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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Nature (Harry styles)


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Ok sooooo. Yeah as you can see I'm a fan of 1D sneeze fics. you have no idea <3. I decided to do one about Harry since @DeathNoteOwner (sorry if I got your user wrong) hinted about some allergic Harry styles. Wellllllllllllll..... I may or may not have been crazy enough to do my own story about it..... SO weather or not you like it, I was proud to be posting something. Enjoy. ;)

Harry and Jenna, (his girlfriend) decided to go to the park f

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We'll..... Guess who found this thread. The one and only death note owner(: it seems you're story was cut halfway during posting hum? No worries.. Nao I shall leave a little Drabble of my own... Enjoy? Title:Interview :3 ----------------------------------------------------------

As I Harry styles woke up this morning, I couldn't help but feel a strange tickly sense in my nose and my nose was runny aswell. I thought to myself that this isn't the day to be sick, me and the boys had a big interview today with people's magazine. I got dressed and went downstairs too join Ni, Lou, Liam and Zayn. They had already prepared pancakes with maple syrup(lol I doubt that's British but it is Canadian<3(Canadian pride). Harry sat down at his seat but quickly cupped his hands over his mouth and nose, double over and sneezed " heh-Hitchieww hehtchoo " . Louis said " bless you lad, you feeling okay?". Ni passed me a tissue and I took it and quietly blew my nose, blushing with embarrassment. I said " actully Louis I'm not feeling too well today, my nose tickles._.". Liam said " oh no Harry the pollen count is quite high today and our interview is outside". Harry just nodded and thought none of it, but was scared since this was going to be on tv and he wouldn't want to ruin it. They finished their meal and went in their car and got drove to the interview. They arrived at the interview and walked over to the interviewer and greeted her:3 The boys sat down in the chair and admired the pretty flowers. Harry just scowled at them. They started they're interview, the interviewer asked Harry " so Harry how is it like beeing on tour?". Harry answered "well it is quite a work we have to.. Hatchoo hatchoo" he doubled over sneezing and excused himself to go blow his nose in private. The Interviewer decided to move the interview to a better day. ------------------------------------ And that's that... We'll.... -dispears-

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Sorry!!!! My computer shut down!!!! HERE WE GO NOW!!

------ for the day. Jenna didn't know that Harry was allergic to pollen, but Harry didn't want to make her stay inside all day because of him.

As they walked on the track, he started to feel an itch in his nose. As they continued it became worse. Finally he had to sneeze. "Heetchewww."

He sneezed into his arm. "Bless you." Jenna replied. He thanked her and they continued walking. Harry could tell this wasn't his best day. More tickles formed in his nose as they went farther. "Hetchoo! Hetchoo! Hetchooo!!" He sneezed. He could feel a few eyes on him and to be honest it wasn't pleasant. Jenna looked at him for a moment before speaking. "Harry, we can leave if you want." She said sweetly. "No...I'm good." He said trying to reassure her. She stopped walking and looked him up an down.

His nose was red from sneezing and rubbing, and his eyes were red and watery.

"You're allergic to pollen aren't you?" Jenna asked.

"No...." Harry trailed off knowing they'd leave if he said yes.

Much to his dismay his allergies felt otherwise.

"Hetchoo!! Hetcho!!! Hetchoo!!!!! He..he....Hectoo!!!!" He started a sneezing fit.

Jenna raised an eye brow and grabbed his arm. "Jen, wait." Harry pleaded. "No excuses." She said. "We're going home."

He sadly nodded and let her take him to the car. He felt terrible. Not only from his allergies but because he ruined Jenna's day.

"I'm sorry, I ruined it." He told her. She smiled sweetly. "You didn't ruin anything. Now come on let's have our day at home."

"Thanks Jen. I lo- Heptchoo!!! Ugh sorry. I love you." He said sniffing and rubbing his red nose.

Jenna smiled and handed him a tissue. "Me too."


Ok sooooo IM SO SORRY!!!!! I DIDN'T MEAN FOR IT TO SHUT DOWN!!!! Anyway....bye

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That's so good<3 kinda sad u didn't read mine but eh whatever :-:.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thank you so much!!! It means a lot!! And I also think it would be awesome if @DeathNoteOwner continued!!

. Awe thanks everyone. I may post another but it was more of a one shot if someone where too give me a plot I'd go for it & you guys can pick one of the boys or two. A bromance maybe:3 & pick cold/allergy however. I'd be willing to write more
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  • 3 years later...

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