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[hetalia] allergic feliciano


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kind of long, kind of messy and really gay

it's italy x japan of course

with fetishist!japan and allergic!italy

and inducing in the omake

it also sucks because i wrote it like a year ago pls keep this in mind


A world meeting between the countries had just ended, and the sound of mingling voices filled the room. Japan stood, taking his time, and began to pack up. He sighed as thoughts from the meeting came back to him—all the people he’d said he agreed with when he really thought their opinions were not the best. Sliding a notepad in his bag, he began to think about Italy. You see, the happy, childish nation had begun to attract Kiku’s interest. He was so cheerful and cute, and his way of speaking was irresistible to the Asian nation, which was secretly why he accidentally picked up his dialect after having conversations with him frequently.

The island nation’s thoughts began to wander off into daydreams, putting Japan in a daze where he stood, his bag halfway closed, and staring into space.

“Heyyy~! Kiiikuuu~!” A slightly worried voice rang in Japan’s right ear, the sound distant and unclear. “Kiku! Kiku!!”

“Y-yes? I understand!” The dark haired nation snapped back to reality, blinking and looking back and forth, flustered.

“Ehh… What do you mean by that? I just said your name…” Kiku’s gaze settled on the familiar redhead—the one that had just appeared in his fantasies. Italy laughed nervously.

“Are you feeling okay, Kiku? Your face is all red and it’s not like you to space out like this.” The taller nation put on a more serious expression and reached up to feel his friend’s face. Feliciano’s soft, cool. Palm pressed against his forehead gave him goose bumps and drew a light blush to his cheeks.

“I’m fine, Feliciano-kun.” Japan said emotionlessly, trying to hide the slight nervousness he was feeling. He brought Italy’s hand from his face, daring to hold onto it a little longer than necessary before letting go.

“Hmm… okay. Hey, Kiku, want to play with me?” Feliciano’s tone changed completely, returning to its usual cheerfulness. Japan sometimes admired how happy and carefree he could be sometimes. He seemed to almost never be stressed, only frightened when Germany yelled at him.

“Ahh…” Kiku paused to think. “Sure. Feliciano-kun, would you like to be a guest at my house for today?” The Asian put on a shy smile.

“Ehh, really? I’m honored! Of course I’ll go, Kiku~” The younger man’s innocent smile widened.

“Yes. I hope you will find your visit enjoyable.”

“Hehe, you make it sound so formal… Ve, Kiku’s house is really fun…~”

“I am pleased to hear you think so.”


They arrived at the Asian country’s house, Feliciano eagerly hopping out of the Japanese car. Kiku stepped out shortly afterward, watching the European nation swiftly climb up the wooden steps to the porch and turn around when he got to the door, smiling.

“My, Feliciano-kun, you seem quite excited to be here.” The dark haired man chuckled, walking in front of Feli and opening the door.

“Yep! I like Kiku’s house!” Italy grinned, bouncing through the doorway and walking on in.

“P-Please wait, Feliciano-kun…”

Italy paused and looked back, then realized what was wrong as he noted that Japan was taking off his shoes.

“Ohh, right…” The pasta lover walked back to the door and took off his shoes, setting them next to Kiku’s. “I always forget that.”

“It’s alright.” The older man smiled a bit. Feliciano was so cute…

“Kiku, Kikuuu! I wanna go see the guinea pig you said you got!!” Feli said excitedly, his eyes widening as he remembered the mention of the pet.

“Oh, okay. Follow me then, please.” Japan led his friend down the hall to a small room where a cage sat, which contained a little brown, fuzzy guinea pig. Italy ran up to the cage, peering into it.

“Uwahh! It’s so cute! Can I hold it? Does it hurt you?” The Italian poked his finger through the cage’s bars, but the rodent was too far away to reach.

“No, she’s harmless,” Japan paused, unlatching the cage and taking the pet out, “and she doesn’t have a name yet, either.” The island nation set her in Italy’s arms.

“Ahh… Can I name her? Please?” Feliciano looked up at his friend with pleading eyes.

“Th-That should be alright.” Japan looked away from the younger man’s stare—it was powerfully overwhelming with adorableness, especially since he rarely opened his eyes. “I was considering the name ‘Felicia’… but… I don’t know.”

“Veh? That sounds like my name!” Italy laughed.

“O-oh, does it? Ahaha, it does…” Kiku blushed trying to hide the fact that he had in fact named his new pet after Feliciano.

“I’ll call her Felicia, then.” The auburn haired man sat down and leaned against the wall, stroking Felicia’s fur.

“Very well. Feliciano-kun, would you like some tea? You can stay here with Felicia-chan.” Kiku turned toward the doorway, awaiting an answer.

“Um… Sure!” Italy decided, not taking his eyes from the pet resting on his lap.

“I will be back shortly, then.” The dark haired man turned and headed through the hallway to the kitchen.

“Heh-chIIh! Eh…heh…heh-SCHH!”

Japan’s sock covered feet paused, the Asian nation listening. He hadn’t heard Italy sneezing, had he?

Listening a moment longer, he heard a wet sniffle and a breathy “vee…”. Why was he sneezing though? He didn’t seem to be sick, and he was fine just a moment before. Perhaps he was allergic to the guinea pig?

The truth was one of Kiku’s many unusual fetishes was sneezing. And it was one of his more… intense fetishes.

After a short mental debate, curiosity won over and Japan decided to go investigate.

“Um, Feliciano-kun?” Kiku poked his head through the doorway, observing as Italy sat rubbing his nose, a look of frustration and helplessness on his face for a brief moment.

“Ve?” A smile returned to the redhead’s face, lowering his hand and sniffling softly.

“I-I… um… ahh…” Kiku’s face reddened as he stumbled to find an excuse for returning so soon. “U-umm, I was, um, wondering if you would like some cookies with the tea?”

Italy looked thoughtful for a moment, then giggled. “Kiku, I’m just your friend; you don’t have to act like you’re a servant or something. But sure… cookies sound good~”

Kiku jumped slightly at his remark. “S-sorry… Is my hospitality troublesome to you? I-I apologize…” He averted his gaze a little, dark bangs falling over his face and hiding some of his deepening blush.

“No, it just makes me feel kind of like you’re doing too much for me, b-but if th-that’s just your n-na…ture… hiih… nngh…” The redhead trailed off, bowing his head and clumsily rubbing his nose. His brows furrowing, he took on a helpless look.

“B-but…” Kiku stuttered, his face turning red.

“Huh-ha—ahh… Heh-iitschh! Hh… heh—Kshh!” Feliciano sneezed onto the back of his hand, the sound rather high pitched and breathy. “V-veh…” The nation wiped his hand under his pink nose.

“Ah… B-bless you--!” Kiku said hesitantly, having a hard time getting the words out.

“Thanks… I keep sneezing but I don’t know why…” Italy said meekly, standing and putting the guinea pig back in her cage.

“Eh? Are you feeling alright?” Kiku asked.

Italy shook his head. “I don’t feel sick, just my nose has been itching since I walked into your house.”

Kiku brought his hand to his lips in a thoughtful position. “Um… Perhaps you’re allergic to Felicia-chan?”

“Ve, I don’t think the fur would be irritating me all the way from the front door…” Feliciano looked down, stumped. “I wasn’t sneezing that much while holding her anyway.”

“I… don’t know then… Feliciano-kun, may I suggest that you wait outside while I prepare the tea? Maybe the tickle in your nose would be relieved.”

“Okaaay!” Italy saluted. “Roger that, captain!” He grinned, happily bounding past Kiku and toward the front door. The older man softly chuckled and shook his head, hearing a faint sneeze and the sound of the door sliding open and closed.

Kiku took in a deep breath, inhaling the scent of herbs, relishing the tranquil atmosphere that he felt once his friend was gone. Any other time, he’d find the silence bittersweet; peaceful yet lonely. At least the loneliness wasn’t nearly as bad as when he was in isolation, and it was lessened by his pets, but it was always nice to have a guest over. That is, as long as the guest was welcome.

Pulling a stray strand of hair behind his ear, the Asian nation picked up a teapot from his cupboard, beginning to prepare the tea.


“Vee, come back, Pochi!” The Italian laughed, chasing the small pale dog around Japan’s yard. Yipping, Pochi bounded across the gravel pathway with Feli’s shoe in his mouth, the European nation not far behind.

“Got you…!” Italy leaped, the momentum of running carrying him farther, and pounced on Pochi. The dog was in Italy’s arms, but the dirt and gravel was rough when he landed, the ground scraping his bare arms and stomach through his shirt. A cloud of dirt had risen, Feliciano giving out a few weak coughs. He sat up, whimpering, and began brushing the dirt off his shirt. Pochi dropped Feli’s shoe and started licking the scrapes on his arms, an attempt of an apology for being a little too rough with his master’s friend.

“Feliciano-kun! The tea is ready!” Japan opened the door and leaned his head out, calling to Italy.

“K-Kiku--!!” Feliciano dashed back into the house—one shoe on and the other with Pochi—and hugged Kiku with such force that it sent them both flying backward.

“F-Feliciano-kun--!!” Kiku coughed, the air knocked from his chest as he landed on his back. Italy’s arms clung to Kiku, the European nation laying on top of him with tears threatening to fall.

Gently, Japan pushed Italy off of him and sat him upright, then knelt himself. “Now, what’s wrong?” The Asian asked, his low voice soothing.

“I-I hurt my arms…” The redhead said shakily, peering down at his arms which had begun to bleed slightly. “A-AAAHH! KIKU! I’M BLEEDING!!” Feli cried, panicking and beginning to sob at the sight of blood.

“Shh… It’s not very bad… You’ll be fine.” Japan took his long yukata sleeve and dried the tears from Feli’s cheeks, then stood. “I’ll be right back, okay?” He proceeded to disappear into the bathroom and found a soft washcloth and wet it. Then he took a box of bandages. He rarely used them himself, but they could be useful for when he actually did get hurt, and for situations like this.

“I’m back.” Kiku knelt in front of Italy again. The younger man sat with his arms around his legs, hiding his face behind his knees. Muffled whimpers and shaking shoulders told Japan that he was still crying, but not as badly.

“It hurts, Kiku…” Feliciano raised his head as Japan took his hand and pulled out his arm straight.

“I know. It’ll heal quickly though.” The island nation ran the cloth along Italy’s arm, cleaning the blood. The sensation made his eyes grow wide and he grit his teeth.

“It’s alright, I’m just cleaning the blood.” Kiku could tell the Italian didn’t like the word blood; he winced a little, a greater look of fear establishing on his face.

After cleaning the blood from both arms, Kiku began to put the bandages on. Feliciano’s crying had seized, and he sniffled frequently. Kiku had to admit that he found it cute, no matter how bad he felt about it. Oh, how badly he wanted to lay Feli back on the floor and embrace him, to cuddle him and calm his fears, to love and protect him. But he couldn’t. It was embarrassing and disgraceful, especially if Feliciano didn’t feel the same.

“Kiku…” Italy’s tear ridden voice broke through his thoughts, the dark haired man’s mind getting carried away as he worked.

“Y-yes?” Kiku lifted his soft brown eyes to meet Feli’s teary and childish gaze. The Italian put out his bandaged arm to Japan.

“Kiss it and make it better.” Feli said, pouting. Kiku’s face reddened at this request, but he swallowed the emotions and carried through wordlessly. He pressed his warm lips against each place he had bandaged, then did the same for the other arm.

“Better?” Japan asked with a shy smile, keeping his hands holding onto Feliciano’s as casually as possible.

The redhead giggled. “Mmhmm~” He paused, his barely audible breath wavering. “Hh--! Hii-IItcsHH! K’shH! Heh-iISHHyuu!” Feliciano swiftly brought up his hand to loosely cover the sneezes, but Kiku was still holding his hand, so the Asian man’s hand had accidentally received some of the spray.

The feeling sent shivers down Kiku’s spine as he brought his hand back to his lap and rubbed the wetness onto his yukata. Wide eyed and blushing deeply, he murmured to himself, “You sneezed on me…”

“’E-eh? Did you say something, Kiku?” Feli questioned, wiping at his nose.

Kiku jumped a bit, his heart racing. “N-n-no! Um, I said ‘bless you’!” Blush spread to the tips of his ears as he averted his gaze.

“Oh. Thanks, vehh…” Feli sighed and laid on his back. “My nose feels funny again…” He complained, pinching around the bridge of his nose, which prompted a quite visible and uncovered sneeze from his body into the air above.

Kiku watched, mesmerized, feeling himself grow hotter. “A-ahh… Please excuse me for a moment.” The shorter man bowed quickly and disappeared down the hall for a moment. Upon returning he carried a box of tissues with him. “Here, Feliciano-kun.”

Feli sat up as Kiku knelt in his former position and handed him the box. “Thank you…” He took a tissue and blew his nose softly.

“Erm, Feliciano-kun? May I ask a slight favor of you that may benefit you?” Kiku asked nervously, wording the question carefully.

“Hmm?” Feliciano looked up curiously, crumpling the tissue in his hand.

“Perhaps… if we check the different rooms and see when you start to sneeze more, we can find out what’s irritating you, right? And then I can get rid of it so you can visit here more comfortably.”

“…Ah! Okay, good idea!” Feliciano said happily, smiling and murmuring something to himself about playing with Kiku.

“Pochi-kun!” Japan called, hearing his pet barking at the door. The Asian nation stood and retrieved his pet, Feli’s shoe hanging in his mouth. Kiku chuckled, taking the footwear from Pochi. He sat back down by Feliciano with the dog in his lap.

Feliciano froze. “Kiku, what if I’m allergic to Pochi?” Slight panic arose in his copper eyes. “B-but I like Pochi!”

Kiku’s eyes widened slightly at the suggestion. “I doubt you are; you haven’t had problems with him in the past…” He set down the dog. “Here, hold him to make sure.” The sandy colored dog quietly bounded into Italy’s arms.

The European nation grinned, cuddling Pochi and pressing his face into the fur. “Kiku, I don’t think Pochi’s the problem!” Feliciano reported happily.

Letting out a small sigh of relief, Kiku stood. “Well, let’s check around the rooms then, shall we?” He extended a hand to help up his friend.

“Okay!” Italy took Kiku’s hand and jumped to his feet.


“Let’s start from the left side and work our way right.” Kiku pointed to the hall on the left, the one that had led to Felicia’s room.

“Okay… Kiku’s house is so big and all the rooms look the same…” Feliciano mused as they started down the hall.

“Ah, is that so… Well, anyway, on this side there is the bath, a toilet room, a storage room, and a guest room. In the main room, which we just left, is the kitchen, by the way.” The Asian turned into the first room on the left of the hall, which was the guest room, and pulled Feliciano in with him.

Kiku paused as he saw Feliciano taking a deep breath through his nose. “My nose only tickles a little still.” He blushed. “…This is a little embarrassing…”

The shorter man jumped. “I-is it? I’m sorry… Is it how I was I was watching you breathe? I didn’t realize I was causing any trouble; I’ll stop now…” He blushed and looked away awkwardly.

“Don’t worry about it so much, Kiku.” Feliciano smiled shyly, reaching over and holding his friend’s hand. He giggled as he could practically see Kiku blush harder, although he was facing away so that was impossible.

“O-okay.” Japan turned to face his friend again, trying to disguise his flustered emotions.

“Okayyy… What’s next now?” Feliciano pulled Kiku out of the room, their fingers interlocked.

“Well, I doubt it’s anything on this side of the house, since you’re not feeling any irritation…” Kiku thought for a moment. “If we were getting closer, you’d sneeze more, right? Perhaps we should go to the other side of the house.” The island nation suggested.

“Oh, you’re right!” Feli grinned at Kiku, his eyes bright.

As they arrived back in the main room, Feliciano stifled a sneeze, causing Kiku to jump. He blushed, feeling the Italian’s hand tense up as he sneezed.


“B-Bless you--!”

“Ehehehe… You jumped~” Feliciano laughed, rubbing his nose.

“Indeed…” Kiku touched his hand to his face as if that would return it to its normal color.

“What’s on the other side of the house anyway?” The pasta lover poked his friend.

Japan coughed, regaining his composure. “There’s another guest room, a music room, the library, and my room.”

“Uwahh, you even have a library?” Feliciano asked, surprised.

“A small one, with spare records of my history and traditions and such.” The smaller man said modestly.

“Kiku’s so organized… My historical records are all over the place at my house!” Feli commented in amazement.

“Is that so…” Japan muttered disapprovingly.

The two nations began walking through the hallway, and almost immediately, the redhead sneezed three times in a row.

“V-veh…” Feli sniffled, then stifled another sneeze into the back of his hand.

“Are you alright?” Kiku asked out of habit.

“I guess we’re getting closer…” Feliciano smiled, looking on the bright side of things.

“Yes…” Kiku paused and thought, trying to come up with a possibility of what the cause of Italy’s sneezing could be. “…Ah…!” He tightened his grip on Feliciano’s hand and began walking faster, a surprised Italy stumbling behind him.

“W-wha—Ah-HicHH!! Eh-knxschh! ‘Tchiih!” Feliciano began to speak but was quickly cut off by an immense wave of irritation in the back of his nose, which quickly spread.

“I think I figured it out…!” Kiku rushed through the open doorway to his room and stopped abruptly in front of his desk.

“Ihh…ii—hiCHHYUUu!!” The redhead bumped into Kiku right as he head to sneeze, his head facing downwards. The man’s height caused the uncovered sneeze to land right on Kiku’s cheek and neck. “S-sorr-ahh…AtCHHiuu!!” Feliciano smothered a second sneeze in his free hand turning away from the Asian nation for a moment.

Kiku froze. A light blush fluttered across his cheeks, his brown eyes wide. A shiver ran down his spine, the sensation of the spray causing his skin to tingle. He closed his eyes and took in a breath.

“Ah-mmnn--?!” Feliciano’s watery eyes flew open in surprise, staring down at Kiku. The smaller man had used the adrenaline rush and all of his collected feelings for Italy, turned around, pressed his body into the other’s and standing on his toes, kissed Feliciano.

The brunette’s haircurl twitched; the younger man relaxing in the Asian’s hold. All too soon though, when Italy took in another breath, the tickle returned suddenly. He pushed Kiku away gently, breath hitching momentarily.

“Feli-kuuuun…” Kiku softly murmured, staring up at Feliciano’s presneeze face. The taller man’s grip tightened on Japan’s shoulders slightly, giving in to the overpowering allergy.

“Hii-KSSHH! Hah-chIIH! Hi-chyuu! Eh…h-hehh… Eh-TCHKSHH! Ha-KSHhiuu--!!” Feliciano took his hands from Kiku’s body and sunk to the floor, kneeling. He pinched the bridge of his nose, covering his mouth and nose in the process. “Heh-Shiiuu…! Ah-Tchiihh!”

“Feliciano-kun, bless you…” Kiku cooed, kneeling down beside his friend and sliding his arm down his back. He was shaking, nervous, but this was too much; he couldn’t help but get affectionate. Kiku pulled his sleeve over his hand and nudged the redhead’s hands away from his face, taking the liberty to cover the sneezes and wipe his nose.

“Hhh—whatareyou—ahhh…Ah…E-ehhTCHiuu! K-K-Kiku—hhKSHH!” Italy blinked, looking at Japan with a miserable and confused expression. He rubbed the tears from his eyes.

Kiku’s face was inches from Feli’s, turning redder by the second. He bit his lip, suppressing a soft moan. “I-I’m sorry…I-I… think y-you’re really c-cute…” The Asian buried his face in Feliciano’s shoulder embarrassedly.

The auburn haired man giggled. “K-Kiku, I can f-fhh… feel you sh-shaking… h-hha-ahh—HaKnXXsh!” He sneezed into Kiku’s sleeve, stifling it a little.

“I-I-I’m sorry--!!” Kiku stood shakily, retrieving the incense. He was sure that was the cause of Italy’s fits, but Feliciano didn’t know yet. “Here, I think this is what’s causing your allergies…”

The strong scent of smokey herbs wafted up into Feli’s nostrils, immediately causing his nose to run. His eyes fluttering shut and eyebrows turned upward, the Italian clumsily pushed the incense in Japan’s hand away.

“H…h-hiii-h… A-ahh…Hhah-hh…!” Feliciano tilted his head back, taking in hair as his breath began to hitch loudly.

Kiku stared at Feliciano, unable too look away as his cheeks began to turn the color of the sun on his flag.

“Hih-ikshh! Ik-sHiuu!! ‘Tchuu- TSCHHiyuuu!!” Italy’s whole upper body bent forward, sneezing into his cupped hands wetly. His face was pressed into his hands, chest heaving and shuddering. “He-Ehki-ishh! ‘Schh!! Hnn-Gxxhtt!” Heh-Knxx!! A-ah… AhKSHH!! Heh-KSCHHt!” Pausing, he shakily brought his hands from his face, blinking allergenic tears from his shimmering eyes. His palms were as wet as if he’d held them out in the rain; his nose literally dripping. Feli sniffled, which proved to be a bad idea. His nose twitched slightly, the European nation’s eyes forcing themselves shut again.

“H…hhahhh… A-aanghh… Ahh--… Heh-iihh—hh--?!”

As another sneeze began to build up, Kiku had placed a soft tissue beneath Feli’s nose and held it there. The sudden action startled him and postponed the sneeze, but only for a moment. Feliciano’s nose crinkled cutely, his eyebrows upturning desperately, launching into another fit. “Hhh-KSHHH!! Ahh-TcHH! Iih-shHUu! Heh-Ikshh—Itschnxghh! Heh-iAschuu!! Hahh… Ah-ihhTCH! E-ehKNTSCHH--!!”

Just this soaked through the tissue to his hand, Kiku noted. Although such a scene put on by Feliciano was so attractive to him, he began to feel extremely guilty and sympathetic for the Italian. He stood, crumpling the soaked tissue in a fist at his side, and helped up Italy, who could barely accomplish such a task during the intense fit. After much stumbling however, the two reached the bathroom where the Aisan man disposed of the incense, grabbing an extra tissue box and a damp wash cloth, then led Feliciano out to the porch.

“Hi-IKSHH! E-ehhknxxh—tcHnxhh!” Feliciano sneezed as he sat to Kiku’s left on the porch, facing away as to not sneeze all over his friend. “I-I-I…hh… I think I’m much better now… Hi-ikksHUU!” He gave a meek smile in the direction of the Asian.

“Bless you. That’s good to know.” Kiku blushed faintly, smiling shyly as he cleaned the mess from Feliciano’s face with the cloth. His expression wavered, and the Asian paused to catch the redhead’s sneeze in the washcloth. “Bless you,” he repeated.

“Thank you…” Feliciano blushed, taking a tissue from the box and blowing his nose. “H-hey, Kiku,” the younger man sniffled, “you kissed me…” His eyes shut as he smiled, looking down embarrassedly.

Kiku’s face reddened instantly, He’d done so many rude, flirtations things in the spur of the moment… “U-um, I--… Ah, Um…”

“Does that mean… You like me too, right? Ahh, or it kind of seems you like it when I sneeze…” Italy rubbed at his nose. He laughed lightly as he saw Kiku jump, wide eyed at the second suggestion. “Aha, I thought so…”

Kiku looked away guiltily. “I… um, I-I … yes……”

“Vehh, my first question is still unanswered…” Feli laughed sheepishly. “I-I wouldn’t mind… If you did like me…” He tugged at his hair uneasily.

“….Ah…Um….I….” Kiku took a deep breath and murmured, “yes…” He furrowed his brow, looking away and biting his lip in embarrassment.

“Y… You do like me?!” Feliciano’s bright eyes lit up.

Kiku nodded shakily, and Feli threw his arms around the smaller man, knocking him over. “Ti amo, Kiku!!” He exclaimed happily, pressing his cheek against the other’s.

The Asian felt nervous, but extremely happy. He managed a small smile of pure joy.

“Eh-Hichiyuu!!” Feli sneezed softly onto the side of Kiku’s face, prompting an aroused gasp from his lips, which caused Feli to giggle and hug him tighter.

“D-Daisuki, Feliciano-kun!”



Kiku and Feliciano sat on the edge of the porch, looking across the sky at the fiery colors of the sunset.

Italy reached down and picked a flower with a long firm stem, happily admiring the white petals. He thought for a second, and then turned Kiku’s face toward him with his hand.

“E-ehh?” Kiku blushed lightly, blinking confusedly. “Hgkk--?!”

Feliciano inserted the stem into Kiku’s left nostril, moving it around immediately. A mischievous yet determined smile broke out on his face.

“F-F-Feliciano-kun?!” Japan spluttered, blushing heavily as his nose began to tickle.

“Vee, I want to see why Kiku likes sneezing so much~” Italy responded happily, gently pushing Kiku so he lay on his back, feet facing the younger man.

Kiku involuntarily inhaled sharply, shifting uncomfortably as Feliciano moved the stem around to a more ticklish part of his nose. “B-But…” He began breathily, but stopped himself as realization hit him. Feli was just curious, wasn’t he? His motives were innocent… Plus, if Feliciano felt the need to do this, it could mean he had the fetish without knowing it… The island nation’s thought process was lost as his eyes began to water badly, nose twitching.

Feli kept the flower stem in, moving on top of Kiku in a way that pinned him down on the porch. He leaned closer to Kiku’s face, concentrating.

“Hh…h-hahh…a-ahh…” Kiku’s voice became higher, almost like a whimper. Feliciano took some pressure from the stem, letting it lightly twirl around in the Asian’s nose, giving most attention to areas that caused a reaction from him.

“Ehehehe… Kiku looks so cute!” Italy grinned, looking over Kiku’s upturned eyebrows, shaky chest, pinkish runny nose, and the adorable way he was desperately trying to keep his eyes open, although they always fluttered back shut.

The dark haired man, struggling to keep his eyes open, decided to give in and let them say closed. Besides, he wasn’t protesting against it. His nose tickled, it really did, but it wasn’t quite enough to make him sneeze, not yet…

“This does take a while, doesn’t it…” Feli remarked. “Maybe if I…” He trailed off, pushing the stem further back in Kiku’s nose, which seemed to be the most ticklish area. The redhead apparently had guessed right; Kiku inhaled loudly, tensing up.

“Ha-hh-ahKSHH!! Eh-itCSCHHuu! H-hahh…” The force of the sneezes caused Kiku to sit up slightly, sneezing wetly and uncovered on Feliciano’s neck.

Italy blinked, a light blush forming across his cheeks. He giggled, removing the flower stem before setting it aside and watching as Kiku’s body tried to get rid of the irritation.

“E-excuse me…” Kiku apologized weakly. He laid back down, letting out a tired breath before his nose twitched, suddenly inhaling and stifling two more sneezes. “Ughh… Eh-Hignxxshhh!! Hh-ngxxhh!” He rubbed at his nose, which was still running. He sighed, the tickle almost completely gone, although a little irritation would probably remain for a while.

“Blesss youuuu~” Feliciano looked down at Kiku, laughter in his eyes. He moved back to where he sat before, allowing his friend so sit up.

“Th-Thank you…” Kiku pulled a tissue from the box and blew his nose embarrassedly, sneezing into it once. This event had been rather mortifying, but Feliciano seemed happy, so Kiku supposed the outcome was alright.

Without warning, Feli leaned over and kissed the Japanese man on the cheek. Kiku blushed harder, looking at Feli with brown eyes wide.

“You’re so cute, Kiku~” Feliciano grinned, wrapping his arms around Kiku’s waist. “I get why you like sneezing now, ehe~”


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That's so good like <3 I love eit. I want more~~

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