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Bank Shots and Smoke (for TG's SPN meme)


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Hey all! If there are any Supernatural fans out there that haven't been over to tarotgal's meme, you MUST do it now. Soooo many good prompts just waiting for wonderful YOU GUYS to fill them, and soooo many good stories to be read! Too many.

This was a wonderful prompt by senberet again, and it was DOUBLE filled, so please please check out the other fill as well, it's so good. Anyway!

Prompt: Dean is playing pool (billiards? whatever) at the bar and he's totally rocking it, like, making a bunch of cash so he and Sammy won't have to worry about it later, in case any of their cards get declined. And the other guys are super cool too, you know, fun to play with, graceful about losing, impressed with Dean's skills. Basically, Dean is having an awesome time.

Until he realizes that the bar is suuuuper smoky, and he hasn't seen Sam in a while. And maybe it's also the start of allergy season, or maybe Sam was already starting to get sick. So Dean is getting pretty concerned, because his kid's nose and lungs are already sensitive to smoke when it's this bad.

Basically I want sick/allergic Sam all sniffly and wheezing in a smoky hazy bar and Dean willingly abandoning a game to take care of him.


“Another beer for the lucky kid over here! On me!” Eddie’s voice rises above the shouting of the other men surrounding the pool table, enraptured by the game taking place.

With a crack, Dean sends two balls flying into pockets, an unlikely bank shot that even he hadn’t anticipated seconds before. Disbelieving shouts erupt around him and he grins, soaking it up.

More money is slapped down on the table, and Dean can’t help but bask in the glory; he’s not used to his success being this well-received. The guy he’s playing against is surprisingly good-natured about losing, and the rest of the men treat him like a celebrity. He’s making a killing, and he hasn’t even been here that long. He makes a mental note to come back to this town whenever he and Sam are seriously strapped for cash. What was the name of this place again? He can’t be bothered to remember at the moment, and makes another mental note to ask Sam later, maybe after a few more games.


Sam hears the shouts cut through the crowd and tries not to wince. His head is splitting, and he’s been feeling a cold coming on for the past two days. It’s been teasing him, making him feel kind of pathetic and shitty, but not nearly shitty enough for Dean to take real notice, and not enough to forgo the opportunity to make money.

An hour ago, they only had enough cash for a beer and entrance to a game of pool. Now, the stack has grown ten times larger, and Dean is enjoying himself for the first time in weeks. There’s no way Sam’s putting a stop to that.

He wheezes out a cough, rubbing his red rimmed eyes. He can barely see Dean for all the smoke, and the allergic tears that pool up and blur his vision are a further hindrance. The only way he can even tell they are making money is by the jubilant yells of the guys around Dean’s table.

“Alright, I’m up. You’re on, Winchester!” Sam can hear a man say, and he shakes his head, grinning. After a moment, though, he’s cupping his hands to his face, sneezing. “Hh-kktschh! Huh-ihhhshhh! Hih-hih-hitchoo!

He frowns when he realizes the woman next to him is smoking, and resigns himself to the fact that he’ll probably be miserable all night.

Sam scoots away from her, taking a seat at the bar, and orders himself a beer. What he really wants is tea, but, at this rate, he’s going to need alcohol to get through.

It isn’t that bad, though. Sam hears Dean laughing, really laughing, and leaving is now unfathomable, because that sound is laced with pure happiness. Dean’s laugh is all too rare nowadays. Sam smiles, sips his beer, and braces himself for a long night.


Dean can make this in one shot. He’s sure he can, he just needs the right angle. He visualizes the shot over and over, suddenly conscious the air has gone still around him. No one speaks, he can feel the eyes all over him, tickling the back of his neck. He swiftly draws back the stick and hits the ball. A satisfying crack resounds, and the shot is perfect. Noise fills the empty space, hands fly all over, slapping him on the back.

He grins sloppily, as he’s had more than a few beers now, and he feels mighty fine. He could play with these guys forever. The happiness is intoxicating. His life has been full of so much shit lately that a mildly good night has gotten him in a state of bliss. Even Sam has to be enjoying himself, Dean muses.

He looks up suddenly, something nagging him. Sam. He hasn’t seen his brother for hours. His eyes move over the bar expertly, searching for the only familiar face here. His body is tense, ready to act, but he relaxes when he sees the shaggy flop of brown hair and the shiny (really, really shiny) green eyes over at the bar.

Honestly, Dean’s sort of surprised he could even make Sam’s shape out, the bar is so hazy. He grabs his beer from the table, and his earnings, thanking the men and ambling over to his brother.

He’s within a few feet when Sam begins sneezing. Breathy and desperate-sounding little outbursts that happen one after another after another and go on for much longer than they should.

Hht’tschhew! Huh-tssshhew! Huh-tschooo! Hh-hh-HHTSCHhhew! Hih-hitchoo! Huh’tschhuhh! Huh’tssshew! Heh’ESSHHHHEWW!

“Jesus, gesundheit. Smoke’s getting to you, isn’t it?” Dean claps a hand on his brother’s shoulder, his voice just a little too loud.

“S’okay.” Sam shrugs, scrubbing at his nose and sniffling. He glances over at the woman a few seats away, another cigarette glowing between her fingers.

Dean follows his gaze, his eyes narrow. He opens his mouth to say something, but Sam stops him.

“Dean.” He says quietly. “I said it’s fine.” He’s coughing a minute later, but not the little shallow coughs he’s been expelling for days now, but the worrying ones, the rattling, deep coughs that shake his body, making him seem small and weak (which is quite a feat because, well, it’s Sam).

“Time to go.” Dean says, pulling the beer bottle out of his little brother’s hand, who, still coughing, looks up with watery, indignant eyes.

“H-hey!” He wheezes, grabbing it back. “We’re not leaving. You’re having fun.”

“And you’re having an allergy attack.”

Sam protests, then sneezes, then sneezes again. Then he can’t talk anymore, because he can barely get a breath in between sneezes. “TShhhuhh! TSShhuhhh! Huh’tschhhuhh! Huptschhhoo! Huh’kkschhhew! TSSHH-TSSHHHuhhhh!

Dean feels his chest tighten with concern and sympathy. He grabs napkins, waits out the fit, then presses them into his brother’s hand, pulling Sam into a standing position while he’s too distracted to push his older brother off.

Sam, caught off guard and a little dizzy, complies.

“Come on, Sammy. You’ve had your fun tonight.”

Sam looks dejected. “But… you were laughing…”

Dean rolls his eyes, a little amused, and places a hand on his little brother’s back, guiding him to fresh air. “So? Come on, Sammy. The bar has to close sometime. And if I took any more of those guys’ money, somebody was gonna get mad. We can go back tomorrow.”

They’re outside now, and the chill of the air makes Sam sneeze again. “Hhht’ksshheww!

“Scratch that. I can go back tomorrow. You can stay home and sleep off your cold.”

Sam is too tired to do anything but agree. And sneeze.

And, in the end, it doesn’t matter that Dean left the bar early. The lazy euphoria of his enjoyment lasts the whole night. Plus taking care of Sammy has never been a chore anyway.


Hope you guys enjoyed!! <3

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Awww Knowing Dean, is Awesome Dean. And I do enjoy a Sick Sammy. Any more chapters coming? Or just a one-shot?

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:D this was really cute!!! Poor Sammy stuck in a smoky bar! I loved caring and concerned Dean :heart:
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I enjoyed... Maybe dean should catch his cold? I'd kill for a sick dean ~~~

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@swan_ee_song: Knowing Dean IS Awesome Dean!! That's all I wrote for this one, but there are sooo many prompts I have my eye on, so more from me soon.

@sadie22233: Aw, thank you! biggrin.png Heehee, waiting out the fit is cuuute.

@milkyCoffee: Thank you so much! I owe the scenario to senberet, of course... So utterly wonderful.

@DeathNoteOwner: Thanks! I didn't write anymore for this story, but there's a sick Dean prompt I think I might claim, so I'll post that one as soon as I finish it!

@EmilyRose: Ahh, thank you! I LOVE writing caring Dean... mmmmm...

@NightWolf: But of course! Here you go: http://tarotgal.live...com/848856.html ENJOY!

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Mrrrrr you're INCREDIBLE and I'm about to read this four or five more times and leave you a proper comment at the meme tomorrow wwwwow I can't believe how fantastic you are hello hello hello

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Thank you and sure go for it find a right prompt and make me a sick dean >:D or allergic dean <3

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How could I miss this?!?!?!?

This is just awwwww <3

I love every piece of it!!

I would totally join you on filling prompts, but school is still keeping me busy. But hey, it's only about three weeks left, then I'm freeeeeee to do whatever I want <3 Really looking forward to that!!!!

I missed you (and your writing) terribly, my dear zwee :)

We should absolutely start writing each other messages again!

Something really weird happened to my brain, I would still consider myself a "Dean girl" but all this Sammy being sickly in Season 8,

it really screwed with my brain. Now it's (depending on my mood) already 60:40 in favour of Sam. That's sooo weird!

Especially his lovely congested voice in Man's Best Friend with Benefits - it killed me in the best way ever <3 <3 <3

I even thought of it as sexier as Dean's "sneeze".

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  • 10 months later...

I don't even watch supernatural (maybe I should?) and I really think this is cute! I think Sam is my favorite, from what I picture in my head.

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Aww, such a cute thing to do, Sam just wanting to see Dean laugh for a change and Dean knowing that Sams sick after one sneeze away from the smoke and thinking that taking care of his brother could never be a chore. So cute.

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  • 1 month later...

Did I miss this? I think I missed this. I love it! The scenario fits in really well with the series, and the writing is so on point. Cute without being over the top, and Sam being sweet but still reserved. Awesome.

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  • 1 month later...

Oh my I am late.

Poor Sam, smoke allergies on top of a cold eh? Music to my ears twisted.gif

Edited by fang815
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