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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Saiyuki Story (M) :D


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I am SOOOO EVIL!!! XD It's too fun though! He's downright helpless...


HOW I LIKE IT evilsmiley03.png

Thanks so much for the compliments. I realize that I'm getting much more fluent with the transitioning and moving along of the story :B *cleans nerd glasses*. I don't mean to brag, but that Gojyo and Sanzo showdown was funnnnn XD.

More to come, but things will be wrapping up soon ;_;

When the gun comes out... ahh spoilers! Nevermind ;D

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@NameTaken: You DEFINTELY HAVE TO DRAW SOME SANZO IKKOU ART but finals... ^__^.

AHH, yes... Gojyo vs. Sanzo the classic XD. That section was really fun to write <3

Thanks for the comments and such. I think the unnecessary adjectives have taken a huge downfall ever since I started and it's all thanks to you \lll/ ^.^!!

For REALZ, I'd love to see some Saiyuki art on the forum ;D

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I'm so glad you appreciate it! I am definitely expanding with my ideas (not to be self-thumping...). The bickering & SANZO CAT ALLERGY (drools) were completely necessary constants and the Yaone thing was original XD. 


The beginning was rough but I feel pretty confident with part four's "flow" I guess...? Not to get cocky...haha.

Anyways! Thanks so much for taking the time to read and comment and be an awesome person <3

P.S. I loooooovvvvvveeee your "Unseen Dangers" fanfic. No pressure but I'd love to see more :3

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i´m back again ;)

uuuwwaaahhHHHH what a wonderful part 4!! :yes:

kitty and sanzo=perfect pairing :evilsmiley03:

and the teasing between each other is so much FUN!!!!

can´t get enough of their sneezes!!! :drool: :drool: :nosebleed:

please more! :wub:

p.s.: thank you :heart: and we had funny vacation :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Ciuty80 Hahaha, You've probably forgotten by now that you even took a vacation, but I'm back XD. I'm happy to hear that it was a fun time!

I'm glad you took the time to comment once you got back biggrinsmiley.gif . I'll write some more today yinyang.gif

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I'm sorry I haven't worked on this in, what seems like, forever! Summer has been a huge smack in the face so far and I have not had time to post much. So, here I am...past writers block...awake...and not bombarded with plans! Thank you for all those who have read so far and *insert flattering fluffy stuff here*.

Part Five:

Hakkai slowly urged Gojyo to leave Sanzo and Goku's room due to the heated fight that he'd engaged in. Now, a few hours after sunset, the group had divided and prepared to go to sleep.

"Eh, Sanzo..." Goku groaned.

"What is it?" Sanzo took a drag of his last cigarette.

"I'm so hungry..."

"You...didn't you just go out and buy food?"

"Yeah...but I don't know where it went...." Goku's whining started to sound even more annoying.

"Goku...Did you remember to buy my cigarettes?"

"Yeah...Gojyo bought some for himself too."

"Damn. That bastard probably brought the supplies in his room."

"Well. I can wait for food" Goku smirked. He wouldn't have to get out of bed after all.

"I can wait for smokes." Sanzo glared, but proceeded to tap his fingers on his bedside pillow.


"Hakkai, I didn't think you could be so sneaky." Gojyo chuckled.

"Well, I figured with Sanzo weak and Goku stunned, it would be a good time to take the groceries into our room." Hakkai grinned.

"Well, let's dig in before that hyper monkey raids all the food!"


Just as Gojyo and Hakkai were opening the grocery bags, the adjoining door was kicked open violently.

"You guys! Toss me my smokes!" Sanzo grumbled

"Okay! Okay! But ask nicely <3" Gojyo teased

"Humph. In your dr-" Sanzo rolled his eyes and reached for a bag

Suddenly, Gojyo grabbed the plastic bag that Sanzo was reaching for and shoved the cat towards him instead.

"Oh, really, monk?" Gojyo snickered

"Ahhhh!! You heh bastard!" Sanzo backed away and pressed his hand to his nose, "Just what do you think you're- hah-Shehh! do-doing? Heh- Hah'Aschh!"

"Hahaha!" Gojyo laughed, "Why don't you come and get your smokes?"

"You sssuhh son of a...huh-Chkshh! Ahhh'- why are you doing this?!" Sanzo complained, "Do you wanna- ahh!"

Sanzo twisted his face trying to suppress the sneeze that was building up. He had been sneezing all day and these stupid allergies were getting the best of him.

Gojyo laughed and taunted some more until he heard a gun click.


"You freak! Take a joke, dammit!"

"Take something seriously, dammit!" the tickle in Sanzo's nose got even more ferocious, he couldn't hold back any longer "Hyahh- Eshhhih!" and the gun involuntarily fired.

"Holy shit!" Gojyo ducked just in time so that only a few strands of hair were shot, "YOU IDIOT! YOU COULD'VE KILLED ME!"

"Oh SHUT UP!" Sanzo defended, "I told you to take something seriously!"

"You just can't admit that what you did was a complete accident!"

"Care to repeat that?"

"Enough you two. Here Sanzo," Hakkai took a pack of cigarettes and a can of peaches out of the bag Gojyo was keeping hostage, "This will be enough supplies for the night, right?"


"Alrighty then, well sweet dreams to you and Goku!" Hakkai smiled.

"Chih..." Sanzo said annoyed with his cheerfulness and he left the adjoining room with cat fur plastered to his robe.


That was the first half... I'll continue Part Five soon ^___^. I just can't think of a good way to write the rest of this story >___< Sorry to keep you waiting!

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Yay your back!! Isn;t that weird how people get busier during summer than during the school year? XD I missed yoooooooooou~ <3 <3 <3 Hope you're having a fun summer so far!! :D

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@Akahana: Dawwwwww!! I missed you too!! laughingsmiley.gif <3 I was imagining summer being so fun having no plans and surfing the internet all day!


It was so fun to hear from you :3

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evil EVIL gojyo getting the cat so near to sanzo :lol:

but so funny at the same time :yes::drool: :drool:

nice update!! :heart:

please more! :wub:

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Aghh update! :D

Gojyo will never learn, will he. Silly Kappa. Not that I mind :lol:

Don't push yourself to write though, I get how busy summer can be :0 after my last exam this Monday, I'm pretty much busy for weeks on end. (Not too busy enough to do that ikkou art that keeps nagging me to be drawn ;))

Adorable as always, can't wait to see what happens to the lovable losers that are the Sanzo Party :heart:

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@Ciuty80: Hahaha! I know, right? What a sadistic person...maybe we're a little alike 0_o... Thanks for the comments and kind words biggrinsmiley.gif I'm glad to see you haven't abandoned this despite how long I've been gone XD

@NameTaken: Haha, yes. FINALLY! yay.gif Ohh...those two will always butt heads XD. I, personally, kind of love it sweatdrop.gif. Oh don't worry, I'm not stressed. You shouldn't be either when it comes to that ikkou art (not that I'm not anxiously awaiting it or anythingwhoo.gif!)

Daww, thanks! XD. I'll try not to disappoint yinyang.gif

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@NameTaken: *Gasp!* I recently went to an anime convention and the first cosplay I saw was The Sanzo Party!! And it was all amazing! After 50+ pictures, we were talking and fangirling about Saiyuki (they were all girls) and the person cosplaying Gojyo sneezed twice *_*. It was pretty awesome even though I'm not really in to female sneezing :P. Just thought you'd be interested in hearing that XD

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Part Five and a half! XD

*Again, I own nothing. Thank you for all those who have read and have helped me along this story XD*


After Sanzo stormed out of room, Gojyo and Hakkai drank a little alcohol, Gojyo: beer Hakkai: wine, and then both went to their beds.

"Now, I know I've said this before, but I share a suite with you never again." Gojyo made very clear.

"Hehehe, I know. I feel the same way." Hakkai smiled.

"You'd better. I know I'm good looking, but try to resist yourself." and Gojyo turned to his left side to face the wall.

"No worries, Gojyo. Now get some sleep, I doubt Sanzo will be sympathetic if we're tired or slow tomorrow." Hakkai spoke towards the ceiling while lying on his back.

Hakkai half-expected a reply, but to no avail. Gojyo's rhythmic deep breathing and little movement convinced Hakkai that his roommate was asleep. He smiled contently but couldn't fall asleep.


In the adjoined room...

"Hey! Sanzo! Did you get me some food?" Goku's eyes widened as he greeted Sanzo on the other side of the door.

Sanzo stared down at his hands, "I have a can of peaches and my smokes...huh?"

"What's the matter, Sanzo?" Goku stepped forward.

"Damn stupid water sprite! Hih-CHiih!" Sanzo quietly stifled a sneeze into his black armor, bringing the peach-holding hand up to his nose.

"What'd Gojyo do?" Goku asked

"Heck-shhih! He- heh Hah'Aschiih! Got that damn cat fur all over my...HYehh' Eschihh! Ahg! I've gotta go. Take these and go to bed. We leaaa-le...Hah-ahh ..ugh. We leave tomorrow." Sanzo was constantly cut off in his sentence by an oncoming sneezing fit and was frankly fed up with it.

"Oh- okay...I'll wash your clothes for you, Sanzo. You go take a shower and I'll have your jeans and stuff ready by the time you get out." Goku suddenly didn't feel very selfish or hungry anymore.

Sanzo looked up from the floor and made short eye contact with Goku. His golden eyes were suddenly serious and lacking their playfulness. The stupid monkey was concerned for him.

"Heh," Sanzo chuckled, "Idiot...just go eat your...Huh-Ckshh! Whatever, this doesn't concern you."

"Yes it does! Just go, don't deny it- you feel miserable and I can tell." Goku crossed his arms and glared seriously at the awkward priest.

Sanzo said nothing as he walked towards the bathroom, took off his allergy tainted garment and turned on scalding shower water.


Hakkai couldn't sleep. He turned side to side, spread out, took off blankets, put them back on, no change. He lazily threw the back of his hand to his forehead and sighed.

I may as well get some fresh air- maybe that will help.

He stealthily crawled out of bed and opened the doors to the bedroom balcony. He glanced at the stars and appreciated the beautiful sky. As he reviewed the events of the day, a chuckle escaped him. The drug that had been dropped into their jeep was generally harmless. At first thought, Hakkai presumed it was a lethal substance and that he and his friends would've died right then and there. After embarrassing themselves, they found an inn. Sanzo and Gojyo fought ridiculously and continued to be jerks to each other despite being separated...a slightly out of the ordinary day he concluded.

Hakkai leaned on the railing and started to doze off until he realized he had a warm, comfortable bed waiting for him. There was no way he could pass up such a rare opportunity. Right as he turned around, he saw Gojyo shivering with no covers on. Just in time to see him sneeze in his sleep.

"Yiahh'Chieww! Huh, hehh..." Gojyo didn't wake up despite the loud sneeze.

Hakkai rolled his eyes, Gojyo had spent far too long in the rain and always caught a long-lasting cold in wet, cool, weather. He reluctantly pulled covers over Gojyo and then crashed on his own bed.


"Hey, Sanzo, you got any clothes I can wash for you?" Goku knocked on the bathroom door.

"Uhh, yeah. Here." Sanzo opened the door just enough for the hand holding his robes to fit through.

"Okay, thanks. Try to be quick, it's already past midnight and we're supposed to be gone early. Well, according to you, at least." Goku bundled the outfit in his arms and silently walked over to the sink. This inn didn't have a washer or dryer, despite being a high-class suite.

Sanzo looked in the mirror and exhaled. It had been a weird day and he didn't have the patience for it at all. He was still annoyed by the curiosity of who could have attacked his clan from above and in such a subtle fashion. Of course he thought about Kougaiji, but his group was never that cheap. They always had the same attack formula and dropping sneezing powder on their defenseless enemies was something that Kougaiji would never do. Kougaiji had too much dignity and honor when it came to fighting, he would never...

Sanzo stepped into the shower and soaked his hair. It felt nice to be in such warm water. A quality shower was something that wasn't offered so often for him. He could feel his face melt from all the stuffiness that was being steamed. He could breathe again.

Sanzo smirked and relaxed for a second.

Goku was out in the kitchen filling the sink with soapy water. All that was available was dish soap but he figured it was better than nothing. He poured some of the green cleanser on his hands and noticed the fresh scent. He brought the bottle up to his nose and was suddenly irritated.

"Heh' ICkshih! Ahh...", Goku frowned but then laughed at himself, "It was kinda worth it!"

He brushed it off, dunked the robes into the sink and scrubbed with a sponge he found on the counter. This was the only way he could think of if he was going to help Sanzo.

Ahh...that stupid monkey had better not be getting sick. If I hear one more sneeze today, I think I'm gonna...aww shit...

"Ah..HAh-Ashheh! Huh.." Sanzo sneezed once while still in the shower. He pinched his nose as he turned off the water.

That'd better be the last of these pathetic allergies...

Sanzo reached out one arm to grab the towel he had lay out earlier. There was a knock at the door.

"Sanzo, I've got some pajamas for you. They're a little damp but I couldn't do much to dry them." Goku sounded apologetic.

"Heh, just go eat, monkey." Sanzo would never let him see, but he was smiling from Goku.

"Hahaha, don't need to tell me twice!"

Sanzo took the pile of clothes from the crevice in the door and examined. There was his black turtleneck, a pair of jeans, black socks, and...oh boy...boxers. Sanzo's eyes widened and he barred his teeth as he felt mortified.

After he got dressed, he walked into his and Goku's room expecting the most awkward night ever. Instead, he saw the young boy sprawled out on the bed holding a roughly opened, empty can of peaches. He was snoring and half under the covers.

Sanzo snuck to his bed and tried his best to avoid a conversation with Goku. As long as he stayed quiet, Goku could stay asleep. In high hopes, the laundry would be forgotten about by morning. Along with the pitiful allergy attacks of the day.

"....hih..." a barely audible catch of breath escaped Sanzo.

No, he couldn't wake up Goku with a sneeze. That would just be a lose-lose.

"hyyeh...heh..." Sanzo tried to hurry to his bed- he could muffle it in his sheets or something. Oh perfect, there was a box of tissues on the nightstand... if only he could..

"Hahh' hah..!" 5 steps away...but he was being tortured by an irritant that was stronger than his resistance.

He made a last dive for the box and snagged a tissue just in time to muffle a sneeze, "Hah' ischih"

Sanzo glanced at Goku and saw him stir.

"Ehh..Sanzoo..." Goku mumbled, seemingly half-awake.

"Sorry,...did I wake you?" Sanzo's pink cheeks and nose were colorless in the dark.

"No...I just.. I think Kougaiji is gonna attack us tomorrow."

"Why's that?" Sanzo silently blew his nose.

"I don't know...I just do. I have this nagging feeling." Goku's eyes were weary.

"We'll be fine." Sanzo confirmed as he lowered himself towards his own bed.

"I'm just worried...about you and even Gojyo. You both seem really sick."

"Goku, I'm not sick."

"Sanzo...I'm really sorry about bringing the cat by you. I didn't bring her away. I was too shocked..."

"Ehhh...no sweat. I'm o...hahh Ashh'Shehh...heh...I'mokaynow." Sanzo rushed out.


Sanzo awaited a response and nothing came out of it. Goku must've fallen back asleep. Sanzo thought about what tomorrow would bring. He didn't want anyone to ever think they needed to help him. Sanzo didn't have any experience in returning favors. With that in mind, he hazily dozed off and pulled the covers up to his nose.


End of Part Five <3

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Hahaa omg that's awesome :laugh: I would have been insanely happy if I'd been there and trying my best not to grin like a moron :P

Aaaand this chapter was so good! :0 overprotective Goku, Gojyo and Hakkai being boyfriends, embarrassed sanzo trying not to sneeze :wub: I love this fic so much!

I really hope Kougaiji does show up, and that he would sink so low as to use sneezing powder. Hmmm...

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:lol: gojyo sneezing from his cold is also super cute!!!! :drool:

awww goku is so kind :yes:

i like how he tries to take care of sanzo :heart:

aaaaand sanzo trying not to wake goku with his sneezing... :drool: :drool: :nosebleed: GAAAAWWWWD so CUTE!!!! :yes:

and i do hope that kougaiji NEEDS to use sneezing powder! :evilsmiley03::yes:

Edited by Ciuty80
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Aoh poor Sanzo XD He's having so much trouble~ You're back yay!!! <3 <3 <3 Summer's so weird bro, I don't know why but I'm expecting school to start up at any minute :(

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F*** yeah, Gojyo-torture :drool::lol: Oh Mercedes, you're hilarious. And I'm all over the Hakkai-Gojyo bromance. ALL OVER IT, I tell you. :lmao: Mmmmm... fantastic spellings... yay... :D

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@NameTaken: Hahahaha, I was kind of dying cause I had a little bit of a girl crush on her XD tiredsmiley.giflaugh.png. I mean, she looked like Gojyo, how could I notwhoo.gif

Haha, I'm glad you liked it :D. I'm so happy to get support for the Hakkai x Gojyo subtlety, I love those two!! And Sanzo trying not to sneeze...that was funrolleyes1.gif! Hey now...no obvious spoilers XD <3 Thanks for replying, I smile regularly when reading your posts ;D

@Ciuty80: Ohhhh I know, right? I love Gojyo's colds XD. Probably not as much as NameTaken XD. How could Goku not help out when his super perfect love master is feeling under the weather XD. I'm glad to see your drooling emoticons and nosebleed proud.gif, I had a nosebleed myself XD YES SANZO IS ADORABLE <333 I hope Kougaiji needs to too rolleyes1.gif. Thanks for commenting! It's always fun to read and relate XD

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@Akahana: Poor Sanzo indeed *_* XD. How unfortunate that he would be given such bad luck on this journey yinyang.gif. What sadistic person would do such a thing to this super smexy adorable innocent priest?rolleyessmileyanim.gif

Ugh, summer!! I prepared all of my looseleaf for this upcoming year smartass.gif. I feel so nerdy DX. I'm so happy to hear from you!! How has your summer been? XD <3

@Maru-chan: Hahaha, that comment was greeeaaaaaaaaat! Their bonding (Hakkai and Gojyorolleyessmileyanim.gif ) is sweet B]. I'm trying my best on the spellings, trust me XD. Why thank you, I try to show that I am a playful person when it comes to these beautiful guys! Love hearing from you! Part Six up soon <3

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@Mercedes: I've been pretty good!! Some weird family shit is finally over and now I'm going to the Anime Expo this weekend!!! SO HAPPY :D I'm going to be Navi and a gothic lolita

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@Akahana: I'm so glad to hear that! Oh boy, weird family shit, tell me about it >___>. I've known PLENTY of that ; ). OMG IM SOOOO JEALOUS!! THAT'S SO COOL!! YEAY NAVI :D <3 Let me know how awesome it is!! That reminds me that I have recently started a cosplay project for, the one and only, GENJO SANZOOOOOOO *_*. XD

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  • 5 weeks later...

Thank you to all those who have patiently waited for...*looks at calendar* WAY TOO LONG! I've been super busy this summer. I apologize-really. Anyways, I'm here to continue this fluffy fanfiction. So here it goes <3

Part Six (and a half):

Hakkai was asleep, probably dreaming. Gojyo didn't know. He couldn't think straight this morning. His head hurt, he felt stuffed, it was hard to inhale, and his eyes were watery.

Sick- obviously.

Gojyo sat up and pain surged through his head. He moaned softly and then looked over towards Hakkai's bed.

"Shit". Gojyo thought "I think I woke him up"

Hakkai began stirring and turned towards Gojyo.

"How are you feeling?" Hakkai asked.

"....How did you know?" Gojyo asked blushing.

"I've roomed with you for quite some time now. I know what you look like when you're sick" Hakkai smiled jokingly.

"Well, I think I've got a cold. But that doesn't mean you're taking care of me." Gojyo protested, he hated being treated like a weakling.

"Oh, of course not. I just do your laundry, prepare your meals, drive you everywhere, fight alongside you, make your bed, and buy your cigarettes. I don't plan on taking care of you" Hakkai chuckled, "What makes you think you're sick?"

"Yiahh' Chieww!"

"So that's it..." Hakkai sat up and folded his hands to rest over his knees which dangled over his bed.

"Ehh...Hah' Shiewww!! Shut up, Hakkai." Gojyo crossed his arms and shivered.

"I suppose I should make breakfast now. Sanzo said we were supposed to leave at sunrise and it's nearly 10:00 already," Hakkai shrugged the comforter off, "Did you sleep with our fluffy friend last night?"

"Huh, who?" Gojyo leaned over to his bedside table and blew his nose in a tissue.

"...the cat...where is she?" Hakkai's eyes widened.

"Not with me! I thought you had her!" Gojyo's throat felt sore. Now was not the time to be raising his voice.

"Oh great...Well, we've got a busy morning. I've got a meal to make and a cat to find. You stay in bed, I'll bring you breakfast in bed." Hakkai stood up and walked towards the door.

"Wait, Hakkai," Gojyo grabbed the back of Hakkai's sleep shirt, "Do you think...?"

"....What is it, Gojyo?" Hakkai turned looked behind him and saw Gojyo gazing upwards at his eyes.

"Do you think....hhehh-hyeh...you could? Hyiahh'..Chih!!" Gojyo's sneeze was muffled by a tissue that was stuffed in his face.

"Prevent the spread of germs? I already have." Hakkai gave Gojyo a stare, "Stay here and sleep some more. Don't you worry about this morning's activity. I'll stall Sanzo. You need rest."

Gojyo knew when Hakkai was being sympathetic, it was best to just accept his kindness. So he pulled the tissue off his face, threw it in the trash can, and stifled a sneeze in his pillow as he flopped back down to the warm bed.

Hakkai stood in the door frame and wished Gojyo would be cured soon.


Goku was dreaming about Kougaiji. They were both on top of a tall, abandoned building. Everyone else from their parties were occupied fighting their own duel partners while Kougaiji and Goku fought the real battle.

Kougaiji was furious today. He declared that he had been away for so long upgrading his body for this moment. He would kill the whole Sanzo Party, get his revenge against Goku, and deliver the Maten scripture to Gyokumen Koushu. His mother would finally be freed.

Goku was squirming in bed. In his dream, he was dodging and kicking and punching, but in reality, he was just flopping around the covers and twiching.

Sanzo didn't dream that night. He just spent ten hours in limbo. His hazy state began around 10:00. He blinked a few times and groaned. Yesterday had been ridiculous. Being brought to his knees by a kitten was absolutely humiliating. His nose was stuffed up and it hurt. Sanzo could handle a stab to the abs but not the symptoms of cat allergies.

Sanzo rolled to his left side to see if Goku was awake yet. However, his eyes met with circular green ones and before he could even fathom the situation, a violent sneeze overtook him.

"HAH'eh'KSHHHHHH!! Huh? HAK'KSCHHHHH! Uhn..." Sanzo didn't even have time to cover his face. He bolted upright and turned behind him to see the kitten from last night meowing 3 inches away from where his head was.

Sanzo's amethyst eyes squeezed shut involuntarily as a sneezing fit began.

"I have to stifle. I have to stifle. I have to- aww shit!" Sanzo thought to himself as he saw Goku begin to wake up.

"Huh' ickshh! Hut'schht! Hit'chieww! Uahh... Hik'Shhih! Heh'Shih!" his blonde hair kept falling in front of his watering eyes; making it nearly impossible to see anything. He kept his neck down and his head painfully thrust down every time he sneezed. Despite this, he was able to keep quiet enough for Goku to stay asleep. Sanzo pulled off his arm guard to prevent getting it tainted with cat fur again and grabbed the cat. He thought for sure it was left in Gojyo and Hakkai's room. Those bastards...

He left the bedroom, the walk from his bed to the adjoining door seemed to be miles away since his nose was being tortured the whole way there.

"Hh' Hah-ehh...dammit! Hah'tchho!!" Sanzo silently cursed the stupid cat as he approached the door. Right as he was about to open his way to Hakkai and Gojyo's room, he stopped in his tracks. He felt a huge sneeze building up, he couldn't even multitask.

"Hah, hehhih.. hahhehhh...Ihh..hih'ihhh" Sanzo's breath hitched desperately.

The door opened and Hakkai saw red-eyed Sanzo looking tired and miserably at him.

"Oh, so that's where our kitty went!" Hakkai smiled and took the cat from Sanzo's shaky hand.

"Ihh'hehh' you idiots let that thi- thinggg 'Eschh'ihhh!!" Sanzo doubled over, one hand covering his nose, one hand grabbing the hip opposite of it so his arm covered his stomach.

"I'm sorry, this was all a misunderstanding." Hakkai smiled and closed his eyes, remaining unchanged and calmed by the recent events.

Sanzo crossed his arms and his nose ran. He rubbed his eyes and slammed the door on Hakkai.

"Breakfast in 15 minutes!" Hakkai yelled through the door.

And there was no response.


Part 6 part two coming soon <333

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I am madly in love with this! Please please please keep going! I'm just so happy I could spazz out! *rolls on floor*

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God everyone is so mean to Sanzo!! I think he needs some looooove~ <3

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