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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Trade/Request for CrushedBeMy Heart - "Closer" (m, Madara from Naruto)


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Hey everybody! I'M BAAAAACK~

XD Er, what I mean to say is... I unofficially took up the challenge that CrushedBeMy Heart issued, in response to wanting something with Madara Uchiha. Because he's hawt and Heart is a totally awesome person with whom I am doing a totally awesome roleplay... plus she drew Sasori for me. I AM ETERNALLY GRATEFUL. hug.gif

So! This little ficlet/oneshot thingy involves her OC Mujakina Abosu using her Kekkei Genkai to help reanimated Madara, who isn't feeling so well today.

And I hope I didn't epically fail at Madara's character hurrr I'ma go hide under a rock now.

Lights, camera, ACTION~!

* ~ C L O S E R ~ *

written by Starry_Screamer

requested/traded with CrushedBeMy Heart

Word Count: 1537

“Mujakina, can you sense the stones?”

Mujakina Abosu stopped short, crouching down on a rock, and twisted back a bit to look at her employer. Madara Uchiha, a legend in his own right and... if she had to be honest, a rather attractive man. Of course, she wasn’t focused on that at the moment - or, she was trying not to focus on it. She was trying to stay focused on using her Kekkei Genkai to locate the stones that he needed. “I can’t tell exactly where they are yet...” She snapped her head back to the other direction, her sharply trained eyes etching out the best path to take. “But I think we’re getting close.”

Madara nodded, then swiftly ducked to the side, burying his face in the crook of his elbow. “Heh-... Hnn’gkkSHHH! Nn’TSSHIII!” He sniffled and brought his head back up, dismayed to see the thin, wet trail on his sleeve left by the mucus. He’d been trying not to give away any signs of his illness all morning, but doing so had gotten exhausting. Besides, he didn’t think it was like Mujakina particularly cared. On missions - and sometimes even when things were casual - she was all business. That was, predictably, the trait he liked most about her; she was efficient, not prone to getting distracted, and got the job done each time. “Ugh... excuse me.”

Mujakina stiffened and forced down a swallow, willing herself not to look over at Madara. He was handsome enough as it was, with his long, dark hair and piercing eyes, but the fetish she had made his sneezes almost irresistible. She didn’t want him to know about her crush on him; if he thought it would be a distraction, he would be less inclined to bring her on missions, even with her unique Kekkei Genkai that he was in need of. And not going on missions meant less time with him, which wasn’t something she was willing to let go of just yet. “Are you alright, Madara Sensei?”

He straightened up, resuming his walk toward her - and, hopefully, the stones. “Yes, I’m fine. Just coming down with a cold, I think.” Truthfully it was more than a thought. He’d woken up this morning with a horribly sore throat, stuffed-up sinuses, a persistent cough, and a pounding headache. And on top of all his symptoms, he hadn’t thought to bring tissues or a handkerchief, so he was stuck trying his best to stifle and wiping his nose on his sleeve. (Though he was screwed as far as blowing his nose.) “Any luck with the location?”

She jumped across the rocks, stopping on top of a particularly large boulder. “We’re not close enough for me to pinpoint it, but this is the direction we should be headed.”

“Right. Let’s go then, you lead the way.” As she began to move more quickly than she’d been going, he took the opportunity to lag behind and sneeze a few more times, clapping a hand over his face. “He-... Heh’shhhaaahh! Heh’SHHHII! H’tsshhhh! Hnn’CHHahh!” He groaned as he began to follow Mujakina; they sounded less than forceful, but they always drug on and made him tired. The effort of trying to stifle burned at his throat, and somehow it also made his sinuses tingle in anticipation of more sneezes.

He forced himself to continue on, leaping over the rocks and keeping up with her. Once she found the stones, they could go back and take a break. The idea of sleep had never been so appealing to him as it was right now.

Mujakina was rather ahead of him, and she wanted to be for a reason too. She would be damned if she let him find out about her feelings for him. I will NOT be tossed to the curb, she thought, pausing to get her sense of direction oriented. ... Not by him... Not to mention what would happen if he found out about her fetish. He was sick, he’d said so himself; if he kept sneezing, she’d start fumbling things up, and both her fetish and her crush on him would be discovered. And if that happened, well, she could just kiss working with him good-bye.

By this time it seemed that Madara had caught up with her. He was coughing lightly, walking up beside her - well, as beside her as he could be, seeing as she was on top of a rock and he was on the ground. “Mujakina, have you... h-have... y... heh...” He tilted his head back, and his breath hitched several times, his chest expanding, before he could get relief. His head bobbed down, and for some reason he couldn’t bring his hand far enough up to cover his mouth. “Heh’shhhuuh! Eh’kkntt! Hah’tisshhh!

Because it was a rather sunny day, Mujakina could see the fine misting of spray in front of him, and her hands shook slightly. She could feel a blush creeping up into her face, but she tried desperately to will it away. He wouldn’t find out, he couldn’t find out. Not about anything.

Inwardly she allowed herself to study every aspect of it. Madara was a man who was typically in control of every situation, including those involving his own body. So just the fact that a simple act like sneezing could make him lose that control of something, even it was only for a few seconds, was exciting in and of itself. The particular breathiness of his sneezes was also lovely, as well as his desperate-sounding build-ups.

“Are you alright to continue the mission, Madara Sensei?” she spoke up, though her voice was barely above a mumble. She knew he could hear her though; somehow he always heard her.

He sniffled wetly, rubbing a finger under his nose. “... I’m fine.” His voice had a slightly congested note to it now, though it wasn’t overly noticeable to anyone who wasn’t looking for it. “Have you found the stones yet?”

She took a few breaths, trying to keep herself calm and not get worked up over him. “We’re getting closer,” she answered, hopping forward onto a new rock. “We’re nearly there, I can feel it.”

Mujakina tried to keep ahead of him for the rest of the way, till she finally found the little opening in between a few rocks. All she had to do now was dig into the rocks to get to the stones, then maybe they could go back and find a use for them.

Madara came up behind her as she started to move the rocks, one at a time, very carefully. “Is this where the stones are?”

“Yes, they’re inside here,” she replied with a nod, wrenching another rock free. She was slowly making progress, if she could just lift away these last few large rocks she’d be able to reach the stones. “Ah... nearly there...”

Unfortunately, as she was pulling away another rock, Madara noticed with annoyance that this was the moment the tickle in his nose chose to make a reappearance. A-Ah, damn... if I sneeze now it’ll distract her... I can’t... Eyes squeezing shut, he tried to hold it back, pressing his wrist under his nose, but it wasn’t working very well. This time he didn’t get much of a warning, or even a build-up, before he was pitched forward, very nearly against Mujakina’s shoulder. “Heh - Heh’NGGT!” He attempted to stifle, but by this point doing so was starting to sting at the bridge of his nose. He was tired of doing it anyway. “Heh’tsshhh! Hnn’ETsshhhii! H’cchhhuu! Huh’shhhoooo!” He was sure he’d accidentally sprayed her, but he couldn’t even manage an apology as he started coughing almost immediately after the last sneeze.

Mujakina all but froze as she felt the wetness of Madara’s sneeze hit her shoulder. Her face lit up bright pink, and the momentum she’d been using to force a rock free was used against her. As she couldn’t focus, in that moment, on anything but his sneeze, she didn’t pay attention to her own strength and ended up tumbling to the ground along with the rock. Urgh... did he HAVE TO?! RIGHT THAT SECOND?!

Finally recovered, Madara took one look at his apprentice, who was now on the ground, red-faced and mumbling something under her breath. He mentally facepalmed and turned to the small cavern, reaching one hand inside to scoop out the glittering stones. “Looks like you fou’d theb, so - sniff! - we can head back.” He raised an eyebrow. “Just out of curiosity, did you lose your footing or something?”

The only response (and it wasn’t even a very coherent one) she could come up with was to hold up the object she’d been sent down with and stammer lamely, “H-Heavy rock, Sensei!”

After a few sniffles, Madara deadpanned at her answer. Clearly the rock must have hit her in the head.


... Lame ending is lame, but I couldn't think of anything else and I was trying to make it funny. XD

Hope you enjoyed, Heart~! <3

(And anyone else who reads it lol.)

Till next time guys! biggrin.png

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Face has exploded with OMG Madara!!!! <3 stretcher.gif I think I died and went to a place like heaven only better :wub: You rule, girl!!! Love you for this :hug:

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Lol I made your face explode? AWESOME. xD

I'm so happy you liked it~! biggrin.png The least I could do after you made me the awesome Sasori pic! ^^

You're so welcome, I love you too! hug.gif

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Oh and the ending was also really funny, and it was the spitting image how Mujakina would probably act, lol This is my second time reading it, lol I'll be rereading for life times to come :heart:

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