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Saiyuki Story (M) :D


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@Hearts4Love: OMG Thanks!! XD That's so nice-lol. I like that you're rolling on the floor XDroll1.gif

@Akahana: Hahaha, yeshhhh. From me laughingsmiley.gif. Jk 0_o HOW WAS THE CON?

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The con was cool. I ended up only going for one day, but it was fun :D Actually I just went to a Hollywood Undead concert 2 days ago and it was AWESOME!!! I still can't hear well XD

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*gasp* Omg, an update! :D aghh so happy! Don't worry about being busy though, enjoy your summer!

Ah, poor Gojyo. Poor Sanzo. Poor goku and Hakkai for having to deal with them :lol: This fic just gets cuter every time you update. :wub: Can't wait to see where you take this.

Also have to add that you are wonderful for giving Gojyo a cold. Colds are my fetish within the fetish aghh let me love you :hug:

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@NameTaken: Yes! An update! XD. Thanks for pardoning my absence, I've been trying my best to enjoy my summer sweatdrop.gif. Kind of a shame to lose a friend of mine but that's for another time yinyang.gif. For now, thanks for reading :) :) and not abandoning this XD. Yay!! I love colds too. Except, I like allergies just as much wubsmiley.gif. Love you too, NT XD

@Akahana: Glad to hear you had an awesome time at the concert :Dpunk.gif. I hope your ears return back to normal soon ;) <3

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  • 3 weeks later...

(Sorry I've been gone. Cosplay, cosplay, and MORE cosplay.)

Part Six 2/2:

Sanzo rolled his eyes and let out an exasperated sigh. Turning on his heel, he walked into the bathroom to wash his hands, face, and blow his nose. As Sanzo passed the room he and Goku were sharing, he saw the monkey squirming around on his bed throwing half-hearted punches and kicking his sheets around. Sanzo tried to scoff but instead choked on his own breath.

He felt absolutely pathetic. Once he entered the bathroom, he blew his nose, splashed cool water on his face, and got ready for the day. His robe was folded on the bathroom counter top. While shrugging on the kimono, the aroma of dish soap spread.

"Baka-saru," he thought to himself. However, all the cat dander was off and his yukata was needing a wash.

As soon as Sanzo was all set for the day, he stormed into the bedroom and flung the lights on.

"Oi, Goku..." Sanzo pressed his back against the dresser in a way that he faced Goku.

"Mmm...nyannn..." Goku mumbled still in dream land~



"Okay, that's it," Sanzo thought, "Breakfast is ready."

"Good morning, Sanzo!" Goku grinned.

Sanzo sighed and rolled his eyes.

"I called for you to get up and all you did was mumble mindless shit." Sanzo groaned.

"Sorry, I was just dreaming about something... I can't remember.....it was just all so real." Goku rubbed his forehead and tried to remember but the thought of breakfast made his mind stray, "Anyways, has Hakkai made breakfast?!"

"Yeah, come on. Get dressed, though. We're leaving immediately." Sanzo nearly whispered

"Okay!" Goku, filled with adrenaline, nearly ripped his shirt off while still sitting in up.

Sanzo figured it would be a good time to get his arm guard back from his bed. He ripped it off so that- gah... never mind.

As he calmly lifted the sheets, he searched for the black clothing but couldn't find it. He stripped the sheets but saw no color other than the pale of the spread.

"Hey, Goku..." Sanzo muttered.

"Yeah?" Goku asked cheerfully.

"Have you seen," Sanzo began as he bent over the bed. However, with his nose on the tainted fabric, he was cut off.

"Heh' heh..'ihAsch! Uhnn. nevermind" Sanzo brought the sleeveless turtle neck up to his nose as he covered his sneeze.

"Oh! Your sleeve thing! I see it on the floor next to you!" Goku pointed.

"Huhh' hah' unn...got it."

Once the two were both fully dressed and packed, they opened the adjoining door and were greeted with the smell of morning meat buns.


Hakkai found cooking as a somewhat leisurely pass time. However, with Gojyo starving and in need of nutrition, he was feeling frantic. He opened the fridge full of groceries they had bought the previous night and threw together a hot tea, a veggie omelette, and white rice. There were also some medicines for colds that Hakkai found in his personal care luggage. He set all the foods on the tray and was making the display look nice when his thoughts were interrupted.

"Yiah'Kshh!..Hiaa'ngxxt! Hyahh' cksh!"

Hakkai cringed and hurried to their bedroom.

Hakkai knocked with his foot, "Gojyo, can I come in?"


"Entering!" Hakkai opened the door to the room to see Gojyo sitting against the headboard wrapped in blankets with used Kleenex surrounding him and the bed.

"Nghh...Hey, man." Gojyo greeted his caretaker as Hakkai approached his bed.

"Gojyo, why are you up so soon? You've only slept for an extra half hour!" Hakkai set the tray on the bedside table and handed the tea to Gojyo.

Rather than receiving the tea, Gojyo held up a finger to signal for one second, brought a tissue up from under the covers and to his face "Hyh-...hyeh'ashaa!".

"Bless you," Hakkai said sympathetically.

Gojyo glanced up at him but closed his eyes as he blew his nose. Hakkai left Gojyo to feed himself. Afterall, they were both still in their pajamas and he knew Sanzo was already getting ready for the morning after hearing the water run in the next room. Hakkai brought Gojyo's vest and capris to his bed. Afterwards, he tucked in his own tunic and put on his headband.

Hakkai was occasionally startled by Gojyo's short sneezing fits. But decided it was best for everyone to let the kappa be and prepare breakfast for the monk and the monkey.

"Gojyo, please be ready in a half hour. I'll try my best to stall but I bet Sanzo doesn't want to hear about how sick you are, unfortunately."

"Got it." Gojyo rubbed his eyes.

Hakkai repositioned his monocle and cracked eggs in the skillet on the stove. He chewed on his fingernails as he thought about Gojyo's sickness. They were set to travel far, which meant this would be one of those long days.

"Hakkai!!! I smell breakfast!!" Goku enthusiastically skipped to the table.

Hakkai giggled, "You got ready rather quickly!"

"Where's Gojyo?" Sanzo asked.

"Oh, he's just getting dressed, playing with our kitty, and..." Hakkai trailed off once he made sure he had bored Sanzo enough to see him revert back to reading his newspaper.

Hakkai smiled as he placed a huge plate of eggs, toast, cheese, sausage, fruit, and meat buns in front of Goku. Sanzo was served coffee and toast, even though he wasn't ever hungry.

"Mmm Hk'rai dis is DeRLicions!" Goku yelled with his mouth stuffed.

Hakkai laughed and Sanzo raised an eyebrow once he saw a door open.

Gojyo walked into the kitchen. His nose was a shade pinker than his hair, looking like miserable.

"What's up with you?" Sanzo glanced at the water sprite.

"Gyuh...I umm...I'm a little sick." Gojyo crossed his arms and shivered.


"Cold bastard..."

"Gojyo! Where's the kitty?!" Goku's bright eyes widened.

"Tone it down, stupid monkey. She's umm...Hakkai?" Gojyo didn't know where the kitten was.


"NGhtt!" Sanzo shot up from his chair and backed towards the adjoining door, "You guys are finding that furball before she finds me!"

Goku laughed, "Guys, she's just sitting on my lap! Should I take her outside now?"

Sanzo crossed his arms, "Yes. Now."

"Well, I think we're all ready to hit the road," Hakkai began, "Let's just drop her off at an animal shelter and they can decide where to put her."

The four packed into the Jeep. Sanzo was tired and irritable. Goku was oblivious and happy. Hakkai, subtly concerned for his forlorn companions. Gojyo was out of it, preoccupied with tissues and conserving body heat. Hakkai parked the jeep outside of a nearby town's animal shelter and presented the sweet kitty to an employee. After a short conversation, the Jeep was started up again.

The drive began quietly. Goku and Gojyo called each other names. Sanzo slept. Hakkai calmly drove the Jeep with the sun shining on his ride.



"Baka-saru! Stop shouting! You're making my headache worse!"


"Hnn'gxxt!" a nearly silent sneeze was released.

"...H-Hakkai?" Goku asked.

"Hey...hey...you'd better not be catching a cold."

"I think it's too late to prevent that." Hakkai faked a regular smile.


"Heppt'Shuu!" Gojyo forced his sneeze into his elbow.

"...I was sleeping, dammit." Sanzo reached for his paper fan.

"Oh, please forgive me, Buddha! I pray for forgiveness!"

Sanzo was about to throw back more sarcasm but was distracted by a roar and white smoke from above.

~End of Part 6 all together~

I hope you enjoyed sweatdrop.gifyinyang.gif

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Part Seven~FINALE

(Please forgive my inconsistency)

White powder dropped from the sky and towards the unsuspecting party for a second time.

"Hakkai! Turn!" Sanzo ordered, realizing the assault first.

Once Hakkai noticed what was going on, he agreed and did a hard reverse in the vehicle.

"Screw this," Goku narrowed his eyebrows, "Longer! NYOI-BO!"

Up through the clouds his weapon went, knocking Yaone's dragon right up the belly from 1,000 feet away in the air. The Sanzo Party watched from a distance as Yaone fell ahead of them, her dragon shrugging her off in panic. The apothecary saw her life flash before her eyes. She had abandoned Lirin while babysitting, left Dokugakuji to fight alongside Kougaiji alone, and had disappointed her master. She owed her eternal service to him, just to go off and do her own little stupid stunt.

Yaone buried her tearful eyes in her hands and loathed in her actions. Not for long, however. For she was swept up, less than 3 seconds before her life would've ended, by familiar arms.

She opened her braced eyes to see the open uniform and long hair of her Lord, Kougaiji.

"What..? Lord-"

"Yaone, how could you do this?" Kougaiji kept his eyes on the sky ahead of them.

"Yaone!!" Lirin's voice called from behind them on a dragon of her own, "If you're gonna leave the castle, you've at least got to take me with you!"

Dokugakuji waved for her attention to show a concerned, yet relieved expression.

"Oh...Lord Kougaji..." Yaone buried her face in his neck, "Please forgive me. I should just jump off this dragon of yours now. I'm worthle-."

"Shut up, no close ally of mine is allowed to throw their lives away like the demons Gyokumen Koushu sends out. You're valuable to me. Not only for your physicality, either." Kougaiji dove the dragon towards the green Jeep holding the Sanzo Party; Yaone's tears on his body serving as a powerful motivator.

"Just what the hell were you doing, anyways? It's unexpected of you to leave without your chemical bombs." Kougaiji inquired.

Yaone whispered her blueprint plan to her master. They brainstormed about what to do once they touched ground to take the Maten Scripture. Before they knew it, they were face to face with The Sanzo Party.

Goku's deja vu was through the roof. He knew Kougaiji wasn't done with them. Now, both their teams stood within spitting range of each other.

"So...the Sanzo Party. We meet again." Kougaiji addressed.

"Yeah, whatever. Leave us alone." Goku defended.

"I will leave you alone once the Maten Scripture is in my hands." Kougaiji's hands illuminated with fiery chi.

"Like you really think that's going to happen..." Gojyo rolled his eyes with shakujo in hand.

"I believe now is the time, bro." Dokugakuji drew his sheathed sword.

"Hnn'ghxxt!" Hakkai sneezed into a tissue.

"I believe my drug has worked quite effectively." Yaone winked.

"Ch, I should've known it was you." Sanzo mentally face palmed.

"Wouldn't expect anything more from you, dumb blondie priest!" Lirin smiled, hands on her hips.

The Sanzo Party readied their weapons. Guns loaded, staff extended, shakujo unlocked, chi chanted. But were surprised when the wallflower of Kougaiji's group stepped forward rather than their usual dueling partners.

"Taaake this!" Yaone flung both arms and smoke balls flew from her fingers.

"Uwahh!" Goku yelled.

"What the hell?" Sanzo scowled.

"It's that sneezing powder!" Hakkai warned.

"Hyiah'chuu!"Gojyo sneezed and was soon followed by Sanzo.

"Hah'Shih! Uhnn...Ahh'Heschh!...hah'hah-ahh-tchhho!" Sanzo's eyes were phased and his mouth held slightly open in daze.

"Dammit!" Goku exclaimed, "I'm freaking sick of all this!HAh'ksuu!"

"I have to a- ah'hah'ngtt! ask...what is this?" Hakkai covered his face with the back of his hand.

"A little concoction I threw together consisting of white pepper, cat dander, cold virus, and generally irritable substances to induce nearly unstoppable sneezing attacks~" Yaone smiled.

Kougaiji was about to leap forward and take the scripture off the vulnerable Genjo Sanzo but was stopped by Yaone's spear which intruded his tracks.

"Lord Kougaiji, I am the only one immune right now. I have taken a medicine to protect me from this. Allow me."

Yaone stepped through the clouds towards the helpless Sanzo Ikkou, armed her spear and attempted to swipe the scripture off of Sanzo's shoulders but was stung painfully in the shoulder.

She brought her white clothed hand to her left shoulder and dabbed it lightly. When she glanced at her wound, blood trickled down from the gash in her arm.

The smoke from the drug wasn't the only white thing in the air. Sanzo's gun was smoking as well.

"I've had Heh'ackshh! Het'schuh!- enough...."

"Yaone!!!" Dokugakuji yelled.

"I'--I'm sorryyy" and Yaone fell back onto Kougaiji.

"Ngh! You son of a bitch..." Kougaiji gave a glare that could kill.

Quickly, Kougaji tore the collar of his top to wrap his apothecary's deep cut. Yet, the bleeding didn't stop. Seeing her pale skin stained with blood was unbearable.

"We'll be back. Twice as ready and may be both be prepared." he wasn't going to let Yaone die in vain of protecting him from battle.

Nearly as suddenly as they had arrived, they were gone and out of sight.

As the sun set that evening, the four all had tinged red noses. The cold virus had gotten to them all and it didn't help that the next town was 200 miles away.

"Huh'ah Huhh'ah.. HaahKshuu!So...are we camping out tonight?" Goku asked, shivering and teeth chattering.

"What do you huh- hah...huh'schuh!...uhnn...thinkk?" Sanzo crossed his arms under his yukata and rubbed his elbows with his hands. The cigarette in his mouth was his only source of heat.

"I'm so sick- I can't even muster up the strength to punch Goku."

"What was tha- hih'ih' ickshuu!"


"Odaijini." Sanzo muttered.

"Ahahaha, thank you, Sanzo. That's unlike you."

"Oi oi, what about there?" Gojyo suggested as he pointed towards a side trip with a campfire surrounded by trees.


"Hh' Do whatever you wann...hold on...Ach'siih! Ih'shuu! Heh'Esch! Hah'tchoo! Huh''ihhh...Ihk'chu!" Sanzo was thrown into a sneezing fit.

"Bless you, Sanzo." Goku awkwardly offered.

"Pass the- huhhh...heh.....haah'Schh!..ahhh.uhh'heshh!!"

"Hyeh...Yiahh'Shiuw!" Gojyo passed up the Kleenex box, the only one they had packed, which was nearly empty after all four had dove into it for the past few hours.

Sanzo caught the next sneeze in a tissue just in time.

"So I'm assuming Sanzo wanted us to do whatever we want. I'd say we all want to sleep by a warm fire tonight."

"Yeahhhh!" the back seat responded.

"Good deal!" Hakkai smiled as he sharply turned towards the campground.

The four would normally change into casual wear but they were all too sick to sacrifice any clothing.

"Well, isn't it odd that we were just talking about Kougaiji being inactive?" Hakkai started."

"Hn..." Sanzo shivered.

"Yeah." Gojyo scooched closer to the fire he had prepared.

"You would think they'd have a big plan to destroy us as a team. A strategy or something. But back then, they were just a mess." Goku added.

The three twenty year olds turned up their heads to the young adult. Quite observant of Goku...

"I would agree with that! Speaking of which, do we really have a plan for when we reach our destination?" Hakkai asked.

"Mmmm..." Sanzo thought- but not really.

"Fill me in," Gojyo leaned on his elbow.

"We'll just have Sanzo's scripture blow everything up." Goku smiled.

Sanzo looked at the chibi saru and smirked. But his smile dropped once he felt a burn in his nose and took a deep inhale...









An awkward silence was followed by a pass around of a Kleenex box, nose blows, throat clearings, "Bless yous", and more sneezes for the rest of the night~



1. A Rude Awakening:

Sitting with his master, drinking one of his first servings of sake. Was this real? This whole experience was so vivid...

He had finally matured to the drinking age. His body would no longer let the wine consume him. But rather, he would consume the wine...

Petals fell around them as they sat under the cherry blossoms. One brushed on Sanzo's nose in such a fashion that a tickle began to arise. He set down the alcohol so he would not spill on his master...


"Bless you, Sanzo." Hakkai and Goku mumbled to the sleepy priest.

"Thank you,....master." Sanzo replied.

2. Rain

"I can't believe they sent us out to shop...again. Do they think they're above us?!" Gojyo grumbled. Carrying groceries was a little too domestic for his appearance.

"Not to mention, I see storm clouds rolling in and we're not even halfway done with our list." Hakkai smiled but was not on the inside.

Rain poured almost instantly.

"Hakkai, let's just ditch this and-Yihh'Shah!"

"Ohhh, I remember! You get colds in the rain!" Hakkai smirked at his companion.

"Yiah'Scheww! Nnn...yeah."



"Cover up your mouth, you're giving it to me."

3. Eutopia

"Hih'shh!" Konzen covered his mouth to keep the documents dry.

"Konzen? What was that?" golden eyes gazed to his caretaker

"...a sneeze." Konzen flipped through stamped documents.

"What is that?"

"I...umm...I never really researched it. It's basically your nose's way of making sure irritants don't enter your body."


Konzen sighed, "There isn't really much purpose of it here. You're always safe and sickness doesn't happen. I guess it's one of Heaven's ways to make us feel like we have minor survival skill- a way to protect something important to us."

"So sneezing makes you feel defensive, Konzen?" Goku tilted his head.

"...Heh'ischh! As well as weak."

Thanks for reading~ I hope you enjoyed. Comment and stuff cause self esteem issues such shy.gif

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That was wonderful Mer, I loved every moment of the story!! You even added some adorable little drabbles at the end!! So cute~ <3

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godness this is so wonderful!!! :yes:

i really LOVE what you are "doing" to these handsome guys :evilsmiley03:

also hakkai is getting sick by now ;) it was only a matter of time :lol:


kougaiji is working with a drug on OUR sanzo party? :eek:

"I have to a- ah'hah'ngtt! ask...what is this?" Hakkai covered his face with the back of his hand.

"A little concoction I threw together consisting of white pepper, cat dander, cold virus, and generally irritable substances to induce nearly unstoppable sneezing attacks~" Yaone smiled.

OHHHHMYYYYGGGAAAWWWDDD this is absolutely brilliant and made me grin like a stupid fangirl that i am :lmao:









seriously?!?!?! do you want to kill me..here...and...now????!!! :drool: :drool: :nosebleed:

this tingling feeling in my stomache is WONDERFUL!!!!! :blushing:

awwww the story ends here :cryhappy:

ARIGATOU so much for writing this awesome piece!!! :heart:

:eek: and those drabbles....GAAAHHHHHHH *fangirlscreaming*

just so perfect!!!!

i really hope i can read much much MUCH more of you!!! :wub:

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@Akahana: Ahhh, thank you XD. I love these four and hope to write/ see more of them on the forum! Thanks so much for reading and commenting :3 That's always super cool ;3

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@Ciuty80: When it comes to what I "did" to those guys, I am so cruel at times XD. The Yaone medicine thing came to me at random recently and my inner fangirl just exploded ^u^ Haha, so I just threw it together and it ended up on this website ^_^. Anyways, I'm so glad you liked it, so thankful for the compliments and so happy to hear about your inner fangirling that we all experience X'D. I didn't try to kill you (well, not literally at least!) I think I may retry a Saiyuki story or get to the Zelda one... who knows? ^^. But I seriously love you and all your happy comments. Keep being awesome, and I'll see you around more on the forum :D

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  • 2 weeks later...


That was perfect :wub: agh just....so cute! They're all such adorable losers!

This was an AWESOME story. I love how you included all of them; I know how difficult it can be to write or draw other characters (even if you love them too) when you have an absolute favourite (I wonder who yours could be ;))

What a great ending. Synchronised sneezing ftw. And passing round a tissue box wtf it's so cuteee <3

Thanks so much for writing this! :clapping:

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  • 6 years later...

Oh my gosh :wubsmiley:

I know it's been ages since you wrote this story, but GAHHH, I love it! Thank you so much for writing this, I read it all at once and it totally made my day! 

Saiyuki was the first anime I ever watched (I think I even stumbled upon it in one of ciuty's anime compilations) and I've been longing for those four idiots sneezing since 2013/14. I only found that one episode (7 Gunlock?) which is absolute bliss :drool:, but I've never seen any snzfics around. 

I started watching it again a couple of days ago and was in desperate need for some sneezy Sanzo, Gojyo and Hakkai... Yay for validation and therefore, the search function!

I'm so happy I found this. The idea with Yaone's sneezing powder (combined allergy and illness <3) is great, I wanted to write something similar and now I don't even have to. 

Ohhh, and the drabbles! Sanzo/Konzen and a clueless Goku, Sanzo and his master and the others blessing him and, AHHH, I cannot even properly express my love! :hyper:


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Oh my gosh!!

I totally forgot that I wrote this fldsjflewji. I am happy to hear people are still enjoying it so many years later :) 

Saiyuki was also my first anime! When I saw ciuty's comp of that Gunlock episode, I was helpless from then on  It will always have a soft spot in my heart! It has been years since I watched a full episode, but I still listen to the themes and look back at scenes from time to time. Sanzo

If you did write something like that, you know I'd be here for it!! ;) 

But yeah, your comment SERIOUSLY MADE MY DAY :') :') :') Thank you so much for the kind words, love ❤️ 

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