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Saiyuki Story (M) :D


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Fandom: Saiyuki

Disclaimer: All of the epicness that is Saiyuki belongs to Kazuya Minekura.

Summary: Just like a cheesy filler from Reload or Reload: Gunlock (remember that one Reload episode, Invincible Castle?This fic is not THAT story-lacking).

Notes: Well, Sanzo is my favorite character so he will probably be sneezing a lot ;). But if you prefer Goku, Gojyo, or Hakkai, fear not! They'll be in here too ^_^


Part One: 

It had been approximately one month since The Sanzo Party encountered Kougaiji. The last they knew of his gang, he had threatened to come back stronger and not restrain himself in their next fight.

Oh...what else was knew?

Kougaiji's gang seemed like a joke. Kougaiji was like the evil villain that reappears in story books that will show up repetitively, threatening to end the protagonists' lives at any given time. He brings his posse along  who also emptily throw attacks around. Whoop de doo- protagonists win. The antagonists swear they will return mightier and beat them next time.

They never do.

And thus was the topic of The Sanzo Party's jeep discussion.

"I mean really, guys, don'cha think they're just gonna accept that we're always gonna kick their asses?" started a boyishly brown-haired young-adult.

"Yeah! No matter how many times they try to take Baldy's Buddha papers, they end up passed out in like FIFTEEN minutes of fighting. It's not even funny!" added a crimson-haired, long-legged man in his early twenties.

"Watch your mouth...damn pervy water sprite," a rebel monk commanded, "If there's anything I hate the most about those persistent freaking elves, it's their consistency of calling me 'bald'. That little Lirin should learn to shut her trap." the priest finished off his rant by crossing his arms and narrowing his eyebrows.

"Aheheheh- don't worry Sanzo," a cheery, ex-mass-murderer settled. "I just wonder why Yaone is so kind and friendly in combat. She threatened to blow us up while our guard was down. Yet, it's almost like she's my friend! She has no idea how big of a tease she can be. It's probably her most threatening quality," he finished with his placid smile.

 "So... You think they're ever coming back?" Goku asked.

"I heard rumor that they may get off our asses for some other mission." Gojyo suggested.

"Something about finding other Sanzo priests' scriptures..." Hakkai trailed off, "though I'm unsure of the exact assignment. Sanzo?"

Sanzo sighed, "there are four other scriptures across all of Shengri- La. I'm not positive, but Kougaiji may be searching for the other scriptures that Sanzo priests besides me possess, or, have possessed as some may have died or lost them. According to demons we've interrogated, this is Kougaiji's mission while the measly hoards of demons that attack us are going after my Maten scripture."

"...In other words, Goku, we don't have to worry about them for quite some time." Hakkai smiled.

Or so he thought...

"Umm, Lord Kougaiji," a beautiful, humble servant of the demon assassin presented herself.

Kougaiji had his gaze fixed on his mother. Feelings of grief, determination, longing, and worthlessness mixed inside of him. He was going to set her free- no matter how it had to be done. Yaone's voice echoed towards him across the long corridor.

"Kougaiji..." she began, "I ask for permission to leave."

He turned towards her, focused. 

"Why would you want to go outside?" the red-haired leader inquired, "If it's to face The Sanzo party, you should know what my response will be. Though I can't put up fences or lock you up in this castle, I will be sure that you don't set off on a suicidal mission."

"Please, Lord Kougaiji, trust me on this. I have created a new substance that is sure to bring down The Sanzo Party's guards. I've been stuck in Houtou Castle for a long thirty days doing nothing to help you. I feel guilty and in debt. There's a cause I'm passionate for. However, I'm limited in how I can fight for it," Yaone's voice sounded desperate. 

Kougaiji repeated her last sentence to himself. 

"However, I'm limited in how I can fight for it," he said. 

He then turned his gaze from Yaone and set his eyes on his mother.

"Yes, Yaone. I understand your feelings, probably more than you do," Kougaiji said in a firm tone, "But if you screw this up, the flying dragons are a five mile distance from here and it would be a crunch in time for me to come save you."

"Do not worry, my lord, I know- I can't lose. I will be going now. I have an anxious flying dragon awaiting me," Yaone smiled slightly. 

"Wait, Yaone, are you SURE you will be okay?" Kougaiji raised an eyebrow. 

"I am sure," she winked as she grabbed a knapsack full of potions, "They won't be able to hold back. And in this circumstance, it will be a good thing."

Kougaiji didn't understand what she meant by "it will be a good thing". But he didn't have time to stop her. Yaone had already boarded a flying dragon and was skimming the land for a green jeep.


End of Part One

Please, don't flame me! There was no sneezing in this one. But part two will have plentyyy XD. 

Feedback makes me happy ^_^ <3

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This is so interesting!! I can't wait for part two and hopefully some sneezy Sanzo~ <3 <3 <3

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Part Two:

"Hakkkkkaiiiii," Goku groaned "how far till the next towwwwwn?"

"We should be coming up towards the village real soon, Goku." Hakkai checked his map.

"Awh, thank God!" Gojyo reclined, "no way am I camping out next to monkey brains over here for the third night in a row!"

Goku frowned. "Well at least I'm not so desperate to get int'ah town just so I can chase skirts all day!"

"What makes you think they're running?! I bet you're just hungry, that's why you wanna get to the stores!" Gojyo backfired.

"What makes you think I'm...!?" Goku was cut off by a smack across the face and bonked heads with Gojyo.

"Stop. Silence. Now. You pervert and bottomless pit!!" Sanzo swung his huge, white fan to leave imprints on his companions faces.



Sanzo opened his mouth to spit out offensive names and POLITELY tell them to shut the hell up. However, an object fell from above right onto the mat below the passenger seat.

Hakkai slammed the brakes as a slight fog spread throughout the jeep.

"What the h- huh- Huh,ASchh! Hah'EHschuu! huh-HEh'ckSHH...hell?!" Sanzo barely managed to finish the question while a persistent sting bothered his nose.

"Hi'SSHHuh, everyone! Hih-....hehhh... Cover your nose and... HiESHH!! mouth!" Hakkai warned. 

He knew some chemical had just been thrown in their jeep. He didn't know much about it- but he couldn't think his best through his clouded mind.

"huh- pSHHihh!" Goku stifled a sneeze as his eyes watered.

"Aww shit!" Gojyo swore and brought his elbow up to his nose to muffle the constant sneezes, "Sanzo! Get that thing outta here!"

Sanzo tried to find the drug that had exploded in the defenseless jeep. Unfotunately, he couldn't see as his sight blurred due to an induced fit.

"h'ckkShH! Sanzo, try to find the s-- Esk'Shiih! Please locate the object beneath your feet!" Hakkai urged.

As Sanzo leaned his torso towards his feet to retrieve the substance, the tickle in his nose became more intense. He cringed as he tried to hold back, but the feeling was too intense. 

"HAah'ASHHih! Huh- ihh'iCKSHH! heh- huhh- HAshUH! Gah, shit!" Sanzo rapidly fired out three more sneezes.

Gojyo and Goku were motionless. They couldn't control themselves for two seconds as long as that drug was being inhaled. In the meantime, Goku ducked half in his face in his scarf to contain the noise. Gojyo's buildups were cartoonish in how they started: "yia-AHH'chew!" 

Hakkai sounded out of his cheery character and rather harsh as the annoyance ripped through his body. He couldn't steer the Jeep with this onslaught of involuntary actions, but his whole body moved with such force as he sneezed that the gas pedal was slammed repetitively. 

"Hah'hershhih!! Uhg, Ahh.. I -ah- apo- EHk'shiih! Apologize.." 

To Hakkai's left, Sanzo had the wide, white sleeve of his robe covering his face. Little did he know, he has trapped some of the inducing drug into his sleeve and was only making himself more miserable.

"Heh- hah..shit! Uhh-Hac'Chshh! AKsh'HiH! Huh'ischh! Heh--huh, helppp..! Hyyaaa'ShiHh!" Sanzo choked out obscenities and semiconsciously begged for help between breaks in a now three minute sneezing fit. 

Finally, a figure jumped from behind Sanzo and landed in front of his black toed shoes. Sanzo could barely hear or see, but he could tell that Goku had thrown the substance out of the Jeep and ended their misery. 

All four of them took deep breaths. Sanzo and Hakkai had taken it the worst. While Goku and Gojyo had immediately stopped their fits, Hakkai was sniffling like crazy and Sanzo was releasing quieter sneezes while pinching his nose. 

They didn't search around to see where the gas bomb had dropped from, let alone who dropped it. 

Yaone was out of breath from laughing so hard. She had done it! Kougaiji would be so proud when she returned to explain her success, she could do her master justice for his lending hand. Yaone knew she was forever in his debt, but the guilt had lessened now that she had exposed an in-avoidable weakness.


End of Part Two 

Well, that was fun!!

Thanks for spending your time on my fluffy Fanfiction XD. I REALLYY appreciate it <3

*Reply with (constructive, maybe?) criticism, things you liked, things you didn't like, nerdiness, questions and ANYTHING :D. I LOVE FEEDBACK <3*

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Oh my god I can't even think right now that was GENIUS!!! It actually made sense too, this is awesome!!!! Sanzo~ <3 <3 <3 *swoons* I hope you are planing to continue this because it's so hot!

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@Centurion: Will do! Keep reading ;D! Thanks for taking the time to comment! I really REALLY appreciate it <3.

@Akahana: I'm so flattered!! XD I was really nervous about how fans would react because I wondered if the plot was too much of a stretch shy.gif . THANK GOD SOMEONE LIKES IT laughingsmiley.gif!! And yes...Sanzooooooooo <3 yinyang.gif I'll continue, it's so S E X Y I mean, beneficial to my writing skills! XD Thanks for reading, it means A LOT to me <3

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Part Three:

After the assault, the ride to the town was awkward...

Hakkai kept his eyes dead on the road to the next village, but everyone could tell that he was desperately trying to assess what the hell had just happened. Every thirty seconds to a minute, he'd sniffle and wipe his nose on his sleeve. He was disappointed that he had been a useless slab in the incident that had just happened. Hakkai tried to recover by seeing if he could figure out the details over who did this to poor Hakaryuu and his friends...err...companions.

Gojyo was lighting a cigarette casually. Inside, he was just pissed off. He was just about to have a perfectly functional day in a village. Sanzo hadn't even fired off his gun at him or the stupid monkey yet. He was totally safe until a smoke bomb randomly dropped in his ride. What a waste of time!

Goku whined as his eyes watered. He didn't say anything because he didn't want to bother Sanzo any more than the drug had, but he was severely annoyed. His scarf was disgusting with excretions from his pink-face. His hair looked even more messy than usual from the sneezing fit which caused his neck to snap forward at least ten times. However, he still kept his mouth shut.

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Awww :wub: such cuties!

Always nice to see another saiyuki fan around the forum :) I eagerly await any updates, regardless of who is sneezing (they're all sweethearts, but Gojyo's been my favourite since way back in 2007 :lol:). I also like the idea of Yaone putting her apothecary skills to good use ;)

I don't normally like giving out criticism, but one thing I would suggest is to use slightly less adjectives. For instance, something like 'cheery brunette' sounds less long winded and to the point than 'boyishly brown-haired young-adult'. I know you were introducing the characters and making their personalities and distinguishable features known, but sometimes it's better to keep it simple. :)

Sorry if I come off as condescending or anything; I really do like it, and your sneeze spellings are super cute and fitting.

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@NameTaken: Yeahhhh...I was trying too hard XD. Some people on here have too many adjectives...I just tried to fit in. But it was pushed, so I stopped XD. I love me some Saiyuki fans too! Gojyo's a cool one, I'll make sure to get some more of him in here too! ;D, thanks for commenting and constructive criticism! It helps me become a better writer and it's super fun to read :3

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*I dunno what the heck that was^^...regardless, let's keep going! XD^*

Part Three (continued):

Sanzo, however, was completely unamused. His robe had been tainted with steam from the drug and would not wear off despite the wind blowing towards him due to motion from the drive. He was a slow, lame slab that was brought to his knees by something as pathetic as medicine. Sanzo always tried to hide his weak moments from the people around him, especially that damn water sprite, but was unable to as the sneezing fit took complete control of his body. Just thinking about the previous incident angered him to no end. He'd never expose a weakness around them again...

"Hyaaah..ahh not- not agaihhh ahh ahh again! Hyehh'hehh...", Sanzo seriously tried to subdue the irritant but couldn't help himself. He couldn't deny the inevitable. "Heh'Ckshh! ahh...AHH'HEschh!" he sneezed twice and made a frustrated noise as he brought his wrist to the tip of his nose to block the sight of his miserable expression.

"Bless you, Sanzo." Hakkai said in a calm voice. He directed one eye at Sanzo just to demonstrate that he was actually concerned.

"Chihh..." Sanzo was too exhausted to disregard Hakkai's kindness.

"Ahahaha. Well, anyways, the next town is within minutes. I think we all deserve at least a 24 hour rest with plenty of recovery time." Hakkai confirmed.

"With food!" Goku piped up

"And beer!" Gojyo relaxed and folded his arms behind his head

"And meat buns!"

"And packs of smokes!"

"And a warm, comfy inn I might add," Hakkai smiled, "you can make another two miles, right, Hakaryuu?"


Sanzo rolled his eyes. The three companions were all back to their normal selves. As he looked above, he saw a threatening sky. Dark, heavy clouds were rolling in from behind. Great, like a rainstorm would be the thing to boost his mood...

"SANZOOO!! JUST LOOK AT ALL THESE FOOD STANDS!" Goku managed to march and skip at the same time as he eyed the delicacies of the village marketplace.

"Nevermind that, monkey boy, look at how huge that bar is! They've gotta have at least ten tons of liquor in there. I'll be winning over some chicks tonight!" Gojyo raised an eyebrow and rested his right hand on his hips.

As Hakkai skimmed the town for a place to sleep, he was faced with a concierge that stood outside of a hotel parking lot.

"Hello! Welcome to Hotel Rei! Do you have any questions about this town?" the girl handed out a pamphlet.

"Oh thank you, Miss!" Hakkai accepted her pamphlet, "I suppose we'd like to hear what your hotel can offer for four guys."

"Of course! Why don't I take you guys inside and we can check what rooms are open!" the employee suggested.

"Sounds delightful." Hakkai smiled.

Hakkai walked in the door and was followed by Sanzo dragging Gojyo and Goku from the busy stores into the lobby.




Turns out, there were only two rooms left in the entire inn. They were both suites with two queen beds each.

"I'm taking Goku. Hakkai, you've got Gojyo." Sanzo stated. There was no question.

"So...here are your room keys! Enjoy your stay!" the clerk handed cards to each one of the new guests.

"Say, I hope you kept a pair of keys to my room, sweetheart. Tell me, what's your name?" Gojyo leaned on the service counter and winked.

"Ummm...my name is Hiromi" the employee nervously smiled as she blushed.

"That's fitting, a beautiful name for a beautiful woman... What time do you get off, Hiromi? I hope I see you at the bar down the street...your drink is my treat." Gojyo smiled.

Sanzo scoffed. Hakkai nervously wondered how having a girl spend the night would work since Hakkai shared a room with Gojyo...

"Gojyoooo, back off of her. Let's just go shopping!" Goku persisted.

Gojyo let his body sag. Goku had totally ruined the moment.

"Whatever you hyper-hungry monkey. Eh, Sanzo, your card?"

Sanzo was simply tired and was not about to be rudely awakened by Goku pulling on his leg to buy him this or that. He just wanted to go to his room. Sanzo handed Gojyo his Annex Credit Card.

"Come back with more than five bags and I'll kill you."

"Thank you! Oh high-and mighty, generous, caring priest Sanzo!" Gojyo left the hotel lobby before Sanzo could pull out his gun.

Hakkai had noticed that Sanzo had been dealt a terrible hand so far this day. He couldn't bring himself to let Sanzo loathe in the rain alone. Hakkai invited Sanzo to join him in his room and Sanzo reluctantly agreed.

"Ahh Shit! We've gotta make this fast, Goku!" Gojyo warned.

"I can't believe it's raining the second we get here!" Goku complained.

"I know, we've just gotta get our supplies and hurry back to the hotel."

"Okay. First: Food!"

"No. I've been on cigarette withdrawal for too long. Smokes first."

Wet rain poured down on the two while the argued.

"I've got the credit card so I!..." Gojyo stopped mid-sentence when a chill rushed through his body, "Yiahh...'Chiuu! Yehh...Kshh!"

"Hehehehe! Gojyo! You sneeze like an old fogey!"

"Yih'pshih! Shut up! Let's just get our friggin stuff so we can get back to the hotel!" Gojyo was annoyed.

So the two walked through the marketplace and picked out food and preferable brands of cigarettes. Goku was outrunning Gojyo. But Gojyo was feeling increasingly weak. He could feel his clothes soaking through and the moisture cling to his body. He tried to stifle his sneezes. But some just couldn't be helped.

"Yie'schhuu! Yiah-ischh! Ahh... Move your ass, Goku!" Gojyo sniffled crazily.

"I'm all ready. Let's get back to Sanzo and Hakkai. I bet they're starving." Goku started to sprint back to the inn. Ignoring the heavy rain fall.

Gojyo thought he'd finally get some relief...but he hadn't even been through the worst.

End of Part Three


Ahh! I'm so shy sweatdrop.gif .

I'm so happy I got responses on this! I love people taking time to read my fluff biggrinsmiley.gif. I hope you guys are enjoying it. As always, if you have (constructive?) criticism, things you liked, things you didn't like, suggestions, requests, preferences...anything! You can always post a comment or message me! I love talking with people :3. <3

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Oh my god, girl are you always this amazing? Because I think I am in love, this is just......ALL OF MY YES!!! I am so happy you're writing more, I REALLY love this story and I'm eagerly awaiting this beautiful night at the inn~ <3 <3 <3

Awesome job!!!! :D

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OMG YOU'RE SO NICE :'D. I've been trying my best on this so I hope I'll be able to keep up this "amazingness" ;)

I am honored to have "ALL OF YOUR YES" And a follower/reader/commenter/fellow FANGIRL on my posts <3 XD

I can't explain how happy I am that you love this story! Thanks for reading my updates and I promise this night at the inn will be bbbeeeaaauuutttiiifffuuulll XD

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Thank you for reading this!! :D :D It means a lot to me <3. Even more that you cared to comment, let alone, compliment as well :)

I hope you continue to read and I'll get my Legend of Zelda story up ASAP ^_^

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god i love this so much and you are perfectly in character! :yes:

and the sneezes so well spelled and awww...:drool: :drool: :nosebleed:

please more! :wub:

(p.s.: won´t be able to reply for the next 6 days. i´m on vacation, sorry ;) )

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Ahhhh :D So looking forward to the next chapter! I'm glad I came on the forum and saw this updated. You really have their personalities down, especially Sanzo being all grumpy because of his weakness hehe :)

Poor babies :wub:

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You're welcome and thanks I shal wait for the Zelda fic c:

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@Ciuty80: Hahaha, I would only hope. I've watched ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL the Saiyuki and read half of the entire manga series...I'd better be in character heh.gif!

For real though, THANKS SO MUCH FOR READING AND ALL THE NICE WORDS <3 :D. I can't express how good it makes me feel biggrinsmiley.gifproud.gif

Of course, I'll be writing more!

Have fun on your vacation :3 \lll/ ^.^ \lll/!!


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@NameTaken: Yeay!! I have an anticipative reader XD. I'll get to writing it ASAP, I'm excited to start Part Four!

Thanks for saying I've got their personalities down XD...I've been so involved with Saiyuki. You don't even know how many accumulative hours of my life have been spent watching/reading/drawing/bragging about Saiyuki twitchsmile.gif.

And who doesn't love an embarrassed, grumpy, sneezy Sanzo?!laughingsmiley.gif

Ahhggg...poor babies, indeed ;D

Thanks so much for reading on through sucky adjectives >_<. I'm not that type of writer thumbsdownsmiley.png . XD, I love your comments and it makes me so happy to read them B]

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@DeathNoteOwner: For sure!! yes.gif It will be SO MUCH FUN :Dclapping.gif

Thanks for reading and commenting <3. I love when people reply! XD

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Part Four:

Sanzo and Hakkai had begun their ascent upstairs.

"Let's see...you and Goku have room 306, Gojyo and I have room 308. We must be right next to each other." Hakkai thought out loud as he checked the room keys.

Sanzo said nothing. He was in a terrible mood and had three flights of stairs to climb before he could relax. Not to mention, he couldn't smoke in his room. Signs spotted the stairwell that said "NO SMOKING ALLOWED BESIDES BALCONIES" and "NO PETS". Therefore, Hakaryuu was parked outside and a half empty pack of Marlboro Reds were stuffed in Sanzo's sleeve.

Sanzo slowly scratched his throat and coughed into a raised fist.

"Sanzo, you sound awful."

"Dobt mide me."

"Well, I'll brew some tea and be right over. Miss Hiromi told me that our rooms are adjoined so I'll just knock. Make sure to stay awake long enough to let me in," Hakkai narrowed his eyebrows, pulled out the keys to his room and tossed Sanzo his set of keys.

Both Sanzo and Hakkai unlocked their doors and examined the rooms. There were two bedrooms in each suite, one bathroom, a minor kitchen, a living area with board games, mahjong, and cards, there was also a balcony that faced west over the city.

While Hakkai emptied cupboards and began to boil water, Sanzo smoothly slid the heavy white robes off of his shoulders and let the fabric hang over his black rope belt. He sat at a desk in the living area and let out a sigh.


Rain was on a persistent decent that seemed to be directly over Goku and Gojyo. It was as if the rain clouds were following them...hovering over the two's heads.

"Yiahh'chiewww! Dammit! Huh'YYiEschhahh! Come on, Goku!" Gojyo yelled, impatient with the chill that continuously went up and down his body.

"But...there's a...!" Goku protested.

"You STUPID monkey!! We already have five bags full of supplies. Sanzo is going to berate us with the fan or even shoot us with the gun if we get back with more shit!"

"Gojyo! It's not about that! Look!!" Goku came to a stop, squatted, and pointed at the ground.

"What the hell could you--- ? Ohh..." Gojyo crouched beside Goku and reached at what Goku was staring at.

"Come on, we have to rescue her!"

"You're right, I'm not sure if that's blood or rain...we can have Hakkai heal her with his chi. Hurry up! Carry her and let's run!"

Goku nestled her in his arms along with grocery bags and sprinted back towards the hotel next to Gojyo.


"Here you are, Sanzo. Green tea with a side of rice." Hakkai smiled as he sat at Sanzo's dining table.

"Heh...thanks." Sanzo stared at the meal. Even though his appetite had completely vanished, he couldn't resist his favorite meal. He lifted a spoonful to his mouth and swallowed. The steam of the tea felt so relieving on his raw throat.

"Did those two say when they would be returning? They've been gone for quite some time now." Hakkai asked.

"...Beats me. They'd better get back soon, though. I don't want them gorging on meat buns just because they have control of my card." Sanzo noticed his voice had gotten better.

As if planned, there was a knock at the door. Hakkai rose from his chair to answer it and was surprised to see three beings with an unfamiliar face barging into the room.

"Why do you guys have a cat?" Hakkai asked in a shocked voice.

Goku started, "When we were walking back, and it was raining and we just saw this pretty little kitty on the pavement all alone!".

"She was soaked through her fur and she looked injured and was wet with rain and possibly blood, we thought!" Gojyo finished.

"Ahh!" Sanzo nearly jumped out of his chair and backed away from the living area into the kitchen.

"Yes, Sanzo, it really is a frightening circumstance." Hakkai regarded, "Keep tight while I check her pulse."

Hakkai laid two fingers on the nape of the kittens black neck and counted silently.

"Well, her heart is beating at a regular pace. Goku, go dip this kitty in the sink, will you?" Hakkai urged, "It will wash off any possibility of infection.

"Sure thing!" Goku gently took the kitty but hurried to the sink in the kitchen. He was approaching the tile when he was shocked by a loud sneeze.

"HAHHHH'CKSSSH!" Sanzo bent over at the waist rapidly.

"Hey! Sanzo! What's goin' on?" Goku stopped in his tracks and gazed at Sanzo.

"Iiiii...hih-hih-HIHH'ESCHHU! ...HAHHH'CHHSSH! 'ESCH, ESCH, Hyahhh...ESCHHH!! the miserable priest couldn't even choke out a second word before an onslaught of sneezes gave him no mercy.

"I...I...IIIIII'mmm Hih'AHSHHHH! Ahh...ahh-AHH'ESCHUU! Aller- Aller-AH'CHOO! gic!" Sanzo was sent into a loop of lean back, build up, snap forward, and breathe as he tried to talk in between his messy sneezes.

The whole room was sent into an awkward silence. Sweat ran down Goku's face, Gojyo stared at the pathetic scene, and Hakkai had his forehead in his hand and stood limply.

"Hakkai! What should I do!?" Goku looked towards Hakkai with a worried gaze.

"Just get it over with!" Hakkai demanded.

"HAHAHA! Kitty's got'cha beat, Sanzo!" Gojyo laughed.

"Uahhh" Sanzo's eyes fluttered and suddenly squeezed shut, "... AS'CHHH! Shuh--Shut uh- uahh- hah..ahhh..!"

Gojyo smirked at Sanzo as he crossed his arms, "Spit it out, priesty!" and Gojyo mockingly chuckled.

Sanzo was suffering a stuck sneeze "Shit!" he thought, "I need to get this out or try to hold it in. Standing here like an idiot is just so-!". He'd never admit it to himself, but he was really embarrassed by this whole incident. Not to mention...he was stuck with his back arched, neck reclined, one hand on his belt, one hand in a fist by his mouth, eyes squinted, and his breath hitching repeatedly.

"hah...heh-ahh...HYAAA'ESCHHIH!!" Sanzo sneezed his loudest one yet and as he doubled over, blonde hair covered his face as his upper body muscles clenched fluently.

"Bless you, Sanzo <3" Gojyo smiled. However, his breath also began to hitch.

"Hih- Yiahhh'Chieuu!" Gojyo turned as red as his hair and glanced towards Sanzo.

"Hah! Leechy ka-kah kah...ASH'CHH!" now it was Sanzo's turn to blush, "What are you, a ma..hh..HAH'HISHH! Ugh, manga character?"

"AT LEAST I'M NOT THROWN INTO A FIHH- Ihh...HYIahh'Scheeww!! mmm...fit by something as stupid as an injured kitten!" Gojyo backfired.

As the two fought, Hakkai and Goku exchanged confused glances. Hakkai told Goku it would be best if Hakkai watched over the kitten in his room. Goku said good-bye to her and softly handed her over to Hakkai.

"Ladies...ladies...please. I think it would be best if we let this one go. Gojyo, please come back to our suite." Hakkai firmly proposed.

"This isn't settled, monk." Gojyo turned his back on a red, sweaty, sneezy Sanzo and shut the adjoining door as he left towards his room.


End of Part Four

Like Gojyo said: "this isn't settled". There will be more XD!

This is so fun! I hope you guys like it <3

Thanks for reading and commenting, you're the best readers I could ask for :).

Reply with the usual: criticism (with or without constructivism) things you liked, things you didn't like, requests, preferences, things you'd like to see, things I should stop/get rid of XD It helps me become a better writer, it doesn't hurt my feelings either ;D.

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Oh you evil person I love you so much!!! XD Poor Sanzo man, but it's just too tempting NOT to enjoy his misery!! This is getting better and better, and oh dear Gojyo, two angry sneezy killers...this could end badly!! XD I was just waiting for the gun to come out lol

Great job am so glad you're writing this~ <3

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Omg. Today is not Sanzo's day :lol: I agree with Akahana, really glad you're writing this. Makes me want to draw some ikkou fetish art. Hmmm... (when exams are over though, god x_x)

And Gojyo teasing Sanzo is <3

Looking forward to more! And shhh, the adjective thing was just some advice, your writing isn't bad at all! As long as you're having fun writing :)

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Ohhh goodness moar Saiyukinonsense eeeee :D:wub:

Darling, it's awesome that you're doing this and it's MUCH appreciated! :yes: It has everything - the bickering, the SANZO CAT ALLERGY MWAAHHH, the silliness... and that idea of Yaone's sneeze-inducing chemical is LOVELY. :D

Now, if you don't mind one more tiny piece of constructive criticism - don't try too hard. Believe me, your own every-day language is more than fine. It needs no adornment with adjectives and adverbs that you have to put effort in. You've captured the overall canon tone quite well, so that's covered, and the rest is just telling us your story in your own words, because your own words are fine. Really truly. :yes:

...I can hardly wait for the rest of this. It's GREAT to have more Saiyuki on the board! :hug:

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