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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Kili Sneeze Drabble


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(AN: Finally have had a little time to write so here's a drabble for you guys. Also this one hints at incest, you have been warned.)

“heeeeh....H-HEH...Heeeehhhh...” He pinched his nose tightly and his breath held for a moment before he let it out with a quiet sigh.

Fili looked on with amusement written plain on his face as he watched Kili struggle to fight off what was sure to be a sneezing fit at this rate. Kili had been sniffling and fiddling with nose ever since that afternoon when they had passed into the fields they would be traveling through for the next day. He smirked a bit as Kili flushed slightly as he rubbed the knuckle of his index finger under his nose trying to get rid of the itch and sniffled as his nose ran a bit. When Kili looked away Fili shuffled a bit on the log he was sitting on trying to hide his own discomfort caused from the heat in his belly in response to all of Kili’s hitching breaths and unfinished build ups.

“he-heh...heeeh....” Fili’s eyes focused back on Kili’s face as Kili’s own eyes became unfocused and his notrils began to flare. He could tell Kili was trying to return his breathing to normal by how the breaths he was slowly heaving in were so slow to build. The edges of Kili’s nostrils fluttered as Kili took in still deeper slowly building breaths, his gasps beginning to rise in pitch.

“Heeeeehh....HEEeeeeeh...Heh-Hieh...Hieeeehhh...HEH....” Kili’s nostrils flared hugely becoming perfectly round as Kili’s expression finally collapsed into a completely desperate pre-sneeze face and his allergies finally got the better of him.

“HEEEEH-CHOO...HEPTCHUH....Heh-HEH-HEEEHCHUH HETCHOO HEKTSHOO...Heh-Heh....HEH-HEHMPSHH” Kili pinched his nostrils shut and sneezed a few muffled stifles half into his hand. “MmmPSH....HEPtcch...Hihptchh...”

Finally Kili lowered his hand and sniffled wetly blinking somewhat blearily over at Fili as one his hands dropped into his pockets no doubt hunting for a well needed handkerchief.

“Surprised you held off so long with that size of a fit brewing in your nose since this afternoon.”

“Shove off.”

Fili only grinned at his brother and pulled his pack firmly into his own lap to keep hidden how Kili's fit had effected him.

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Oh god i love me a sneezy kili *_*

I will love you forever if you continue! I need more of this hahaha <3

Edited by StraightEdgeRyder
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@DeathNoteOwner: Hee hee glad you liked. Expect more drabbles in the future.

@Lalaith: Awww you're so sweet. Glad I could make your day!

@Da kitty ninja: Thanks! I will write more soon hopefully, I'm searching for sneezy plot inspiration.

@sadie22233: Thank you! I hope to write more so that you can read more. ;)

@StraightEdgeRyder: I know those feels. I had such a need for Sneezy!Kili that it made me brave enough to write fetish fics just to get it. I have no idea what I'll be writing but definitely more sneezy!Kili and probably some sneezy!Fili when I can get my muse in gear.

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Sneezy Kili is um, pretty nice. Still trying to regain my composure here but yes, love the descriptions and how poor Fili is dealing with the whole ordeal haha. Definitely would enjoy more <3

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Grey on a Sunday: I've got some more stand-alone drabbles in the works but I'm always welcome to ideas for how to continue existing things I've written. Glad you enjoyed. <3

@MadWonder13: Thank you!

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