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Naruto fic; male


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So, I'm not done with this story, but this is the beginning. I hope you like it. I still don't have a name for this story, yet, possibly because it isn't done heh.gif


Naruto Shippuden

Ulternate Universe:

Itachi faked his death, and managed to get Sasuke to join him as a member of the Akatuski to protect Konoha and pretend to be a rouge ninja. Under the orders of Obito, they have to keep my OC (Mujakina Abosu) with them as a hostage.

Original Character (OC) Outline:

Name: Mujakina Asobu

Name Meaning: Innocent Play

Appearance: Eyes are Light green/blue, slightly resembling a cats. Straight light brown hair with Bangs, length just below her shoulders. Height about 5’4”

Personality: Her eyes show her innocence and purity at the same time as adding to her attractiveness. She is very nervous around people. Hides her true self from the world for fear of being rejected. Despite being shy at times she can be very loud and energetic at others (this is usually her attempts at coming out of her shell, but she can still be awkward when doing so). Has a very big sense of humor, and it can be very dirty and mean (she is sometimes hurtful without meaning to be, when she’s joking around.) Only feels safe enough to be herself when alone or around certain people, which is usually when she’s less awkward. She does talk to herself, sometimes assuming no one hears her, but they do.


It happened all to quickly; Mujakina Asobu found herself awoken by a sudden noise, it startled her enough to jump up and off the ground where she was apparently sleeping on top of a white blanket. It was very dark out, but the light coming from the moon was enough to show her what awoke her, or rather who.

Her face turns slightly pink as she sees a man with dark hair pulled back in a loose ponytail wiping his nose with the sleeve of his robe. Her eyes are quickly turned downward, and she tries to go back to where she was sleeping, but accidentally trips over another man, wearing a similar robe, but his hair was spiked in the back. As she falls down, it dawns on her; ‘WTF!?’ she thinks. She repositions herself quickly enough onto the blanket.

“Watch what you’re doing,” said the man with the spiky hair. He then turns and says, “bless you, brother.”

Mujakina looks at them both and in a high pitched voice says, “Where am I?! How did I get here?! Who are you people?!!!,” she began to notice that they somehow looked familiar. Like they came from some sort of television show she used to watch…. Wait, they looked just like Sasuke and Itachi! Her heart sank, she could feel it began to pound in her chest. Not only did this go against the fact that they do not exist where she is from, they are animated characters from a popular show, called Naruto.

Before she could jump to any conclusions, she assumes that either she’s finally lost her mind or someone had to be playing a joke on her.

“You’re not to far from the hidden leaf,” replies Itachi plainly.

“What? That is- ummm…. The hidden leaf?” Mujakina thought it was a joke, but as Itachi spoke his voice sounded exactly like his, which showed her it wasn’t a joke. Her face went flushed; he was so much like Itachi that she started to feel the butterflies in her belly. She had always had a crush on Itachi and Sasuke in the series, and even to some degree she liked Madara, which she was glad he was no where in sight. Shyly, Mujakina looks downward as she tucks her hair behind her ear.

Sasuke then says to her, “You’re being held hostage, that is our orders. Don’t even bother trying to escape, you will not be able to.” He then roles onto his side and tries to get back to sleep.

“Wait, that’s it? You tell me not to try and escape, yet you just go back to sleep?” Mujakina, was confused, she thought she could just easily get up and walk away. “Why am I a hostage?”

Without moving Sasuke replies, “ Just go back to sleep, we’ll talk tomorrow.”

“We have our methods on how to know if you try to escape while we’re asleep. So don’t try it,” Itachi had his gaze locked on her. Almost as though he was implying something.

Mujakina swallowed, then looked down to where she was laying, she was right next to Sasuke. He was very close to her, despite how much she likes him, she felt so nerved about this whole situation, that she grabbed her blanket and tried to move away from them, just far enough that she felt she could have a peace of mind.

She didn’t move all to far away, maybe a couple yards when suddenly, she sees crows go past her quickly, and Itachi is suddenly in front of her. “Where are you going?” his voice still plain.

“Just over here, to sleep, I’m not trying to escape, I promise,” she replied trying to hide her fear, and more importantly her bright red face. She tries to move past him slowly, in order to prove she isn’t trying to escape. She felt the sudden grip of his hand on her arm, despite his cold demeanor, his grip wasn’t very forceful at all. “mmmn….,” she began to shake just a little. Mujakina was not used to being close to someone she liked. She hadn’t liked anyone who wasn’t an animated character in a long time. For him to appear and be real out of the blue, was almost a numbing thought, up until he touched her.

“You need to stay closer to us,” Itachi just stared at her. He realized she started to shake, he knew she was afraid. As he looked at her slowly, he noticed the moonlight was hitting her face, gracefully. Just enough to light up her eyes, despite her gaze was never sturdy or met his.

“Damn it,” she muttered under her breath. She wasn’t angry, she may have sounded it, but rather she was just infatuated.

As she walked back, Itachi couldn’t help but stare at her. He knew this feeling, but he knew he couldn’t do anything about it. Itachi could already read her like a book. She was so nervous; yet didn’t seem to be nervous about being held hostage. He could tell that he and Sasuke were making her more nervous, despite not ever doing anything threatening. It was obvious, she has a crush on them both.

Keeping a distance from Sasuke she put her blanket closer to Itachi, which seemed to be her only choice.

Itachi then proceeded back to where he was resting. He had already found her to be very appealing in appearance, she was clearly awkward and fretful, yet this seemed to spark his interest in her even more.

It was just unbelievable. In her mind there were no words to describe how happy and confusing this situation was for Mujakina. As she’s just about to fall asleep, she rolls over towards Itachi.

'Huh-sheeeww!' without warning Itachi sneezed; right in Mujakina face, he didn’t realize she had just rolled over.

Mujakina pushed herself away from Itachi. Mujakina didn’t know how to respond, she actually really liked having him sneeze on her, but there was no way she’d let anyone know that, let alone him. She paused for a minute and then proceeded to wipe her face.

Itachi just looked at her, “Go back to sleep,” was the only thing he could think to say to her, even though he felt bad about it and wanted to apologize. He had been sneezing a lot lately. To some degree this bothered Itachi, now. People find being sneezed on gross, and even though he had to act like he didn’t care, the truth was he did. He was starting to like her, and this was not how you attract someone, he really wanted to attract her, but he knew he had to maintain his duties.

The brothers awoke before Mujakina. Sasuke looked at Itachi. He took no interest in Mujakina, for some reason he was even a little bit more distant from her than he was with others.

“Something wrong, Sasuke?” asked Itachi, noticing that Sasuke seemed different than usual.

Without moving, “Nothing- it’s nothing,” replied Sasuke.

Itachi could sense that something was off, but he couldn’t place his finger on it. He looked at the girl lying on the blanket next to him. Her light brown hair was in her face, while she lay on her stomach. He was urging to move it out of her face, but resisted.

Mujakina had been there hostage for days, and had only just woke last night. Despite this being her first encounter with them, it wasn’t their first time ever seeing her. While she was in her world, Tobi had been watching her, and showing both, Sasuke and Itachi her. Tobi never told them why he was watching her, or gave them any details, he did however tell them to be prepared for after he had brought her to their realm. During this time, Itachi could already tell he felt something towards her. He noticed that Sasuke seemed to be very, just, different around the subject of her. When they first had to hold her hostage despite she was unconscious the whole time, he would stay close to her, but never really show any sort of want to even be near her. This was confusing, even in Itachi’s eyes. He wasn’t sure why Sasuke would act this way, or he just couldn’t be sure at this time.

The sun was just starting to show through the trees. Sasuke moves himself slightly closer Mujakina without realizing it and just stares into the sky. The birds were chirping their morning song, it was peaceful, yet Sasuke seemed to be in deep thought.

Itachi was looking at Mujakina, not showing any emotion towards her, but he was feeling it on the inside. She wasn’t snoring, but the sound of her peaceful breathing could be heard. It was good thing to see her sleep. Itachi knew that sleeping wasn’t something that came to her easily, from what he had observed of her in her world. He held back a smile as she was making a whimper and slightly rubs her head against the blanket.

Sasuke notices this also because he was turning to Itachi to speak, “Why don’t we just wake her up, and-”

“Because we aren’t in a rush. We will get there in plenty of time. For now just relax,” Itachi replies cutting off Sasuke who is being impatient. He then wipes under his nose with his sleeve and gives a slight sniff. He could feel a sneeze coming on, he eyeballs the girl sleeping in a peaceful world of dreams, and quickly presses his finger under his nose to try and stop himself.

“You have to sneeze again?” said Sasuke to Itachi showing concern for his brother’s health.

Itachi starts to hitch his breath rapidly, then suddenly just sighs and sniffs, “It’s nothing to worry about Sasuke.” He replied seeing the concern from Sasuke and gave a tiny smile.

“It just seems like it was so long ago that-” Sasuke was suddenly cut off by Itachi stifling a sneeze into the finger was using to try and stop himself, “We could sit together like this.”

hekKNTCH, Knxcsh, hutshKNt,’ he stifled three more sneezes into his left arm away from Mujakina who suddenly winced, yet remained asleep.

“Brother, you sound like you’re coming down with something,” said Sasuke then looking at Mujakina.

“It’s just my allergies, Sasuke, I’m fine. I can assure you-” Itachi then forcefully sneezed without time to cover his mouth, so he turned himself away from Sasuke and Mujakina. ‘HuTCHUUU!’ then wiped under his nose using the sleeve of his robe.

Mujakina, who was suddenly startled into being awake, jumped back and this time landed on top of Sasuke. “Get off of me,” was his reply with annoyance. During this time Itachi had sneezed rapidly about five times.

“Ss-sorry,” she moves off of him as quickly as she jumped on him. She then turns to Itachi, but gets so shy that she ends up turning in a complete circle, then starts to make her way over to a tree. She finds Itachi suddenly in front of her again.

“I told you, you can’t wonder off to far,” Itachi say to her as he twitches his nose like he was going to sneeze again, but didn’t.

Her face went bright red, it was to early in the morning for her to see Itachi. She shook her head trying to get herself together, then speaks to him while making eye contact with the ground, “I just have to pee.” She said in such a small voice that even Itachi was starting to get infatuated, but left it to be unseen.

“Then go behind that tree,” he points to a big tree, with big deep green leaves.

“mmnmm…” was the noise she made as she walks as fast as possible over to the tree.

As she disappears behind the tree, Sasuke lifts his head and narrows his eyes. “Something’s not right.” He then grabs his sword and stands up quickly, then proceeds to the tree she is peeing behind, but doesn’t dare go beyond it.

“What is it Sasuke?” Asked Itachi, then getting a grasp of what he is picking up on.

“There is someone else near by,” Sasuke replies.

Mujakina, not hearing anything that Sasuke or Itachi were doing, walks out from behind the tree, ‘WTF?’ she thinks, ‘why is Sasuke right behind the tree? I’m not asking’ was the rest of her thought.

“Keep still, don’t make a sound,” Sasuke said to Mujakina as she realizes that something is going on.

Sasuke maneuvers his sword swiftly to block the shuriken coming at them. Itachi then proceeds to grab Mujakina in attempts to keep her out of harms way and takes her up into a tree near by. He keeps her in his arms incase he needs to move her quickly again. He couldn’t be to sure what the enemy was after.

The ninja makes his appearance, his face was covered like the rest of his body, he wasn’t wearing any hidden village forehead protector. He basically resembled a shadowy figure.

“What do you want?” said Sasuke hoping to get this over with quickly.

“I came for the girl,” was his blank reply.

Itachi’s grip gets tighter on Mujakina, who slightly makes a squeak noise without meaning to.

“Bingo,” said the ninja responding to the noise she made, and heading directly toward them. He found himself doing substitution jutsu in time to dodge, an electrical current, coming from Sasuke’s hand. “To easy,” the ninja says. “What?! They’re not here,” said the ninja as he got to the tree. As he continues to look around, they are nowhere in sight.

Itachi holding Mujakina, and Sasuke moved quickly. Itachi had used sharingan on the ninja, the minute Mujakina’s squeak gave them away.

They continue jumping through the trees, remaining quiet. Mujakina was still tense in Itachi’s arms, yet she was loving this, but she had no idea, he was to.

Sasuke lifts his head to look at the sun as he’s jumping from branch to branch, ‘HA-ETCHEEWW!’ Sasuke stopped on one branch to sneeze.

Itachi stops next to him, “Looks like you’re might be coming down with a cold, Sasuke,” while he was saying this his breath started to get uneven, and he hitches twice, and suddenly sneezes, ‘Eh-EtSheEWW, ItSHUU, Huh-hi-HEESHooo!’ he made sure to turn towards Mujakina’s feet, hoping not to have sneezed on her again.

Mujakina just stays silent. Her face was actually buried into Itachi’s chest at this point. She could not adjust to being around someone she has feelings for, let alone two of them!

“Hn,” Sasuke made this noise and slightly cocking his head to the side in response to Mujakina’s face being buried into Itachi. “I think she likes you.”

Mujakina immediately snaps to Sasuke, “WHAT!? WHERE IN THE RIGHT MIND DID YOU GET THAT IDEA?! I do not, I don’t like him, not like that, stop making stuff up. You’re such a liar. God do you have a problem?!” This was the only way she could reply, she was trying to keep her feelings a secret, but was obviously failing.

“I take that back,” replies Sasuke looking at her as she sighs in relief. “She definitely likes you.” He said this just to get her going. She was really starting to annoy him, yet he couldn’t really place why. Also he some how found her response to be amusing.

Her jaw dropped, and her face went so red, that even Itachi was struggling not to laugh at this. Sasuke slightly giggled at it, and she responds, “What’s so funny? What is it? I really don’t like him…. I just think he’s cute. I meant to say, I am just scared, and I over react to stuff like that all the time. I don‘t find him cute, I actually like someone else back at home,” Her mind was making as much sense as what she was saying, when it comes down to this kind of thing, she’s a terrible liar. There wasn’t anyone back at home she liked. She hadn’t been with anyone in a very long time. She even went through times where she would try to date people she didn’t have feelings for, hoping something would develop. Yet it never did, she was stuck liking animated characters for quite sometime after what had happened to her.

“I’m not interested in how you feel, Mujakina. Sasuke and I are just trying to follow through with our orders. You mean nothing to us,” said Itachi, starting to hurt inside from saying this.

Mujakina was used to this, she didn’t expect to ever be liked by anyone she likes. It seemed to her that no matter where she was, who she was with, this was just always the case.

“I didn’t think I would mean anything to you guys. You don’t even know me, how could you like me,” she said with eyes beginning to water, which was noticed by both brothers. She partly squirms in Itachi’s arms, she’s trying to imply that he should put her down, but he wasn’t let her go.

“Sit still,” Itachi replied. He could see the pain on her face, but could almost feel it when he looked into her eyes. He knew about what was going on when she was back at home as did Sasuke, who was also started to frown just a little bit.

“You don’t have to keep carrying me, just get me on the ground, I have feet and I know how to use them,” Mujakina then said because she really felt uncomfortable being held by him now.

“Fine,” Itachi says as he and Sasuke proceed to the ground. They are far enough away now, that they don’t have to worry about the enemy. As he’s gently letting her go, he begins to hitch his breath again and slightly tightens his grip on her as he’s about to sneeze-

Huh-it-SHUUWWW!’ Mujakina was backing away from Itachi while he was about to sneeze, but he didn’t; Sasuke did.

“Seriously!?” Mujakina said out loud on accident, because Sasuke didn’t cover his mouth and his sneeze sprayed her leg.

Sasuke just sniffs and ignores her as goes to sneeze again, this time a little louder, almost as though he was trying to bother her.


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... Well, I hope you're happy. You made me explode. XDD

*goes to clean up the ashes*

roll2.gif GOD WHY IS THIS SO CUTE?!?! *flails* Mukajina is so lucky!!! I would kill to be in her place!! ... Of course I wouldn't kill something like a spider... maybe I'd kill something like a carrot... heh.gif

O.O Oh Itachi's reaction when he sneezed on her. X'D ITACHI YOU'RE SO CUTE COME HOME WITH MEEEE~ It's so adorable how he totally pretends not to care and then inside he's all "OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE I JUST DID THAT."

Sasuke's parts are kind of cute too... I'm not a big Sasuke fan, but I actually found him kind of cute here. I love the end where he sprays her leg and she's all "SERIOUSLY?!?!" lol.gif

THIS IS SO AWESOME!!!! hug.gif You keep on truckin'~! I bet the next part shall be even more awesome... ^^

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I LOVE THIS I love this<3 I can't get over this story like oh em gee cuteness and all that good stuff :3

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I'm glad yous loves it so much :D I'm still working on the next half, but it'll be here when soon thumbup1.gif

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I really enjoyed this! Your OC, while an obvious self-insert, still managed to be really engaging and fun and interesting. I'd like to see her develop as a character, and I'd like to know more about why she's in this world and why she needs to be held hostage. I like that both Sasuke and Itachi are sneezing so much, and I like how you described it. I'm looking forward to seeing why that's happening. And Itachi's sneezing on Mujakina and then feeling bad about it was adorable. Anyway, this is great, I'd love to see where you take this.

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This is actually really interesting. I usually hate these kind of fics but this one has me oddly intrigued. I hope you write more~ <3

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Second Part:

The ninja war had been going on for awhile now. Mujakina was never good at finding her way around back home, and here, at this new place, she was more lost than ever. Just yesterday, she woke up to find out she was with some of her crushes from her favorite anime show, and now it was hitting her like a ton of bricks; this was real. There was just no way getting around it; no hiding the truth, she wasn’t crazy, or being fooled, this was real. She felt worse than a fish out of water, more like an alien whose lost her home planet. As much as she tries to fight that she is really here, and how unbelievable it is… it always comes back at her in ways that scream to her that this is reality.

At this point, they were laying low, staying in a small house that no one had lived in for years, that was still in pretty good condition. It was secluded into the woods near a pond. At times the wind blows and the sound of the water splashing gave a peaceful and comforting feeling, that would partly ease some of her inner turmoil.

Mujakina had been curled up in a ball on her side, just lying on the ground. As per usual, she was in deep thought, almost like an escape to her, from her current situation. For some reason Sasuke was still very close to her. He had taken off his Akatuski robe and it was on the floor next to him. He was leaning back against the wall just staring straight ahead. His shirt was either a light grey or purple color; Mujakina really could never tell the difference, even when watching the anime. He looked just as he did in the show; just as dreamy as she could have imagined. She loved his hair, and how it was so fitting to him. It spiked in the back, and how he managed to always keep it that way without styling it, was a mystery to her. She guessed it just grows that way somehow.

Over in the corner was Itachi just sitting very still. His hair was a little lighter than Sasuke’s and not as thick; he somehow managed to keep it neat in a pony tail. His eyes looked like they were cold, but yet somehow they were not. He still was holding a tissue in his hand, and was wiping his nose periodically. Itachi wasn’t sick, he just had allergies this year.

Sasuke was started to feel under the weather. He to had allergies, but not bad at all. He was catching a cold.

Mujakina found this to be sort of cute, somehow, but then again, when it comes down to them both, almost everything they do was somehow, cute. Her face slightly went pink. She then turned away from Sasuke quickly and faced the wall, which her head just tapped lightly. She wasn’t wanting to talk anymore; she was just so confused and lost in her mind, let alone with all this going on.

Sasuke was starting to get less annoyed with Mujakina now. His annoyance with her was now turning into admiration; which this wasn’t typical of Sasuke at all, but he knew he had to keep this tight lipped and to not even let it be shown to his brother, Itachi. He slowly glanced over at her, she had her head lightly pressing against the wall, with both eyes shut. Her behavior was strange to him, but being a lady from another dimension, what did you expect? Or was this even out of the ordinary for people or that world? Either way, Sasuke was starting to find this sort of attractive. It was clear, that she suffered from some form of anxiety, but why? This intrigued Sasuke, and he wanted to get the answers out of her. He pushed himself closer to her and rubbed his finger under his nose lightly as he gently sniffed. He took notice that Mujakina than swallowed hard and clenched her blanket. It seemed as though anything he, or Itachi did made her nervous, and she didn’t have control of her response as much as she thought or hoped to have.

Sasuke released a small sigh and turned his head. He knew they would have to join the war soon; but with Mujakina? The question still was going through his mind as to why Tobi would want this. This girl had an under developed chakra system, she couldn’t use her chakra to fight. What benefits could that masked man possibly get from someone so, well, weak? Sasuke could tell, that Itachi was just as baffled, even though they have never talked about it and why did a mystery ninja try to take her? He had ideas to this, but none of which were important right now. They had to get ready to bring her to the war.

Sasuke then looked to Itachi, who gripped his tissue tightly and stifled five sneezes into it. “I haven’t seen you like this in a long time, bless you, brother.” Sasuke responded without thinking about it, it came natural to him to be concerned about Itachi and show his love for him, now that he knew the truth of what he had done for him and the hidden leaf. Sasuke then took in a deep, quick breath and loudly, “HUHSCHEEWW!” It was as if watching Itachi sneeze, made him feel like sneezing. He rubbed under his nose and eyed Mujakina, who was very still at this point, and tense. He sighed again and sniffed. In a nasaly voice, “You startle easy, Mujakina.” This was his first attempt to trying to unravel the reasons behind her strange, yet cute reactions.

Itachi looked at Sasuke with concern, he knew Sasuke was getting sick, and only worried more about if this would interfere with anything they had to accomplish. “Sasuke, you should cover your mouth.” He said to him, trying to keep his dark and cold demeanor. “I don’t think he wants Mujakina to fall ill, from any carelessness.” He wasn’t truly sure if that even mattered; he just was concerned for Mujakina’s well being.

Mujakina was starting to be very curious herself; why is she here? What was the reason she was brought to their world? She knew she was powerless, and even in her world couldn’t fight well even though she is a green belt in karate. As she started to wonder off into thoughts of, ‘I sucked at sparring, I was better at grappling, and jujitsu…’ Sasuke's sneezing again snapped her out of it.

Sasuke turned his head away from Mujakina and sneezed quickly into his arm, twice. He slowly moved his head away from his arm and took notice in something else; Mujakina’s face was slightly pink and she looked like she was fighting with a small smile.

Mujakina couldn’t explain it; but somehow Sasuke’s sneezing was cute, and so was Itachi’s. She bit her lip lightly and pushed herself up into a sitting position. She then realized how close she was to Sasuke when her arm brushed up against his, making her push away from him. “I always startle easy…” she replied in a small and still voice. She loved the feeling of being close to someone she likes, she could feel the heat from his body and hear him trying to breath through a stuffy, runny nose. She had to resist on her sudden urges to cuddle with him, which turned into her just squirming around and then standing up.

As she started to walk, Itachi asked, “Where are you going, Mujakina?”

“I-I don’t know, just needed to move around.”

Itachi could see she was struggling with something on the inside, but he had to resist the strong urge to show concern and comfort her. “Why don’t you just sit down? We need to talk to you.” Mujakina decided to sit down right where she was standing. Itachi instinctively got up and came over to her, which was part of his want to comfort her; but he knew he couldn’t. So he sits down next to her and gives her an intimidating look, which as it made her flinch, it made him feel saddened on the inside. “As you know, you had to be summoned here for a reason. We have strict orders to bring you to the battle field, where the war is being held.”

“Why? What purpose does that give anyone?! It’s not like I’m all mighty and powerful? Do I look like Vegeta?” Mujakina realized she was naming off characters of another anime show, she used to love when she was younger. She was also starting to wonder if they were real too.

“Vegeta?” Responded Sasuke, questioning who that was.

“I was not given information as to why, you are needed for this war, Mujakina. Before we bring you to the war we-” Itachi was caught of guard by suddenly feeling an intense itch in his nose. He made a face and breathed in, but didn’t sneeze. He rubbed his nose and coughed. “We need to gather information about you.” Itachi was doing this, for more reasons than one; he wanted to know if there was something about her that was the reason she was here, something he and Sasuke hadn’t picked up on.

“Like, what? I’ll tell you anything… it’s not like I have anything to hide, and it’s not like that would do any good at this point,” She was interrupted by Sasuke blowing his nose. “It’s not like, I even care…” her voice got quiet again.

“Mujakina, I know you are a smart lady, is there something you are hiding from us? Something th-tha-that, excuse me…” Itachi then lifts his tissue and sneezes into it, and then proceeds to blow his nose softly. The face she made, almost made him giggle, she looked sweet, he knew what she was trying to hide; and he found this to get to him. “Something that, is more than intellect? Perhaps, something you would find to be of the sixth sense or psychic?”

Mujakina’s eyes got a little wider, it’s not like she considered herself psychic, she just had dreams that would tell her things; like the future or things going on else where. “Ummm, do dreams that tell the future count?” She asked.

Itachi kept his eyes on her, never adverting his gaze away from her. “I believe, this could have something to do with it,” Itachi said as he coughed into his sleeve.

What else?” asked Sasuke getting very interested, he was starting to see that this might have something to do with it; but he wasn’t positive.

“That’s it,” Mujakina, didn’t see how this could even be relevant to the reason she was here, “I don’t think this would have anything to do with why I’m here.”

Itachi and Sasuke both thought differently; this probably wasn’t the reason, but it was clear that this could be a factor in it. They never underestimate Tobi.

Mujakina didn’t realize it, but she was smiling at Itachi, who was doing everything in his power not to smile back.

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  • 2 years later...

I wrote a while ago, can't really get back into it...

Edited by Meow
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