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Sunshine (SPN fic)


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For Tarotgal's meme!

Prompt from SexualOddity: Sam has just had the most ridiculous day of allergy misery, but he hasn't been able to/hasn't wanted to take any medication. By the time they're done for the day he's just so desperate to feel better that he take a HUUUGE dose of medication, and, yeah... basically I just want him to see him suuuuper tired and out of it and sneezy (the beneficial effects haven't kicked in yet, naturally) and confused, and startling himself with his own sneezing fits and all the good stuff like that :D


It’s the first warm day of the year, the sun beating down and heating the atmosphere to a temperature well over eighty degrees, reflecting brightly enough to make you squint. Normally, this sort of warmth might be uncomfortable, stifling and compressing, but the consistent and strong winds coming from the southeast act as an effective coolant.

It’s nice. It’s a nice day, making people feel light and free and optimistic as they shed their jackets and open their windows and let the breeze flow into their homes, making the air smell like grass and trees and flowers and sunshine.

It hits Sam the second he walks out the door.


“That from the light or the pollen?” Dean inquires, jingling his keys and walking over to the car.

Sam groans into his hands and follows behind. “Both.”


Dean counts thirteen sneezes on the drive to the first witness’s house. It’s a six-minute drive.

“Did you take anything for it this morning?”

Sam shakes his head and runs a hand over his face, lightly scraping his fingernails against his skin like it itches. “Rand – huhh! – rand out a few days ago. I’ll buy mbore tondight. It’s finde.”

“You’re not serious,” Dean says. “Do you hear yourself right now?”

Agitated, Sam wrinkles his eyebrows. Then, he wrinkles them for a different reason. “Hpt’NGHtchHUH! God. Ndo. Itd’s okay. We have work to do. I cand last undtil tonidght.”

Dean knows he won’t be able to.


Predictably, the first witness has got all of her windows pushed open and a vase of fresh flowers on her coffee table. She remarks on what a nice day it is, and Sam sniffles and clears his throat about a million times.


The second witness probably hasn’t cleaned his house in months. There’s a layer of grime on just about every piece of furniture he owns, and clusters of dust are balled up and rolling along on the floor. His ceiling fan is blowing dust all around the living room, beams of sunlight detailing each particle that floats through the atmosphere.

At least he doesn’t have cats.

They set free a cloud of dust from the couch cushions as they sit down, and it takes all Sam has not to bury his face in his shirt to hide from it all, to sneeze and scratch at the itch that’s threatening to tumble out from his sinuses.

Still, he sticks it out until he starts wheezing and Dean abruptly cuts the interview short.


Witness number three works at a greenhouse, so Dean says, “I’m dropping you off at the library.”

Sam snuffles from behind his sleeve, squashing his palm against his nose to momentarily prevent any sneezes from escaping. “What? You’re ndot goindg alonde.”

“Dude, you can barely get three words out. You coming with isn’t going to help anybody. Will researching in an air-conditioned building for a few hours really kill you?”

Submissively, Sam exhales. It’s squeaky. Dean’s sure he’s making the right call.


Just when Sam’s starting to feel a little better, despite the dusty archives and what he thinks might be mold on the ceiling, some lady sits down at the table next to him and she’s wearing some of the most pungent perfume he’s ever encountered. Sam knows it’s pungent because even he can smell it, despite his terrible congestion.

NNKtchhh!” He suppresses a sneeze with the back of his hand, his eyes and nose leaking although he feels no relief.

“Bless you,” the girl says.

Sam nods in acknowledgement before sneezing urgently once more.

“Bless you!”

This continues for three hours.


“Hey, how you feeling? I got dinner,” Dean greets when Sam slides into the passenger seat. He all but lunges for the bag and pulls out a handful of napkins and cups them around his face.



“Perfumbe,” Sam explains, breathlessly. “ISSHUH! Huh… hh’Huhh’ESSSHuh! I was holding themb ind for hours.”

“Just can’t catch a break, can you?” Dean says, and takes a bite of his burger. “Maybe you’re bad luck.”

“Shut up. I’m hhHHH–” Sam presses on the side of his nose and shuts his eyes tightly.

“Stop that for a sec. I’ve got good news.”

Sam blows his nose.

“Just a salt and burn,” Dean continues. “Won’t take too long, then we can go back to the motel. Okay?”


But the cemetery is in the middle of a field, hundreds of years old and very untended to.

Dean winces when he sees the tall grass. “Oh, dude. I am so sorry.”

“Just – ttCHSHEW! – let’s just mbake it quick.”


Sam stumbles and sneezes through the better half of the ritual, groaning and sniffling into the warm night air.

Once it’s done, he’s covered in hives and practically curled in on himself in the car.


“You want to come in?” Dean asks as they pull into the drugstore’s parking lot.

“Ndo. AESSCHUH! I’mb a mbess. Just gedt the strondgest shidt they have. Huh’NNKTSCHH! I’mb so sick of sndeezindg.”

“I know you are, buddy.”


Dean returns minutes later, and Sam practically rips the bag from his hands. He pulls out the box and pops open three of the capsules, swallowing them dry.

“You’re only supposed to take one of those,” Dean disapproves.

“Whatever. TSSCHHuh! I’mb tall. It’s ISSH! HH’ISSHEW! It’s finde.”

“Nothing is ever fine with you.”


When they make it to the motel, Sam’s eyes are a little less puffy but the sneezing hasn’t let up any. Quick, urgent fits; one right on top of the other, and he’s breathless and itchy but otherwise quiet.

The car’s stopped, but Sam isn’t moving.

“Sam, we’re here. Come on.”

Sam blinks slowly. His eyes are half-lidded. His trip from the car to the room is sluggish, and he keeps his face buried in his arm, huffing short breaths through his mouth.

“Looks like the meds are kicking in,” Dean observes. He slides the room key into the slot, and then stands in the doorway when he realizes Sam has stopped. “What are you looking at?”

“Check it out,” Sam says stuffily around a handful of dry coughs. He points to the roof of the motel. “A ndest of scorpionds. Pretty cool.”

“What are you talking about?” Dean grabs his brother by the wrist and tugs him inside.


“Dude, you are baked,” Dean announces. Sam doesn’t reply, but he leans back further into the motel’s ragged armchair. Dean didn’t think he would be able to breathe lying down. The medicine isn’t doing much to help in that regard.

Sam spies his laptop on the table in front of him. Slurring a little, he says, “We leavindg tomborrow? I should put this – away…” Slowly and unsteadily, with one hand he lifts the computer and places it on the floor underneath the table. He uses the other hand to scrub underneath his nose.



“Why – hehISSHEW! – why amb I sndeezindg?”

“Allergies, Sammy, remember?” Dean’s grinning a little now.

“I’mb allergic…?” Sam prompts, expectantly, looking genuinely confused.

“All the pollen today,” Dean clarifies, setting a box of tissues on the table within Sam’s reach.

“Ndo, Deand,” Sam corrects in the same tone you’d use to talk to a child. “We’re indside. It’s probably sombethindg else.” He sniffs liquidly and stands up, slow as molasses. “I should probably take sombe Bendadryl…”

“No, no,” Dean says, and helps lead Sam over to his bed. “You’re already overdosed. Come on, lie down.”

Sam does, and buries his face into the pillow. “Hh’MMPFSCHH! NMKCHHT! Uhhh.”

“Bless you.”


Dean sighs, exasperated and amused all at once. “You’re sneezing.”

“Still?” Sam says, like he’s expecting Dean to give him an update.

Dean chuckles. “Go to sleep, Sammy.”

Sam rolls over onto his side. “Yeah,” he mumbles. “Goodnight, Sammy,” and he’s out like a light.

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You are the beautiful queen goddess of all Supernatural adorably wonderful stories. I want to hug you right now.

Be prepared for my reply on the meme. There will be a list. You are very deserving of a list. This story is very deserving of a list. Everything I read these days is deserving of a list, and of course this and next week are the weeks I have NO FREE TIME. I should be sleeping but this is just so so so much better.


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This is cute c: continue

Thank you thank you SO MUCH.

Oh my god I loved this.

Aaaaand I loved reading your comment! You're the best.


You are the beautiful queen goddess of all Supernatural adorably wonderful stories. I want to hug you right now.

Be prepared for my reply on the meme. There will be a list. You are very deserving of a list. This story is very deserving of a list. Everything I read these days is deserving of a list, and of course this and next week are the weeks I have NO FREE TIME. I should be sleeping but this is just so so so much better.


WHAAAT hello I totally wish we could hug over the internet! Is that a thing? It should be. You are the sweetest. (There's always time for sneezy Sam...) To the meme!!!

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Seriously, whenever I see a story by you I just squeal and click on the link a gazillion times in excitement! I love your stories!

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Seriously, whenever I see a story by you I just squeal and click on the link a gazillion times in excitement! I love your stories!

Me too! I'm new here but I LOVE your stories and you...oh gosh youre just amazing!!!

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Seriously, whenever I see a story by you I just squeal and click on the link a gazillion times in excitement! I love your stories!

Me too! I'm new here but I LOVE your stories and you...oh gosh youre just amazing!!!

Excuse me?? Oh my god! I can't believe you guys! You are TOO NICE. Really. Thank you so so so much! YOU'RE amazing!!! I can't tell you how many times I go back to my threads and just read your comments!!!

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Excuse me?? Oh my god! I can't believe you guys! You are TOO NICE. Really. Thank you so so so much! YOU'RE amazing!!! I can't tell you how many times I go back to my threads and just read your comments!!!

Hehe, you are amazing ;) keep up the good work!

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Excuse me?? Oh my god! I can't believe you guys! You are TOO NICE. Really. Thank you so so so much! YOU'RE amazing!!! I can't tell you how many times I go back to my threads and just read your comments!!!

Hehe, you are amazing wink.png keep up the good work!

Thank you so much!

So cute.

You really are a great writer. smile.png

I don't hear that a lot! You're really nice, thank you friend!

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I always enjoy your writing. Working up the courage to post something myself. But you can definitely consider me a fan. smile.png

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Thank you! Aw! That's really really nice to hear. Maybe I'll work on something tomorrow for everyone!

And hey girl you work that courage all the way up because I would LOVE to read it!

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Poor Sammy. You're an awesome writer. I really wish they would have an episode in Supernatural when Sam is actually sick because of a virus and not anything else. They'd be in the bat cave and Dean would take care of him. And maybe as an added bonus Cas would come in asking what the hell was going on. That's my version of a perfect episode.

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That would be really really nice! I like to think that the stress and the whatever-else from the trials made his immune system weaker and there was some downtime in the batcave while he was sick with a cold or something on top of that trialculosis or whatever it was. It's nice to dream, isn't it?

(although I was totally satisfied with all of the h/c that they gave us. oh my god!)

Edited by Sen Beret
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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks so much! You guys are so sweet! I might get to working on something new some time soon, so be on the lookout!

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This is wonderful! I don't watch Supernatural myself, but I've learned enough from tumblr that I'm pretty sure I know the boys' personalities well enough to know that you got them spot on. Poor, poor allergic Sammy!

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I love the part where Sam is all sneezy and Dean butts in , "Stop that. I've got good news." Lol. So cute.

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  • 3 months later...

Aww, poor sweet allergic Sammy. So cute. This reminded me a lot of that episode in the asylum where Sam is given "everything." He just looks so happy and smiley and Dean's like "you always were a happy drunk" and I was reminded a lot of that here when Sam just rolls over and goes, "Goodnight, Sammy," and twists my heart really hard.

Anyway, just wanted to say that I. Love. This. With, like, all my heart. Dean is hilarious, he's just so used to Sam being in situations like this caused by his own stubbornness and I love it. Love it. *hugs* Thank you!

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I'm typically a Dean girl, buuuut... omg this was amazingly cute! Mmmm, sniffly sneezy drugged-up Sammy... yes please!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I love Sam's "Still?" question to Dean telling him he's sneezing XD I don't know if this was a one-shot or not, but if you decided to continue certainly wouldn't mind - this was great!

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