

Lyralei rolled her eyes. “Fine. If I can’t get you to open those pasty lips the easy way...” She giggled mischievously. “Then we’ll do it the fun way.” With an exaggerated flourish, she withdrew the object she had been holding behind her back: a single bright red flower with a burnt-orange center. Its petals were wide and flat, and its stem was an odd, charcoaly color, as if it had been rubbed in ash.

Traxex was unimpressed. “A flower?”

“Not a flower,” Lyralei said, shaking her head and gesturing to the blossom. “The flower. Ever heard of Firewort?”

The Ranger shook her head, her curiosity temporarily beating out her irritation. “Do you plan to torture me? Burn me with it?” She had never taken Windrunner to be the sadistic type, but then again, Ancients only knew what went on in that gingery head.

Lyralei blanched. “Of course not! That’d be terrible! No, silly. Firewort is special. It only grows in the ashes of burned trees, blooms only one month of the year, this one, actually...” A wicked glint appeared in her eyes. “Oh, yes, and nearly every human on the planet is highly allergic to it.”

Traxex’s brow furrowed in confusion and disbelief. “Are you really going to—”

“Ah ah ah!” Windrunner chastised, putting a finger to Drow’s lips. “Shh. No more talking. Save your breath.” She grinned. “You’ll need it.”

With that, she pinched the flower between her thumb and forefinger, being careful not to bring it too close to her own face, and began to slowly rub the bloom underneath her captive’s nose.

The Ranger held her breath, trying to delay the entrance of the Firewort pollen for as long as possible, but Lyralei had other ideas. As it became clear that simply moving the flower wouldn’t provoke the reaction she wanted, she turned to more drastic measures: drawing back a finger, she gave the back of the bloom a hard flick, dislodging a cloud of murky orange pollen directly into the other woman’s face.

Traxex had to fight down a gasp as an intense burning, itching sensation flared in the depths of her nostrils, growing stronger and more irritating with each passing second. She felt her chest tighten, desperate for even the minor release of a hitching breath, but she refused to give in even as allergic tears began to prick the corners of her eyes. Her nose was rapidly coloring as well, changing from its usual pale blue to a coral pink as the pollen continued its assault.

“Take your time, Traxy,” Windrunner said, now back to rubbing the Firewort underneath Drow’s nostrils. “I’m not going anywhere.” She giggled. “And, well, neither are you.”

“Hyuh...” was Traxex’s only reply. Her lungs had finally betrayed her, and now she was past the point of no return. That inhale had brought with it another noseful of tickly, burning Firewort pollen, which was enough to make a sneeze begin to build in earnest.

“Huuuh... hyeh... Lyralei, you bi—hiiaah...” Her nose was twitching, nostrils flaring wide as the tiny, tickly grains buried themselves ever deeper. “I... heeh...” She felt her chest strain against the Shackleshot bonds as her lungs filled with air, readying themselves for what would no doubt be a sneezing fit of legendary proportions. Traxex’s cheeks burned in a combination of anger and shame as she felt her breath hitch once more, making her head tilt back and her eyelids flutter in preparation for release. Gods, she hated this. It was so embarrassing, so demeaning, so—


The first sneeze burst out of the Drow Ranger’s nose, stifled not by her hands, which were still tightly bound by the cables, but by sheer force of will. She could’ve sworn she felt her ears pop as the explosion left her, but with it came a small flicker of satisfaction. Despite her situation, she had still managed to retain some semblance of control.

Her satisfaction was short-lived.

“Huuuh... heeeh... heh’inxgt! Heh’iscch! Hyuh-huhSCHOO!” Try as she might, Traxex couldn’t stifle the allergic fit that quickly followed the first sneeze. If she had still had the use of her hands, it may have been possible, but as it was she simply resigned herself to total loss of control.

“HuSCHOO! Hetchoo! Huh’esch! HuheSCHOO!”

Her nose was on fire, burning and wiggling like a thing possessed as her head and chest snapped forward in an endless torrent of sneezes. Occasionally, her body would grant her the respite of a sniffle and a breath or two, just long enough to hear Windrunner’s mocking laughter, before her breath would catch and she would be sucked back into the allergic haze.

“Huschoo! Heshoo! HaSCHOO!! Huhchew! Huh... eh... huh-hetchoo-HaSCHOO!”

Traxex looked up, panting and blinking away a film of allergic tears. The horrible burning sensation had receded slightly, enough that she could focus on something besides inhaling and sneezing.

Unfortunately, that something happened to be Windrunner’s index finger, stained a dull orange from the pollen it had been rubbed in, being shoved beneath her still-itching nose.


Traxex’s breaths quickly turned from deep gulps of air to sharp, shuddering gasps as the pollen invaded her nose once more. She wrinkled her nose in a vain attempt to halt the tickly grains’ advance, but all that seemed to accomplish was make her look silly, if Windrunner’s grin was anything to go by.

“Eyeeehhh... uhhh.... huuuuuuh.... HUUH—uh?”

The Drow Ranger made a small, confused sound as the release her nose so desperately needed was rudely interrupted by Lyralei’s fingers pinching around her nostrils. They were still coated with a thin dusting of pollen, which even now was causing Traxex to squirm and gasp, but she couldn’t sneeze. The redhead’s fingers were like a vice, clamping down around her nose and stemming the tide of allergic eruptions..

“Not yet,” Lyralei said, chuckling as she watched the Ranger’s chest rise and fall with every inhale. The Shackleshot cable was tight enough that her fairly ample bust would strain against it with each hitching breath. “Hold this one for me. Use that famous self-control of yours.”

Traxex shot her an icy glare, but said nothing. Her attention was totally focused on regulating her breathing and stopping the massive sneeze brewing in her sinuses. It was a losing battle, she knew, but one she was determined to fight nonetheless. She gasped again, breasts quivering, but managed to fight down a follow-up before the tickle could overtake her entirely.

“Very good, Traxy!” the redhead said, smiling pleasantly and nodding in approval.“You’re even stronger than I thought.” Her final word was punctuated by a light tap on the Drow Ranger’s nose with the hand that wasn’t clamped around the pair of now bright-red nostrils. A small gesture, almost insignificant, but all that was needed to send Traxex’s tortured, tickly nose over the edge. Her eyelids fluttered, her head tilted back, and she let her mouth hang half-open, abandoning all pretense of control in favor of giving herself the relief she had been denied.


Dimly, Traxex wondered what would happen if she was forced to release the gargantuan sneeze with Windrunner’s fingers still around her nose. Several outcomes flickered through her mind, none pleasant, most painful, but they were quickly shoved aside in the face of the horrible, burning, allergic tickle.


Just as the Ranger was sure the surrounding forest was about to be coated with the contents of her skull, Lyralei gave a spritely hop backward, releasing her grip on Traxex’s nose.

“Let it loose, Traxy,” she said, giving the other woman a cheery wink. “You’ve earned it.”

Traxex needed no further encouragement.


The sneeze that followed would’ve easily bent her double if she hadn’t been bound, but it still managed to snap her head forward, depositing a thick mist of spray on her cleavage. It was the beginning of a fit that easily would’ve become the stuff of legends, had anyone been around to witness it.


The sneezes were thunderous, wet and violent, shaking Traxex to her core with every gasping

release. They burst out of her nose in rapid, unstoppable succession, expelling miniature tidal waves of spray into the air and straining her chest and bust so much that the cables bit into her flesh.


After what felt like been hours, the fit finally subsided, leaving Traxex a wet, itchy, miserable mess. Her lungs burned, her eyes still watered, and her face was covered in a strange, gluey concoction of mucus and allergic tears, but at least the Ancients-damned sneezing had stopped.

She heard a low whistle from somewhere nearby. Lyralei was leaning against a nearby tree, eyebrows raised and mouth curled in her usual smile. “Wow,” she said, walking back towards the Ranger and twirling the Firewort bloom idly between her fingers. “I had heard Firewort was strong, but that was something else. Didn’t think you...” Windrunner paused, frowning as her nose gave a sudden twitch. “you...yiih... ihhh... ihhh....” Her eyelids flickered, mouth opening wide, and then all at once her head snapped forward with a pair of loud, high-pitched sneezes, much different than Traxex’s own.

“Itchooo! Ih... ih-itchoo! Ah. Excuse me,” the redhead said, wiping her now slightly-reddened nose with a finger and sniffling gently. “Guess I’m not immune either.” She giggled, tossing the offending bloom into a nearby bush before turning back to her captive. “Anyway, the Shackleshot bonds should loosen in about, oh, I don’t know, five minutes? Plenty of time for you to fantasize about all the horrible ways you’re going to get back at me for this... or, you know....” She grinned. “Other things.”

Traxex felt a flush color her pale cheeks despite herself, which the other woman mercifully didn’t notice. “Just you wait,” she murmured, doing her best to sound cool and intimidating through a nose that was almost completely blocked. I’ll have my revenge, Lyralei, and when I do you’ll regret every minute of this. Every second.

“Can’t wait,” Windrunner replied, still grinning. “Well, see you around, O Icy One. It’s been fun.” She gave the Ranger a wink before turning and sauntering back into the forest, humming a jaunty tune.

Traxex glared at her until she had finally disappeared into the murky overgrowth, then slumped against the tree, sighing through her stuffy nose. She would have her revenge, that was certain, but right now, the only thing she wanted was a cool bath in an icy stream, a relief that would not be forthcoming any time soon. At least, she reflected, she had managed to learn something from the whole ordeal, as humiliating as it had been:

One, never chase Windrunner, no matter how of a lead you believe you have...

And two, for the love of the Ancients, stay away from Firewort.


I did take a few liberties with some elements (Firewort is in no way canon in the DotA2 universe, I just needed an easy inducer) and Shackleshot actually lasts around 4 seconds as opposed to 10 minutes, though when you're stuck to a tree with the entire enemy team closing in on you it can easily feel that long.

Again, I hope you all enjoyed, and I'm curious as to if there would be any interest in a sequel, since I already have a few ideas for ways this could be expanded.

Edited by TheCakeIsALie
Fixed. :)
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Amazing<3 wishing there could be a second part c:

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Wow...just, wow! This is a really great story with some amazing sneezes, and a great build-up and fit at the end. Please can we see more of these characters...?

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Wow...just, wow! This is a really great story with some amazing sneezes, and a great build-up and fit at the end. Please can we see more of these characters...?

Glad you liked it. I'll definitely consider a sequel in the future.

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Awesome! How are you still pending? That was amazing keep up the good work XD

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Awesome! How are you still pending? That was amazing keep up the good work XD

Well, considering 'Pending' status begins at 50 posts, and I made my 50th post a few hours ago, I would imagine that would have something to do with it. In any case, thank you for the kind words.

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I was actually looking for some Traxex and Lyralei fan fiction yesterday and after hours of searching I only found two stories. For one of them to include sneezing was outstandingly lucky. In comparison to what I’m used to reading you’re quite good and I hope to see that probable sequel you were talking about.

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I was actually looking for some Traxex and Lyralei fan fiction yesterday and after hours of searching I only found two stories. For one of them to include sneezing was outstandingly lucky. In comparison to what I’m used to reading you’re quite good and I hope to see that probable sequel you were talking about.

Ah, a fellow D2 player. Funny to meet one here, of all places. Thank you for the praise, and I suppose I'll get started on that sequel at some point. (Love your Naga avatar, by the way).

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Ah, a fellow D2 player. Funny to meet one here, of all places. Thank you for the praise, and I suppose I'll get started on that sequel at some point. (Love your Naga avatar, by the way).

I was pretty surprised too considering the lack of dota 2 content on the internet I thought it was rare there'd be a fetish story about it (one I like at that, I'll be looking forward to what you have in store). (http://i.imgur.com/UvZno6Q.jpg naga picture in case you want it )

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Vaguely familiar with the game but not with the characters but it was like you said... didn't have to be. Very well written, fun story and a cool scenario. Thanks for sharing it.

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Very awesome story. :D I like the playfulness you bring across very well in the chase-part specifically. :)

Thank you lots for sharing!

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Very good. I loved your description of the sneezes.

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I have never played Dota2, but this story is awesome! You definitely are a fantastic writer :) Those descriptions are just awesome and that final buildup just tantilizing and desperate!

There was a nice character contrast between the two also, and as always, sneezy torture is just awesome xD

Edited by Animeeze
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