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Teen Wolf Derek/Stiles Fic (M/M)


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New fic! Not super familar with the fandom but I love Sterek so here it is.

(Disclaimer: the characters aren't mine!)

Part 1: In Which Stiles arrives at a Pack Meeting with a Cold

“What’s wrong with you?” Derek grunted the minute Stiles walked into the Hale House. Stiles gave him a confused look but then realized, Derek had never seen him sick before. He wasn’t sure whether to be embarrassed or not. On the one hand, did he really give a crap what Derek thought? On the other though, the dude always looked amazing and now Stiles was looking especially gross.

“What’s wrog with be? What’s wrog with you? I’b just fide.” Stiles said as airily as he could with a nose that felt like it was filled with cement.

He plopped down on the comfortable pack sofa Derek had bought for the house and purposefully ignored Erica and Boyd scooting away from him. Meanwhile Derek glared at him, but Stiles knew him well enough to see the confusion and frustration behind the look.

“He’s got a cold.” Isaac provided, the brown-noser, while settling down on the couch as well.

“He should be at home resting.” Scott piped up.

“Agreed.” Jackson added unhelpfully. “He sounds like—urgh I don’t even know. A walking sludge factory. Something gross.”

“Thags guys. He is ridght here and he is fide for the bajilliondth tibe.” Stiles said rolling his eyes.Erica raised an elegant brow and flicked the tip of his red nose. His traitorous nose twitched and his eyes immediately fluttered closed despite himself.

“He—hey. Not fuh-fairhhh.” He said between hitching breaths. He quickly cupped a hand over his nose and mouth.

“Ew here he goes again.” Jackson groaned.

“Shut up Jackson.” Scott said frowning like an indignant puppy. “He can’t help how gross he sounds.”

“h'tishh, Snf! Snf! hih--hehtchishh! Snff! Scuse be.” Stiles muttered feeling tired and annoyed. He quickly wiped his hand off on his jeans.

“Bless you.” A low voice said and Stiles, shocked, turned to see Derek who had gone silent during the others’ exchange. He had his usual blank, emotionless face on but wow of all people to be polite he wouldn’t have thought it would be Derek—there was a great joke in there about being raised by wolves but with all of them being dead now Stiles decided to resist it.

“Thags. And I’b fide. Mbaybe a little sigk but I want to stay. If I’b pack I should be at the pack mbeeting right?” He said hoarsely, his voice was starting to go.

Derek frowned at him. “No. I’ll drive you home. You need—rest—and—and medicine—and, Deaton? Do you need to see him?”

“Wha…? See the vederanarian? Ndo way. Ad I’b fide! Just,” but whatever he had been going to say was cut off by a jag of thick, painful coughing. The pack winced but Stiles was too preoccupied with catching his breath to be embarrassed.

He felt a gentle hand rub his back soothingly and eventually he settled. He turned and saw it was Scott who was looking at him sympathetically.

“Hey man, that really didn’t sound good. Trust the asthmatic on this one okay? You need to rest.”

Stiles glared but really he was feeling pretty wiped after that, and his ears were just completely stuffed feeling but somehow ringing at the same time and it was throwing his balance off—making him all tired, feeling like a wet rag.

“Ex-asthmatic.” He muttered and Derek, who had been hovering scarily nearby seemed to take that as his cue to get the car.

“Why is he drivig be adyway?” Stiles sniffled and rested his head on Scott’s shoulder.

“Just let him do it.” Erica snapped and Stiles gave her a confused look.

“He’s an alpha,” Boyd explained. “He needs to feel like he’s look after his pack.”

“Oooh.” Stiles said incredulously. Because that made sense. Not.

He didn’t have time to contemplate it anymore though because Derek was honking his horn outside.

“Come on man. Up you go.” Scott hauled him up and Stiles blinked away the momentary dizziness as surreptitiously as he could. “Alright?”

Snf! Yeah fide. Just..sigk.” Stiles sighed heavily and Scott wrapped him up in a brief but comfortingly familiar hug.

“Poor dude.” He murmured sounding genuinely sympathetic.

Derek honked again and Stiles rolled his eyes and pulled away. “Well, his highness is callig. Adios abigos.”


It was Stiles' jeep that was sat out front, and he didn’t even want to know when Derek had managed to sneak his car keys from his pocket. Honestly felt too out of it to question anything. He buckled himself into the passenger seat and tried not to sniffle too loudly but he was fighting a losing battle.

After one particularly long burbling sniffle though he suddenly bobbed forward with a volley of small, itchy sneezes. “Eissh! ish! ish! TSCHHuh! Woah.”

“Bless you.” Derek grunted and Stiles sniifled then quirked his lips slightly.

“Thangks. Who’d have thought you have this segret polite side to you underneath all of that brooding and leather.” Stiles said stuffily. He pulled out a horrifically used tissue and blew his nose in it gingerly.

Derek paused, and gave him a fleeting look before staring out at the road again, face blank as he said, “It’s not as if I was raised by wolves you know.”

There was a moment of stunned silence then Stiles burst out into surprised guffaws. “Did you just—did you actually—damnit no one will believe be if I tell them you bade an honest to God joke!”

He chuckled again but this time it caught in his throat and he had to hunch over to cough painfully for a bit, almost wheezing. After a minute Derek pulled over and put a tentative hand on his shoulder, patting awkwardly until the coughing died down.

“Is this normal?” he asked grimly. And Stiles sighed and rubbed his face, running an already damp sleeve under his nose.

“Yeah, just a cold. Maybe a bad ode.” He was kind of too tired to do anything after that. His entire head felt stuffy and drippy and his skin ached and his eyes felt hot if that was even possible. Derek continued you to frown at him than quicker than his eyes could track shoved a hand to Stiles’ forehead.

Usually he would’ve flinched, but he was just too tired.

“You’re running a fever…I think.” Derek said sounding frustrated. “We should get—do you have fever reducers at your place?”

“Um, maybe?” Stiles snuffled. Derek removed his hand and began to drive again, frown still etched on his face.

“Don’t be such a sourwolf.” Stiles murmured before drifting off despite himself.


They stopped at the convenience store briefly, or well Derek did while Stiles napped in the car. He shivered when Derek opened the door again but didn’t really wake up until he felt Derek place his leather jacket over Stiles’ pitifully curled up form.

“Thagks.” He croaked.

“Do you feel worse?’ Derek asked in a low voice.

“Mbaybe a little. I’ll be fide though.” Stiles croaked and snuggled into the jacket, pulling it up over his nose. It was warm from Derek’s body and he found himself missing his sense of smell. He burrowed into the jacket a bit more then grimaced when the motion irritated his nose. He sniffled and rubbed it miserably against the jacket.

Hhhhih…" Stiles panted wetly and rubbed his nose into the jacket but it wasn't working.

"Stiles..." Derek began warningly but it was too late.

"HihISSHHiew! Isshh! TSHHHuh!” Stiles rocked forward with the spraying volley of sneezes and barely heard Derek’s exasperated sign.

“Bless you Stiles. Did you have to do that all over my jacket?”

“Huh? Oh god sorry. Jesus I’b—I—hih—” Stiles quickly cupped his hands over his mouth this time. “h'tchishh! hutCHushh! huhh,…hurrushhhooo! "

Derek blessed him again while Stiles surreptitiously wiped his soaked palms on his jeans. He then wiped at Derek’s jacket a bit sheepishly with his sleeve.

“That was really gross sorry.” He laughed awkwardly and dug out the crumpled tissues in his pocket to wipe at his nose.

Derek snorted. “Whatever. Not like you’re contagious to me.”

Stiles frowned. “I really hope I don’t get my dad sick.”

Derek shot him a look. “You won’t. And even if you did he wouldn’t care. He cares about you, I can tell.” He said gruffly.

“Yeah well things haven’t been so great lately with the—itshhh! Snf snf—the um secrets and--- heeishhhh! ---lying. Snf! Scuse me.”

“Bless you.” Derek said but didn’t comment any further. An awkward silence fell again and Stiles began to doze off but the shivery feeling that had been bugging him all afternoon was getting worse and he was starting to tremble a little.

Derek even looked a little concerned by the time they pulled up to the Stilinski household. He came around to open the door for Stiles who was moving at a snail’s pace unbuckling his seatbelt and disentangling himself from Derek’s warm jacket.

They shuffled in together—through the front door because Stiles’ Dad was working late that night and Stiles suddenly realized that Derek had driven him.

“Hey how are you goig to get hombe?” He asked, congestion starting to filter back into his voice. Derek glared at him.

“I’m staying you idiot.”

“What?” Stiles said, genuinely shocked.

“You are running a temperature and your father won’t be back till late. Someone should be here.” He grunted and Stiles blinked slowly at the implied, ‘to look after you’.

Stiles rubbed his face tiredly. “Well, okay, I mean if you don’t mind? I don’t…okay.”

Derek’s expression softened. “Your fever’s gone up. You go up to bed I’ll make you some dinner.”

Stiles blinked. “You can cook?”

“I can manage some microwaveable soup Stiles.” Derek scoffed but Stiles only look more confused.

“Soup? We dodn’t have any soup.” He pouted, confused and tired.

“Stiles, I got some at the store. Go upstairs you look like you’re about to fall over.” Derek said and put his hands on Stiles shoulders, pushing him toward the stairs.

“Oh well okay then.” Stiles murmured a bit flabbergasted and began to stumble up the stairs. A sneeze almost knocked him over but he valiantly held on to the banister. Who'd have thought Derek would be the one sticking around to look after him?

End of Part 1

a/n: I have most of part 2 finished so should be up soon!

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Mmmmm, Sterek. :wub:

Stiles is just way too cute. How can one person be that adorable? And Derek is so hot and mysterious. Just, mmmmmm.

I definitely need more of this. Update soon! :)

bye. :heart:

Edited by VividBubbles!
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I think my brain may have just imploded....That was AMAZING! Please do not stop!

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Been waiting for this, and it has arrived in full glory QwQ..

I will be waiting impatiently for the next installment!! <3

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks for all of the comments and sorry for the wait! Here's part 2. Think there might be one small part after this one to finish it up :)

Part 2

Once in his room he changed into his warmest and honestly most embarrassing flannel pajamas that his Aunt Muriel had sent. They had little cowboys and Native Americans and were far from politically correct but that was Aunt Muriel for you.

Stiles buried himself under his duvet and frowned when his nose began twitching yet again. He always sneezed a ridiculous amount when he was ill. And just in general. He was pretty sure it had to do with the shape of his nose, how it turned up so slightly, exposing it to irritants. Either way it was a pain and he held back a whimper as he muffled a wet fit into his pillow.

Ihtchishhhoo! hrrRISCHhoo! TSCHisssssh! ... hutchishhh!

The fit rather disgustingly dampened his face. Stiles huffed out a frustrated breath but then it caught in his throat and he began to cough wetly and god that was painful.

He was so caught up in trying to simply breathe that he didn’t hear Derek come in, didn’t startle when he felt Derek’s hand smooth the back of his head and then rub soothing circles over his shoulders.

“Easy.” Derek murmured and his body immediately began to obey. ‘Alpha juju,’ Stiles thought weakly.

“Sorry.” Stiles said hoarsely and then turned over. They were quiet for a moment as Stiles caught his breath and wiped his mouth. Derek’s lips twitched at the sight of his pajamas though and Stiles smiled.

“It’s okgay. You have ode-hundred percendt perbissiond to laugh.” He snuffled, running one of the silly sleeves under his nose. “I dnkow these are ridiculous but they’re warmb.”

Derek just smirked. “Have the soup and the ibuprofen. There’s some Nyquil too. All of that okay with your Adderall?”

“Yeah. Wow. You brought me soup. Ad mbedicine. Ad tissues. Derek…This is…this is just…” Stiles trailed off, kind of shocked really.

“Stiles? What is it? What’s wrong?” Derek asked sharply, a warm hand taking Stiles by the chin.

“Dothing. Just you dknow. You’re kind of being re—really really dnice.” Stiles said, sniffling a little. Because his Dad was great but the caretaking thing was just not his deal and Stiles hated to make him do it, not after he had to do it for his mother for so long. And this was, it was really nice. “My fever bight be bmaking me a little ebotional.”

“You need to blow your nose I can barely understand you.” Derek said, sliding his hand down to cup Stiles’ neck. It felt so good Stiles’ would’ve purred if he could. Instead he grabbed a tissue form the plethora of supplies Derek had put on his bedside and blew his nose thickly while Derek rubbed circles into the back of Stiles’ neck with his thumb.

“You definitely feel warmer than before. Come on. Eat and medicate then you’re going to sleep.”

“Yes Dr. Hale.” Stiles said before throwing the thoroughly used tissue toward his wastepaper basket. It missed by a longshot. Derek rolled his eyes—and god didn’t his eyes get tired of doing that?—and went to pick up the tissue before settling down at Stiles’ desk, messing around on the computer while Stile dazedly ate his chicken noodle.

Once he was done with the soup he looked tiredly at the Nyquil bottle and shrugged before taking a couple of gulps from it. A few minutes later he wished he hadn’t chugged it like that, as his vision went blurry, but before he could really do anything he was asleep.


When he woke again the lights were off, the tray was gone and he had a cool compress on his forehead. He felt horribly dizzy though and maybe a bit nauseous and confused and he once again regretted chugging so much of that Nyquil.

“Derek…” Stiles trailed of weakly with a bit of whimper. “Where’reyou?” he slurred then convulsed with a thick, wet sneeze that set his nose running over his upper lip. “hidjsshhhh! Nnh…

“Bless you Stiles.” Came a deep warm voice and Stiles realized his eyes had closed again because he could hear Derek but he couldn’t see him. Stiles sneezed again and fidgeted uncomfortably. Derek muttered another quiet “Bless you’ before rubbing a tissue under his nose.

“I don’t…don’t feel good.” Stiles moaned piteously and the hand wiping his nose paused before pulling away.

“You feel like you’re going to be sick?” Derek asked, placing a gentle hand on Stiles’ belly.

Nngh…no. Just too buch… Tishh!! Too buch dyquill. Feel…mmm…wooz—woozy. HepTishhih!!” Stiles’ cheat heaved with each weak sneeze and he clutched dizzily at Derek’s hand, the one still palming his stomach.

Derek made a small sound then and Stiles sort of vaguely realized he hadn’t been covering his nose and Derek was awfully close and he’d probably sneezed all over him.

“Oh god I’b sorry.” Stiles whispered and reached blindly for Derek. He pulled the big man into his arms. “I’b so gross ad—ad—you’re always so hmm…strog ad handsome ad kide of angry and dnice. It cad really bess with a guy.”

He pressed his face into Derek’s neck, his sore, wet nose mashing up against the soft, warm skin of Derek’s neck in an oddly comforting way. He let his lips rest against the hollow of Derek’s throat, hot breaths lightly panting over the skin there. They both sat completely still for a moment, then Stiles shuddered with another sneeze. “Tchishh! Itchishh!!

“Sorry.” He whispered with a snuffle, face still buried in Derek’s neck. “By nose is bmalfugtionig.”

Derek snorted and hesitantly stroked Stiles’ back for a moment.

“You need to go back to sleep,” he said finally and Stiles sighed gustily then coughed a little, wet and careless.

“Okay.” He snuffled and fell asleep there, in Derek’s arms.

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This is just.,. He sneezed all over Derek and feels apologic. Woozy c: ehe that's amazing c:

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Hnng. This is awesome. I love me some Sterek and love the hurt/comfort tone of the story.

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:drool: <-- Me right now.

I'll come back later. When I'm more competent. :)

Edited by VividBubbles!
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  • 1 month later...

I know I'm a little late, but this is amazing! Teen wolf is like one of my favorite shows ever and you did such a great job portraying the characters. Maybe you could like, make Scott or Derek get sick because of Stiles or something. Please update soon!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh, I didn't see this update until now! This is awesome! So flufffyyyy <3

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Sorry for bumping this from the second page but I've been meaning to comment for ages! This has turned me into a total Sterek girl and I love it!!! Gahh, you should totally do an update!! Thank you so much for writing this! We need more Teen Wolf stories/fans on here :D

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