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Security Blanket (BBC Sherlock)


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Hiya! A short little thing at which I created through boredom and not wanting to revise for my exams. It's meant to be some weird descriptive thing, didn't quite turn out the way I wanted, but I do like it! So enjoy! :)


Sherlock was thoroughly and completely soaked. His coat: blackened with the rain water and the damp blue scarf which was taut around his neck, were now thrown down into a heap on the carpet. His dark hair was glistening with the rain and strands stuck against his forehead. Sherlock blinked the droplets away from his thick eyelashes, his cheeks now flushed from the cold. All the while, the fire popped and crackled merrily, casting more light into the flat.

Which was why he was now sitting in his chair, smothered by a thick blanket.

The fire. His deductions. They were both burning, scorching away at his tired, watery blue eyes. Sherlock didn't know where John was, he had looked for him in the pouring rain since he had stormed out noting Sherlock's return from the grave. His greeting: a mouthful of 'colourful' words and a fist across his nose.

The cold seemed to have visibly settled into the tall man's body, as the shaking of his shoulders came more noticeable. Eyes closed, subtly muscled shoulders slumping as he gave a sigh of utter exhaustion. His knees were pressed against his chest; his nose hovering over his knee caps, still sore and red from the blow to his face. The icy fabric of his silk purple shirt clung to his chest, giving him more reason to tremble silently, and even more reason to put the blanket over his head. He pressed a knuckled fist to his nose and sneezed fiercely, shoulders jerking with the force of it: 

"Hhh--! hhk'NGHkt! ...hk'ngtSHuh!

Feeling the chill becoming more prominent, he huddled deeper under the grey blanket. Scrubbing his nose into the fabric, which he decided would be perfectly useable as a giant handkerchief. Sniffing seemed to do nothing for his both runny and clogged up nose; while one nostril allowed him to breathe and in turn become more wetter, the other had decided to resemble thick soaked cotton wool. As he hadn't suffered enough, he thought, wallowing in his own self pity.

With a blanket-covered hand, Sherlock scrubbed viciously at his nose which burned teasingly and felt as if millions of tiny needles were poking at his sinuses to utter irritation. He stupidly inhaled through his ticklish nose, eyes blinking at an alarming rate. The sharp, shivering sneeze was directed away from the heat of the fire. The long fingers of his pale, right hand pinched his nose harshly. 


It snapped his body forward, almost painfully with the tensing of his stomach muscles and the curving of his spine. More sneezes erupted out of him as he sat hunched over, hand still against the underside of his nose."Huh'ISSHhh! ...hg'IGXT!" Then, he slumped back against the back of the chair, exhausted from the effort.

Sherlock stared around the room, bewildered. He looked across to the other side of the room, sniffling. His breath hitched again, eyebrows still knitted in what seemed to be disbelief. "Hh'uhh..." His breath hitched in sheer anticipation, before his nose finally allowed the sneeze to escape. "Huh'ITSCHHhh!" Ticklish coughs climbed up from his throat, causing him to curl in on himself.

He couldn't stand this. This pain. This horrid swirling guilt inside the pit of his heart... D-Did he even have one? John wouldn't think so; not anymore. The throbbing behind his eyes made him let out an involuntary moan, as he clasped his hands around his head. So Sherlock decided that he would stay right here until John came home, inside the blanket, both shielded and left out in the open, only letting a tuff of hair peek through the material, along with his empty, child-like eyes. He swallowed back what he thought was another annoying tickle however, a bit of air caught in his throat when he felt a lump forming inside; realising this, his bottom lip begin trembling.

Pressing the heels of hands firmly into his eyes, one word slipped from his lips, followed by the warmth of tears threatening to fall from the corners of his eyes. "Johdn."

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Awww, the poor man. :wub: I especially like the last paragraphs, very vividly desciptive. :)

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First I went "Oohh!" <3

Then "Purrrrr" :twisted:

And then "Awwww" :cry:

Poor darling. Now I just want to hug him.

Beautiful little story, as always. :wub:

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Guh!! Lovely lovely imagery! <3 Poor darling Sherlock (and poor John too!)

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I don't watch Sherlock, and I'm not a Benedict Cumberbatch fangirl by any stretch of the imagination, but even I thought this was just adorable!

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Aww, AppleBlossom, I missed youuuuu <3

Your writing is amazing!

Especially your descriptions get me every time...

I...I think your Sherlock is the best Sherlock there is.

*re-reads* =D

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Ooooh, Sherly :heart: I just came on here to re-read some of the old Sherlock stuff, and then BAM, there's an amazing new one!

The descriptions are so vivid, it felt like I was actually watching the scene!

And I kind of have a thing for crying, so the ending was the cherry on top for me.

Thank you so much for writing this lovely fic, AppleBlossom! :)

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TheCakeIsALie: Yes, that poor, poor man. I love torturing him physically and emotionally... heheh!

VoOs: Thank you for your lovely comments! I pray that someday something like this may happen on Sherlock! :D

Spoo: Pwah, thank you! Wonderful comments as always <3

Dusty15: My poor little boys! I can't wait to see the anger (and hopefully tears) at the reunion! XD

SomeoneRandom: I love you! Thank you!

hiyou9: Thankyouthankyouthankyou! You're too kind, I'm glad you enjoyed reading it! It makes me happy to know that you liked it even though you're not a massive fan! :)

LovelyLinda: My LovelyLindaaa! I missed you too! Your comments always make happy! Aw, your Sherlock is far better than mine, believe me! Thanks for commenting! <3 xx

HoneyBunny: And we all love Sherly! I'm so glad you think it's good. I really want to write for the BBC, *ahemjustsherlockahem*, and I'm so happy you think it's like watching a scene! God, I love it when guys cry, they're so cute... but I always feel guilty though! :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got locked out of my account and it killed me that I couldn't respond sooner to this :'( It's so beautiful! Is there any chance that there could be more to this? Because this is amazing and I love your stories!

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Quite Contrary: Thank you for replying, and I'm so happy you like me stories. There might be more to this story in other one-shots. I will be posting more stories for you all! :)

Betsy Sue: Aw, my writing moved you? Thank you so much for your compliments! They mean a lot to me! :D

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