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The Lazy Servant Who Did It All! (Merlin)


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It's been a while since I've written anything and this idea struck me today. I've been wanting to write something for a while, but have had writer's block. Hope that this turned out well. I really wish there was an episode where Merlin did end up with a cold! Hope you guys like!


Merlin woke up with an irritation in the back of his throat. He swallowed again to test his theory and indeed it felt raw, like someone had made him drink a cup full of tiny, sharp rocks.. He knew this meant the beginning of a nasty cold. Arthur has had him running ragged for months now without any time off or appreciation. He’d saved Arthur’s life again last night, which had resulted in Merlin standing in the freezing rain for two whole days. It’s really not a surprise he feels under the weather, but it could not come at a worse time. Arthur had plans for intense training with the knights and this included Merlin as the target.

Merlin forced himself out of bed and began assessing the rest of his symptoms. His head felt foggy, but other than that, so far he was good. Merlin changed quickly and headed off the palace to bring Arthur his breakfast. Hopefully he would be in a decent mood today, because the tickle in the back of Merlin’s nose was beginning to build. Merlin grabbed the food from the kitchen and began to head off towards Arthur’s room when he ran into Guinevere.

“Merlin, I do hope you are having a good morning.” Guinevere always had the gentlest smile and seemed to be very intuitive. Merlin could feel her staring him down already.

“The same to you.” Merlin needed to get up to Arthur’s room before he woke up.

“Are you alright? You are looking a little pale.” Guinevere placed a hand on his forehead and sighed as she pulled it away.

“I am fine. Please excuse me, Arthur will be a bit of a prat this morning if he doesn’t get his breakfast on time.” Merlin gave Gwen a forced smile and headed to Arthur’s bedchambers. He felt exhausted and it was only breakfast time. Merlin had made it on time, Arthur still lay passed out on the bed snoring. Merlin set the tray of food down at the table and went to draw back the curtains. As soon as the sunlight hit his sensitive nose his breath hitched and he sneezed. Trying to keep it as quiet as possible he felt another one building up. Hitcshoo! Merlin sneezed into his elbow trying to suppress some of the sound, but to his unfortunate event he’d awakened Arthur. Arthur seemed to ignore the scene he’d awoken to. Apparently Merlin had zoned out while his king ate his meal.

“Merlin, stop being such a lazy servant. Go fetch my armor, we’re going to be late for the training if you don’t get a move on.”

“Yes, Sire.” Merlin headed for the door. He couldn’t even bring himself to talk back with his usual humorous self, he felt so run down.

“Oh and Merlin!”

“Yes, Sire?” Merlin turned around and faced Arthur.

“There has been a change of plans for today’s training session.” Arthur took a drink and continued. “We will be doing archery on a moving target. Maybe that will keep your lazy butt awake!” Arthur threw something at him, but Merlin wasn’t quite sure what it was. Merlin’s depth perception was off due to his growing headache and he was not quick enough to dodge the thrown object. It hit him in the shoulder, but Merlin felt too exhausted and too weak to care. He just turned and went to grab Arthur’s armor and prepare for the training of that day.

Merlin ran across the field carrying the target on his back. If he stopped moving for even a second Arthur began to yell at him, and while on a normal day Merlin would just play the stupid, weak servant. Today he did not have the energy to deal with Arthur’s mockery. As his illness increased so did his bitterness towards Arthur. It was only momentary bitterness, but Arthur is the one who caused this miserable cold. By the time training ended Merlin had developed an annoying cough.

“Great training today. Don’t you think Merlin?” Arthur slapped him on the back with his devilish grin as they walked back to the armory. “Make sure all my wash gets done today, and plan a nice dinner for Guinevere and myself.” Sir Leon came running up to them, out of breath he looked concerned about something.

“Prince Arthur, one of the villages along the border of Camelot is being attacked by Morgana!”

“Merlin, ready my horse!” Arthur went inside the palace and Merlin and Sir Leon walked to the stables. There was an awkward silence between Sir Leon and Merlin, for Merlin usually did a lot of talking, but it hurt his throat to much to talk and he was beginning to lose the battle of suppressing his coughs and sneezes.

“Merlin, are you alright?” Sir Leon asked as Merlin placed the saddle on Arthur horse.

“I am fine. It’s just the hay today.” Merlin covered for his last 10 sneezes in just the walk from the palace to the stables.

“It’s never bothered you before.” Sir Leon stated and walked away leaving the statement at that. As Arthur walked into the stables Merlin felt that incessant itch growing in his nose. What perfect timing…

“Hethcheiw! Hethceiw! Heh…hhehh…Hetcheiw! Hetnnxt!” Merlin could suppress them very well this time. They were getting harsher and more painful.

“What’s gotten into you?” Arthur asked with a look of disgust.

“It’s the hay.” Merlin stuck with his story, beginning to grow fairly irritated with Arthur ignorance.

“It’s never bothered you before.” Arthur mounted his horse and waited for Merlin to mount his, but Merlin was still caught up in another sneeze. Arthur was beginning to actually get concerned about Merlin, but he would never admit it. He’d keep an eye on Merlin for the trip though,

“Well it’s bothering me today.” Merlin stated rather harshly, perhaps a bit more harshly than he intended it to be. Merlin didn’t hear whatever Arthur’s remark had been because his nose was failing him again. “Hitcheiw!” Ugh! This was going to be a long trip!

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Aww, poor Merlin. Isn't moving target practice fun? :innocent:

He does have a cold in an episode. It's mentioned in the media section somewhere, but it's only in a small part of an episode if I remember correctly.

I am curious though, why does he blame the hay?

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Oh! This is beautiful! I have been craving some Merlin fics! YAY! Please continue this!

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OMG I LOVE MERLIN FICS i'm so excited that someone is writing a merlin fic! This is so fab - please continue!

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  • 3 months later...

Hey everyone, I am SO SO SO sorry it took me so long to get this chapter up! I got caught up this summer with college, traveling, and a new job! and truth be told I had completely forgotten about this story until the other day! I finally did it though, after finding a routine between school and work I found the time to write a little so here is the next chapter! Hope you're still interested in reading it!

Daisoku - I love Merlin too! I'm so sad it's over :(

TheCakeIsALie - I was so upset that they didn't continue with the cold in that episode. One sneeze is all we got out of the WHOLE series. Such a bummer, but it was amazing sounding.

Rachiella44 - Here is more! Sorry it took so long!

Sadie22233- I love Merlin fics too! I wish someone else would write one. There are so few on here :(

frenchie5454 - Welcome to the forum. Enjoy the story.

Merlin hadn’t noticed the storm clouds roll in until the freezing rain began to soak through his clothes. He been able to hide his shivering before the rain, but now he felt like his whole body was convulsing to keep warm. Arthur rode in the lead and thankfully didn’t notice that Merlin was lagging behind. This day felt like it’d been going on forever, when in truth it was only just now reaching mid day. Arthur was determined to reach the village by sundown and be prepared to defend the village once they got there.

“Merlin!” Arthur yelled in his irritated voice.

“Yes sire.” Merlin replied, trying his best to hide the congestion settling in his sinuses. Arthur hesitated for a moment, but then continued on his rant as to how Merlin was slowing them down and that he was a worthless servant. What a dreadful time for the itch in Merlin’s nose to surface… Leaving him no time to fight against it, Merlin just turned to the side and let them out free. “Hetchiew! Hethceiw! Hhihh… hitestiew! Heh…hhhuhh…hietchiew!” The four sneezes ripped from him tearing at his already sore throat. Gosh how his head pounded. He almost forgot Arthur was right there.

“What is it now?” Arthur stated exasperated.

“Still the hay.” Merlin stated as he rode off passing Arthur. “Catch up sire, you don’t want to be slowing us down.” He rode on without another word as Arthur yelled on and on about how he’d only stopped because Merlin was slowing them down. Merlin just ignored him. The exhaustion that he felt is in body was numbing, he wasn’t sure how much longer he could keep going before he fell off his horse and collapsed. Arthur now rode ahead again, thankfully ignoring Merlin.

Hetnxxt! Hennxt! Hetnnxt! Hetnxxt! Gnxt! Hgnxt!” Merlin lifted his head to find the only knight who had noticed was Lancelot. The concern in his eyes made Merlin look away. How was he supposed to hide the fact that he was sick with these darn sneezes coming out of nowhere!?!?!

“Bless you.” Lancelot said, slowing his ride to be next to me. “How long do you think you can hide it from him?” he asked.

“Not much longer.” Merlin admitted his soon defeat. Merlin sighed, but he’d mistakenly taken to deep a breath and set off the coughing fit he’d been holding off since they began to ride for the village. He kept coughing unable to catch his breath, shaking his whole body. Merlin collapsed forward on the horse. Lancelot grabbed him to keep him from falling off the horse.

“Arthur!” Lancelot yelled. Everyone stopped riding.

Regaining his composure, Merlin sat back up. His face turned slightly red from embarrassment, well he secret was out now… He took in a shaky breath wary to set off another coughing fit. Ugh! He felt absolutely miserable! Arthur demanded they make camp, it was raining to hard now for them to continue on anyway he said.

Merlin lay up against a tree shivering uncontrollably as the rain continued to beat down on them. Arthur sat next to him eating the dinner they had managed to make. He offered some, but Merlin didn’t have much of an appetite.

“You know, you could have just asked for the day off?” Arthur stated after a few awkward quiet moments.

“Would you have let me?” Merlin’s voice was hoarse. It hurt so bad for him to talk, swallow, or even breathe. His body ached with fever, and his sinuses burned with the intense need to sneeze.

“Well no, but…” Arthur was joking with him, but noticed Merlin’s face had gone slack and he was no longer listening. Arthur watched as Merlin’s eyes fluttered shut and his breath hitched a few times. Waiting for the inevitable to come, but it didn’t. Merlin just exhaled slowly and sniffled. “You should go back to Camelot. We can take care of it from here. You’re not much use to me healthy, not quite sure what good you’ll be ill.”

“You can’t get rid of me that easily.” Merlin coughed a few times. He couldn’t remember ever being this sick. He felt less miserable when he’d drunk the poison to save Arthur. Whatever this illness was, it had it’s grip tightly around Merlin. He kept shivering uncontrollably, his whole body aching. Closing his eye he tried to sleep, but it wouldn’t come, so he volunteered to take first watch.

“Don’t be ridiculous! Go to sleep.” Lancelot stated. Arthur and the rest of the knights had already fallen asleep.

“I…I…Hethciew! I canhhh… c-ccahhhCancthciew! Can’t sleep anyway…” Merlin sniffed again, each time it sounded more and more gurgly and congested. Lancelot handed him a handkerchief and Merlin blew his nose as quietly and gently as he could so as not to wake up Arthur. “I feel rotten.” There he’d finally said it, now would his body give it a rest.

“Arthur’s right. You should go back to Camelot. You’re no good to us ill.”

Merlin smiled. “No good to you ill? I’m still a warlock am I not?” Merlin coughed a few times. Lancelot patted Merlin on the shoulder and then attempted to find a dry spot on the ground and sleep. Merlin had not trouble staying awake, but keeping alert was another issue. He couldn’t keep his lungs from convulsing and racking his body with harsh coughs. He sat hunched over coughing so hard he thought for a moment he might suffocate, but then a hand firmly touched his shoulder and he looked up to find Arthur offering him water. Grateful, Merlin downed the water and his coughing fit subsided enough for him to breathe. Arthur didn’t say anything, but sat down next to Merlin.

“Sorry, if I woke you.” Merlin croaked out. His voice had gone hoarse hours ago, but now it sounded worse like he’d swallowed sharp rocks.

“You should sleep.” Arthur glared at him like it was a demand from the king. Merlin had never been good at following orders and he had a wretched feeling they were walking into a trap.

“I’b fibe.” The congestion was worsening.

“You are the most stubborn servant in existence. Why wont you go back to Camelot?” Arthur must have noticed his breath begin to hitch. He held out a handkerchief and Merlin took it gratefully!

“Hehehciew! Hehhihh….. hehchtiew! Hihh…hihuh…hihuhchiew! Hetchiew! Hetchiew! Hhiehchiew! Hehicehiw! Hehcheiw! Hiew! Hechiew! Hetchiew! Hihh…hihchiew! HITHCEIW! Ugh!” Merlin sighed and blew his nose for the first time since this wretched cold claimed his body. He wasn’t sure how much more his body could take the sneezing and coughing. He just wanted to get dry and warm.

“Geez Merlin, bless you. Answer my question now. Why wont you go back to Camelot?” Arthur didn’t look at Merlin in disgust like he had earlier that day. Merlin had to remind himself that even when Arthur was a prat, he still had a friend.

“Sire, I think we may be walking into a trap. It’s my job to be by your side.” Merlin coughed a few times weakly. He wasn’t sure what was overcoming him, but he needed to sleep all the sudden.

“Why would you think this is a trap?” Arthur asked, but Merlin didn’t respond. He couldn’t respond because he had fallen asleep.


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