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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Guild wars 2 Story [F-humanoid-cold]


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as some of you know I have drawn a few pieces for this site... but with my old scanner breaking and my new scanner having a contrast problem it seems I won't be adding too much in that category... so for Now I'm trying my hand at writing. those who have seen my sylvari post will likely conlude i play the mmorpg guildwars2 on occasion. this story is based on an idea i had about my character and what would happen if she got lost in the snowy, shiverpeak mountains.

please note ingame names have been changed to protect the innocent.


The icy mountain plains of the shiverpeak mountain range howled loudly with the sound of the icy winds. The Ivory sheets of snow and ice coating the land was experiencing a snowstorm, whether or not it was the work of the Elder dragon, Jormag remained to be determined. Many snow flurries fluttered on the dying wind, even the hardy Norn making their home in hoelbrak were feeling this storm, although with their great constitutions it was just a slight chill to them… but to the smaller less imposing races this was quite a problem!

On these snowy plains was a small lithely creature shivering in her clothing of foliage, a slim looking Sylvari woman by the name of Tariel trudging through the snow. Her arms were clamped around herself as she hugged herself tightly for warmth. She had chosen the worst time explore the mountain tops and now she was paying the price for it. Her normally spry energetic light lichen shaded skin grown slightly pale with the exception of her cheeks and nose; which were now a normal bright green shade. The tips and ends of the various petals and grass that took on her people’s role of hair and hairstyles which were usually at this time of the evening and in this darkness were a lovely fluorescent sea-foam green were now just flickering spots of barely noticeable luminescence.

Tariel shivered and sniffled, her nose wiggling and feeling stuffy from this horrid weather, “W-why didn’t I listen to the Norn at the ta-hah… haah… achiiew!” thought the sylvari before her body rocked with a quick sneeze firing out of her, she wiggled her nose a bit and sighed, normally she could appreciate the nice feeling a sneeze could give her, but freezing in the snow was not really the best place she could properly appreciate her corporeal bodies form after being released and born only a few months ago.

“Tavern…” she muttered under breath, finishing her thought verbally despite having no one to hear it.

Some Norn ranger Tariel had been talking to at the tavern in Hoelbrak had told her that it looked like a storm was coming in, but Tariel didn’t listen, Her curiosity to the icy peaks she had never traveled before urged her on and drowned out any warning of caution, sometimes she regretted being born during the cycle of Noon and having the “jump before you think” mindset most of those of her kind could develop without experience.


“Hah… aaah”


The Sylvari stumbled forward and faceplanted in the snow leaving a perfect image of her face mid sneeze, The curioud Fey-like creature taking a moment to admire it and chuckling at her funny looking expression before sniffling and feeling how stuffy she was with mucus… or the Sylvari equivalent the thought, “I’d sell the petals off my head if it would get me a tissue…”

Looking off in the distance and feeling this cold playing havoc with her sinuses, multiple sneezes escaping her slender frame she spotted the a light in the distance! She was so elated she leapt up and spoke aloud, “By the Pale Tree’s boughs! It’s a caravan!”

She dashed as fast as her feet would carry her and threw herself on the Norn man who just turned to see the Sylvari speeding towards him as he fixed his busted wagon wheel. Tariel tried to speak but her nose was accosted by the full fury of what seemed to be some kind of cold, “heh… hih HIHSHIEW! Ashiew! Kchiiew! Eh-tchiiew! … h-help…” the sylvari sneezed over and over on the Norn’s shoulders sniffling and snuffling. She didn’t need to say anything; The Norn was no fool and realized this sylvari’s situation placing her under a blanket in the back of his caravan he took for Hoelbrak, a sneezy little sylvari fast asleep in the back.

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The Sylvari stumbled forward and faceplanted in the snow leaving a perfect image of her face mid sneeze,


Although I am unfamiliar with the characters of Guild Wars, I enjoyed reading this. I like it when fics have sneezing out in nature for some reason - maybe it gives a better excuse for just letting the sneezes go :)

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