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Sneeze Fetish Forum

My Avatar:The Last Airbender thread(1/?)


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It happened twice now, and it was about to happen again.

The first time had been harmless enough. Zuko and his uncle had been riding on the ostrich horse for several hours, wandering aimlessly in the Earth Kingdom as they had for a month now, when the steed spooked itself. It spun around, nearly bucking Iroh off and kicking up a dust cloud before Zuko managed to calm it. The airborne irritant worked it's way into his nose, and didn't even give time for a tickle to delevolp. Zuko only felt his breath hitch before two brief sneezes escaped. "HHsth! Hhsth!" And then they were on their way again.

The second time cuased a bit more annoyance, as it didn't even have an excuse. An hour after the first the sky begin to darken, and the air cooled, indicting an afternoon rainfall. It had been raining a lot in the afternoons, Just the previous day it had rained intensively as the day turned into evening, and Zuko had been out in the entire thing, waiting and demanding for lightnining to strike him. Zuko felt a cool breeze brush past him, cuasing a small shiver. He huffed, annoyed to be affected by minor temperture change so easily when his nose acted up as well. It started as an itch, something that seemed to be just underneath the skin but not alleviated with a soft scratch. Instead it faked a second long absense, returning in his nostrils and creeping outward. "Hehh.." He rubbed his nose, trying not to gain his uncle's notice, but his lungs betrayed him with another hitch. "Hah...hah..."

The itch delighted in tormenting him, drawing out the process by fading slightly, only to intensfy a few seconds later. "Hh..." Rubbing did nothing, but the instant he crinkled his nose it came exploding out. "Hastthhoo! Haschhoo! He...Hasscch!" Zuko stiffened, feeling his uncle's curious eyes boring a hole in his back, but he refused to acknowledge that what happened actually happened. They traveled on.

Now, Zuko and Iroh were sitting in a cave, taking shelter from the storm outside. Iroh was busy making more of his precious tea, and Zuko was sitting and glaring at the pouring rain. The outcast teen was grumpier then usual, moreso by the fact that his own body was acting in it's own accord. Again his nose tickled, a different sensation that before. The itching from before had been brief in it's teasing, but now a feather light tickle invaded his nose, appearing in one spot before disappearing and moving to another. From deep in his sinuses to the bridge of his nose, to the edge of his nostrils, cuasing his breath to hitch before dismissing it again. So far Iroh hadn't noticed, but if it didn't resolve itself by the time Iroh had finished the tea, there would be be no way to avoid the embarrasment. "He....he....heh! Ha...." A sneeze had built up, only to abandon it's goal, leaving his nose tingling. "Damn...Damn storm. Damn cave. Damn no...heh...heh..." He sniffled, willing the process to either complete itself or just go away all together. "Hhhehhhh..." He crinkled his nose, hoping for the same effect of earlier, but this time it only stalled the sneeze again. "Great."

"It's a great evening for tea." Iroh stated, coming to sit next to his nephew, holding two steaming cups of tea. He offered one to Zuko.

Zuko took the cup, trying to act as nothing as out of the ordinary. Which was hard since his nose wouldn't stop twitching. "Thanks."

"You seem quiet this evening. Is something troubling you?"

Zuko could feel Iroh's eyes on him again, making the situation even more uncomfortable. "Nohh.." He tightened his jaw, as if he could prevent his lungs from breathing deeper.

"You never told me if you accomplised your goal yesterday. Of finding a bolt of lightning to strike you so you redirect it." Iroh blew on his tea, staring out into the rain.

Zuko sipped at the tea, refraining from answering. The last thing he wanted to admit was that he failed and stayed in the storm for nothing. His uncle was used to since silences, and would pick another topic to speak about. The steam from the tea warmed his face, and drew the fleeting tickle into a more susbanstal presnse. "Hehh"

"Hmm?" Iroh glanced back to the teen, seeing a scowl on Zuko's face. "Is the tea not to your liking? You never did appreceate tea."

Zuko tried to even out his breathing, to regain control of his body. "I'm fin-eh..I'm fine." A strangled gasp escaped, followed by another.

Iroh frowned, studying Zuko's exp

ression. "You don't sound fine."

"I'm fi-eh..hah..hahh..HHHaaatchooo!" He sneezed violently into his tea, adding some 'garnish' much to his chargin, but his nose was far from done. "Hhaatchoo! Haahtcoo! Ha....Hashoo!" His cheeks flushed with embarrasment, avoiding Iroh's gaze as he set the cup down and tentively wiped at his nose with a sleeve. The fabric rubbing against his nostrils spurred an encore, and Zuko couldn't keep himself from inhaling deeply again. "HHTTCCCHHHPPPPTHHH!"

(just a start. More will come later. I've noticed Zuko is a favorite when it comes to avatar sneezing)

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Awesome! You're right, Zuko is definitely the best 'cause he tries to hard to be tough. This is really well written; I can imagine it actually happening :D Thanks and can't wait for more!

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The last air bender what ???? One of my favourite shows for sure. Thank you thank you please continue <3

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  • 2 weeks later...


Iroh sipped at his tea, knowing better then to comment when Zuko was this agitated. Instead, he let the teen turn away, sniffling and stifling while searching for a spare, clean cloth. In the back of the cave he could hear muffled sneezing, as Zuko still tried to hide symptoms. Finally, feeling an intense stare aimed the back of his head, Iroh turned with a warm smile.

"Well?" The grumpy teen spat.

"Well what?"

Zuko stared at him for a moment. "You're not going to say anything?"

Iroh shrugged. "Do you want me to say something?"

Zuko grunted. "I'm not sick."

"Very well."

"...I'm serious."

"I heard you, my nephew."

Zuko glowered, studing Iroh intently. "...Are you playinnnn..Ah..games?"

Iroh shook his head. "No. I know when you're ready to talk, you will talk."

Zuko rubbed his nose, trying to eliminate another tickle. It resisted his efforts, dancing around his nostrils. "There's nothing to..heh...talk about!"

"Would you like another cup of tea, Zuko?" Still, Iroh remained calm, which only irritated Zuko.

The teen grunted, crinkling his nose. There was no way he was sick, it was impossible. Yet, his nose still tickled instensly, as if he inhaled a cottonwad. It tickled so much, and before he knew it his breath was hitching again.


Even after the sneeze, his lungs still inhaled in small spasms, as if his body debated on another. "Heehh..." Zuko snorted, trying to force out whatever was bothering him in any other way besides sneezing. "...It's the tea. It has to be."

Iroh snickered. "Zuko, I've brewed many kinds of teas, many times and you've never had a reaction to it."

Zuko crossed his arms, feeling a sudden chill that made him shiver. And teased at his nose. "Heh...Well, there's not muuu...much else here. Becuase I-eh... I'm not...I'm not sick." The chill that washed over him moved, concentrating sorely in his nose, and his entire body reacted. His lungs demanded air, his eyes fluttered shut and it seemed his nose was in full control. "He...Heh...heh." The hitching turned to gasping, as his nose decided maximum force was needed for this assualt. "HHHCCCCPPPTTHHH! Ah!" One wasn't enough, that was apparent as he sucked in another lungful of air. "Hssscht! Hsscht! Ha...Haatchoo! Hassscthoo! HA-pfft!" The last one he tried to stifle, but it only provoked his nose further. "This meanssss ah...nothing!...ah...I'm nooohht-ah...sick!" The tickle seemed to sink deep in his head, making his breath falter and even making his skin itch. And worse, now it seemed stuck. Becuase of the stifle, his nose was taking its time deciding it's next move. "Ahh...ahh...ahh.."

Iroh rose to his feet, sipping the tea as his nephew stuggled. "It might go quicker if you just let it out.. It's a something a living person does, nothing more."

Zuko shook his head. "I dohhh...don't know wh-wh-what you...your talking....about." Zuko sniffled, trying to dispell the tickle, but it remained stubbornly. "Haa...."

Iroh shook his head, thinking Zuko was being overly stubborn. He walked to his few remaining things, reaching into bag to pull out a small perfume bottle. One he had taken from a monastary, stolen to be truthful, some time ago. It hadn't cuased any reactions the few times he used it on the scout ship, but now it might be just enough for the moment. He sprayed a scant amount on his clothing, one burst on each sleeve, and returned to ZUko's side.

"Do you beleive it's shameful? Everyone has experienced this one time or another...Even me. Even your father."

Zuko stiffened at the mention of his father, about to say something when the perfume entered his nostrils. "You...ya...Ah! Hssct! Hsssssct! Hacccthhat! Haachoo! Hah hah...HAAACHHOOOOO!" The last one erupted like a gale, leaving his sinius stinging, but at least the annoying tickle was gone. He looked to his uncle..and lowered his head. "...Ok, maybe I am getting sick."

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Ouu Zuko<3 I'm satisfied with this.. Uhm I have a kind of fetishy type idea for this story. Lets say one of the characters had a fetish and they tie up Zuko to a chair and torture his nose with allergens/feathers or pepper hum? Hum? Mwah aha>:D well that's just an idea tho but use it if you like and then he'd have to sneeze openly cuz he's tied up :3 mkai continue <3

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  • 1 month later...

Oh my goodness. I was sifting through old stories and I'm so glad I did, otherwise I wouldn't have found this! :3

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Ah, thanks for bumping this for me. I almost forgot about it.

Iroh only gave a slight nod. "I will brew more tea. It will help keep you warm during this storm. And...you should lay


"It's a cold, not a crippling injury." Zuko huffed, casting an annoyed glare at his uncle.

"But you don't want it to get worse, which with this weather it easily could." Iroh calmly walked back to the fire,

putting on more water to boil.

Zuko grumbled to himself, not want to appear weak, but on the other hand Iroh did have some good advice. Relucantly, he

grabbed on of thier spare blankets and wrapped it around himself. As he sat himself in front of the fire, across from

Iroh, his nose began to itch.

"Ugh. I don't suppose your tea can dispell these symptoms, can th...eh...they." Zuko snorted, wrinkling his nose and

rubbing it.

"I'm afraid not, Zuko. Some blends can strengthen your body, give revitalizing energy, or soothe aches and pains. But

there is no tea that will prevent one's body from acting on it's nature." Iroh smiled across the fire, at ease while

Zuko was becoming agitated. "We are but human."

"I think you're starting to repeat your...ah...yourself, Uncle." Zuko grimaced, hating the fact he couldn't control one

small body part. His nose refused to respond to rubbing, instead initiating the first stages of a sneeze. "Ahh..."

He bunched up a part of the blanket in his hand, placing it firmly against his nose, attempting a new stratigy. It

seemed to work, the fabric seeming to neutralize the stray tickle. That is, until a strange scent drifted into his


A sharp, concentrated smell of treated oil and spice invaded his nose and his lungs, cuasing him to cough. "Wa..what?"

Only then did he notice that the section of blanket he held was slightly damp, smelling of the same perfume Iroh liked

to carry in his bag. "Uncle! I think your bottle isssaahh.. Le..lea..leaking! Ahstch!"

The sneeze escaped without permission, followed by a round of coughing. Great. Not only was he getting sick, but Iroh's

damn perfume was attacking him!

"Oh." Was all that Iroh said, eyes widened with a surprised look. "I did not notice. I'll be sure to do laundry in the


"That doesn't helll...." Zuko sniffled, another tickle growing as his eyes watered. "It doesn...does....ah, does-

Hachoo! It doesn't help me na..na... now! Happchoo! Hatchoo!"

Frustrated and fed up, Zuko rose to his feet, storming to the cave entrace while his breath hitched uncontrollibly.

"Hacchoo! Haccitshh!"

At the threshold of the cave, he tore the blanket off his shoulders, and thrust outside in the rain. The offending

blanket was shunned, kicked out of the shelter to be drenched in the the pouring rain. But it didn't stop the annoying

tickle. "Aaaa...haaa...Hastch! Hastch! Haschho! Ha....HAAPPPAATTCHH!"

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  • 3 weeks later...

The next part will be posted either tonight or tomorrow morning. Then it's off to the next plot bunny

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  • 3 weeks later...

next part. Apologies for the delay.

Hours had passed after Zuko threw the only blankets they had in the rain. Luckily they were close enough for Iroh to

retreive without getting himself wet. The former general dried them out with firebending, and returned it to Zuko, free

of spilled perfume.

It didn't help much, as Zuko felt a deep chill in his body that the blankets couldn't combat. He laid on the ground, no

longer having the energy to angrily rant, and yet unable to fall asleep. His body shivered, and his nose twitched with a

persistant tickle. It had settled in shortly after the perfume incident, a continuos underlying nuisance that remained

to remind him that he no longer had control.

He constantly felt like he was about to sneeze, the dull tickle that drew hitches from his lungs sharpening every few

minutes only to back down. In anticpation his lungs made sure they were filled with air, changing his breathing rythym

to short, quiet gasps.

"Ha...Hssk! Hassk! Hastch! Hasscho!" Of course, when he finally did sneeze, it came suddenly without additional warning.

The first sneeze was small, more akin to a cough and completely useless to dispell the irritants in his nose. It was

almost like a test run, becuase it never came alone. With barely a break to get more air, the string of sneezing

continued, each one a little more powerful then the last. "Hac...ha....ha...he..."

What was even more irritating was when the mini fit ended, it dragged out its ending with a sneeze that refused to

finish. This wasn't like the continues tickle that made him think he was going to sneeze, this was an actual sneeze that

refused to finish. His breath kept hitching, but his nose decided it was done for now, and returned to it's annoying


"Grrr....I hate being sick."

"It is an unpleasant sensation, but it will pass." Iroh responded, brewing yet another batch of tea.

"More tea, uncle? Aren't you sick of it by now?" Zuko groaned, shifting to lay on his side.

"Tea soothes the body and the mind. Perhaps if you drank another cup it would help you find sleep."

"It's just hot-ha..hast! Hactho! Hastch! Hachoo!" Another fit of sneezing interrupted him, again followed by the sneeze

that refused to leave. "Heh...h.haaa....Gah."

Iroh poured another cup, sitting near his nephew. "The rain has stopped outside."

"Lovely. I hadn't noticed, since it's still cold as winter in here."

"Fear not, my nephew. The sun will rise soon, and give you new strength. I'm sure you'll survive until then."

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  • 4 months later...
  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

(small update today)

Zuko had enough of Iroh's cheery pep talks, wishing for once that the older man would just shut up. "That's easy for you to say. You're not the one who's sick."

Iroh nodded, sipping at his steaming liquid. "True, but I am not so lucky that I've never been sick. I know what it feels like."

Zuko sniffled, turning himself to face the outside. Uncle was right, the rain had stopped. But it didn't help now. "This is your fault, wilderness."

Iroh lifted an eyebrow at the teenager. "Are you developing a fever?"

"No, Uncle. I'm fi...he...fine." Zuko scrunched his nose, wishing for relief from the incessant tickle. He closed his eyes, blocking out the world. As the minutes ticked by, he even felt himself falling asleep. Something his nose disagreed with. He awoke, barely having second to think before his lungs sucked in air. "Haacthoo!" The act of sneezing jerked him forward, bumping his head into a rock. "...Ow."

"Are you ok? Iroh asked, glancing over to him.

Zuko huffed, far too annoyed to bother responding, instead closing his eyes again. Although the random sneeze ruined his sleep, it had cleared out his nostrils of the lingering tickle that provoked the sneezing fits. Maybe this night was getting better after all. He relaxed again, slowly drifting off to sleep again when a tickle invaded his nose once more. "He...heeh...heenh...Haa,,,,HACTHHCHOOOO!"

Zuko's forehead slammed into the rock in front of him again, causing him to groan. "Before you ask, I'm fine, Uncle."

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