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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Bubble Bath (SPN meme fic)


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Hi all! Second meme fic headed your way!

Two things!

1.This has Sam and Dean sneezing in it, so if you have a preference, fear not! Both boys get it bad. biggrin.png Oh! and it also features both illness and allergies, so if you have a preference for one of those, you're in luck!

2. It's my first public attempt at Wincest... sooo, if you're into that, great! If you aren't, no biggie. But it's NOT very noticeable!

Whew! Got those things off my chest! Here you go!


Dean doesn’t have to look over to know that Sam is shivering. He doesn’t have to look over to know that Sam’s battling with a sneeze, or that he’s losing.

There’s a shaky inhale, and suddenly Sam’s sneezing into his cupped hands helplessly.

Hh-hhptschhoo! Huh’kktschew! Huh-EHH-tshchshuhh! Huptschhh! Hh-hh-hh-HHPTSCHH!

“Bless you.”

Sam shivers visibly. Dean’s looking now, sizing up the need to keep moving against the need to settle down for the night. He gives the decision about two seconds more thought, which is all Sam needs to begin sneezing again.

HH’tschhuhh! Huptschhew! Ugh.” Sam moans, pressing the bridge of his nose.

Okay, okay. Dean can’t take this any longer. He chooses the latter option and gets into the right lane.

“You tired? I can take over.” Sam offers, his voice fading fast. Dean almost laughs because of how ridiculous this offer sounds—the kid’s been coming down with one hell of a bug for the past two days, and it’s hitting him really hard. Dean seriously doubts Sam could stay awake for the next 10 miles, let alone the 90 more it will take them to reach Wisconsin.

“You kidding? No, man. We’re finding a place to stay tonight. You’re sick.”

Sam shrugs as if this cold that’s whipping his ass is no big deal.

Dean ignores this, and pulls off into a tiny town in the middle of who-knows-where. It only takes him a few minutes to find them a place to stay. This motel is a little fancier than they’re used to. It has a real lobby, and mints in a basket on the counter, and the people working the desk are in uniform, not a hotel vest pulled over a stained hoodie.

Sam stands near the back, as if he’s afraid his sniffling will get him kicked out.

“Hey, I’m sorry, we’re almost completely booked tonight!” The woman behind the desk gushes. No, really, she’s gushing, her cheeks are flushed from the exhilaration of saying this phrase.

“Well, do you have any rooms at all?” Dean wants to know, fed up with her already.

“We’ve got the honeymoon suite!” She exclaims, turning from her computer to look at Dean with excitement.

Dean opens his mouth the refuse, a honeymoon suite isn’t really in their budget right now, and he honestly doesn’t feel up to hustling pool in this crappy town just to get them through a few nights. Especially since Wendy the Overenthusiastic Motel Clerk seems to be really hoping he’ll say yes, and he sort of wants to see her crushed.

Then, Sam sneezes, and makes a sound like a whimper, and Dean instantly changes his mind. He needs to take care of his Sammy. Sammy is always the first priority.

“Fine. We’ll take it.” He says, handing over a credit card and rolling his eyes when she squeals.


The room is nice. There’s a balcony, with a stunning view of the dumpsters in the alley behind the motel. There’s one enormous bed, and a TV with over 20 channels, but the thing seeming to have Sam’s attention is the bathroom, which he’s been in for at least 10 minutes now.

Dean hears a muffled sneezing fit, and some wheezy coughing. He winces, and knocks.

“Everything okay in there, Sam?”

Hhh’MMschhew! Yeah, I’m f-f-fine, just c-cold. Come check out this bathtub.” He shivers, opening the door. He’s standing there in just a towel, and Dean suddenly decides he likes this motel.

Upon looking at the bathtub, he decides he loves it. It’s deep, with Jacuzzi jets and a wide space.

“Looks big enough for two…” Dean says, raising an eyebrow.

“Well, I’m freezing, and I was thinking of getting in—“ Sam has to stop to cough harshly into his elbow, then continues. “You wanna join me?”

Dean’s clothes must have fallen off his body, because next thing he knows, he and Sam are both naked. Sam pours some bubble bath into the water, saying something about the steam being able to clear his sinuses, but Dean’s too busy staring at his body to listen.

Tshhuhh! Huh-tsshhhew! Dean?”


“I said, do you want to get in to see if the temperature’s right?”

“Oh, uh… yeah.”

It’s hot, but it feels really friggin’ nice, and Dean’s up to his nose in bubbles. Literally, up to his nose. Which is not turning out to be a good thing because—“HHP’TSCHHUH! Huh’EHHTSCHH Huhh-KPTSCHSHH!!!

“Bless you. Crap, I got you sick.” Sam says, climbing into the water. Goosebumps erupt over his skin, and he slides under the water, feeling his body against Dean’s side.

“No, I’m fine—shit—HPTSCHUHH! Huh-huhtshh’UH!

“You’re not fine, you’re sneezing.” Sam sniffles, moves closer so he’s pressing up against Dean, and sighs with pleasure. The nakedness feels so natural, so raw and warm and real. He hasn’t had a bath in too long. He’s missed the way it feels to be suspended in warmth, water lapping at his skin as he revels in its weightlessness. He sneezes, head pitching forward face first into the bubbles. “Hih-hitschhoo! Huh’HEHhhtschhew!

“Bless you. And I’m not getting sick, I think I’m…huh! I’m—uhhh… ju-uhhh-ust sneezing because of this bubble bath—TSSHUHH!

Sam wilts. “Oh. Shit, I’m sorry, Dean. I can drain it…” the thought makes him shiver.

“Nah, don’t worry about it. I’ll survive. Huptsch’UH! Probably.”

Sam looks guilty though, which makes his sniffling misery even more pitiful, because he’s using his wet, puppy-dog eyes, his nose keeps twitching like he’s trying not to sneeze, which is pretty damn adorable.

“Sam, seriously, dod’t worry about it. I’ll be fide.” Damn it, he’s getting congested already.

Sam nods, but he still looks dejected and sick and very distressed.

Dean decides it’s up to him now to get Sam to relax. He moves closer, and begins to massage the younger one’s back.

Sam sighs, loosens up a little. Dean’s hands glide up and down his back, pressing and working the muscles expertly. He freezes suddenly, and Dean is about to ask him if it’s too hard when Sam starts sneezing. “Huh’tschhoo! Hih-hitschhew! Uh-huptschhoo! Heh-EHHTSCHH-uhhh! Hih-iiiitcshh! Huptschhhoo!

“Jesus. You okay?”

Sam looks back at him, eyes streaming, and then begins to laugh, which gets him coughing again.


“I think the steam cleared out my nose… Because now I can smell the bubble bath too, and—tshhhhuh!

“Shit.” Dean can’t help but crack an ironic smile. “Bubble bath’s making you sneeze too, isn’t it?”

Sam sighs. “Think so.”


The bath felt too nice to get out of, especially since Sam couldn’t stop shivering every time he tried to leave the hot water.

The boys stayed in the fancy tub for two hours, until their skin was all wrinkled and their eyes were drooping from tiredness.

The nonstop sneezing was giving them both a headache, so they finally drained the tub and climbed into the shower to rinse off any residual bubbles from the offensive liquid.

Then, they both climbed into the King sized bed and curled up. Sam leaned into Dean’s body heat and his shivering stopped.

“Hey Dean?” he whispered hoarsely, voice hanging above them in the inky velvet darkness that cloaked the room.

“Hmm?” Dean was half-sleeping, his questioning murmur laced with exhaustion.

“I feel better.”


After a few moments, the two Winchesters were engulfed in sleep.



Thank you all so so so much for reading! You're all studs. You're all glittering stars. You're all diamonds. You're all the nicest people in the world. You're all the people that make me want to post things. Thanks! <3

Edited by Zwee
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So so cute! I really love your spellings, especially for Dean. And I kind of think early-Sam would be like that when he's sick - all sweet and pathetic and groan-y. Love it!

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Aww, Zweeeeee, I love you! And your writing <3

I'm SO GLAD that you're participating on this meme, because I really love your writing style.

The overenthusiastic clerk made me smile like a crazy person, is that still normal?

Anyway, this story is sooooo cute <3 I love how you made Dean the allergic one, and Sammy sick.

Gah, I need to read a book for school. But thanks to you I really can't be bothered to do that xD

I'm really looking forward to your next stories *_*

Love love love love love!!!!!!!!

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