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Friends w/ Benefits Don't Do Chicken Soup! (Glee, Quintana F/F) updated 7/5


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oh my friend how good it is to see you writing again!! and may i say how much i love both quinntana but also this story!!! this is so wonderful and tender and i LOVE IT!!! i hope you continue and i forgot to tell you how much i loved the April showers story too!! please please continue this one!! its marvelous :D

hope all is well with you!

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I love this... Maybe more than Faberry 7.gif Please keep it going!

MORE than faberry??! girl you did not just say that. even I still love faberry best, and I'm the one writing it! but thank you for the ridiculously high praise!!

WEEELLLL maybe not more than faberry.. but a lot!

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thx for keeping the feedback coming, m'dears! enjoy part 5 :)



Friends with Benefits Don't Do Chicken Soup!

Part 5


“C'mon baby girl, you know you have to eat. You haven't had anything but tea all day. How about some nice hot soup, hmm? There's a bodega right on the corner, they have a pretty damn good chicken noodle.” Santana stroked Quinn's hair as the blonde girl lay limp and cranky on the couch, sniffling and nursing a cup of tea.

“Doe thadks,” Quinn muttered, rubbing her eyes woozily. “I'mb...*snfl*...I'mb good with tea.” She sniffled again, and wiped her nose on a crumpled tissue. Almost before she was finished, she pressed the tissue absently back to her damp nostrils, as her breath caught and her puffy eyes slid shut. “Hhehtshiih!! Iiihshew!! Hh...hiitchxew!!! *Snfl.*”

“Bless you,” Santana sighed, and gnawed her lip anxiously. She was trying to decide how best to force some appropriate nutrition upon her maybe-possibly-girlfriend, without getting into one of their old alpha-bitch wars for dominance, which, now that she was getting into Quinn's pants on the regular, seemed rather counterproductive. And right now, Quinn was about as cranky as Santana had seen her since they left high school, not that it was her fault, poor thing. She'd had a fever for over 24 hours already, and though that awful cough was better since using the inhaler, her cold also seemed to be reaching its peak, leaving the blonde girl thoroughly miserable. Since waking up that morning, she'd barely stopped sniffling; she was dizzy and headachy from the fever, and no matter how many times she blew her runny nose, she still sneezed every few minutes, her nose growing pink and tender as the pile of damp kleenex in her lap grew.

“Aww, querida. I know you feel awful, and your throat probably hurts a lot too. But you'll feel better faster if you eat something, mija. I promise. Just a little soup, or oatmeal, or...or something?” Santana smiled hopefully, stroking the blonde girl's sweat-dampened hair back from her face and kissing her forehead.

“Uhhh...okay,” Quinn sighed, pulling a fresh tissue from the box and blowing her pink nose gingerly. “But I dod't wadt soup. Or oat...*snghf*...oatmbeal.”

“Okay mami, you can have whatever you want,” Santana cooed, rubbing the sniffling girl's back with a triumphant smirk. “What's it gonna be, hmm baby?”

“Ice creamb sundae,” Quinn smirked woozily back. “With peandut butter and chocolate syrup.”

“It's ten o'clock in the morning,” Santana snorted; but she had an indulgent grin plastered across her face.

“So?” Quinn shrugged.

“So, nothing. One peanut butter sundae with chocolate syrup coming right up,” Santana smiled sweetly, leaning in and kissing her sniffly girl lightly on the lips.

“Thadks, Sandti,” the blonde girl grinned shyly. Then she cupped a hand to her face, clutching a crumpled tissue to her leaky pink nose with a soft, desperate huff. “Hh'khschew!! *Snfl.*

“Bless you.” Santana kissed her forehead again while the blonde girl sniffled and wiped her runny nose. “Be right back.”

The Latina's dopey smile lasted all the way to the kitchen, where she found Rachel making herself a mango smoothie after her saturday morning run. “Hey shrimp, I'm using some of your weird non-dairy ice cream, so I'll buy you more tomorrow, 'kay? And where do we keep the peanut butter?”

We keep the peanut butter in my cubby, with my name on it. But you are welcome to have some,” Rachel smirked, taking obvious pleasure from the fact that Santana was actually asking for something, rather than just taking what she wanted and leaving without a word.

“Thanks. I mean, it's not for me anyway, it's for Quinn. I haven't been able to get her to eat anything all day, and now that she actually picked something I don't wanna give her time to change her mind.” Santana babbled distractedly as she assembled the frozen treat, even microwaving the peanut butter before she poured it over the ice cream so it would be nice and gooey.

“Santana Lopez, going soft over a girl. I have to admit, though I'm thrilled to see you getting all domestic with someone, I sure as hell never thought it would be Quinn Fabray. In high school you were always at each other's throats or smacking each other around. Actually, now that I'm hearing myself say it right out loud, it suddenly makes perfect sense,” Rachel chuckled, while Santana just rolled her eyes.

“Whatever, Thumbelina. I just wanted the ice cream, not a life lesson from Miss Berry's school of decorum and polite society. Now shut up and help me find the...the chocolate syrup...hhktxchew!!” Santana shivered with the effort of stifling the sudden sneeze, pinching her nose hard between her fingers as her shoulders jerked and her eyes snapped shut.

“Santana! Don't sneeze on my ice cream!” Rachel yelped, grabbing the container off the kitchen table and wiping it off with a paper towel. “We don't all need to catch Quinn's cold.”

“I didn't,” Santana huffed, a cranky scowl spreading across her face as she sniffled and wiped her hand off on her pajama bottoms. “And I don't have Quinn's cold, it was just one stupid sneeze.”

“Uh-huh. Sure.” Rachel nodded knowingly, smiling widely at the other girl's grumpy expression as she rubbed her nose on the back of her knuckles. “You've only been sucking her face the entire time she's been sick. But yeah, I'm sure that one sneeze meant nothing, and was simply a random coincidence.”

“Whatever, Berry,” Santana grumbled, giving her nose one final rub as she grabbed her completed ice cream sundae off the table, and turned to go, a ticklish expression welling up in her eyes as she deliberately turned her back on her roommate, one hand raised discreetly to her face as a little tremble ran down her spine. “Ah'tchshx!! *Snnf.*

“Okay, okay, hold on there tiger,” Rachel sighed, grabbing the taller girl by the back of her shirt and hauling her back.

“What are you doing?” Santana whined petulantly, as the little starlet reached out and felt her forehead.

“Just checking your temp,” Rachel shrugged, her teasing smile turning sweet again as she patted Santana's cheek. “You don't feel feverish, so that's good. Here, take my Elderberry supplements, okay? For you and Quinn. It's a great natural immune booster, so you'll get a lot less sick, and Quinn will feel better a lot faster, if you take it.” Santana raised an eyebrow skeptically. “Just take it, San. Give it a chance. If you don't like it, you can add it to your ever-growing list of trendy New York hipster bullshit to tease me about later.” Rachel smiled, and Santana laughed.

“Okay. We'll try it. Thanks, shrimp.” The Latina sighed and rolled her eyes, collecting the vitamins and bringing them along with the ice cream back to Quinn on the couch. “The ice cream truck is here,” she announced, rousing the blonde girl from her semi-dozing state as she sat down with her goodies. “Ready for a treat?”

“Uhh, thadks,” Quinn sighed, rubbing her eyes sleepily as she sat up a bit. “I thidk I'mb actually gettihg k-kind of...hudgry...hhehishhew!! Iihshhew!!! *Snfl.*” The damp tissue pressed to her pink nose only caught a little bit of the spray from her tired sneezes, and Santana could feel the mist hitting her leg as she curled up beside her sniffly boo. Rachel was probably right, she reflected silently to herself (though she'd stab herself in the face with a tuning fork before she'd admit such a sentence out loud). But there was no denying that she'd been exposed to Quinn's germs; and, in truth, her throat was starting to feel a little raw, and her head was starting to feel a bit stuffy, too. She sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose.

“Bless you baby. Here, take some of Thumbelina's dumb supplements. She really seems to think they work. And if they don't, we can always tease her later for being a damn dirty hippie.”

“Okay,” Quinn chuckled weakly, holding out her hand for the vitamins. “What about you? You should take sombe, too. I've beend sdeezihg all over you sindce yesterday. *Snghf.*

“Yeah, yeah, I know. It's cool, mami, you know I'd take your cooties in a heartbeat if it meant I could make you feel better.” Santana smiled shyly and gulped down the vitamins, glad for something to do while Quinn was staring at her with such a gooey expression. “Now eat your damn ice cream before it melts, woman.”

“'Kay,” Quinn nodded agreeably, picking up her spoon and taking a bite of ice cream.

“Good?” Santana asked anxiously.

“Uh-huh,” Quinn nodded happily, taking another bite. “Thadks for mbakidg it for be. *Snfl.*

“No problem querida. Anything to make you...*snfl*...f-feel better...” Hastily, Santana snatched a tissue from the box in Quinn's lap, and pinched it roughly to her nose as it twitched irritably. “Hhutchxew!! *Snnf.*

“Aww, bless you baby,” Quinn crooned, putting down her ice cream to stroke Santana's cheek and give her a soft kiss, feeling a slick dribble of snot smearing lightly across her upper lip. “I'mb sorry I gave you by stupid cold,” she sighed, giving the taller girl her best sad puppy eyes.

“I'm not,” Santana shrugged as she wiped her nose on the crumpled tissue. Quinn raised an eyebrow skeptically. “I mean, if it was a choice between kissing you, or avoiding your cold...then, I mean, duh, pass me the kleenex.” She wiggled her eyebrows, and Quinn laughed, followed by a raspy cough. Santana cooed to her and rubbed her back.

“Uhh, okay,” Quinn sighed once she got her breath back, rubbing her forehead woozily. “Well if you already have mby cold, you mbight as well have sombe of mby ice creamb, too.” Smiling shyly, she picked up the spoon and held out a spoonful of ice cream; and Santana smiled goofily back before she opened her mouth and allowed Quinn to feed her.

“Yum,” the dark-haired girl murmured happily, swallowing the cold treat, and leaning in to press a cold, chocolate-flavored kiss to the blonde girl's waiting lips. Then she sneezed a congested “Hhihtchxew!!” straight into Quinn's lap.

“Bless youuu,” Quinn hummed softly, pulling a fresh tissue from the box and gently pinching Santana's running nose in the fabric. The dark-haired girl blushed crimson, which only made Quinn's smile bigger as she drew the tissue away, and kissed her again. If Quinn was really going to kiss her every time she sneezed, then maybe catching her girlfriend's cold wasn't actually anything to complain about.

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Then she sneezed a congested “Hhihtchxew!!” straight into Quinn's lap.

“Bless youuu,” Quinn hummed softly, pulling a fresh tissue from the box and gently pinching Santana's running nose in the fabric.

Something about that mental picture just took my breath away!!! Uncovered Santana sneezes = happiest purpleninja ever!!
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Contagion contagion oh how I love contagion<3<3 thank u for writing this

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Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god!!!! This is so freakin adorable!!!! Why do you always outdo yourself?? I am a huge faberry fan but I do love me some good Quintana and sick Santana is just so cute! Please please continue :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

hello darlings!

I have not forgotten about this story; just got busy with other stuff for a while. but you know I can't stay away from the story board for too long--enjoy the update! smile.png




Friends with Benefits Don't Do Chicken Soup

Part 6


Santana woke with a soft sob, sweaty and shaking with the remnants of a vivid nightmare as she sat up awkwardly against the couch cushions, half pinned down by Quinn's sleeping body. Golden afternoon sunlight was spilling in through the loft's tall windows; and the moment she opened her eyes, the memory of her bad dream was already draining away, like water through a colander. But she could still feel the terror and anxiety swirling around in the pit of her stomach, making her feel like she should get up and run, even though she wasn't sure what she was running from. Plus, her head was pounding, and her throat felt like someone had scrubbed it out with a wire brush while she was sleeping.

“Owwww...fuck,” she whimpered woozily, wincing as she rubbed a hand across her chest with a congested cough.

“You sound lousy,” Quinn murmured, rubbing her eyes as she blinked sleepily and raised her head from Santana's shoulder with a drowsy yawn. “I thidk you'd better take sobe cough syrup, baby.”

“Aww, Q...I'm sorry I woke you up,” Santana sighed crankily, her voice coming out much softer and raspier than she'd intended.

“It's okay, Sandti...you cad't help it,” Quinn yawned, sitting up a little against the couch cushions and gently pressing a hand to Santana's sweaty forehead. “Poor baby, I'mb sorry I got you sick. You're all croaky ndow, ahd you feel really hot. *Snghf!*

“It's okay, Q. I told you before, I don't...*snf!*...don't care about that,” Santana sighed, brushing a hand absently through Quinn's sleep-rumpled blonde hair. “And you feel really hot, too. I think you need some more cold meds, too.”

“I will if you will,” Quinn agreed with a wry smile.

“Ugh, fine, you win,” Santana groaned, rolling her eyes as she disentangled herself from the blonde girl's limbs, and stood up with a woozy yawn. The minute she pulled herself away from the feverish warmth of Quinn's body heat, Santana began to shiver, wrapping her arms around herself as a chilly tickle welled up in the back of her head. “Hhuh...hhih'tchshew!! *Snfl.*” The dark-haired girl snapped forward with a raspy, congested sneeze into her cupped hands, shivering and blinking woozily.

“God bless you,” Quinn cooed sympathetically, holding up the box of tissues. Santana grumbled crankily and snatched a tissue, blowing her itchy nose into the soft cotton until ticklish twinge in the back of her head was mollified, if only for the moment. She was still shivering with fever chills, and Quinn felt a fresh stab of guilt for giving Santana her germs, along with an even deeper wave of tenderness and affection for the girl who was so willing to catch her cold and spend the whole weekend curled up in bed with her; and not in the fun way.

“Ughh...thadks,” Santana sighed, rolling her eyes in embarrassment as she gave her pink nose another rough wipe on the crumpled tissue. She didn't mind catching Quinn's cold; but she hadn't thought it would make her feel so loopy and out of sorts, either. “Be right...*snghf*...right back with the goodies, 'kay? Just stay put.” She kissed the top of Quinn's head, and shuffled off to the bathroom for more cold medicine, a fresh tickle already wriggling around in the back of her stuffy nose. “Uhhh...*snfl*...” with her back to Quinn, she didn't have to worry about looking stupid, and she jammed the crumpled tissue roughly to her pink nostrils as they quivered in irritation, eyes closed, breath hitching. “Uhh, hhhuh...hehhhISHeww!!! Ahh'chOOoo!! *Snfl*...ugh, fuck this.”

“Bless you, baby,” Quinn called croakily from the couch, with a little giggle.

“Are you laughindg at mbe?” Santana whined, scowling as she turned around with the wadded tissue still pressed to her pink nose.

“Aww, sweetie, of course ndot,” Quinn shook her head, rubbing her eyes as she gazed affectionately at her sniffling girl. “You're just really cute whed you're grouchy.” Her sleepy smile melted any resistance Santana might've had to being called cute and grouchy; and she just rolled her eyes again, a bright pink blush rising in her cheeks even through her fever as she turned and shuffled her way to the bathroom, still sniffling. She grabbed the extra-strength cold pills from the cabinet, and stopped in the kitchen on the way back to grab two fresh bottles of cold water.

“Okay, here you...*snghf*...here you go,” she sighed when she got back to the couch, sniffling as she pushed two fat gelcaps and a bottle of water into Quinn's hands.

“You first,” Quinn shook her head stubbornly, watching her cranky girlfriend shiver and sniffle.

“Ughh, Jesus Q...you are such a pain in the ass sometimes,” Santana groaned, the corners of her mouth twitching into a unwilling smile.

“Yeah, but I'mb your pain ind the ass,” Quinn smiled back, and sat up a little to kiss the taller girl on the pink tip of her nose. “Ndow take your damb mbedicide already.”

“Okay, okay, geez,” Santana chuckled weakly, popping two more pills out of their foil wrappers and downing them with a gulp of cold water. “There, happy? Now you.”

“Uhh...*snfl*...'kay,” Quinn nodded breathlessly, groping for a fresh tissue as her runny nose began to tickle and twitch. “Just...*snfl*...just a sec...” Her head fell back against the couch cushions in submission, lifting her pink nose into the air as it quivered and huffed, leaking twin trails of glistening snot. “Hheh...” She held a fresh tissue up as her eyes fell shut, freezing for a moment with the tissue a few inches from her runny nose as her breath caught deep in her chest. “Uhhtchxiiew!!!” Quinn's whole body snapped forward on the couch as she sneezed breathlessly into the soft cotton tissues, pinching her nose at the end in an attempt to scratch the intense itch still lodged inside her head.

“Bless you, querida,” Santana hummed sweetly, rubbing the blonde girl's back as she coughed and sniffled woozily.

“Thahh...*snfl*...thadks,” Quinn mumbled distractedly, grabbing several more tissues from the box and closing her eyes for a long, wet blow, hoping to stave off the fit of congested sneezes she could feel teasing the inside of her head. “Aahhh...” her breath hitched involuntarily, the crumpled tissues still pressed to her snot-slicked nostrils as they quivered in sickly irritation. “Ahh'ishhOOoo!!! *Snfl*...hheht'chshh!!” The stuffy sneezes sent a fresh wave of irritation through the blonde girl's scarred lungs, and she doubled over with a fit of wheezy coughing, Santana hastily uncapping the second water bottle and helping Quinn take a few small sips as soon as she could begin to control her breathing again.

“Thahh...*snghf*...thadks...ahht'chxiuh!! Hhhih...*snfl*...hhuhISHHew!!! Iiishhew!! Iiihh...iishhiiew!!!” The blonde girl sneezed breathlessly into the damp bundle of tissues she still held, barely able to take in a gasp of fresh air before she started coughing again, deep and rattling and congested. Her eyes were tearing when she looked up at Santana, wheezing softly and wiping her runny nose, as she was too winded to blow it properly.

“Ai, Dios, that cough is starting to sound kind of scary,” Santana frowned, biting her lip as she rubbed Quinn's back and helped her take a few more sips of water. “Should we maybe call your doctor or something? I don't wanna let you end up back in the hospital if I can help it.”

“I dod't...*snghf*...dod't ndeed the hospital. Just get mby...*cough!*...mby idhaler, okay?”

“Okay, querida,” Santana nodded anxiously, kissing Quinn's forehead and jumping up unsteadily to retrieve the inhaler from the bedroom, where they'd left it last night. She felt a little dizzy when she stood up, but she tried not to let it show; she didn't want Quinn to worry about her right now. “Uhh, okay, here we go.”

“Thadk you,” Quinn croaked out weakly, grabbing the little blue tube and shaking it up before sticking it in her mouth, taking one deep breath of medicine, and then another. She leaned back limply against the couch cushions when she was done, closing her eyes with a soft sigh of relief.

“Better?” Santana murmured, stroking a few messy locks of blonde hair back behind the other girl's ear and surveying her anxiously.

“Uh-huh,” Quinn nodded woozily, with a soft sigh. “I'mb sorry I keep freakindg you out like this, Sandti. You're...*snghf!*...supposed to be restidg, too. You look really pale.”

“Shush, you're not freaking me out,” Santana shook her head, curling up against Quinn's side and kissing her lightly on the lips. “I just don't like seeing you in pain like this. Or, you know, not breathing. Now take your damn cold pills, and we can both get some rest, okay querida?” She picked up the orange gelcaps that Quinn had discarded on the coffee table, holding them out to the blonde girl expectantly.

“'Kay,” Quinn smiled playfully, opening her mouth and sticking out her tongue for the pills. Santana snickered, and dropped them gently onto the blonde girl's tongue; then passed her the water bottle. Quinn took a long drink, then dropped back against the couch cushions with a sigh. “There. Ndow cad we...*snfl*...watch cartoonds for a while?”

“Sure thing, mija,” Santana grinned sleepily, her feverish body going limp as her anxiety over Quinn's breathing began to drain away. “Whatever you...*snfl*...whatever you want...hehhchiiew!! *Snnghf.* Ugh, God dammit...” She sniffled sharply, already on the brink of another stuffy sneeze as she reached for a fresh tissue. “Hhih...hhh'tchxsh!! Ahihtshiuh!! *Snfl!*

“Whatever I wadt?” Quinn asked, raising an eyebrow teasingly. “Poor baby, I thidk you're gettidg a little delirious. But I'mb still gonna remember you said that the ndext tibe I wadt you to go out for sushi with mbe. *snghf.*

“I'm not delirious, you're just a smartass. But if it'll make you happy, I guess I could give sushi a shot,” the dark-haired girl agreed with a soft yawn, settling down with her head on Quinn's shoulder, and sighing happily when she felt a cool hand sifting through her hair.

“Wow, you sure are suggestible with a fever,” the blonde girl chuckled weakly, slipping her hand out of Santana's dark hair to gently feel her forehead. “Your braind hased't beend totally cooked through, has it?”

“Shut up and watch your damn cartoons, dork,” Santana muttered, trying to bite back the smile spreading across her face as she reached for the remote.

Edited by wannablessedbe
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I have no words. I have run out of English words that are worthy of describing this perfection. Will there be more?

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I have no words. I have run out of English words that are worthy of describing this perfection. Will there be more?

Yup. Me too.

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