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Cold Sorcery (Merlin Fic)


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Hello! This fic is for HockeyFan4Ever. Sorry it took so long to get out! There is more to come. I have the next section written, up, I just need to edit and fix aroud a few things.

Overall this fic will be sick Merlin with worried-but-trying-to-hide-it Arthur. Sorry there's not much Arthur in this chapter, but I promise it's coming!

I hope you enjoy it!

Chapter One

Setting the Stage

A gleam of turquoise light gleams off the pool of water as Nimue runs a slender finger across the crystal black surface, cutting rippling lines through its depths. When she draws her hand back the ripples settle and smooth out into the faint image of shapes moving through the water. A pair of young men creep carefully through the woods. The circular pool frames one in its center, sun glinting on his golden hair as he reaches out for the boy behind him to hand him an arrow.

"Now then Uther, how well have you protected your son? With no magic to back your might. Shall we test it?"

Her fingers drum against the edge of the pool.

"But first..."

The image shifts focus. The other boy's face comes into center view, his green eyes focused off into the distance, brown hair tucked behind mousey ears. Nimue reaches her hand into the pool of water, grabs hold and pulls.


Merlin felt something catch his foot, his body went flying forward as he tumbled from the path, crashing into a small pool of water collected from the rain. Arthur stopped in his tracks, grimacing as he slowly turned to look at his man-servant.

"Could you be any more of a clutz, Merlin? What did you even find to trip over?"

Merlin carefully pushed himself up on his arms, wincing and brushing a spot of mud from his cheek, only to succeed in spreading a streak of mud in its place.

"Oh, you know, the air, as usual."

If Arthur could form a more exasperated expression it would deserve an award. "Well? Hurry up!"

Merlin quickly scrambled to get up, his feet slapping and slipping against the sloshing mud. Arthur shook his head and turned back to the path.

"My arrows had better be intact."

"Yes sire," Merlin responded with the least enthusiasm he could manage.


"Welcome back."

Merlin dropped the stack of clothing in need of mending on one of the tables without replying.

"Long day?" Gaius asked, pressing a cork into the top of a glass vial and shaking the contents until it turned a soft, pale green.

"Do Arthur's duties as king involve being diplomatic?"

"...That is the definition of a king, yes..."

"Then we're doomed," Merlin proclaimed simply as he made his way past Gaius toward his room.

"That good?" Gaius asked with a small smile, measuring tiny crumpled, died herbs into another vial with a pair of tweezers. "Dinner will be ready before long. Until then, I need you to do something about the bookshelf. I can hardly find a thing when I need it."

"Which one?" Merlin asked.

"Whichever one you'd like to start with."

Merlin groaned.


A soft murmuring echoes from every side and nook of the deep, black stone surrounding Nimue as she chants softly. Colour flickers over her fingers as they play across the water, gold and amber sparkling in her eyes. The colour seeps from her fingers as she dips them into the water and sink away into the depths of the pool, gathering about the boy whose image is reflected there; Merlin, his head resting on his desk, half mended trousers cushioning his cheek as he sleeps.

The boy shifts, drawing in a breath. The colour dances on the air about his face and seeps into his lungs as he breathes. A shiver rolls down his spine as his sleep becomes troubled. His eye lids flicker as nightmares rage behind them.

Nimue smiles.


Morning dawned, spilling a single beam of light over Gaius's desk. The physician bustled about the room, getting his bits and things together and setting breakfast on as the castle slowly stirred into life. As the light began to spread across the floor Gaius turned his attention to the door at the edge of his chambers. He came over and knocked loudly against it.

"Up, up, Merlin!"

Merlin nestled deeper in his pillow of trousers. The scent of the prince enveloped his senses as he wavered on the edge of consciousness- morphing Gaius's words in his half dreaming mind so that he was sprawled on the grassy ground, the prince standing over him, sword pointed at his chest.

Up, up, Merlin!

Merlin struggled to get up, but when he did the prince's sword cut through his tunic into his chest.

"I can't..."


Merlin! The prince insisted.

"I can't move... Lower your sword."

Arthur didn't move and suddenly Merlin realized- Arthur knew- His magic- all of it. The sword point dug deeper, stinging in his chest. The prince's cold, mocking eyes bore into Merlin's skin.

Liar... Traitor... Arthur whispered.

The knock came again. Distant drum beats in Merlin's dream.

"Arthur will be expect you in his chambers!" Gaius insisted through the door.

Suddenly Merlin was in the prince's chambers. Arthur was still on top of him, his ;,,,,arm pressing Merlin down, keeping him trapped on the bed.

"What are you--"

Merlin struggled- he gasped, snapping up so fast his chair nearly toppled over as he went tumbling from it to land heavily on the floor.

"Oooooowww..." He groaned. On the other side of the door Gaius paused.

"Are you alright in there?"

"Fine!" Merlin called, muffled through the door. "I'll be up in a minute!"

Gaius shook his head, but left it at that. Merlin stretched, wincing as his muscles twinged at even that much movement. He let his head fall back against the leg of his desk with a thunk.

Gaius hardly looked up as Merlin slipped from his room blearily, hair fluffed up about his head in an untamed mat.

"Breakfast is on the way. I'll need to you fetch me water before you report to Arthur for the day."

"Good morning Merlin. How did you sleep, Merlin? Nice day, isn't it Merlin?"

Gaius gave a wry smile. "Good morning Merlin. Please fetch me water," he repeated, handing Merlin a bucket. The boy sighed but didn't complain. "You know, some people get paid for this."

"And others get fed for it. Off with you."

The air was cold and crisp as Merlin slipped from the physician's chambers and headed off on his weary way to the well. Cold cut through the thin layer of protection his shirt provided, sending a shiver down his spine. Merlin shrugged his cloak tighter around his shoulders, but it did little to warm his frozen core. By the time he reached the well he was having difficulty keeping his teeth from chattering, and had to keep the bucket pressed against his side to keep it from rattling. His nose which had been thoroughly stuffed when he woke was trying to drip now, forcing him to keep sniffling every other minute. He placed his bucket carefully beneath the faucet and took hold of the pump, the metal icily freezing against his fingers. The bucket was only half full when Merlin came to a stop, his hand flying to his face as he drew in a sharp breath.


"Bless you!"

Merlin jumped slightly looking around to see the Gwen, the blacksmith's daughter standing behind him, bucket in hand. He smiled quickly, rubbing at his nose.

"Thanks- Ihhh--hiihh--ticchhhuuuu! Hahhhhh-tichhhhuuu!"

Merlin lost hold of the pump and spilled a bit of water over his feet.

"Oh!" Gwen hopped forward. "Let me get that for you."

"Oh no- I can-" Merlin tried to argue, but Gwen had already taken his place at the pump.

"Oh, no trouble!" she said as she finished filling his bucket. "Here you go," she offered him the full bucket.

"Thanks!" Merlin replied with a smile. He reached a hand out to accept it but was cut short once again-

"Hiihhh--pptchsshhhhh!" He just barely managed to bury his nose in his sleeve before a wet sneeze sent him pitching forward at the waist. "Ihhh-huuu--ppptiiissshchhh!-PTIichhhshhhh!"

"Goodness! Bless you!" Gwen exclaimed, fishing a kerchief from her gowns and offering it to him. "Here."

"Oh-- Thanks!" Merlin accepted it with a slight blush.

"Are you feeling poorly?" Gwen asked, looking over Merlin's pale, shivering form.

"Oh, no- just sore and tired. Arthur's taken to using me as a living target until the tourney," Merlin replied, blowing his nose. "I'm sorry to take this- I can have it washed and returned to you by week's end!"

"Oh! Don't worry!" Gwen said. "Keep it, I have plenty."

"Thanks!" Merlin thanked her. "I'd best get going- can't keep his high and mighty waiting," he said with a wry little smile. Gwen smiled back.

"Of course not."

Merlin turned to leave.



"Your bucket?" Gwen asked, pointing at the full bucket below the faucet.

"Ah! Right- Thanks!" Merlin said, snatching it up with an awkward laugh. "I'll see you later!"

"Take care Merlin!" Gwen called after him.

Merlin returned, plopping the bucket on the floor beside the door. "Well then, I'm off."

Gaius looked up from his work. "You haven't eaten yet."

"Not hungry," Merlin replied, bustling around the room as he gathered his things for the day. "-Ah- shit! I never finished mending this!"

"You hardly ate last night," Gaius pointed out carefully, following Merlin to his room.

Merlin shrugged. Gaius's frown deepened.

"Are you well?"

Merlin looked up, a confused smile.

"Yeah, of course." Gaius looked unconvinced. "Gaius, I'm fine. I'm just not hungry. I need to stop by the armory before I can meet his highness- I'm already running late."

Merlin finished gathering Arthur's half mended things.

"I'll see you later!" He called to Gaius as he rushed past.

"Be safe..." Gaius said carefully as Merlin opened the door.

"Will do." Merlin slipped from the room shutting the door behind him.

"Huuh...--ttttcchh!" Merlin shook his head, rubbing his nose as he quickly scurried off through the castle. Inside the room Gaius watched the door, shook his head and returned to work.

Edited by PetalsAndThorns
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Awesome story Petals! I haven't ever watched Merlin but you are a fantastic writer :)

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Ooh, this is quite lovely. Very much in the style of the series, I could totally picture this. :) Can't wait to see where you go with it! :D

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Hi! Thank you all so much for commenting! It really envigorates me to write and I can't tell you how much I appreciate it!

I had hoped this post would be the next section of the story, but I got sick for a couple of days and lost all my time to tack together the segments of the next chapter. I'm going to be working on a farm for the next month and won't be able to get anything up. I didn't mean to keep you all waiting for a month, but it will be up ASAP once Im back in July!

Stay well all of you!

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Gasp! This is wonderful! Enjoy your time on the farm and I eagerly await the next part!

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Hello all! Things shifted such that I can access my computer where I have my files and can share the next chapter!

Thank you all for your wonderful comments and I hope you like the next chapter. More to come. : ) This one might be a bit... sillier? I'm sorry if it doesn't flow nicely, I know if I set it aside for edits it will be a month before I get any more work done on it. ^^;;;

Chapter Two

Sniffing out the Plot

"You're late," Arthur stated bluntly, stopping Merlin in his tracks as he opened the door, arms laden with food, a bundle of clothing hanging over one shoulder. "Where have you been?"

"Oh, you know, just taking a nice, pleasant stroll from the armoury on the other side of the castle where you sent me this morning," Merlin grunted, pushing his way into the room and dropping the two plates of food on the table as carefully as he could manage.

"I've been waiting since dawn," Arthur responded sharply. "If your time management doesn't improve I'll have you take over mucking out the stables again," he strode over swiftly, inspecting the garments Merlin had set down as he began to set the princes table for breakfast. Merlin pulled open a cupboard at the side of the room to gather utensils- he paused with the cupboard half open and buried his face in his arm, shoulders shaking as he carefully suppressed a stifled little fit in his arm.


At the table Arthur lifted the trousers with a frown. "You call this mended?"

"Hm?" Merlin straightened up, blinking at him. Arthur held up the trousers for Merlin to see, the cock in his eyebrow communicating the question quite clearly.

"Oh-uh... I... um... ran out of time..." Merlin replied, with a sniff, rubbing lightly at his nose. Arthur gave Merlin an unimpressed look over the bundle of cloth spilling over his hand.

"You... ran out of time?" he repeated, emphasizing each word to show Merlin just how ridiculous it sounded. Merlin steeled himself against the talk he knew was coming and turned back to his work, grabbing the utensils and plates he needed and shutting the cupboard.

"I don't think you understand how your position works, Merlin," Arthur continued with a careful layer of friendliness that completely failed at hiding the threat beneath. "Your body, is mine. Your life, is mine. And your time, is mine. If you have an hour in your day, it is mine. What, pray tell, where you doing to lose an entire night?"

"...Sleeping?" The trousers met Merlin's face in a crumpled heap, catching him halfway through setting a plate on the table.

"Finish them by noon. I'll need them before the reception this evening. Do you understand?"

"Yessir," Merlin replied with a sigh, tossing the garment into a pile to be dealt with later.

"Good," Arthur said as he plopped down into his chair, dragging his plate closer and piling it up with food. Merlin rolled his eyes and headed off to make Arthur's bed. He'd just barely finished smoothing out the soft, cotton underlayer when a prickling rose in his nose and demanded he stop- paused midmotion, his wrist to his nose.

"Huhh...uhhhh...huhh--hiiiihh-Tchhhnnnfff! Ihhhchhhnfff! Hiiihhtttchhnfff!" Merlin's shoulder's jerked with each sneeze. They left his nose running and he pulled Gwen's kerchief from his pocket to blow his nose.

"I think that's a message that you haven't been dusting nearly often enough," came Arthur's voice from the table. Merlin shot him a look over the top of his kerchief.

"I dusted just yesterday!" he retorted.

"Then you're clearly no good at it," Arthur replied nonchalantly. Merlin opened his mouth to retort but the words caught it his throat beneath a hitched breath.

"Huh--huhh-huuuhhh--hiiitchhhnnfff! Hiih--TIchhhnnnxx! Tchhnxx! Itchhnnxx!Chhnxx!nxxx!nxxx! Haahhh....huuuhhh....ahhhhh...haaahhh--tiiihhhPCHiieuuu!" Merlin pitched, carefully stiffling into his kerchief until the final sneeze hit, erupting wetly-unstiffled into his kerchief. Halfway across the room a book leapt from it's shelf and tumbled to the floor. Merlin jumped, his green eyes snapping to the noise, a startled confusion on his face. Arthur was just a second behind him.


In a flash Merlin was struck with the awful idea- Had his magic acted up to knock the book off--? how much did Arthur see?!

"How did you even?!" Arthur asked, inspecting the distance between Merlin and the book in wonder. Merlin shrugged, trying to look innocent. "Could you be anymore of a clutz?"

"You asked me that yesterday."

"And clearly you can!" The prince turned back to his meal, shaking his head. Merlin sank back against the bed in relief. He rubbed irritably at his nose- praying that whatever this was it would go away soon.

"Hurry up. I expect you out on the field with me by the time I'm done," Arthur said downing his wine without turning to look at Merlin. "I need to make sure that my form is on, and I'll need to run through archery before this evening."

Merlin groaned and thunked his head against the side of the bed.

"Hiahhh- chhhnnnx!"


Merlin only knew the training was over because it had been at least 5 minutes without Arthur hitting him. The sound of sword on metal was still ringing in Merlin's ears and he couldn't quite tell if he was on the ground or still falling. The slits of light through the armour offered little help as they swayed before his eyes.

"Planning on getting up?" Arthur's voice called from beside him. Vaguely through the mass of sound buzzing in his head he heard the sword thunk against his helmet lightly, telling him to take it off. Merlin's arms nearly creaked with the effort of reaching up to pull his helmet off. Blue sky returned to view for what felt like the first time in a millennia. The light of the sun caught his eyes and they scrunched up against the intensity. A couple sneezes jerked his body.


If Merlin had had enough energy to roll on his side, he would have. The light was bright enough it drew tears to his eyes and pounded in his head. Instead he lay splayed on his back dazedly watching the clouds float overhead.

"Up, up, Merlin!" Arthur called, stepping into Merlin's view, blonde locks framing his look of complete disapproval. The words sent a shiver of recognition down Merlin's spine.

"De ja vous..." he muttered to himself.

"What?" Arthur asked.

"Nothing!" Merlin replied, carefully trying to push himself up off the ground. His arms shook beneath his weight and he had to stop on his knees to allow the world to settle around him. It took all the effort in his body to force himself to his feet, legs trembling like jelly beneath his weight and his body swaying lightly like an obedient mast in the wind. His head pounded as it tried to readjust to being upright.

"Hurry up Merlin!" Arthur's voice called, already few paces away toward the castle. Merlin grimaced at the loud sound pounding through his head. He sniffed, crinkling his nose and trying to rub awkwardly at it with his gloved fingers to little effect.


"For god's sake-- I'm coming!" Merlin called back, his legs stumbling clumsily beneath his weight as he ran to catch up to his master. No sooner had he drawn level to Arthur his steps faltered behind the taller boy's as he turned into his hand-

"Hahhhitcchhh! Hiihhhtuuhcchhh! Hia-tcchhhh! Hiihhh--ptCHHHiiiiuueeeu!"

Merlin stumbled with the spasms, his legs threatening that if they had to put up with any more stress they were going to go on strike. A few feet away a rock suddenly shot from it's place in the grass and narrowly missed Arthur's ankle.

"Oy!" Arthur whirled, grabbing the rock and lobbing it lightly at Merlin who just barely conjured the coordination to duck by collapsing to the side.

"What was that for?!" Merlin shouted.

"Kicking rocks at the prince now?"

Merlin blinked- indignantly. "I didn't touch it--" he cut off abruptly as realization settled in.

"Oh, so the rock just went flying at me of its own accord then, did it?"

Merlin hesitated, his eyes flicking away. "I might have accidentally knocked it with my foot..."

"That's what I thought. Work on your lying, you're truly terrible at it... And your aim while you're at it. I know I'm thin, but really Merlin," Arthur commented as he turned and continued on his way to the castle.

With a weary sight Merlin mustered the energy to follow. The armor clanked awkwardly with the motion. Merlin scrunched his nose again, contorting his entire face as he tried to find some means of easing away the tickle in his nose. This yielded even less success than his last attempt. Though Merlin had little time to find a better solution as he was trapped in a constant losing race to catch up with Arthur. The field quickly vanished behind them as they entered into the palace, stripping out of their armour before heading through the halls back toward Arthur's rooms. Arthur led Merlin, listing off the chorus his servant had yet to do, but Merlin found himself hardly able to concentrate on the words. Merlin's nose was running badly by this point and his weak sniffling did little to suppress the lightly tickling irritation that seemed to have settled there to stay.

"Haaahh--iiihhtttcccchnnxx! tttiichhhnnxxx! Hiichhnxx!"

"Get dirt caught in your nose while you were spending all that time rolling in the grass?" Arthur asked as he stopped yet again to wait for his servant to recover. His snarky, teasing tone which Merlin could usually let roll off his back cut deeper with Merlin too exhausted to keep his emotions in check.

"You get all that air in your head from spending so much time sitting so high above everyone else?" Merlin asked. His cocky little smile didn't last long before the cuff of Arthur's wrist met with the back of his head. "Ow!" Merlin stumbled into the wall.

"You watch your language," Arthur warned.

"Sir, yes sih--Ihhhii---tiiichhhhu!" Merlin quickly turned away from his prince, his shoulders rocked with carefully stifled sneezes. "Tuuuhcchhh!-Ttchhh!-Chhhnnn!Tttchhhnnn!" Merlin slowly allowed himself to rise, a hand carefully wavering in front of his face before he sharply pitched forward again. "Huuuuuhhhh---hiii-PTCCHhhhhhhnnn! Nhn..." The final sneeze exploded just barely stiffled into Merlin's fist, leaving the servant hunched over, hair spilling over his face. By the time he straightened up Arthur was standing beside him, looking Merlin over critically.

"...You look terrible."

"You're too kind, your majesty," Merlin replied dryly, a small, sarcastic smile curving across his pale, shadowed features. The training had taken the last colour out of him and he was left exhausted and worn looking. He sniffed wetly and drew out Gwen's kerchief, which was quickly approaching the point of no longer being usable.

"You're not coming down with something, are you?"

"Me? Oh no! How could I ever fall ill? It's not like I get shoved into puddles and work in the rain half the day. And I spend so much time sleeping," Merlin replied, his sarcastic wit still intact at the very least. He couldn't be that ill. Still...

At that moment Gwen came round the corner, a basket of wildflowers clutched to her breast, others hanging off her arms. She started slightly at the sight of the two of them, quickly stepping back to allow the prince his room.

"My lord," she curtsied before carefully moving to slip around them.

"Gwen! Perfect!" Arthur said, stopping her short. "There's a pile of garments in my rooms in need of mending. Would you take care of them for me?"

"What?" Merlin asked, blinking between the two of them. Gwen looked no more understanding. "Isn't that my job-?"

"-Merlin is out of work due to illness," Arthur said over Merlin. Understanding flickered into Gwen's eyes as she shot another look at Merlin who stood pale, tired and taken aback against the wall.

"Oh! I see- Of course- My lord. I'd be happy to-"

"What? --No, I wasn't being serious--"

"-but... I need to deliver flowers to our guest knights' rooms before they return from practice... I'm afraid I can't tell you when I'll get to mending your clothes..." she said hesitantly.

"Merlin will take over delivering the flowers. It shouldn't take too long, then he'll retire to his rooms."

"Yes, my lord," Gwen agreed. She gave Merlin a smile as she filled the confused boy's arms with her baskets. She curtsied again and rushed off to Arthur's rooms. Merlin turned to Arthur, eyebrow quirked.

"Is this... really necessary?" he asked over the top of a basket.

"For today, yes. I can't have you sneezing all over the place with half the kingdom visiting." Arthur stood for a moment, watching his servant before nodding sternly down the hall. "Well? Off with you."

Merlin shook his head in submission. "As you say, my lord."


"Hiihttchhinnn!" Merlin carefully lowered the basket of flowers to the floor to wipe his nose. It was his last room, thank god. The basket was over flowing, tiny vines of flowers spilling over the sides. The room was dark and silent as Merlin lifted the basket again and carefully carried it toward the table sitting beside the knight's bed. The mural of scents wafting up from his basket mixed and twirled around his nostrils. He wasn't usually sensitive to flowers, but his nose was already raw and had rarely been in the presence of such a monuments amount of differing varieties.

"Hiiihhh-itttchhhhnn! Ihhhhtcchhhhh! Hiiihhhh----PTCHHhhieeiuuuu!" Just as Merlin pitched forward with his final sneeze a loud BANG made Merlin jump and nearly drop the basket as he turned to see what had happened. In the corner of the room a cabinet stood open, the doors swinging with residual movement.


Merlin quickly tossed the basket of flowers onto the bedside table and rushed to close the cabinet. He'd just caught the door in his hand when a gleaming, glow caught his attention and he stopped dead in his tracks. Shooting a furtive glance at the door he slowly reached into the cabinet, pushing aside a layer of pale white linen. Nestled inside the bundle of cloth he found a small, carefully cut jewel. He drew it out of the cabinet and held it up to the light. Within it's gleaming crystal surface Merlin could just make out shapes moving. He squinted, bringing it closer to his face until he could make out--


The prince stood greeting the visiting knights.

A footstep in the hall caught Merlin's attention and he quickly shoved the crystal back in the cabinet and shut the doors again. He waved his hand in front of the wooden doors with a murmured word. The latch turned. Merlin let go of the doors only to have them fall open again. On closer inspection he found that the latch on the door had been snapped clean in two. The footsteps were growing louder and Merlin had no choice but to quickly scamper away.

Thoughts rushed through his head- the knight was too close to the door, he'd see Merlin leaving and he'd know Merlin had broken the lock. It wouldn't take any more than that to have Merlin executed. In a moment of blind panic Merlin opened the wardrobe at the side of the room and slipped inside. Just before he closed the door he held his hand out toward the cabinet, murmured and the door slipped shut again. Merlin closed the door wardrobe behind him, still holding his spell to keep the cabinet shut.

A second later the footsteps entered the room and stopped. Something dropped on the bed, then the footsteps moved over to the cabinet. From the wardrobe Merlin heard the key slip into the lock and he let the enchantment go with a sigh. The breath stirred up a layer of dust on the inside of the ancient wardrobe and Merlin had to rub at his nose like a mouse to, massaging it between his fingers as the tickle tried to creep back up on him. It receded at his touch, but never vanished.

"Everything is in place, milady," the knight's voice broke the silence and broke Merlin's concentration. He stopped moving to listen as closely as he could for the response, but he heard none. Only the knight speaking again.

"I met him returning from practice. He was most welcoming."

Merlin's nose was running again. Each movement seemed to stir up another section of dust into the air and he could feel the tickle slowly spreading out through his sinuses, trying to force his eyes closed.

Not now! Not now! He yelled at himself mentally, clamping a hand over his mouth as his eyelids fluttered. Outside the knight spoke again.

"It will be no issue convincing him to accept it."

Merlin was biting his lip, grinding his knuckle against his nose in a furious attempt to quell the itch- "Hiiiihhhuuuhhhh--ngh!" A gasp escaped him, sending his heart pounding- Had the knight heard it-- "Hhhuuuhhh---nnnnnnn--- ... --hu--hhhuuuuuuuhh--"

He needed to get out. Now.

But it would be suicide to move before the knight had left- But it could be hours before the knight would go-

"Yes, I know. I will be subtle."

"Hhhuuuuhh---uhhh---Hhaahh...ahh...Ha-Haaaaaaahhhhhhhh..." Merlin felt his breath hitch, his chest filling with air-- Panic flooded through his stomach as he realized the fight was over, he couldn't hold out any longer. He needed a solution. Now.

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I'm so happy you were able to upload this earlier than expected! This is so in character, it's crazy (and the plot is getting really interesting)! Can't wait for the next installment!

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Oh my gosh! I have a total thing for magic accidentally going awry due to sneezing! Love it! Can't wait for more!!!

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Oh my gosh! I have a total thing for magic accidentally going awry due to sneezing! Love it! Can't wait for more!!!

^ this exactly.

Really enjoying the story so far! Poor Melin, I just wanna snuggle him!!

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  • 5 months later...
  • 8 months later...

So hey! Funny story. Last year I wrote the next chapter of this fic. Then I thought I’d lost it and couldn’t get myself to write it again. Well guess what. I just found it. XD Only, you know, a year later. XP

It’s not a conclusion. (Nothing I write ever is u.u) But I figured I might as well post it. Bring an end to the year long cliff hanger. XD;;;; So yeah, sorry about that. ^^;;;


"Hahhh...uuhhhhhhhhhhh..." Merlin stood in the wardrobe, hand clasped over his mouth and nose, eyes prickling with tears as his breath hitched desperately. "Hiihhhhh-nnnn!Hhnnn!Hihhnnnn!" Merlin's shoulder's jerked as he stiffled a line of sneezes into his clasped hands as silently as possible. His head spun and buzzed as the pent up force of the sneezes wracked against his fingers. Luckily for him the knight was speaking again, but Merlin was having trouble making out the words with his mind thoroughly pre-occupied. His breath was hitching again, desperately at this point and the fit seemed in no hurry to subside. "Huuhhhh--knnnx!nnff!nnhh!nxxx!chnnx!huun--nnxx! Haahh-nnnahhh-chnnx!cchhhhhnn!chhn!chhn! Haahhh--ahhh--chhhnxxx!nnnnx!nnnnff!nnnx!chhhhn!chhhhn!--Haahhh, ahhh--haaah--PTCHIIIEUUUnnxx!"


Just as Merlin's desperate attempt to keep his sneezes as silently stiffled failed the sound of metal crashing against stone clattered through the air. The knight stopped talking abruptly. Merlin could hear feet scuffling over the floor. Muffled voices. Had the knight gone-- He had to risk it, this could be his only chance!

Merlin peeked an eye through a small crack in the wardrobe. The cabinet stood alone, Merlin pushed his way from the wardrobe and darted across the room. The muffle voices from outside the door came clear as he approached the entrance.

"--earth happened here?!"

"I don't know! I just came when I heard the sound, milord!"

The knight was standing in the hall, back to Merlin with a maid cornered against the wall. On the floor beside them lay a shield, rocking on it's curve like an overturned turtle. More people were flooding into the hallway, attracted by the sound.

"What happened here?"

"Th-the shield just fell, sir."

"Clumsy girl must have knocked it off."

"No- the pin is snapped clean off. It must have rusted..."

"Nonsense! I check up on it just last week!"

In the chattering and confusion, hardly anyone noticed the knight turn and vanish into his rooms. Merlin watched the door slip carefully shut. The knight stopped, halfway into his room his eyes catching sight of the open wardrobe. His head immediately snapped to check the cabinet, swinging open on it's broken hinge- He whirled around and pulled the door open again. The hall was full of servants. A couple trying to put the shield back up- some shooing away others who'd come to see what had happened. Somewhere in the back of the crowd Merlin vanished away down the corridor.


"Here you are, your majesty," Gwen carefully set the bundle of mended clothing at the end of Arthur's table. The prince looked up at her entry but didn't reply as she set to bustled about the room, stoking up the as the midday warmth began to fade.

"Have you been in on Merlin?" he asked. Gwen looked up from her work.

"No, your majesty... I've spent the day attending to both you and Lady Morganna. I haven't had time."

"I see," Arthur replied. The implications of what this meant for Gwen going clean over Arthur's head. Gwen hesitated for a moment, watching the prince as she worked.

"...You know, you could always go check in on him yourself..."

Arthur made a face which was a combination of an 'are you serious' look and something bordering on disgust.

"You can't be serious," was the only response he replied before pushing himself to his feet and launching into the list of things he'd need Gwen to finish as soon as possible. The maidservant turned back to the fire with a careful sigh and a greater appreciation for what Merlin had to deal with.


Gaius looked up as he heard the door to his chamber swing open.


The serving boy slipped quickly through the door, shutting it behind him with a click.

"What are you doing here?"

"Arthur sent me to my rooms to recover- but there's no time for that--"

"Recover? From what?"

"Not imp-ohr-Haahh--kkknnnchhhiienn!Huhhh---chhiiiinnnn! Hahhhh---chhhieun!"

"Bless you!"

"-Not important!"

"Not important my ass. You look like death warmed over and trampled by a herd of bull. Sit down!"

"No- really- I-hhhh--Tchhnnnx!chnnx!Hahh--tchiieeeu!"


Merlin relented and obliged. Gaius frowned at the boy as he looked him over, circling him like some kind of curious hawk.

"What symptoms have you had? Arthur was right to send you back. I'll need to mix you a remedy right away."

"We haven't got time for that!" Merlin objected, twisting awkwardly to continue to talk to Gaius. "Listen, Gaius. I was in the knight's rooms and I overheard something--"

"What were you doing in the knight's rooms."

"Servant things! I'm a servant! That's not important! I think one of the knights is plotting to do something to Arthur."

"How do you know this?" Gaius finally stopped fussing over Merlin to listen.

"I heard him talking about it. He, he had this stone- I was dropping flowers off and the cabinet accidentally opened- and he's got this stone, crystal, which showed Arthur when you looked into it. And then when he came back he said 'Everything is in place.' and 'I should have no trouble getting him to accept it.' I think he's going to put a curse on him, or poison him or something."

"Who was he talking to?"

"No one- there was no one there with him- I think whoever it is is watching him through the crystal too..."

Gaius watched Merlin, frowning darkly. "If this is true, Arthur is in grave danger... If he's going to present Arthur with a curse, he'll most likely do it at the ceremony tonight."

"I know."

"You must keep by his side and do whatever you can to stop it."

"How am I supposed to do that when he sent me away until I've recovered?"

"You'll just have to recover by this evening then."

Merlin watched Gaius curiously as the old physician turned and began sifting through the jars and jars of herbs adorning the walls. His eyes followed his mentor's movements until his nose crinkled and he buried it in the crook of his arm.



"Here we are then," Gaius announced, holding up a small vial of golden amber liquid, shimmering beneath the black cork keeping it contained. He offered it out Merlin who took it gingerly, lifting it to the light to peer at it. It didn't tell him anything about the potion- but that was what Gaius always did, and it made Merlin feel smart.

"This isn't ideal. It won't heal you, but it will cover your symptoms long enough for you to go to the banquet tonight. You'll need to take five drops as symptoms reappear. But no more than five. The serum is concocted to dull and numb. If you take too much at a time your magic will be dulled along with the symptoms. Understand?" Gaius asked, setting a cup of water in front of his apprentice.

Merlin nodded, carefully administering 5 drops into the water.

"Good," Gaius finished. "Is there anything else you'll need to return to work?"

"Ah- yes-- I, um, earlier... whenever I sneeze my magic keeps going odd, will this keep that under control?"

Gaius hummed thoughtfully. "It should. But it's focused on your heavier symptoms: Suppressing fever and bringing the colour back to your face. There is little I can offer for your other symptoms at the moment other than to warn you to be very careful."

Merlin gave a small smile. "When am I not?" he asked, raising the cup and downing it.


Arthur stood by the window which stretched nearly from the ceiling to the floor, gazing out over the fields as the light of the sun began to fade into red over the hills. His brow furrowed as he drummed his fingers against his arm. His eyes strayed to the small section of tower where Gaius kept his chambers, light flickering from a candle set in the window. Arthur wondered what state Merlin was in.

Gaius is a fine physician. He's likely making the most of every free moment he's gotten, Arthur told himself with a snort. An image leapt to his mind of his servant tucked up in under a sheet, book propped up against his knees, his hair sticking up every which way in that style that only Merlin could manage to ruffle his hair into. Likely smiling that stupid little grin he always got when he did something incredibly stupid, like trip down a small cliff or shoot an arrow backward.

Then another image cut in, knocking the first out of his mind. Merlin: lying greyish pale, whiter than the sheets cushioning his body, eyes closed heavily, beads of sweat gleaming in the flickering candle light as Gaius frantically searched through book after book for an antidote as the candle'x wax dripped moment after moment of Merlin's fading life.

Arthur pushed off the wall and turned to agitatedly pacing the length of his room.

The door opened behind him with a click and Arthur whirled on his heel.

"Gwen! Finally! You were supposed to be he--" his voice cut off as he caught sight of Merlin, shrugging his way through the door with that 'caught mouse' look he always seemed to have about him.

"Brought your cloak, milord," Merlin said, lifting the smooth cut of red wool for Arthur to see. An unreasonable rush of relief that ran through Arthur at the sight of his servant smiling, cheeks full of colour and eyes alive and alert standing in his door. It caught him off guard for a moment before he recovered and carefully slipped his mind back into prince mode.

"What are you doing here? I thought I sent you to your rooms for the evening."

"Or until I recovered," Merlin tacked on. "All I needed was a bit of rest."

Arthur watched him with his face contorted in sceptic disbelief. "All you needed was a bit of rest? If that's the case you are the most over dramatic person I've ever met."

"You flatter me," Merlin teased, moving to open the prince's wardrobe.

"You don't mean to serve me at the banquet-"

Merlin looked up with a quick smile.

"I do," He replied, pulling out the first layer of clothing to dress the prince in his finest. Arthur frowned at this.

"How do I know your health won't give out half way through?"

"Arthur, I feel fine," Merlin replied. "In any case, you can't expect Gwen to see to both you and Lady Morganna for the entire evening. She'll be completely over worked."

Arthur frowned at his servant for a long time as Merlin stood, heart pounding in anticipation as he prayed...

"...Well...?" Arthur said. "Get on with it."

Merlin smiled, grabbed the tunic and came over to help Arthur change.

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I love Merlin! this story captures the feel of the characters and the show very well, i can't wait for the next part!

Edited by blackrose
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I have no idea how I've never seen this before! It's wonderful and I love Merlin sososo much. :heart: Thank you for writing more and I really hope you do continue this. It's really great. :)

Edited by VividBubbles!
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