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Honest Mistake (M, oneshot)


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Welp, I decided we don't have nearly enough Gaara on the forum. And being me, I decided to correct this OUTRAGEOUS injustice. heh.gif

Just kidding! XD I've been wanting to do something like this and now seemed as good a time as any. Gaara is just the cutest, sweetest, most adorable little yummy Kazekage ever. And because he's from the SAND Village, for whatever reason I've always imagined him as having horrible allergies... I wonder why? biggrin.png

"Tsu" is short for Tsubasa, one of Shinkei's other teammates and also her sister. (Also Kankuro's new wife. At this point anyway; in my other story she was his fiancée, but now it looks like they're married lol!)

I'm still working on my other one with Gaara's stepmother as well. I just thought I'd throw this in because... meh. I thought it was kind of cute, and I love my OC's relationship with Gaara. I know the romantic thing is overdone but... I haven't seen much allergic Gaara around.

Also... wub.png GAARA'S ADOWABLE STUFFY VOICE. LOVE IT~ heart.gif

Hope you enjoy~!

When Gaara came into his office on the morning of his eighteenth birthday, he could only sigh when he saw the dozens of gifts piled on top of his desk. “Well,” he muttered, setting his gourd down and looking over them all, “I suppose I should have expected this...”

At least he was finally being accepted, right? It wasn’t necessarily a bad thing to get a bunch of gifts for your birthday, he reasoned - and especially your eighteenth. Most of the gifts were fairly typical to get from people; nicely decorated cards, little packages of sweets, coupons to different places in town. All in all, not bad thoughts from the girls of the city, albeit a little forward when one considered the fact that he loved a girl already. Of course, she was currently in another village.

Speaking of whom, had she gotten him anything? He didn’t expect her to, but with her personality he would have thought she’d be excited to pick him out a present. He did miss her, and a gift from her would be a perfect way for him to keep her in his thoughts.

Sitting down at his desk and lightly pushing most of the things aside, he saw a small, simple vase of daisies at the corner, right near the picture he kept there. Were they from her? It seemed like the kind of thing she would get him; thoughtful and sweet. Ignoring the slight tickle that was beginning to build up at the very back of his sinuses, he plucked the accompanying card from inside the vase. Rubbing absently at his nose, his eyes scanned over it.

Dear Gaara,

I can’t believe you’re eighteen already!! What’s more, I can’t believe you’re eighteen while I’m still seventeen. Does this mean you’re “robbing the cradle”? Ha-ha... just kidding, sweetie!

Happy birthday, darling; I hope you have a great one. I wish I could be with you! This is such a milestone.

Have a wonderful birthday, Gaara. Hope to see you soon!

I love you so much! Bye for now, baby!

Love, Shinkei <3

He smiled after reading that. She was such an endearing person, having things to do in her own village and still worrying about how he was, what kind of a birthday he was having. “Oh, I love you too, Shiiihhhh...” The tickle had suddenly gotten worse; it now was an undeniable prickling sensation that was totally impossible to ignore. “Hi-Hih’tssschhhhuuu!! H... Huh’tiiisssshhh!!” He opened his desk drawer and quickly fished out a clean handkerchief. “Ah, random fits of sneezing,” he sniffled with a slight chuckle, shaking his head. “What a lovely way to sta... ahhh... Heeh’iitschhhhiiii!! Heh’ssshhhooooo!! H’ttcccchhhh!! S-Start my morning...”

After blowing his nose, he set the handkerchief aside and grabbed his pen, preparing to get to work on his first stack of papers. Before doing so he glanced over at the picture of Shinkei by the flowers, her blonde hair tied back, teddy-bear-brown eyes bubbly and staring straight through him. She was so beautiful. He took a deep breath, turning away from the photo, then his nose began to tickle again.

Snatching the handkerchief up again, he buried his face into it. “Huh’iiisssshhhoooo!! Huh’tssschhie!! Oh my goodness, whahhhh... Hih’tssshhhiiuuuu!! T’SSSCHHHUUU!! H’NGGKKT!!” Rubbing furiously at his nose with the hankie, he briefly turned away from his desk. Urgh, he was getting all congested now. “The hell could be baki’g be - sniff! - sdeeze so buch?” He folded the cloth up once and pressed it against one nostril, blowing gently. He was surprised by the volume it elicited; normally when he blew his nose it was quiet, but this time sounded extremely loud. Not to mention, it was just the littlest bit painful.

In the midst of another fit, the door opened. He probably would have been embarrassed if it were anyone but one of his siblings. Lo and behold, it was Temari. “Gaara?” She closed the door, walking inside and raising an eyebrow at him. “Uhh, this isn’t a bad time, is it?”

Heeh’TISSSHHHOOOO!!” He glanced up, having to blink a few times thanks to the fact that his eyes had begun to water and itch. “D-Do... jus’ havi’g a crippli’g sdeezi’g fit. Really, I’b fide. Do deed for codcerd.”

She snickered, walking closer and looking around the room. “Well, I hope you’re not sick on your birthday - that would suck. But you look terrible, and I can barely understand a word you’re saying.”

He pouted up at her, blowing his nose several more times. “I do’t feel sick at all. I do’t thi’k I have a fever, a’d I’b dot coughing. I’b dot achy or adythi’g, either.” He sniffed, trying to straighten up a bit. “I usually have a lot of - sniff - achidess whed I’ve got the flu or a cold or sobethi’g.” A final blow was enough to clear out most of the stuffiness for the moment. “Ugh. I didn’t start sneezing till I got here this morning, but that’s all I’ve been doing. If it weren’t for the sneezing and runny nose, I’d feel perfectly healthy.”

“Strange. Well, I just came by to say happy birthday.” She grinned and whistled when she glanced around at all his gifts. “Wow! Your secret admirers really left no stone unturned, huh?”

“Nope.” He sniffled, wiping his nose and grabbing his first few papers. “I get the feeling it was Kankuro who let them all in my office.”

“Probably after some begging from Tsu,” Temari giggled, lifting one of the flowers out from the vase. “Aww, are these from Shin?”

Snff! Yeah. I really like them - they’re nice, aren’t they?”

“Yeah, they are pretty. I’ve always liked the look of daisies.” She picked out the card and began to read it, holding one of the flowers up to her nose. “Mm, they smell nice too - rare for daisies. And her little note is so cute! It’s adorable how she misses you so much.”

“I miss her too.” He sighed, rubbing lightly at his temple. Great; it wasn’t bad enough that his eyes were itchy and watery and he couldn’t stop sneezing, now he was getting a headache too. Maybe he really was sick? “What’s their scent like, anyway? I’m all congested - I can’t smell a thing.”

“Well, here.” She knelt down and brushed the daisy’s petals against his nose. “Maybe you just need to get a closer sniff.”

“Maybe.” Instinctively he breathed in, and immediately an irritating sensation began, like a thousand tiny feathers had been allowed to go crazy inside his nose. “Hh-!!” He clapped his handkerchief over his face and ducked down over to the side of his desk. “Huh’tsssccchhhhiuuu!! Hih’sssshhhhhiiii!! H-Heh’tcchhhuuu!!” He could barely even catch his breath in between the sneezes. “Hii’eeetschhhooo!! HIH’EEETSSSHHOOO!! O-Oh my g-goohhh - H’tttsssshhhhh!! Huh’tiissshhhh!! T’sssshhhiiiuu!!

He sniffled and blew his nose several times, wondering why on Earth he was sneezing like this. He’d had small fits before, but not like this; maybe two or three at a time. He’d never sneezed so much at once before, and it didn’t seem like it was going to stop anytime soon. “B-By good’dess,” he finished, before blowing his nose again. “I cad barely breathe...”

Temari smothered a few giggles behind her hand, leaning forward onto the desk. “Sands above, bless you! I hate to be the one to tell you, Gaara...” She moved the vase to the side a little. “But I think these flowers are the root of the problem. You must be allergic to them.”

He groaned, blowing his nose for what seemed like the billionth time. “Do, do, do, I cad’t be,” he mumbled, rubbing at his forehead. “I cad’t! They’re frob Shidkei! Sniff...” He scrubbed at his eyes with the heel of his palm, moaning. “She probably put so buch thought idto it. I bet she figured I’d like flowers si’ce we do’t have bady of theb here... the poor girl would be co’pletely devastated if she fou’d out they were baki’g be feel so poorly...” He blinked several times, trying to be rid of these annoying allergic tears that were clouding his vision. “I do’t wa’t to bake her sad...”

“Aw,” Temari sighed, tousling his hair lightly. “I think it’s so cute that you care a lot about her feelings. But come on, I don’t think she’s going to find out. She’s all the way in Kiri - like a million miles away. And I mean, seriously, what are you going to do; lock yourself in your little office all day with something you’re allergic to? You wouldn’t get any work done, and you’d sneeze yourself silly besides that. Wouldn’t be a pretty picture. ” She shook her head. “Gaara, I doubt she would even discover it if you tossed them out or gave them to someone else. And I don’t think she would be too angry if you gave them away because you were allergic. She’d be more concerned about your health than she would be about some stupid present.”

Huh’tissshhhuuu!! H’nngktt!!” Sniffling liquidly, he glanced over at the daisies, wondering briefly if Temari was right. He knew Shinkei cared about him, and she would definitely be upset if she found out he kept them despite the fact that he was allergic to them.

But still... just those flowers brightened up this dull room, just like Shinkei did. A look over at them brought up every memory of her; her warm eyes, her sweet smile, her soft touch. It was like she was there with him - and for his birthday, that was really all he could ask for. “... Do. I cad’t get rid of theb, Tebari. They rebi’d be of Shidkei... snff! I cad’t jus’ throw theb out. I do’t care if she does’t fi’d out. I have to keep theb...”

Temari shook her head. “Let me guess, it’s the ‘principle of the thing’?”

“Yes. H’nggtt!! Ugh. A’d I biss her. I’ll take whad I cad get to rebi’d be of her.”

She shrugged. “Well, Gaara, all I ask is that you think of your health as well. If you really wanna keep them, just be careful, okay? Go visit a medic if it gets so bad you can’t breathe or anything.”

He nodded, blowing his nose again as she turned to leave. Urgh... the stupid tickle wouldn’t go away!! “Don’t worry, I will.” He pouted when he noticed that his nose was beginning to run. Wonderful. “... I have a feeling this isn’t going to be the best birthday of my life...”


“Shin? What are you doing here?”

The blonde turned around to see another blonde girl; her boyfriend’s sister, Temari. Shinkei blushed and reached back to rub at her neck. “Oh hi, Temari. How’s your day so far?”

“Fine...” She took a few steps closer. “How come you’re in Suna? I thought you couldn’t get a day off.”

She grinned, playing with a few strands of her hair. “Well, it wasn’t true. I just wanted to surprise Gaara! I thought it would be nice if I came to be with him for a little while. It’s his birthday, after all, and a big one too.”

Temari smiled back, although she did look a bit uneasy for whatever reason. “Aw, what a sweet thing to do! I’m sure he’ll appreciate it. He’s been talking a lot about how he misses you.”

She perked up a little. “He... He has?”

“Yep.” She winked. “He’s up in his office, as usual.”

“Tsk!” Shinkei shook her head, sighing. “Working on his birthday? Silly Kazekage, I’ll knock some sense into him.”

“Heh-heh! Well, be gentle with him. I don’t think he’s feeling his best today.”

“Didn’t get hurt, did he?”

“Nah. He’s just a little... I dunno, under the weather or something.” Winking again, she turned to walk off in the other direction. “But don’t worry, I’m sure seeing you’ll make him feel right as rain!”

“Thanks, Temari-san!” Shinkei hurried into the mansion, saying quick hellos to most of the people she recognized. Baki, Matsuri, even Kankuro passed her. Before she got too distracted, she finally reached her boyfriend’s office. Standing on her tiptoes, she peeked inside to get a look at how he was doing.

Well, it didn’t look like Temari was wrong about Gaara being a bit under the weather. The poor thing was sitting at his desk, doing paperwork, holding a handkerchief over his face - and it looked like there were used ones all over the desk. It also seemed like he was sneezing every few minutes; he looked absolutely sick of it, too. She could even hear his sneezes from outside the door, as they were actually kind of violent and even shook him a little. “Eh’eiitchhhhooo!! Huh’tssshhhhiiiuuuu!!

She pouted. Aww, her poor boyfriend - sick on his birthday? He looked completely miserable. Not feeling well and still working? That was just like his stubborn self. Well, she had to go cheer him up then.

Slowly pushing the door open, she snuck in. Although she should have known, even when he was sick he was always focused. As soon as she opened it he looked up from his work. He even managed a weak little smile for her. “Shidkei?”

Walking further in, she had to giggle at his cute, stuffed up voice. He sounded congested, and he was so adorably miserable. “Hey Gaara! Well well, look at you. Eighteen years old and still paying more attention to the village than yourself.”

He chuckled, sliding his handkerchief down to reveal the sorry state of his nose. It was turning red, probably from all the rubbing, and looked rather chapped too. Not to mention that his eyes were bloodshot as well. “I certaidly was’t expecti’g to see you here, Shidkei. It’s a pleasa’t surprise... sniff... for sure...”

“My poor baby!” She rushed over to wrap her arms around him, kissing his cheek and lightly pulling him up out of his chair. “I can’t believe it - you look horrible.” She kissed him again, this time on the lower part of his jaw. “You’re getting sick, aren’t you?”

Snf! Ugh... do.” He reached down and captured her lips briefly, before a volley of sneezes forced him to pull away. “Hnn’ggkkktt!! Dab it... Huh’tcchhhhiii!! Heh’tiissshhhhoooo!! I-I’b sorry, Shidkei, I ca - caahhhh... Hih’eeetsssccchhhhhh!! Huh’tchhhuuuu!! Hh-! H’tssshhhhh!! Hah’chhhhiii!!” Falling forward, he nuzzled his nose into her neck and sniffled tiredly. “I’b so sorry... by allergies are acti’g up today... ugh... I have’t beed able to stop sdeezi’g all bordi’g.”

“Awwww! Bless you, honey.” She gently caressed his back, planting a couple of light kisses against his forehead and jawline. She hated to see him suffering like this, but he was so cute in the middle of it all. She didn’t like knowing that he was feeling so badly, yet it touched a little part of her to see him so vulnerable and needing comfort that only she could give. “Look at you, listen to you. I didn’t think there was much in Suna to be allergic to...”

“There’s dot, usually.” He pulled away, sniffing forcefully as he sat back down. “I guess the p-pohhh... huh’tsssccchhhhuuuu!! Huh’tssshhhhhhooooo!! Ugh. Sniff. Polled coudt bust be idsadely high today.” He glanced down at the cloth in his hand, and sighed heavily as he added it to the growing pile beside him. “A’d apparedtly I deed a dew ha’dkerchief... snff! I seeb to be goi’g through a lot of theb today.”

“It sounds like it! Bless you.” She pushed herself up to sit on top of the desk, and her face immediately lit up when she saw her tiny little vase of daisies on the corner. He’d actually kept them? “Aww! I see you got my present.”

He smiled up at her, opening a drawer and pulling out a clean handkerchief to begin wiping at his eyes - as it looked like they’d started to water. “Yeah, I did. They’re so pretty, Shidkei... jus’ like you. Ugh... ode seco’d, okay? I have to blow by dose agaid...” He raised the handkerchief up to his face and blew, trying desperately to clear his sinuses. She was a little shocked; poor Gaara, blowing his nose sounded like it actually hurt when it was because of his allergies rather than because he had a cold. “Sorry... I can barely breathe.”

“Well, no wonder!” She pouted, leaning over to kiss his cheek again. “Your allergies sound like they’re really bugging you, sweetie.”

“They are...” He put his head down on his arms, drawing a little breath in. “I don’t think they’ve ever been this bad in my life...”

“Here, honey.” She snatched a daisy from the vase and tapped it softly against his nose. “Maybe this’ll cheer you up a little.”

“Tha... Thagks, I... ihhh...” His little nose twitched, and he nearly couldn’t get his handkerchief up in time to cover his face before a new round of sneezes was kicked off. “Huh’ttssschhhhiiii!! Hih’ITSSSSHHHOOOO!! Hih’sssshhhhhuuuu!! Huh’cchhhhhh!!” He sniffed several times, trying to turn away, although this only seemed to make the situation worse. “Ih-Ihhh’tssschhhhh!! I-I’b sorry, Shidkei... d-dab allergiiiieeetssschhhhhoooo!! Eh’ttssssshhhhhh!! Hii’eetissshhhhhh!! Ehhh’tsssscchhhhiiii!!” In addition to his eyes being red, now they were leaking as well, with allergic tears streaming down his face at an alarming rate.

“G-Gaara!” Shinkei put a hand on his back and bit her lip, not sure what to do. She’d never witnessed him sneeze so much before, never mind have an allergy attack. What was she supposed to do to make him feel better? Was there anything she could do to help? If this kept up much longer, she swore his poor nose was going to just fall off or something. It already looked raw and painful. She didn’t know how much worse it could get, but she certainly didn’t want it getting any worse. “B-Baby, what can I do for you?”

Heh’tccchhhhiiiiiee!! Ugh, I-I, there’s... d-dothi’g... huh’ETSCHHHHUUUU!! HUH’TSSSHHHH!!” He managed to stand up, shakily, and take a few steps away from his desk. “The f-flowers... ahh’tschhhooooo!! Hih’tisshhhhiiiuuu!! Huh’tschhhhh!!” He sniffled into his handkerchief, his nose starting to run incessantly. “C-Can’t breehhhh... eeeh’ccchhhhhiiii!!

She blinked a few times, glancing over at the vase. The flowers? ... Oh. The flowers. Were they what was making him sneeze up a storm? Then why the hell did he still have them in here?! Stubborn idiot! She quickly grabbed both of his arms, moving him as far away from the desk as she could. “Gaara! What in the world are you thinking?!”

He folded his handkerchief and blew his nose loudly several times. It sounded harsh and wet, like it drained all the effort and energy out of his body just to blow his nose. “I-I’m sorry... can’t breathe... damn...

Shinkei glared up at him, hoping he knew exactly how upset she was and how much he’d worried her. “Gaara. You’re allergic to my flowers, aren’t you?”

He sniffled, “No, of course n-”

She waved the daisy in front of his nose.

Huh’ETSSSHHHOOOO!! HUH’TIIISSSSHHHH!!” He seemed a bit ashamed as he hung his head, not even looking her in the eyes. “... Well, baybe a little,” he replied, rubbing at the side of his nose with one knuckle.

She sighed, her frustration deflating a little and not able to stay mad at him for very long. “... Bless you, sweetie.”

Sniffing, he sat down in his chair again and began to scrub at his eyes. “I’b sorry I caused so buch trouble, Shidkei. Snff! I did’t eved bead for you to fi’d out...”

She grabbed the vase off his desk, putting it to the side on a smaller table. “Have you been sneezing like that all day?”

He sniffled, still not meeting her eyes. “... Yes.”

“Honey...” She gently rubbed his shoulder, walking closer to him and just suddenly feeling so much pity for the poor boy. “Why on Earth would you keep the flowers if you were so allergic to them? Why didn’t you just throw them out?”

Blowing his nose yet again, he stood up. He wrapped his arms around her and softly kissed her lips, then rested his head in her neck like he had earlier. “Because... sniff! Ugh. Shinkei, before I started sneezing, those flowers made me smile so much... it was like I had you here with me.” He kissed her neck, sucking at the skin lightly. “They remind me of you. That’s why, love. I couldn’t just get rid of them...”

Her heart melted a little, and she held him tightly. “Oh, Gaara... I don’t want you to suffer just for my sake...”

“But I’m not. I kept them because I wanted to.” His breath hitched suddenly, and with nowhere else to go he kept his face buried firmly in her neck and shoulder, shaking. “Huh’tissshhhhoooo!! Ugh, I’m s-sohhh... hih’ccchhhhhiiiiii!! T’ssssshhhhhiiuuuu!! Sorry... snf! I keep idterrupti’g byself.”

She laughed, not at all turned off by the wet feeling of warm saliva now on her neck. She patted his back before pulling away from him. “Bless you, Gaara. I’m sorry you’re allergic to my gift.”

He sniffled, wiping at his nose. “It’s alright. I love them anyway.”

“Aww. You’re too sweet, baby.” She reached up and circled her arms around his neck, placing a tender kiss on the tip of his nose. “Happy birthday.”

The soft touch pushed his already abused nose over the edge and he had to sneeze for the millionth time, inadvertently spraying her a bit. “HUH’SSSCCCHHHHUUU!! Hiiieeeetschhhhooooo!!” He held her close and sighed, sniffling again. It was becoming a tedious task, but now that she was here, he didn’t mind it so terribly much. “... Thagk you, Shidkei.”

She blushed a little, burying her face in his chest. “Oh, I’m sorry...”

He chuckled, sitting down and pulling her into his lap as he closed his eyes. “Do’t be. Sniff... this might just be the best birthday I’ve had in a while.”

Smiling, she snuggled comfortably against him. “I love you...”

He returned the smile, stroking her back. Hearing those words... that was the greatest birthday present he could have ever asked for.

DAWWWWWWW. How cute is dat? He liked her flowers even though they made him sneeze his poor little nose off. Now that, people... THAT is love. XD

Any comments or suggestions on what I should have them doing next time? I'd like to do more with Gaara because he's so fun lol...

Hope you liked! Bai bai for now, all~!

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fufufufu: Ah, aren't they? wub.png I loved writing them so much. Glad you enjoyed~!

greetingsfromboston: Aww thanks! hug.gif I did my best lol. And cute was what I was going for, so I'm happy you found it cute!

Maru-chan: Thankies so much!!! biggrin.png Glad you liked it and I made it cute, that was my intention. smile.png

Thanks for all the sweet comments everyone~! Any suggestions as to what I should have them doing in my next little oneshot? heh.gif

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