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"What About the Dinosaurs?" Doctor Who: Ten, Donna


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Hi all :) I've not been writing much lately. Well, I haven't been writing at all lately, but I got a bit of Doctor Who in my head. This may be a one-shot or I may add more to it. Never know rolleyessmileyanim.gif

What About the Dinosaurs?

It was quiet when Donna wandered into the main console of the TARDIS. Quiet was strange. Stranger, in fact, than any of the dozens or weird sounds she'd come to associate with life on the TARDIS. No clanging, banging, zapping, hissing, blaring alarm bells, nothing but the hushed mechanical hum. She strolled around the circular area looking high and low for the Doctor, but he was nowhere to be found. Also strange. By the time Donna woke up he was already hopping around, barely containing his excitement over where they were going next. She shrugged and wandered down to the kitchen to fix some breakfast. Just about the time she spooning some oatmeal into a bowl the Doctor made an appearance.

“You make enough for two?” he asked, standing in the doorway.

“Don’t I always?” Donna fixed a second bowl and put them both on the small table. She cocked her head as she looked at him. “You alright?” she asked. “You look a bit…rumpled,” she added, gesturing to his wrinkled suit. The Doctor ran a hand through his hair.

“Of course I’m alright.”

“Had a bit of a lie in today didn’t you?” she asked.

“Maybe you just woke up early,” he said with a grin. “Relative time and all that.”

“Touche,” Donna said.

They ate in a comfortable silence for a while before the Doctor sniffed and rubbed his nose. A few seconds later he turned away from the table and sneezed into his hands. heehh…HehhAHHtssschhhOOO!

“Bless you,” Donna said with a hint of surprise in her voice.

“Thank you.” He turned back to the table and said, “So, where should we go today? Third moon of Gradillia? The Spharic Belt? Tamborlee? Hazion?”

“You do know I have no idea what any of those places are, right?” she asked.

“We could go back in time, forward in time—dinosaurs! Donna we should absolutely, positively go see dinosaurs. Don’t think I’ve ever taken someone to see dinosaurs before. And…ahh and…” His voice trailed off as he snapped forward with another sneeze. Hehh AHHktchshhhhOOOO! “And you humans have it all wrong—they’re aliens, not evolved reptiles or birds or whatever else your lot has mistakenly described them as. Aliens from the…Hehh…the…” Once again he stopped and turned his head away from her as a tickle blossomed deep within his nose. Hehh HAHHK’tschhhOOO!

“Bless y—”

“Frob the plandet Farillion,” he said, pressing on as though nothing had happened.


“Refugees during a civil war. Earth’s climate is similar HAHHHT’STCHHHooo! to Farillion ad they—”


“—they were able to blend right into the ecosystem without ady—”

“Oy! Alien Boy!” He blinked in surprise.

“What?” the Doctor asked.

“What’s with the sneezing?” Donna asked. He gave her a confused look.

“What do you mean?” he asked.

“What do I—you’ve just sneezed like five times!” she cried.

“Did not,” he said.

“Did too!”

“Did not!”

“Did too!” Hehh… HehhAHHKT’sschhooo! The Doctor sneezed once again and sniffed.

Now I’ve sneezed five times,” he said. Donna rolled her eyes and huffed. When he sniffled again, she reached behind her and grabbed a couple napkins off the kitchen counter.

“Here,” she said, handing them over. Donna saw him blush as he took one and wiped his nose. She bit back the urge to tease him and took a deep breath. “Doctor, are you sick?”

“I’m alright,” he said.

“Yeah, I know you’re alright, but are you sick?” she asked again. He shrugged.

“Bit tired,” he conceded.

“You look a bit pale,” Donna said, reaching over and pressing a hand to his forehead. He closed his eyes for the briefest second before he clapped his hands together.

“Right, well, nothing a bit of fresh air won’t fix,” he said. “Now, what kind of fresh air do you want?” Donna got up and followed him into the console room. He was already flipping switches and pushing buttons, warming up the machine for yet another great adventure. His hand froze on one of the levers as he felt his nose beginning to tickle once again. Hehh Ahhh…Hehh HAHHH’ehhSCHHOOOOO! HehhAHHT’ssschhooo!

“Bless you,” Donna said. He shook his head slightly.

“Sorry.” He sighed. “Where was I?” Donna reached over and grabbed his arm, spinning him around and giving him a push towards his room.

“You were just about to go change and I was going to make you some tea.”

“Donna, I—”

“Have a cold. Yes, I know you do.”

“That’s not what I was going to say.”

“Alright, Doctor, what were you going to say?” she challenged. He rubbed the back of his neck.

“What about the dinosaurs?” he finally asked. "I was going to take you to see dinosaurs." Donna gave him a small smile. She patted his arm.

“Aww, I know you were space man, but they’ll still be there. Relative time and all that, right?”

“Right.” HEHHH-IHHHHsssschhooo!

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ARRGH this is rather wonderful. I love Ten and I'm also a big fan of Donna, and you write them both beautifully. *Swoon*

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OH MY GOD! I wish I could show you my face right now because I'm sitting here giggling like a school girl. I love their banter, ohmigoodness. "Did not! - Did too! Did not!" And Ten's constant stream of words and Donna's sass and I JUST LOVE ALL OF THIS IT IS PERFECT. <3

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Oh my god. Ten and Donna...with Ten sneezing...

*total meltdown due to fetish happy*

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Squeeeeeeeeeee! Squeeeeeee!

What do you call it when you don't ship two people, but you like them as a duo? Anyway, this is totally great. Squeeeeeee!

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*all of the above* :P

I really like your approach to 10 getting sick. And Donna is marvelous, as always. ;) Lovely story!

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