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Fix You (Star Trek, M) 1/?


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I've seen Star Trek: Into Darkness too many times already just kidding that's actually impossible and ever since the first time, I've been wanting to write something about everyone's favorite little Russian bunny of a navigator, Chekov. Seriously, he's adorable. I'm not sure how long this is going to end up being, but at the moment it's looking like at least 5k+ and the chapters are long, so bear with me if the updates are a little slow! I'm going to try to update once a week at the very least. Also, I don't consider myself a Trekkie by any means, although I'm currently watching TOS and I've seen pretty much all of the movies, so please, if you see any inaccuracies, let me know! Anyway, I'll quit chattin' and let you get to it. I hope you enjoy!

Fix You

"Ensign Chekov - status?"

Pavel Chekov wasn't sure how many minutes he had spent staring vacantly at the vast expanse of space before him, but he quickly snapped to attention at the sound of his First Officer addressing him, swiveling clumsily in his chair to face Spock. He nearly jumped out of his skin as he looked up to find that the Vulcan had appeared right behind him, swallowing hard and shaking his head lightly as he tried to regain composure. The last thing he wanted was to feel incompetent, especially under the stern and unwavering gaze of Spock. He shivered slightly at the thought - or perhaps it was from the noticeable chill that had settled over the air in the bridge - before returning his attention to his superior's inquiry.

"Sorry, sir," Chekov apologized abashedly, trying to refrain from looking Spock in the eyes without seeming disrespectful. He could feel the Vulcan's gaze on him and turned back around in his chair to face the info deck. "Zee helm is at ze ready, all bridge stations functioning at maximum efficiency. Course is set for Nibiru, sir." A slight irritation caused Chekov's nose to twitch, and he frowned, scrunching up his features in an expression that made him glad he'd turned away from the First Officer. "Zee wessel is ready... ready for..." he trailed off, his focus shifting to the growing tickle that was making it quite hard for him to finish his sentence. He rubbed at the side of his nose with one knuckle and barely had the time to realize it wasn't helping his situation before he pitched forward with an sharp, unexpected sneeze.

"Sorry, sir. Wessel is ready for departure," he finally managed to say, straightening in his chair and sniffing as discreetly as possible. He wondered if Spock was still watching him, scrutinizing him in that Vulcan way of his. Much to his relief, he didn't have to wait long before Spock turned his attention to Sulu, asking him if engineering reported back. The pilot glanced over at Chekov briefly, but he had already preoccupied himself with making sure he'd lined up all of the auxilliary routes correctly, his thin fingers flying over the infodeck with careful precision, even if a little bit slower than usual.

"Ready to launch, sir," Sulu confirmed.

From the command chair, Captain Kirk spoke up, his voice echoing over the intercom as he addressed the crew. "All decks, this is your captain speaking. Prepare for immediate departure to Nibiru. Let's get this show on the road, shall we? Punch it, Sulu." That was all the confirmation the pilot needed to separate the Enterprise from the Space Dock, and Chekov pressed his lips together tightly to hide a grimace as the starship lurched forward, making his head throb. He had been feeling slightly off for several days but thought little of it, writing off the persistent headache and fatigue as a result of the insomnia that had been plaguing him for weeks. He hadn't had a good night's sleep since - well, he didn't really want to think about that, especially not now. Pushing the thought from his mind, Chekov settled into his chair. If the past few moments were any indicator, he was sure it was going to be a long shift.

- - -

The hours seemed to crawl by, and Chekov's features tugged into a frown as he realized upon his fifth glance at the time in as many minutes that no matter how often he checked, he hadn't even made it halfway through his shift yet. He sighed, leaning back in his chair and rubbing his nose gingerly with the gold sleeve of his overshirt. The fabric was rough and unforgiving to his oversensitive skin, and he could already feel his nose chapping from the constant irritation, but it was better than sniffling every five seconds to keep it from dripping. Chekov rested his elbows on the edge of the infodeck, cradling his head in his hands and closing his eyes to try and relieve the heavy ache that had settled behind them. Just for a moment, he thought to himself, and then it will be back to work. Just a moment...

- - -

"Pavel, sweetheart, are you awake?"

Chekov could feel a gentle hand graze his forehead and stirred slightly at the touch, burying his face even further into his arms and sniffling weakly. "Nye seichas, Mama, mnye khochetsya spat'*," he murmured tiredly, though his voice was muffled by the shirt and thick with congestion. A soft laugh met his ears and he furrowed his brows; he couldn't find any humor in the current situation, so why was she laughing? He blinked slowly, willing himself to sit up even though he very much wanted to go back to sleep, and it wasn't until he was met with the bright, fluorescent lighting of the bridge that he remembered exactly where he was. Chekov bolted upright as soon as the realization dawned on him, turning in his chair to find Lieutenant Uhura knelt down beside him. For a moment he was grateful that it was Uhura who had caught him nodding off and not someone like the Captain - or worse, Spock. It wasn't until he remembered that she happened to be one of the only other people on the ship who spoke Russian that he suddenly became embarrassed, his cheeks and ears flushing a rosy pink.

He immediately opened his mouth to begin a very extensive, rapid-fire apology to the Lieutenant about falling asleep on the job and how he knows it is irresponsible and won't let it happen again, he promises, but the words were lost on his tongue as his breath began to hitch from an all-too-familiar tingle in his nose. Not now, he thought, aggravated by his body's apparent need to do the exact opposite of what he wanted it to. He sniffed hard, rubbing at his nose with his sleeve until the tickle dissipated enough that he thought it safe to speak.

"Beg pardon, Lieutenant. I am wery sorry, I do not know vhat happened," Chekov said, running a hand through his curls and glancing back and forth between Uhura and the infodeck in an attempt to procure an explanation for his actions. He did not want to admit that he was feeling under the weather for fear that the crew might coddle him like a child with the sniffles; as the youngest on the ship, he found it hard enough to be taken seriously as it were. "I did not sleep wery vell last night, and I...hh! I did not mean to fall asleep here. I vill... viiihh - hiih'ktsch! Hheh...eh...eh'ktschu!" The sneezes caught him off guard, but he managed to turn his chair away from Uhura and cup his hands over his face in time to cover them.

Uhura pursed her lips and raised an eyebrow at Chekov, and he looked down at the floor sheepishly to avoid her concerned gaze. "Bless you, Pavel," said Uhura warmly, and something in the tone of her voice when she spoke to him reminded him of his mother. He wondered if she had made out any of what he'd said upon being roused from sleep. He hoped not. "You don't look too hot. Are you feeling alright?"

"Teep-top, Lieutenant." Chekov tried to assure her he was fine with a grin, but the cough that punctuated his words said otherwise. "Just a leetle tired. I vill go sleep once my shift has ended."

"Ensign, you do realize there are almost four more hours until the end of your shift?" Uhura asked, and although the thought of spending another four hours on the bridge with the bright fluorescent lights and chilly air and everyone there to hear him every time he so much as sniffled made Chekov just want to curl up and hide, he was relieved that, according to her, he hadn't dozed off for very long. "Maybe you should go visit the sick bay. I'm sure Dr. McCoy can fix you up just fine," she suggested, but he shook his head, biting back the wince that came from the action.

"Am not sick, Lieutenant, just tired," Chekov insisted. "I do not need sick bey." The look on her face said she didn't believe him for a second, but she didn't say anything more about it. Unfortunately for him, she didn't have to. Someone else did.

"Perhaps Lieutenant Uhura is correct, Mr. Chekov." Pavel felt his stomach drop down to his feet when Spock appeared alongside Uhura, all clean lines and unwavering logic. "I have been observing you since you arrived for your shift this morning, and you do not appear to be performing at maximum efficiency. Given that you have already charted the course to Nibiru and Mr. Sulu is perfectly capable of navigating it, I can find no reason why it is necessary for you to remain on the bridge for the rest of this shift." He opened his mouth to protest but quickly closed it, realizing there was nothing he could say to help the situation. "Would you like me to alert Dr. McCoy that you will be visiting the sick bay?"

"No, no sick bey," Chekov repeated, then quickly tacked on a 'sir' at the end in the hopes that the Vulcan might actually consent to just let him go back to his quarters to sleep in his own bed rather than a bio-bed. "I vill be fine. I do not vish to vaste zhe doktor's time."

Spock looked as though he were about to disagree, but just as he was about to speak again, Lieutenant Uhura placed a hand on his arm and leaned forward to whisper something in his ear. Chekov might've tried to listen and figure out exactly what it was she said to him, but he was too wrapped up in a struggle of his own; his nose twitched, nostrils flaring in irritation as he concentrated on trying to keep from sneezing again and landing himself a mandatory ticket to the sick bay. He breathed slowly, deliberately, drawing in tentative, shuddering inhales as he watched his superior ruminate over whether or not to let him leave.

"Spock, just let the boy go get some sleep," Uhura urged, and much to Chekov's relief, her words managed to convince him and he finally relented, dismissing the young navigator. She gestured toward the door as Spock walked away, a slight smile playing at her lips as she shooed him out. "Now go, before he changes his mind, because he will," she told him matter-of-factly, but there was a lightness to her tone and he offered her a grateful smile before quickly exiting into the hall outside the bridge.

Chekov waited until he'd rounded the corner and, out of sight of the bridge, finally allowed himself to fully succumb to the paroxysm of sneezes he was sure would come. ".Hih...ihheh...hh- ih.." He leaned against the wall, tilting his head back against the cool metal and panting breathlessly. His dark eyelashes, wet with tears, fluttered against his cheeks and his lips parted slightly before he snapped forward, bending at the middle with the force of the sneezes. "Hih-IH'Ktsh! Ih'ktssch! Hh!...hih...hih'KTSCHu!" Upon straightening, he suddenly felt lightheaded and found he had to grasp the wall for steadiness. It dissipated after a moment, giving him time to catch his breath before heading back to his quarters. He would have to thank Lieutenant Uhura later.

- - -

* Translation: "Not now, mama. I do not feel well and I want to sleep."

So that's it for part one! Hope you liked it! Concrit is definitely welcome.

And a big thanks to Spoo for being my beta and Masking for helping me out with the Russian! You two are awesome.

Edited by Jazz.
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ADORABLE! Oh my goodness! You've got his hilarious and aww-inducing accent down perfectly and I can't wait to read more. Poor Chekov! <3

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Oh my... This is SO CUTE! I got really excited when I saw that you were going to write a Chekov story, and this definitely lived up to what I hoped it would be. From what I know of Star Trek (admittedly not as much as I wish I did :/) you have his personality down to pat and I can't wait to read more!

Poor little Russian bunny <3

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This is adorable wub.png I can't wait to see where you go with it. Poor, sniffly, Russian Bunny XD

^ Pretty much my exact response.

I love how you've written the accent. :)

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AWWWW!!!!!! Dude, I just got back from seeing the movie for the first time, and I've loved Chekov since the first one and just asdfjkldghkjjkl this is SO GOOD!!! I love how you write - you've got his character down, and his accent, and just all of the yes!! He's soo cute, poor thing!!! I love how you did his sneezes and everything, too~ wub.png Thank you so much for sharing this! I can't wait for more!! happy.png

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This is adorable :wub: I can't wait to see where you go with it. Poor, sniffly, Russian Bunny XD

I third this response. Chekov is just so cute! :heart:

More soon please. :)

BYE! :bleh:

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Oh my gosh, I thought I was the only one that totally fell in love with Chekov XD thank you so much for writing is, please continue!!

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GOSH. i have been so into Star Trek after i watched the movie this just triples my feels!! <3

I absolutely love Chekov!

Awww i can feel the love radiating from the team!

I cant wait for more!!

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Oh my gah. Chekov is the cutest being in the 'verse, methinks!! Loved this!

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Ooooh, what a brilliant idea - and totally in character for Chekov too :-)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Oh my gosh! It's so cute!!! Our poor little Russian Usagi (Little Russian Bunny Rabbit) is sick. Can't wait to read more of this! Good job! thumbsupsmileyanim.gif

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is really cute :) I loved Chekov in both the new Star Trek movies and the old ones, and thought he would be a great person to write about. You do it really well, including the adorable accent. Looking forward to the next part.

Also, have you seen an adorable interview where Anton Yelchin talks about playing Chekov while he's sick? Sorry, self-promotion not intended - I wouldn't have found it if I hadn't read your fic and then trawled Youtube for clips of him :P

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