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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Even demigods sneeze (PJO fanfic)


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Welcome to my random story of the month! Well, this is my first and maybe only Anyway, any of you guys know the Percy Jackson and the Olympians? If you don't, go and check it out. Now. That's all.

The first part only contains sneezes from Annabeth. Now to the story.

"I hate allergies. They make my nose itch." Annabeth complained as she rubbed her nose. Percy, walking beside her, just rolled his eyes. He had heard the same line for about thousand times already. And on top of that, they had been going around the city from one museum for another. Of course Annabeth, being the daughter of Athena, could take that kind of torture but Percy was a hyperactive teenager who had better things to do than stand for hours in a place where everything had already died once. But when his girlfriend had asked him to go with her, he was left with no choice. Either endure the torture or feel her wrath. Yep, torture suddenly sounded a lot more appealing.

"Come on Annabeth, we should go already. Besides, I think that old lady is kinda creepy." he whispered to Annabeth's ear.

"Be quiet Percy. And you shouldn't say things like that about people." she answered without even looking at his direction. Percy said nothing but still kept looking at the old lady that was wearing an old jacket to hide her wings... Wait, wings? Percy silently cursed in his mind but then he realized that at least he would be out from the museum soon.

"Annabeth, we have to go. Now!" he said in a tone that made Annabeth look up and see his serious face. Then she looked back at the old lady that had transformed into a harpy. She mentally facepalmed. She should've known that putting two demigods in the same place would get every single monster from ten miles radius chase after them.

After ten minutes the two demigods were out of the museum. They were, however, still running as the monsters were still chasing after them. They managed to take a sharp turn to the left which lead to a small alley. Percy sighed from relief as he calmed his breathing. Annabeth in the other hand felt a sharp tickle in her left nostril.

"Percy, my nose... it really tickles!" she said as her breath began to hitch. Her hands were rubbing her nose trying to relieve the tickle but no avail.

"I know, you have said it many times already." he answered, looking at the horde of monsters that was trying to find the two demigods that had just escaped them. Annabeth mentally facepalmed once again. Gods, he was slow sometimes!

"No Seaweed Brain, I think I'm going to... sn-sneeze!" she whispered as she pinched her nostrils shut. Percy's eyes widened as he turned to look at his girlfriend.

"No, don't sneeze! Hold it back!" he panicked. Annabeth rolled her eyes but the gesture was ruined by her breath hitching once again.

"I... I cannot... Hhh... Hhnnnxtt!" her breath hitched for the last time before she stifled a sneeze into her hands. Percy was looking at the monsters again, trying to see if they noticed anything.

"I think they didn't hear." he said.

"Good, now we can go... Eh.... EhCHEW!" Annabeth said but before she could finish, one more sneeze escaped from her nose. The monster turned around as they heard the sound.

"Damn right we'll go!" Percy yelled and dragged her further into the alley. The monsters weren't far behind.

"Why... does it... always... have to end up.... like this?" Percy asked after running across the city for twenty minutes. After the running, Annabeth's nose had really started to run and she was sniffing and wiping her red nose every five seconds. Percy just took a tissue from his pocket and handed it to her. She gratefully took it and blew her nose. Then she looked up at Percy san said:

"See, that's why I hate allergies."

To be continued... I think? Truth to be told, this was my first sneezefic so please don't hate me. I can't write... sadsmiley.gif

But if you still want more (for some reason) just tell me what characters you would like to see sneezing and in what scenario. And please people, when you think of the scenario, use your imagination!

And this was it... Till next time?

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No, it was good. :) Maybe you could have an allergic Percy? Like, he has to fight the minotaur, but he is allergic to its fur or something.... Just a suggestion.

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This is so good . Percy should have allergies too >:D

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Are you ready for part 2? I have absolutely no choice but to make Percy allergic to something. You ready? I'm not but whatever. Let's get to the story, shall we?

"Crap, crap, crap!" Percy yelled as he was chased by 2 tons of raw beef. Except that the beef had pretty sharp horns that could easily pierce through demigod's skin. Percy didn't even know how he had gotten into this mess. He only caught out of his apartment to buy some ice cream because it was way too warm. The next thing he knew, he had a Minotaur after him. He jumped over a trash can or two in oreder to get away from the mortal eyes. He thought they would see something like a teenage boy killing a giant truck with a pen or something like that and he prefered not to be on the front page of tomorrow's paper. The Minotaur stopped, as if it would actually think something with that small brain it had. But no, it just attacked. Percy had already drawn his magical sword and he planned to end the Minotaur's life, once again, with one strike. The Minotaur was getting closer and closer but then...

"HETCHOO!" Percy sneezed a massive sneeze which made him bend over. Next thing he noticed was that the monster was closer than it should be. He dived to his left to evade the horns that almost scratched his legs. Then he quickly caught up and prepared for a counter attack while the monster's back was still facing him. But then just as he prepared to attack, he sneezed twice.

"HETCHOO...H... HATCHOO!" the sneezesmade him to miss his target once again, the tip of the sword only cutting the monster's skin, making small strands of the Minotaur's fur fly at his face. His nostrils twitched couple of times before he gave in to the allergic fit.

"HETCHOO! H-HATCHOO! D-damn... HATCHOO! Heh... heh... HECHOO!" he sneezed while he tried to wipe the allergic tears away from his eyes but no avail. He could only see the figure of a giant cow through his tears so he took his opportunity and slashed randomly. The blade went straight through the monster, turning it into a pile of monster dust. However, the fur from all around Percy did not disappear. With the threat finally gone, he let of a wet double.

"HECHOO! HAKSHOO! Never again..." he grumbled as he finally rubbed his red nose and walked to the street and towards the nearest store. It was ice cream time.

Okay, hope you liked it. I was really busy today so I didn't have all that much time in my hands. I think that was shorter than the first one? Anyway, please tell me a new character and a scenario. Again, the imagination is good! And almost forgot to mention that the idea of this part was from EmilyRose's comment. Thanks for reading and commenting. Till next time!

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Allergic Percy I enjoy xD I don't have other ideas x3

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