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Ok so after (literally) years of lurking, then working up the courage to join and then spending a few more months lurking I have finally decided to write down this story that I've had in my head for a while. It involves, for the most part, two original characters Aric and Charlemagne ( that's pronounced like shar-le-main folks). I suppose it is important to note that Aric is part dragon and thus has slitted snakelike eyes and blue scales scattered across his body. Probably to be multiple parts if anyone actually wants it. Now I'm going to post this before I change my mind....AAAAAAAnd here we go:


Aric woke with his head pounding. He glanced at the clock on the mantle across the room. Four hours. That made a grand total of 14 hours of sleep in the last four days. Today was the fifth day. Five days since Arianna had disappeared into the Shadows. Five days that nightmares had plagued Aric every time he closed his eyes. Yes, and now it all felt like it was catching up to him. The soreness in his throat which had been a mere irritation last night had grown into a burning pain as well. As he sat up he could feel the fluid shift in his sinuses and...”h..he..he’ISSshhuh....He'kSSHhuh..ugh.” shit. Aric flopped back onto the pillows and sighed. He pressed his fingers against his forehead, willing the pressure to go away. Maybe he could coax himself into a few more hours of sleep. Maybe if he could close his eyes for just a few moments...A knock on the door broke his concentration. He sat up and flung his legs over the edge of the bed. “Mmmm. Come in.” he called. He desperately attempted to straighten the blue shirt he had fallen asleep in, and ran his fingers through his now rather disheveled black hair. Presentable? Close enough.

Charlemagne strode into the room carrying a tray covered in food and a cup of something steaming hot.

“Good morning princess!” he said cheerfully, setting the tray down on the dresser next to the door. Charlemagne teased Aric endlessly for insisting on keeping his rooms up in the tower ‘like a princess in a fairytale’. He saw Aric eyeing the tray questioningly. “You were looking a bit worse for wear last night so I thought you could use it.” Charlemagne didn't mention the fact that Aric looked like absolute hell this morning. He was in an altruistic mood today.

“Thanks, but I’m really not hungry,” Aric answered. He coughed lightly and rubbed his fingers across his throat. The deep rumble that he used when he spoke that strange dragon language punctured through his voice. Charlemagne thought it sounded a bit like someone playing chords on a cello during a thunderstorm. Perhaps a cello that was a touch out of tune. Dark circles shadowed his slitted blue eyes and the small blue scales that lined them had lost their usual sheen.

“You look like hell this morning.” Okay. Maybe not so altruistic.

“Thank you. Your kindness is overwhelming.” Aric replied sarcastically. He could feel a rather distracting tingle building in his sinuses. He pressed the back of his wrist against the tip of his nose and sniffed. The tickle subsided to a dull itch. Ignorable. He got up to retrieve the tray from the dresser. Maybe if he pretended to eat Charlemagne would leave him in peace for a few more hours. He reached for the tray, but the itch refused to be beaten. He squeezed his eyes shut and sniffed. Nothing for it. He pinch the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger hoping that he could stop it at one short stifle. “He’ishht!” Mistake. “Nnnf....He’IKSHhhuh! H”IShhhuh!” he sniffed, his eyes fluttering desperately. “Heh...he’KSHHHT! H’ISHHuh!” His nose was running profusely now and he sniffed thickly in an attempt to clear his nasal passages. He could still feel the tickle however. He stood with his hand poised in from of his face and took two steady breathes in and out through his congestion plagued nostrils. One more. “He...H....H’ISHHahuuhh”

Charlemagne reached into his pocket and extended a white handkerchief embroidered in one corner with an overly elaborate “C”. Very Charlemagne. He smirked and raised an expectant eyebrow. Aric growled and snatched the piece of cloth from his hand and blew his nose thickly into the soft cloth.Aric thought he saw Charlemagne’s self satisfied smile falter for just a moment...was it concern? But in a flash that sardonic grin was back. If there was anything that Charlemagne excelled at, it was being absolutely, infuriatingly irritating. He reveled in it, and Aric was in no mood to deal with it.


and tbc if anyone's interested. that is if I can overcome my nerves and find the time

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I really like this! I don't normally read the non-human stories, but I'm really enjoying it. I say continue! thumbsupsmileyanim.gif

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This is interesting plot I really enjoy it (:

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