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What is this feeling, Clopin? - A HBOND Fanfic


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Here it finally is! My Clopin sneezefic from Disney's The Hunchback of Notre Dame! I am pretty proud of the outcome; just a little warning the beginning is a little slow. It's just describing things...but hopefully it's good? Here you go! If you don't know who Clopin is, go google image him! w00t.gif


In the angelic city of Paris, there happened to be an event that was led on January 6th; it seemed appealing to the eyes of any age. It was a festival unlike any other celebrating the most eccentric thrills of life. It had the cobblestone streets filled with hundreds of viewers and tons of talented performers. Tents were set up in every corner and different shows were held by many different leaders. It was a day where the city would be filled with glorious, bright colors and divine music. This extraordinary day was named, The Festival of Fools.

Another year had passed for the heroes of Notre Dame. The stunning church was free from all evil, and absolutely nobody spoke of the man who was internally a monster. The name Claude Frollo was never mentioned after he plunged to his gruesome death. The citizens of Paris had no hidden fear of this man anymore, and he was not to be seen again at The Festival of Fools.

Quasimodo had chosen to attend this bizarre festival once more, even after his terrifying and embarrassing experience from last year. He just couldn’t get over the amazing wonders of this eerie one timer day. He attempted to make his way through the crowded streets, but he miserably failed and kept getting pushed back. The hunchback wanted to make it to the front of the stage to watch the most beautiful gypsy, Esmeralda, perform her astounding dance for the people.

Meanwhile as Quasimodo desired to get a good view of the gypsy before she got onstage, there was another man of her kind waiting with her in a tent. Now this man was internally a child; he was known for slyly being a trickster of some sort. He was quite an ominous man who was dressed in a series of colors that stood out. If he were to be spotted in a crowd of a hundred people, he would most likely been able to be easily seen. He was kooky in a different way; he did not care what people thought of him and he was extremely talented. He was a bit out there and he had a goal of protecting his people. This man was mysterious as he hid half of his face behind a colorful mask. This gypsy’s name was Clopin Trouillefou, and he was the quirky leader of The Court of Miracles.

Clopin was planning to perform another amazing musical number this year with the lovely Esmeralda dancing to his eccentric voice. They had practiced their routine for more than two months now; this festival meant quite a lot to the two of them. It was one of the only day’s where they could express themselves with their talents. Clopin may be a puppeteer and Esmeralda may dance in the streets, but this was one of the biggest audiences they would ever perform for.

Esmeralda had just finished putting together her vibrant, yet sparkly, costume and began to curl her voluminous, dark hair. She turned her head to her gypsy friend and began to babble, “Are you nervous? I can’t seem to put a finger on why I’m feeling these butterflies crawl through my stomach. Do you think it’s because I think I’ll mess up? Do you think I’m just worried about nothing? I feel like this year there is a much larger audience than there usually is, now that that monster is gone. Clopin, what’s your advice?”

Clopin held up his hands to stop the girl from continuing her rambling. This man was naturally energetic, so he had no intention of ever getting the feeling of being nervous. Usually when Esmeralda got nervous, she just contained a lot of energy that she needed to get out of her system. “Mon Cherie, there is no need to get worked up about this! You’ve done it a million times before and…” Clopin

began explaining to her until her was interrupted by this strange feeling.

The one special day that the two of them have been working so hard for, Clopin had woken up feeling contrastive. He felt a soreness in his throat, but he’s never felt it before in his entire life. While he was responding to Esmeralda, he not only felt the soreness in his throat again, but he experienced something else. It was something unalike any of the feelings he has felt in his nose before. Of course the man had received a stuffy nose before, but this was incomparable to it. It felt like a stinging sensation leaning towards the back of his long, pointy nose. It was easing towards a sharp tickle that he had never had to come across.

Esmeralda stared at the gypsy who stopped in midsentence. She noticed the confusion in Clopin’s dark face; his eyes held an expression of fear and panic. She concerned about him, since today was the big day they’ve been waiting for. “Clopin…are…are you feeling alright?” She stuttered in reaction.

Clopin squinted his puny, dark eyes and quivered his lip. ‘What is this feeling that I’m having to come across in my nose?’ The poor gypsy thought to himself as he hitched his breath. He held up his finger to Esmeralda and shook his head. He leaned forward and gave in to what was the most uncomfortable feeling he had ever let lose in his body.

Heh...heh…HAII'Tshooo! HAI’Tshaaah! Heh…HAE’Tshooo!” Clopin sniffed as he ripped his mask off of his face.

He stared into the disgusting unsanitary mask and threw it to the other end of the tent. Clopin wiped his nose all over his sneeze and carried a completely disgusted face. “Eww! What just happened?” He questioned himself to the scene.

“Clopin, are you getting sick? You must be! Please, do lie down! We go on in fifteen minutes and I don’t want to see you feeling horrible on stage.” Esmeralda insisted as she took him by the arm and directed him towards a small couch.

Clopin protested her suggesteions and responded, “I’b dot sick. I’ve neber beed sick before, I’b not getti’g sick dow.”

Esmeralda scurried over to a tissue box and handed her friend the entire thing. “Listen to yourself! Just trust me, a quick nap will help you feel better in no time…”

Clopin refused to accept her tissue box and he crossed his arms. He developed a little smirk on his sharp featured face as he turned his back to her. “I promise you, Esmeralda, I ab fide. Really, I…heh-HAIE’Tshooo! HAI’Tshaaah!” The man wiped his nose on his colorful outfit once more and continued to argue with her. “See? I’b okay. Nothi’g wro’g with me here! Heh…HAII’Tshooo!” He felt the sneezes creep up on her out of nowhere.

“Oh you darn well know you aren’t feeling well! Sit down…easy does it!” She placed her hands on his shoulders and forced him to sit down on the couch. “Now that wasn’t so hard, now was it? Now you stay here while I go finish curling my hair and please, PLEASE, don’t move a muscle! I know sleeping before performances can tire your voice out, but it’s better to take the chance than to be sneezing all over the place!”

“Fide. Go ahead.” Clopin mumbled slyly, knowing that he would break her word with with. As she began to make her way back to her station he sneered, “No promises…”, with his eyebrows squeezed and a grin on his face.

The gypsy got up from the couch and quietly tiptoed toward the exit of the small tent. Esmeralda had her curling items set up in her dressing area, so she couldn’t see what this mysterious man was doing. He briskly stepped outside into the fresh air; the sun blinded his poor weak eyes. He sniffed as he continued to feel the irritation in the back of his nose. He slowly rubbed his nose with his index finger without a single person seeing him. Every time he had to scratch his nose, he turned around from the crowd and did it slyly.

“Clopin, what are you doing out here? You don’t perform until ten minutes from now!” The hunchback scared Clopin while he was itching his nose.

“Quasimodo! So great to see you Cherie! I was just taki’g a breath of fresh air, you know how it gets in the tents! I’m actually planni’g on starti’g our act a little earlier, say right now perhaps?”

Quasimodo seemed curious about the idea and wasn’t so sure that Clopin had introduced the plan to Esmeralda. He shook his head and allowed the gypsy to proceed onward with his mischievous thoughts. “Oh…alright! That’s…different…” He answered to his reply.

Clopin made his way to the front of the stage as the crowd whistled and clapped for the talented gypsy. He bowed to the audience and did a front walk over followed by a front hand spring. He ended in a split and waved to the viewers. “Welcobe, welcobe! To the amazi’g Festival of Fools! Let the music, begid!” He shouted to everyone cheering.

He began to do flips of all sorts and sing the song that he practiced with Esmeralda. Who knows what was going through Clopin’s mind at the moment; Esmeralda was supposed to be dancing with him. Maybe the fact that he was sick made him even crazier than he normally was. Speaking of him still being sick, the slight tickle in his nose still stayed there as he sang the beginning of the song. During a quick instrumental break he scrunched his nose to try to stop the irritation. He couldn’t show that he was weak to an audience and rub his nose, so he decided to do a complete spin and scratch it while he spun swiftly. The quick rubbing didn’t help Clopin one single bit; he knew just what he had to do. He had to continue doing flips and quickly stifle the sneeze.

Clopin sure didn’t know exactly how to do so, considering he’s never had to sneeze or catch a cold before. He chose to do a one handed cartwheel and pinch his nose with the empty hand. He couldn’t resist any longer and he let out the sneeze into his pointer finger and thumb. "Heh'NGXTZ uh..."

The stifling did not do much for poor Clopin; it didn’t help get out all of the irritation in his nose. He had to force himself to not sneeze in front of the hundreds of viewers watching him do tricks. ‘Just think of when you’re healthy. Be a man!’ He thought to himself as he tried to get the thought of sneezing out of his head.

Back in the tent Esmeralda had just finished curling her beautiful long, black hair. She went to go check on Clopin until she saw that the couch was completely empty. “He betrayed me…now where can that man possibly be?” She questioned herself even though the outcome was highly expected. He slowly opened up the tent exit and hid herself behind the curtain. She caught a glimpse of Clopin performing their song on stage without her. “Of course he went on, why did I trust him to stay by himself?” She shook her head in complete disappointment.

Clopin turned his head to view Esmeralda tapping her dress with anger. He looked back to the audience and shouted, “LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! Introducing the incredible Esmeralda!” As soon as Esmeralda danced her way to the front of the stage, he flashed himself off into the tent with what the city folks thought was witchcraft.

As soon as Clopin made it back into the tent, he couldn’t hold in the sneezes any more. He could not fight the stinging that was held in one single nostril. He had to let it all out, in which he did, uncovered. “Heh…HAIIII’tSHOOOOOO! Hai’tshaaw! Heh…HAE’Tshoo! HAII’tshoo! HAE’tshaaaw! Uh…” His eyes began to tear up and he quickly grabbed a tissue to blow his nose.

He sniffled constantly and threw himself onto the couch that he was supposed to sleep on.

“You okay there, buddy?” Phoebus questioned Clopin as he secretly entered the tent.

Clopin blew his nose once again into the tissue and sneezed two more times. “HAII’Tshoo! HAE’tshoo! Sniff…do. I’b sick.” He sniffled and wiped his nose one last time on his sleeve.

“AH HA! Consider yourself disproved, Clopin Trouillefou! I finally caught you redhanded!” Esmeralda teased her gypsy friend as he sunk into the couch.

Sniff…Why do I even bother…?” Clopin moaned as Esmeralda and Phoebus giggled to his misery.


Hope it wasn't too bad! twitchsmile.gif

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Your writing style is amazing, and Clopin... UNFF. *flails around stupidly* His little fits were so adorable, and the spellings? *fans herself* Is it hot in here or is it just this fic?

thumbsupsmileyanim.gif Well done! I knew it would be awesome~ heart.gif

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Awwwww thank you sooooo much!

I was afraid this wasn't going to turn out so well because I've never written a Clopin fic before. It really makes me happy that you enjoyed it! w00t.gif

You really did make my day! clapping.gif

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That was fabulous! I love Clopin's reaction to the whole situation, it's so ridiculous and illogical and it suits him perfectly. And I like Esmeralda's concern/irritation. I never thought I'd see a HBOND fic on this site, so thank you so much for providing!

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Yay!!! Thank you sooooooooo much! Yeah I haven't seen any HBOND fics either so I decided, hey why not write one myself? Also I apologize for misspellings, words repeated twice, or typing one word when meaning another. Like Clopin didn't wipe it on his sneeze, he wiped it on his *sleeve. Haha!

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