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X-Men 1st Class Fan Fic [Alex <3]


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M'kay peeps this is mah first fan fiction, so I hope ya like it!

Thank you and goodnight! Or morning... Or afternoon... Just read.

X-men 1st class fan fiction

Alex's POV

I sniffed, pulling the sleeve of my jacket up over my hand as I rubbed slightly at my irritated nose. It was about six in the afternoon and training had just finished, and I was completely exhausted. Everyone was in the kitchen eating their dinner. I wasn't very hungry, it was obvious as I simply picked at the noodles, twirled them around my fork just to let them fall back onto my plate.

"Alex?" I looked up when I heard my name, to see Charles staring at me.


"Are you okay?" He asked, with a concerned voice.

I sniffed again before trying to reply with an upbeat tone, "I'm fine."

Charles just shrugged lightly completely not falling for it.

Suddenly I felt a tickle creep up into the back of my nose. Uh oh. I quickly excused myself from the table and speed walked down the hallway to the nearest bathroom. The tickle grew, but I repressed it until I reached the safety of behind the closed bathroom door.

Once I was there, I realized lamely that the sneeze that was trying to escape was now stuck. Just my luck. I sniffed again rubbing at my nose. My reflection showed a paler version of me with a pink nose, I really hoped I didn't look this bad all day.

"C'mon..." I muttered rubbing my nose rhythmically trying to coax out the threatening explosion from my sinuses.

Again, I felt that itch in the back of my nose, I sniffed lightly and the tickle grew worse, almost burning my sinuses.

My breath hitched as a let out a pre-sneeze gasp. "...hiiihh.... Hehh... Haaahh..."

Finally my nose let loose a sneeze, but along with it came a red ring of energy, partially burning the countertop next to me. "AHTCHOO!"

I sniffed wetly, then realized haphazardly that the tickle was still there ready to strike again. I rubbed my now red nose sniffing again.

"Damn it..." I observed my reflection in the mirror again. "I look like Rudolf the red nose reindork." I commented sighing.

There was nothing that could be done about my reindeer-like appearance though. I decided I should just sneak off to bed instead of endure the rest of dinner sniffling and possibly sneezing.

I opened the bathroom door and was startled to find Angel leaning up against the doorframe. I took a step back, once again recreating my space bubble that I liked to keep. I mean, don't get me wrong, I like Angel, just not like 'that.' The problem was... She liked me like 'that.'

"Hey," Angel's voice was low and seductive.

Even though I didn't like her as more than a friend, I was a guy so... Things... Erm... Perked up...

"H-hi," I stuttered feeling uncomfortable under her gaze.

It was like she was trying to mentally rip my clothes off... Cue the shudder of disgust.

"You cold?" She asked innocently. "I could...warm you up..." She leaned up and whispered the last part in my ear.

I could smell her vanilla perfume rafting off her, and I felt the familiar tickle in my nose.

"No thanks," I tried to politely decline her offer, as I began to retreat to my room.

The tickle built up and now I was desperate to reach my room in time. I reached the door and slipped in trying to shut the door behind me, but Angel suddenly appeared out of nowhere and slammed my door shut, locking me in there with her.

Stalker much?

"Relax a little," She advised, her hands creeping up my arms, making me shiver.

My nose twitched and I felt a sneeze coming. I back peddled away from Angel just in time to let out a muffled sneeze into my arm.

"N'chux!" I felt my energy rings heat up around me, but they faded away this time thankfully.

"That was hot," Angel's seductive voice was in my ear again.

Jesus Christ! This girl is insane.

Before I could reply with something like, "get out of my room, you phyco," she slammed me into a wall, her lips locking with mine.

Oh god help me.

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Ooooh! I LIKE! :D I have such a soft spot for Alex/Havoc. And I love that "red nose reindork" line. :laugh:

I hope you'll write more!

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Omg! MY FIRST COMMENT!!! :D thanks! I'm working on the next part right now! :D :D haha! IM HAPPY IF YA CAN'T TELL :P

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Awww! So cute! Like purple I have a big soft spot for Alex and there are definitely not enough fics for him. :heart:

"N'chux!" I felt my energy rings heat up around me, but they faded away this time thankfully.

"That was hot," Angel's seductive voice was in my ear again.

Jesus Christ! This girl is insane.

Hehe. This is totally my favorite part.

More soon please! :)

BYE! :bleh:

Edited by VividBubbles!
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Hear ye'!

Hear ye'!

Thanks to everyone who commented!


[still Alex's POV]

Angela's lips basically attacked my face like a friggin leech. When I tried to pry her off of me, she took that as a sign that I was playing rough, so of course she gets really frisky and pulls out the dirty moves.

My eyes widened when one of her hands squeezed my ass. Okay, that's it. No more Mr. Nice Reindeer.

I took a hold of her shoulders and yanked her off me harshly. Her dark eyes sparkled with lust and I grimaced.

"I like it rough," she growled, her voice low and I hate to admit it, but sexy.

"Look, I don-... Dohhh..." I felt a tickle in my nose. Perfect timing. -.- not.

My breathing hitched again and I took another pre-sneeze breath.

"...haaahh....ahhh... HIAHH..." I took one final heaving breath before sneezing. "HATCHOO!"

A red energy ring shot out, hitting a lamp on my bedside table and destroying it.

Fun. Now I get to replace furniture. Yay me. My cheeks burnt with embarrassment as I turned back to Angel. She just looked more turned on than before. Oh joy.

She marched right up to me, and looked me in the eyes, and lightly her hand came up to my cheek. I yanked back on impulse, and she just followed. This girl really doesn't know when to take a hint. I kept taking steps backwards away from her but she didn't give up.

The back of my legs hit my bed, and I knew I was screwed. She had me cornered. Angel roughly pushed me down onto the bed and climbed on top of me.

Quickly and easily, she pulled off her loose slutty black top and threw it off to the side, leaving her in her skirt and a lacy black bra. Angel leaned in close letting me see her cleavage as she played with my hair. Against my will I knew a certain part of me was enjoying this, but the rest of me was not.

Angel's firm body pressed up against mine, making me groan. Ugh.

"...Angel..." I said through clenched teeth. "I don't want to do this."

"I know you want to Alex... You know you do... Just give in," I felt her lips against mine once again.

A tickle in the back of my sinuses brought me out of the haze I was in. I pulled away from Angel as the tingling kept worsening.

"What's wrong baby...? Angel asked a little too sweetly.

"I-I think I'm... I'm g-gonna..." I stuttered as the tension built in my nose.

"N'chutx!" I let out a sneeze into my shoulder, but managed to control my powers.

Unfortunately that wouldn't last for long.

The itch didn't subside, only worsened and I sneezed several more times, my powers getting harder to control each spasm.

"N'tch! Heh-het'chu! Eh'tch!" By the third sneeze I couldn't help but let an energy ring fly.

Luckily- but at the same time unluckily (jk, I'm not that mean)- it didn't hit Angel.

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My eyes widened when one of her hands squeezed my ass. Okay, that's it. No more Mr. Nice Reindeer.

I literally LOL'd at this. :laugh:

Oh, Alex. :heart:

More please!

BYE! :bleh:

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Aww Alex! I like this a lot! When Alex jerks away from her hand it makes me think of a skittish horse. Completely off the point but it's cool. And funny.

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Thanks for the comments. Not too sure where I would go with this if I continued so... Idk... It's my first fan fic on here so I'm just messing around.

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AHHHH TWO AMAZING PARTS<3 maybe.. maybe they should be an evirement where Alex has allergies hum? Continue<3

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I love powers going awry from sneezes. Yum.

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