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This is my first story so don't kill me.upset.gif I just remembered how HOT Soda was from the outsiders and I needed to do this. This is for all fan girls out there, just pretend the girl in the story is YOU.

It was a cold rainy October afternoon when I walked over to the CVS to pick up a magazine for the weekend. When I went in I felt my inner butterfly's bust out of my heart and fill my tummy. It was Soda, that boy from the gas station. I put on my brave face and walked up to him in the medicine isle and said

"This is the first time Ive ever seen you without a rag."

" This is the first time Ive seen you period" He smiled.

He looked really run down and pale. Not his normal peppy self. nevertheless, he smiled.

"What brings you down here?" he questioned before bursting in to a coughing fit.

"Well, I just wanted to get some air. Are you okay?"

" Ya ya I... "

Just then his eyes went a little cross eyed he turned his head to the side and he sneezed, a cute wet little sneeze twice in to his jean jacket.

"Ach-shoo! Hack-shcoo"

"Barely recovered he apologized.

" Awe geez I'm sorry. I think I'm catching the cold thing"

"No.I think its cute" I dared.

"Cute? Man your somthin'. I gotta get somthin' for this stuffy nose, but I'm getting hungry. Could you use a snack?"

"All I ever needed."

"Great!" He smiled


Sitting on the bench talking to Soda, had to be one of the best experiences of my life hes just the sweetest thing. Don't you love it when sweet guys sneeze? I was just talking and he kinda crossed his eyes eyes again turned away from me and let em out

" Act-CHOO! Ha... Ahc-SHOO!"

I was growing concerned. His voice got more and more congested.

" Hey maybe we should not be out in the rain so much I dont think your well." I felt his steamy forehead.

"Oh come on. I hate being cooped up inside. Why don't we go to the park? We have an umbrella and I don't even feel that sick now that your here. Please?"

How could I resist?

I knew it was a bad idea when he started shivering half way there, but he was SO happy! How could I take that from him?

" a....A-SHOO!" he shook his frame and was feeling weaker and weaker. The storm started to pick up and they were lost in the park with nowhere to go...

"SODA! I screamed WHAT DO WE DO?"


Ya I know it was bad. I may continue it if you want. It was my first one, so don't be to harsh, ok?twitchsmile.gif

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