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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Louis's Cold :( (One Direction fanfic)


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Well, here's my first story. I decided to do a 1D one. I haven't seen anyone have Louis sneeze in any of the stories, so I figured that I might as well do it myself. Tell me what you think!!!!

It was a rainy day in London. Louis was doing his usual hit the snooze button routine in bed. He finally decided it was time to get up to get ready for the rehearsal for the London O2 concert.

Louis's not much of a complainer. A little cold won't step in his way of shining on stage...but today was different. Louis sat up in bed and felt terrible. He ached all over and he was really congested. He decided to try and tough it out.

Louis got up from his bed. "I'll be fine, some cold medicine will do the trick!"

He dragged his aching body over to his medicine cabinet in the bathroom. "Ahhh. Here we go," Louis found a bottle of red liquid medicine. As much as it pained him to take that horrible medicine, he had to. "Here goes,"

Louis took a gulp of the disgusting red liquid and quickly took a sip of water.

"Ugh, that was gross." He said with disgust, "Well, I better go change,"

Louis went to his closet and picked out a plain white t-shirt and a pair of red pants. He went to the bathroom and styled his hair into the usual quiff.

Still feeling pretty bad, Louis sat on the couch and put on his favorite pair of Toms.

He grunted with pain as he got off the couch. He picked a nice black jacket off the rack and headed out.

Just as Lou walk out the door he felt a tickle in his nose. He took a big breath, held his nose and stifled a sneeze. "HUH-nggxxt!" "Ugh, I hope that medicine kicks in soon." he said.

When Louis arrived at the arena, he felt no better. "I guess that medicine isn't going to help. I'm just gonna have to live with it,"

Harry pulled into the lot as Louis shut his car door. He noticed Louis wasn't looking like his chipper self.

"You okay mate?" He said concerned.

"No, I feel like crap. I'm so achy and congested,"

Harry knew that Lou must've been pretty sick. Normally, he wouldn't be bothered by a cold.

Harry and Louis met up with the rest of the lads inside.

Right away, Liam knew something was up. Louis looked really worn out.

"Louis, you're not feeling well are you?" Liam said knowingly,

"No, I'm really sick," Louis said as he was coughing.

Liam quickly gave Louis a tissue.

"Thanks," Louis said. He wiped his nose and put the tissue in his pocket for later.

"Shall we get started?" Niall said.

"Louis are you sure you're well enough to rehearse?" Harry said caringly.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Louis started walking to the stage and suddenly found that familiar tickle in his nose again.

He stifled a similar sneeze and squeezed his nose again. "HUH-nggxxt!"

"Bless you," Liam said thoughtfully

"Thanks," Louis said in return.

Louis sneeze started up a conversation with the rest of the boys.

"You know Louis, it's not good to hold your sneezes in like that. It's not healthy," Zayn said.

"Yeah Louis," Liam said, "It really isn't good for you. Why are you doing that?"

Louis shrugged, "I guess I think my sneezes are kind of obnoxious and loud."

"Nobody cares what your sneezes sound like, I mean Harry's are REALLY loud and you don't hear him holding them back," Niall said.

"FINE!" Louis yelled, "I won't do it anymore! Let's just start rehearsing!"

The lads got on stage and started singing "Over Again". Louis was sneeze-free through the whole song....except when it came to his part. "Tell me with your mind body and- 'HAH-IchEW!!!!' "

Louis's face got bright red. "Oh my goodness, I am SO sorry guys!"

"Haha," Zayn laughed, "At least you listened to us about the whole 'let-out-your-sneezes' thing."

Liam grinned and walked over to Louis.

"Why don't we bring you home so you can rest up for the show tonight?"

Louis felt bad leaving the guys behind. "I guess I should," Louis said disappointed, "Are you absolutely positive?"

Liam nodded, "Yeah, you kinda have to,"

Louis agreed. He was disappointed in himself. He finally had let a cold win.

They pulled into Louis's driveway. As Louis opened the door, he sneezed yet again. He again let it out as the boys told him to. "HUH-ICHEW!!!!" This sneeze was the biggest yet. Louis could only pray that the show that night would be successful.

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Thank me??? No thank you I really enjoy this but your welcome (: and yay new parts soon. Could.. Louis be allergic to pollen or cats or something? With his cold it would be quite great. Okay ill keep checking (:

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Hey, I like where this is going :-) I'm excited for part two!

On a side note, if you're interested I happen to have some sneezy!Louis over in my 'Sneeze/Thermometer drabble' threat (page 1)

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I am still working on the rest. I am about a quarter of the way through. ;)

Hey, I like where this is going :-) I'm excited for part two!

On a side note, if you're interested I happen to have some sneezy!Louis over in my 'Sneeze/Thermometer drabble' threat (page 1)

I'll have to check this out!

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LOUIS FIC HUMINAH HUMINAH HUMINAH Do you know how long I've been waiting for a Louis fanfic? I feel like nobody focuses them on Louis! Much appreciated for this yumminess w00t.gif

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LOUIS FIC HUMINAH HUMINAH HUMINAH Do you know how long I've been waiting for a Louis fanfic? I feel like nobody focuses them on Louis! Much appreciated for this yumminess w00t.gif

Oh my gosh. I know right?! Ok. I'm done the rest. I'll post in a minute.

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Story writing is making me feel so brainwashed. Goodness gracious. Ok here's the rest. Sorry if its awful. I was kinda running out of ideas. :/

Part 2:

Louis woke up to the sound of his alarm clock ringing. "Shut up!" He told it.

Louis sat up in bed. 1 hour till the concert. He still was a bit achy, and his nose was runny and raw. He had been sneezing and blowing his nose all day in bed after Liam brought him home, so he didn't get much sleep. "What could be worse?" He thought, "Especially on a day like today?"

Louis slowly got up from his bed. His head was pounding. He was very congested.

He walked his way over to the bathroom. He looked in the mirror and sighed. He looked awful. His eyes were droopy and bloodshot. His nose was pink and runny.

"I look awful!" He said, "Maybe I should try to take more medicine. A different one this time,"

Louis once again opened his medicine cabinet. He took out a pill bottle full of Tylenol.

"I hope this medicine works"

Louis took a couple Tylenol from the bottle and prepared a glass of water. He tossed them in his mouth and took a big gulp of the water.

"There, that should do it,"

He put a couple in his pocket for later.

Louis didn't change from his clothes. He felt as though it were too much work. Plus, his clothes were all comfy and warm and he didn't want to take them off.

Louis grabbed his jacket once again. He headed out the door.

Once Louis opened his car door, he went into a fit of sneezes. "Huh-IchEW Hah-choo Hih-Achiew," It seemed to have lasted forever.

"Bless me," Louis said with a grin

He climbed into his car and took off.

Louis arrived at the arena a few minutes later. He shut his car door and headed towards the entrance.

Liam opened the door.

"Oh hey, how are you feeling?" He said.

"I little bit better, still pretty sneezy," Louis said.

"Well, let's go inside. The rest of the guys are waiting."

Louis and Liam walked together backstage. Niall, Zayn, and Harry were there hanging out and eating sweets.

Harry jumped to his feet.

"Hey Lou, how are you?"

Louis replied the same way he did to Liam, but he sneezed a stifle into his shirt. "Hih-nggxxt!"

They all gave Louis a nasty look.

"I thought you stopped doing that!" Zayn yelled.

"I forgot to let it out!" He replied, "I've been suppressing them for so long. It's a force of habit."

"Excuses, excuses," said Niall

Louis gave them a mean look.

"The least you could say is bless you!"

"Bless you," They had said it in unison.

It was almost time to go on stage. Louis's medicine had kicked in. He felt great. He wasn't achy anymore and he was energized.

"Hey, you look a lot better," Liam said surprised.

"Yeah," Louis replied, "I took some medicine before I left. I feel so much better,"

"Well that's good. Hey, it's about time to go on stage, come on!"

The boys all headed to the stage. The screams of the crowd were deafening.

"Good luck you all," said Liam.

"Good luck guys," said Harry.

"Good luck!" said Niall.

"Try not to sneeze Lou," said Zayn playfully,

They all laughed

-----a couple hours later--------

It was a success! Louis hadn't sneezed through the whole thing and he felt great.

"Great job everybody," said Liam.

"Shouldn't we start to head out for the signing?" asked Niall.

"Yeah let's go," said Harry

The boys hopped into the bus and headed over to their signing.

"Hey, do any of you have a couple Tylenol?" asked Louis.

They all checked. No one had any.

"Yeah, Lou," said Zayn, "We don't have any,"

Louis was a bit worried. He didn't want his fans to see him look awful after the medicine wore out.

Then he remembered something.

"Wait guys, I forgot, I put a couple in my pocket before I left," he said grinning, "Thank gosh. I thought I was screwed for a minute there,"

Louis took the Tylenol. He was relieved.

The bus finally came to a stop at the signing. Girls were lined up waiting to meet 1D.

The boys walked inside and sat at their table. The girls started pouring in.

They were all screaming with excitement.

"Hello Louis!" said one girl, "I got you these flowers!"

"Thank you," Louis said with a smile

He took a big sniff of the flowers. They smelt so good.......

"Uh oh," said Louis nervously, "Huh-Hih-HUH-ICHIEW HAH-HATCHIEW HIH-SHOO HA-TCHOO!!!!" Louis went into a huge sneezing fit. It seemed as though every eye were staring at Louis.

"Oh my goodness!" said the girl, "I am SO sorry!"

Paul, their bodyguard, took the flowers away and handed Louis a tissue. He continued sneezing into the tissue.

Still sneezing, Louis got up to excuse himself.


Finally, a couple minutes later, the sneezing subsided.

"I didn't know I was allergic to flowers," he said stuffily.

Louis went back to his seat.

"Woah, Lou, are you okay?" asked Niall, "You were like sneezing non-stop,"

"I'm fine," he replied, "I guess I'm allergic to flowers,"

The boys continued meeting the girls until it was time for them to go.

"Boys, we've got to go," said Paul.

The boys followed Paul back to their bus. They once again hopped on the bus back to the arena.

Once the bus arrived Louis got out and said goodbye to the boys.

"Well, today's been an interesting day," said Louis, "I'll remember not to smell flowers again,"

And with that, Louis returned home and hopped into bed. He had such a tiring day. He fell right to sleep. He might've been sick, but he had a great time performing as always.

The End. :)

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My brain is completely fried. Haha. :) If I come up with new material I will definitely write more.

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Gaahhhhhhhhh excellence!!!!!!! I am in definite love with your story!!!!!!!! You have made a woman proud sneezewuv. U really have. Awesomeness coming out of it!!!!!!! (Request. Could u do a Liam one? No one has....Im dying do one!)

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I do enjoy me some allergic Harry styles *hint hint*

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Haha @DeathNoteOwner. Me too. Ghosh I love 1D sneeze fics!!!!! I could probably write one..... If I tried

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Gaahhhhhhhhh excellence!!!!!!! I am in definite love with your story!!!!!!!! You have made a woman proud sneezewuv. U really have. Awesomeness coming out of it!!!!!!! (Request. Could u do a Liam one? No one has....Im dying do one!)

Why thank you!!!! Hehe. :) I possibly will in the future. Possibly..........

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