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Somewhere in Ohio [SPN]


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So this is a fic I have been working on for a few months now. It's actually part of a 40 page monstrosity that still isn't finished. I debated for a long time whether or not to post this mainly because it is far from cannon, and it is part of a collaborative project I'm working on with my bf. However I have decided that I am really proud of this part and want to share it with people who might appreciate it. So here you go.

Note: This is an AU fic. The character of Andy is my own creation. She is a world jumper, that is she gets pulled from world to world without any control of when or where she goes. She gains abilities in the worlds she travels to and depending on the makeup of other worlds her abilities are still available to her most of the time. Her abilities in the Supernatural world are: Water manipulation, healing, skin shifting(ie transformation in the shape of a cougar), and Seidr (a Scandinavian type of shamanism). She does not age and is approximately 800 years old, but still acts more or less like the 23 year old she looks like. She has know the Winchesters (John, Dean and Sam) for as long as she has been in the Supernatural world which at this point is about 8 years.

I had trouble finding lore on Kelpies so I pretty much made it up myself.

Well I have babbled on enough. I hope you enjoy, please comment because that will tell me if it's worth me posting more.

Somewhere in Ohio

Dean was feeling off. He sat up in bed and rubbed his eyes. He couldn't shake the fog that was filling his head. He was having trouble getting to sleep lately, which was strange because he kept waking up more and more exhausted. He figured it would blow over whatever it was. They had been hunting with Andy for about a month now. They had got into a pretty decent routine. Sam and Andy did research, and depending on the job they would usually hunt all together. Dean smiled to himself thinking about how nice it was to have Andy around again. He stretched and heard Sam in the shower so he sat on the bed, head in his hand trying to wake himself up. He was caught off guard by a sudden tickle in his throat which caused him to have to cough hard into a fist. He heard the water shut off and the door open. He looked up eyes bleary for a moment. When they focused he just about dove under the bed. Andy was there wearing nothing but a towel rubbing her hair dry with another. It was all he could do to keep from staring with his mouth open.

"Hey Dean. My shower wasn't working so Sam let me in to use yours. I'm done now so you can go ahead." She said nonchalantly.

"Uh, yea thanks," He cleared his throat and got up and booked it into the bathroom only pausing to grab a pair of jeans. His blood was pumping hard now. Defiantly awake. He really had not been expecting Andy, and his reaction to seeing her practically naked in his room was not something he wanted to revisit right away. The hot shower actually helped clear his head a bit. He stepped out and grabbed a towel. The temperature change made him shiver.

"Hurechew!" the sneeze completely caught him off guard. A disembodied

"Bless you," came from Andy in the other room. He froze for a second suddenly grateful that he had thought to at least bring pants into the bathroom. He slid them on and went into the room. Andy glanced over at him and smiled. She hid the fact that seeing Dean shirtless sent a shiver through her. She watched the muscles of his back ripple as he put on a tight black t-shirt. He sat on the bed and passed a hand over his face. Suddenly…"Hu'echew!"

"Bless you," Andy said looking over at Dean "Are you ok?"

"What?" Dean said distractedly. "Yea I'm fine." Andy gave him a strange look. But then Sam came in with breakfast and coffee.

"Hey Sam, what you bring us?" Andy asked sitting up. "Greasy breakfast sandwiches, coffee and Tea for the totaler," Andy grinned and grabbed her tea and a sandwich and chowed down.

"So what have we got Sammy?" Dean asked through a mouth full.

"Looks like some kind of water creature that feeds on humans somehow. It looks like it might be keeping its victims alive somewhere and feeds on them slowly, takes about a week, then they die and show up in the river."

"Ok then I guess we have some hunting to do tonight," Andy said. Dean cleared his throat quietly.

"What kills this kind of thing?" Sam glanced at his computer screen.

"I'm not sure. We need to find out exactly what it is first. There are lots of ways to kill water creatures the usual salt silver etc for water spirits. We won't really know until we try." Dean coughed softly into a fist.

"Well I guess we should get ready for a hunt."

"Awesome, well I'm going to go do some research see if we can narrow down the suspect pool." Andy said and got up and left. Sam and Dean finished up their breakfast. Sam was glued to the computer, and Dean sat on his bed and turned on a movie.

"Hureshew!" he sneezed into his fist. Sam looked up at him a bit startled.

"Bless you,"

"Thanks," he said. He was feeling very tiered. His head still felt fuzzy, and his throat was scratchy. Also his nose had started to run. He sniffed and tried to focus on the movie he was watching, but his eyes kept closing. A few times he noticed Sam looking at him, but at this point he didn’t care he just wanted to sleep.

"Dean? Are you ok?" Dean opened his eyes and saw Sam standing next to him looking at him worried.

"Jeezus!" Dean said and jumped. "Sam what the hell!"

"You look really tired."

"That's why I was sleeping idiot. Now leave me alone" he said and rolled over.

"Dean, you don’t sleep during the day unless you're hurt or sick and as far as I can see you're not hurt."

"Sam give it up. We've been going nonstop for a while now, I just need to do some catching up." He coughed lightly and flopped back down on his pillow. Sam went back to his computer. When he looked up again a few minutes later Dean was fast asleep. Sam shook his head. Dean was getting sick and they both new it. Sam also knew that he would never admit it. He hopped that they could avoid any rigorous hunting for a while and let Dean heal up. Dean rarely got sick, but when he did it hit him hard and fast. Usually when he let himself rest it didn't last long, but if he tried to fight through it the aftermath was never pretty. He heard the door open suddenly. He spun around and motioned to Andy who was coming in to keep it quiet. She froze for a moment and Sam motioned towards Dean's sleeping form on the bed. She came slowly in. Quietly she sat down and leaned over to Sam.

"What's happening?" she said quietly.

"Dean's tired, he fell asleep watching a movie. I figured to let him sleep." Andy raised an eyebrow at Sam.

"Dean, tired…doesn't really happen." Sam glanced over at the bed where his brother lay dead asleep.

"That's what I said," She looked over at Dean. He was looking a bit pale. She also could barely keep herself from blushing as she watched him sleep. He looked so sweet and relaxed. As she watched him Dean coughed quietly in his sleep. She looked at Sam and he nodded.

"Uh oh," she mouthed. At that point Dean woke up with a sneeze. In chorus Sam and Andy blessed him. He just gave them a look sat up and rubbed his eyes. If Andy didn't know any better she would have said he had been sleeping off a hangover. His eyes were unfocused and had the beginnings of dark circles under them. He cleared his throat.

"Wha'd you find out Andy?" She stopped staring at him and looked down at Sam.

"Not too much more. I think it's luring its victims somehow though. All the people that have died have been avid swimmers, and know the area really well. All of the friends and family say there would be no way they just drown without something else happening."

"But all the corners reports say there was not marks or signs of struggle, only some ligature marks." Added Sam.

"Exactly," Dean looked pensive for a moment.

"That sounds familiar." He got off the bed and dug through his bag for a moment and came up with his dad's journal and started flipping through it.

"It's a Kelpi."

"Ha!" Andy said. Sam and Dean both looked at her."Sorry…I actually know what that is. It's a Celtic legend, their water creatures that can change their appearance to lure their victims into the water then they drag them down. Usually store them underwater somewhere like a crocodile to eat later, usually children or men. But this one sounds a bit different. Ligature marks suggest it's binding it's victims somewhere."


"So how do we kill it?" Dean asked after clearing his throat.

"That's the thing," Sam continued after eyeing his brother "There is no recorded way to kill it. It's not really a creature it’s a creature spirit. There are some legends that say you can render a Kelpie docile by bridling it, but that’s about it."

"Maybe once it's docile it's just like any other animal and can be killed," Andy said looking over Sam's shoulder. Sam looked like he was about to say something but he was interrupted by Dean.

"Heshchew!" he sneezed into a fist. Both Sam and Andy looked at him. He looked up. "What?" he said indignantly. Sam just shook his head, Andy's eyebrows furrowed a bit in concern.

"Well I think we should at least check out the lake tonight, get a feel for the place and just see what happens." Sam said.

"I agree," said Andy. Dean sneezed again. Andy couldn't help but chuckle a bit.

"I'll take that as a yes from you as well. Bless you by the way." Andy stretched and looked around casually. "Wanna watch some T.V with me for now?" she asked as she hopped onto Dean's bed and looked at him with a grin. He looked at her suspiciously for a moment then climbed on the bed next to her. About 15 minutes into the show he was asleep again head resting on Andy's shoulder, mouth slightly open because he could barely breath through his nose anymore. Andy's shoulder was starting to get sore so she shifted. Dean lifted his head in sleep and Andy managed to snake an arm around his shoulders. He settled comfortably back into her shoulder. Andy's hand absentmindedly fell to stroking his hair. Sam looked over at the two of them. In spite of the fact the Dean was looking worse by the hour, he had to smile at the picture. The two of them had been avoiding their feelings for years, and neither of them had ever admitted anything to each other. Sam wasn't sure why. He thought that maybe they both figured there was no point. Whether it was the life, or some other stupid reason, it had just never happened. It seemed like only Sam could see how perfect they were for each other.

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Thanks for the comments! Here is the next part. Enjoy!

Dean woke with a start. He was disoriented for a moment. He was alone in bed, under the covers. He sat up slowly and then wished he hadn't. His head throbbed and sent the world spinning. 'Shit,' he thought dully. Dean got up out of bed and looked out the window. He saw Sam and Andy packing some bits and pieces into the car and Andy's bike. His body ached, his head ached and his chest and sinuses felt heavy. He coughed hard, trying to clear out some of his congestion. It didn't do much. He shook himself and told himself to suck it up. He pulled his boots on, got his jacket and started helping with the supplies. When they were just about ready to go Andy went off for one last thing. A bridle "Just in case" she had said Sam tried to convince Dean to stay behind and rest.

"Dean you're sick! Just stay at the motel Andy and I can handle this."

"I am not sick! There is no way I am letting you do this without me, now let's go." He coughed harshly.

"Dean seriously, you shouldn't even be outside let alone hunting." Sam said looking at his brother with worry. He hesitated for a moment. "Andy isn’t going to think any less of you if you sit out because you're sick." Dean looked up quickly.

"What does Andy have to do with this?" He said a bit too loud.

"Nothing. Never mind," Just then Andy rolled up on her motorcycle.

"You boy's ready to go?" She said as took off her helmet.

"You bet," Dean said getting into his Impala. Sam rolled his eyes at Andy who shrugged. Off they went. Sam and Dean drove in silence. The only sound was Dean sniffing and clearing his throat. Until

"Huhechew!" Deans head snapped forward and he almost cracked it on the steering wheel.

"You should have at least let me drive," Sam said.

"Shut up Sam," Dean said sounding horse. Not long after they made it to the spot where the victims had been disappearing. Andy came over to the car.

"Looks like there are some drag marks just over there." She said pointing. They went over to check it out. They looked around for an hour. Every so often they would hear Dean's breath hitching as he desperately tried to hold back a sneeze. When he couldn't he only let out painful sounding stifles that made Andy and Sam wince.

Dean was at the water's edge when he heard it. A strange sound was punctuating the clam night. It sounded like a hissing and bubbling. He looked out to the water and saw something.

"Guys!" he called just a little too late. Something grabbed him around the ankles and pulled. He fell and it started pulling him towards the water. Andy had heard him call and his sudden yelp as his feet were pulled out from under him. She came sprinting across to the water just in time to see Dean's head sink under the water.

"Sam!" she screamed as she stripped off her jacket and dove into the lake. It was frigid. Murky. But she caught sight of Dean and booked it after him. She caught up and grabbed him by an arm. She looked at the Kelpie. It glared at her and she glared back and froze all of the water around it. That stunned it long enough that she managed to get Dean out of its grasp. She changed the buoyancy of the water around her and Dean and kicked. They broke the surface like a shot. She heard Sam calling and oriented herself and made her way back. That little bit of manipulation had sapped some of her strength. Ice was never her best product. Sam had to wade out to help her and Dean to shore.

"Dean!" Sam called. "Andy is he ok" Sam said panic in his voice. They laid Dean down on the ground away from the water's edge.

"Hold on a sec Sam," Andy leaned in and listened to his chest. She could hear a heart beat but he wasn't breathing. There was too much water in his lungs. She focused all of her energy and as carefully as she could she pulled it out. Water gushed out of Dean's mouth and then he gasped for air and coughed. Andy rolled him onto his side while he coughed. When he finally stopped he breathed out a nearly silent

"Thanks," Andy chuckled.

"You're welcome. Come on let's get you up," They picked each other up. Andy was panting about as hard as Dean. As the adrenaline started to come down both Andy and Dean began to realize just how fucking cold it was, and Andy was reeling from all of the manipulation.

"H'hueshew!....He…H'echshew!" Dean sneezed into his fist.

"Bless you," Andy said between heavy breaths."Let get you guys dry," Sam said leading them to the car.

"Hold on a sec Ssam." Andy stopped him. She took Dean by the shoulders. He stood there shivering. Andy focused her manipulation in her palms and brushed her hands over Dean. Every where she could reach. Water poured off of his clothes and seeped into the ground.

"There. It's not perfect but at leasst you wwon't dip on yyour upholstery. Sam you gget Dean back. I'll meet up with you there. There is nno way I'm leaving my bbike here,"

"Andy don't be stupid," Sam said.

"Your ssoaked you will be half ffrozen by the time you… Huchshew!" Dean said trying to grab her hand.

"Yea and yyour ssick and damp and you would never leave your baby somewhere to get jacked. Get in the car I'll mmeet you at the mmotel." Without another word she started walking over to her bike. She hopped on and took off. She had to be by herself for a moment. She went for a few miles then pulled over and shook as she tried to regained some energy. Her adrenaline was still pumping hard. When she had come down from the high she manipulated her clothes dry. She was still freezing but at least she was dry. She revved up her bike and sped off to the motel. She went straight to the boys room. Sam was just helping Dean into the room. She went in with them.

"Sam get him into some dry clothes I'm going to heat some towels." She looked at Dean. His face was white and he was shaking hard. Sam helped his brother out of his clothes and into sweats. Then he made Dean get into bed and put an extra blanket on him. He coughed hard. His lungs felt like they were on fire. Andy came back into the room. She took off her jacket and got into bed with Dean.

"W-What are y-you d-doing?" he said through chattering teeth as he pulled himself away from her attempt at wrapping her arms around him.

"Body heat is the best way to warm another body up. So just suck it up Dean." Sam raised his eyebrows and looked at his brother who glared back at him. Dean eventually warmed up enough to stop shaking and at some point they all fell asleep. Andy woke up early with Dean's arms wrapped around her. She decided she didn't really want to deal with the awkward wake up in the morning. She snaked her arms out from around him, ducked out of his arms and crawled out of bed. He shifted a bit but didn't wake up. She went back to her own room and crawled into bed and crashed hard.

Dean woke up with a start and sat straight up in bed. The first thing he noticed was that his head felt like it was floating. The next thing he noticed was that Andy's warm body was missing from where it had started the night. Dean shivered. He wasn't bone cold like he had been the other night, but he still felt a bit chilled. He got up and put some normal clothes on. Then he went over to Andy's.

She woke up to rough knocking on her door. She staggered out of bed and opened her door. Dean stood there looking like death warmed over.

"Shit Andy you look like hell." Dean said cracking a grin at her. She looked at him still half asleep.

"Speak for yourself. What are you doing here?" she asked.

"I thought we could come up with a new plan of atta- Hechew! attack." Andy just looked at him while his fist was still in front of his face.

"Are you serious?" Dean looked over his fist at her with his beautiful green eyes and his usual mask.

"What?" Andy stared at him. Then just shook her head and rolled her eyes. She was about to close the door in his face when she saw him shiver. She looked at him more seriously. The paleness was still there along with the dark bruises under his eyes. What was new was the flush to his cheeks and a light sheen of sweat.

"Dean, are you ok?" Andy asked brows furrowed in concern. She raised a hand to lay on his forehead. He pushed her hand away before she could touch him.

"Andy I'm fine," she rolled her eyes at him again.

"Yea and you're a big fat liar," she muttered under her breath.

"Did you say something?" He asked clearing his throat. Andy shook her head.

"Dean, it's early. I'm wrecked which means you likely are to. Just go back to bed and sleep for a while longer. Please." Dean sighed heavily.

"Andy I can’t sleep with that thing out there we need to make a game plan," Dean looked at her serious with a hint of pleading in his eyes. She could never say no to that face. That sweet face. She sighed."Go get your brother. If you expect me to make attack plans this early I am not getting out of my p.j.'s." Dean smiled and went to wake Sam.

They made a plan. As best they could. They utilised Andy's abilities considering the nature of the creature they were hunting. Andy and Sam would dive into the lake, Andy would keep the water out and they would look for it while Dean kept an eye on the shore. Dean tried to convince them that he should be the one to go with Andy but they both shot him down. He was looking more and more wrecked by the hour. Andy saw him shiver a few times. She thought he might have a fever but it could just be some residual from the swim they took last night. He had started coughing as well. Just a dry irritating cough at the moment, but it sounded painful.

"All right boys, I think we're set. Now both of you go back to your room and get some sleep because I know I could use some more." The boys both chuckled at her and went back to their rooms. When Andy woke up again she had a thought. They had no idea what they were doing. Sure they had hashed out a plan, that might work, but they really knew nothing about this Kelpie. The thought kept at her for most of the morning. So she made a decision. She went out and hopped on her bike and rode back to the lake. She stood there looking at it for a while. Finally she stripped off an dove in. She kept herself dry and cleared the water so she could see. She swam around that lake for an hour before something caught her eye. One side of the lake backed onto a rocky cliff. On that side she saw an opening. She checked it out. It turned out to be an entrance to an network of caves that ran through the side of the cliff. By the drag marks she found by the pool of the water entrance she figured that this was the Kelpie's layer, and that they were wrong about the way they liked to feed. Not wanting to run into the Kelpie Andy slipped back into the water and back to her bike. She got back to the motel and headed to her room. She was just getting her boots off when someone was pounding on her door. She got up and opened it to a very pissed off Sam who barged in past her.

"Please come in Sam. Make yourself comfortable," she said sarcastically.

"Where were you?" he asked his tone clipped.

"I went to check out the lake some more, and I found something -" she was interrupted before she could get the news out.

"What is wrong with you!" Sam shouted at her.


"What the Hell is wrong with you? You take off without a word, you could have been hurt, and we would have been none the wiser."

"Sam I'm a big girl I can take care of myself," Sam just looked at her with his face serious. "Sam, I may be reckless a lot of the time, but I'm not stupid." Sam continued looking at her. Andy sighed and sat on the edge of her bed."Truthfully it's been so long since I worked with someone else consistently that it takes a bit of getting used to. So for what it's worth, I'm sorry." Sam nodded and sat next to her.

"M'Sorry too. It's just between you and Dean it's like I've got two kamikaze hunters on my hands that I can't deal with. Dean is sick, and he won't let himself rest and you are no help."

"Sammy, listen. I know that your brother can dive you mental and you do the same to him, but you just have to learn to live with each other."

"And what about you? Huh?"

"What about me?"

"Andy you're like family what if something happened to you?"

"Sam nothing is going to happen to me. Sure I can get hurt, I can get sick, but the fact is I'm 800 years old Sam, I've lived several long fruitful lives being cautious. And here I am now, being reckless and hunting demons, and I am loving it. I think I have earned some enjoyment in life."

"And that's fine for you when you're hunting by yourself, but Andy you can't do stuff like that around him. You can't let him lose you too."

"What? What did I just say? No one is going to lose me."

"You heard me Andy. You can be as reckless as you like when you hunt alone. But when you're with us you can't be like that with him. He will just go even farther to keep us both out of danger by putting himself in it."

"Sam why the hell would me being here have any effect on Dean" Sam stared at her.

"Andy for someone who is pretty good at being observant just not around yourself," she looked at Sam confused. " Andy, Dean's in love with you. He has been since Dad first brought you to meet us."

"You're nuts."

"Oh I'm nuts? Andy have you ever noticed how protective he is of you and how he always has a smile for you."

"Why the hell would Dean be in love with me and why would he never tell me?"

"Because he thinks you would laugh in his face." Andy hesitated, thinking for a second.

"Ok if he's so in love with me why are you here and he's not?" Andy retorted.

"Because he's still asleep, he didn't know you weren't here. If he did, he would have high tailed it after you in a heartbeat." Andy's next retort died on her lips as understanding dawned. 'Christ this is just like a bad romance novel' she thought. She had always hid her feelings by treating Dean as a brother and he hid his by doing the same.

"Holy crap," she said sitting down on the bed and putting her head in her hands. "I am a complete idiot,"

"Yea you kinda are," Sam said sitting next to her "But it's never too late." Andy looked at him eyes wide.

"He's just next door Andy, and he's been waiting a long time." Andy smiled slowly. She looked up at Sam and nodded.

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Next Part. Enjoy!

Sam and Andy headed back to the boys room. The minute Sam opened the door he noticed that Dean wasn't on his bed anymore and he didn’t hear him in the shower.

"Dean?" he called out. No answer. "Dean!?" he shouted. Andy turned and looked back out the door.

"Sam, the Impala's gone."

"What the hell is he thinking?!"

"Maybe he just went to get some food, or something."

Sam glanced at the take out boxes he had just brought back before storming over to Andy's and shook his head. "Well he can't be ahead of us that much we can just go after him."

"Yea but even so if he gets there he is a sitting duck,"

"Sammy have a bit more faith in your brother."

"Andy he was running a fever when I came to see you," Andy's face fell.

"Well that changes things,"

They found the Impala in about the same place Dean had parked it the day before. They called out for him but there was nothing. Andy was standing by the water's edge when she saw something. It was one of Dean's shirts.

"Sam!" Andy called out to him and held up the shirt. "There are drag marks here too," she said pointing out the over turned soil. "Ok I'm going to go divining, see if you can find a land entrance to that caves." She grabbed her knife and a few other supplies from her bike and went back to the shore. Sam was pacing.

"Andy this is not a good idea,"

"Sam we don’t have a choice, I can get to the cave easily you just find a land entrance and back me up. Don't forget the bridle." Sam nodded.

"Be careful," he said gripping her shoulder tight. She nodded and plunged into the lake. She swam hard and fast and reached the cave entrance soon. She broke the surface of the pool slowly. She looked around. The Kelpie was nowhere in sight. She climbed out of the pool and walked carefully along the passage. She hadn't gone far when she heard something. A wet sliding footstep. She held her breath and listened. It seemed to pass by on her left. She shuffled along the passage for a while longer. There was light coming from somewhere other than her flash light. Suddenly she heard footsteps again. She grabbed her knife ready to try and fend off the Kelpie. The footsteps were just around the next bend. A figured appeared. She lunged and came face to face with Sam.

"Shit Sam! Sorry, I wasn't expecting you so fast."

"Yea I can tell. There was an entrance. There were other drag marks that lead to it."

"Come on. Let's find your brother and get out of here," They continued along the passage. At some point they came upon a smaller passage that broke off to the left. They looked at each other. Sam shrugged. Suddenly they both heard the dragging step that Andy had heard before. They dove into the smaller passage and didn't stop until they couldn't hear the steps. They decided to keep going. It wasn't long before the passage opened onto a small cavern There was a torch lighting it on one wall. Tied to the same wall, shirtless, wet, and on his knees was Dean.

"Dean!" Sam called out and ran to him, Andy close on his heels.

"S' about time you guys showed up," Dean said thickly. They both knelt in front of him. He was bruised and scraped but didn't look too hurt. They made quick work cutting through the ropes that bound him to the wall. The sudden release of his bonds made Dean fall forward.

"Whoa easy there. I've got you. You're all right." Andy caught him with an arm across his chest.. She could feel the unhealthy heat that was radiating off of his body. Defiantly got a fever now she thought. She looked up at Sam who's face mirrored her concern.

"Thanks for finding me guys," he breathed out with a weak smile.

"You're welcome sweetheart. Now come on, let's get you out of here." Andy said looking around checking that they were still alone.

"Ok, that sounds good." he coughed hard. Sam gave his brother some water, which he took gratefully. Together Sam and Andy got Dean on his feet and with an arm around each of their shoulders they made their way back to the main passage. Andy felt Dean suddenly tense, and felt his breath hitch. 'Oh shit' she thought.

"Come on Dean, hold it back," she said quietly. She could just imagine what a sneeze would sound like echoing around the caves. Likely let the Kelpie know exactly where they are. Dean let go of Andy just in time to pinch his nose and stifle the sneeze with a wet


"Bless," said Andy. Dean rubbed his forehead.

"That hurt like a bitch," they kept going and made it to the main passage. Where the Kelpie was waiting in the shadows for them. First it took a swing at Sam who had to let go of Dean to block. Suddenly finding herself supporting 170lbs of fever weakened Dean sent him and Andy into the wall. Sam was still fighting the Kelpie and it wasn't giving up easily. Dean attempted to go and help Sam, but he was so dizzy he couldn't focus. Sam landed and good blow with his knife and the Kelpie backed off and fled. Sam took off after it.

"Andy get Dean out of here! I'll meet you at the car!" He shouted over his shoulder. Dean tried to go after him but he stumbled and fell to one knee. Andy hurried to him and got him on his feet.

"Dean come on. Sam can handle this. Let's get back to the car," She supported him through the passages and managed to find the land entrance fairly easily. Sam was right it was fairly close to the main parking lot. Dean was struggling. He was shaking so hard he could barely walk, and he was coughing almost constantly. They stopped for a moment.

"Dean you need to breathe baby. Take a deep breath." She could tell he was trying. Andy rubbed his back and slowly the spasms stopped. "That's better. Come on we're almost at the car. We get there then you can take a break." They were only a few feet away when Dean's knees gave way. With the sudden weight he and Andy slowly sank to the ground."Whoa! Dean!" she cried in alarm. "Dean?!"He had passed out cold. Andy supported him on her legs. She passed a hand over his forehead. 'He's really burning,' she thought concern rising in her throat. A moment later Dean's eyes fluttered open.

"Andy?" he said fuzzily. "What the hell happened?"

"You blacked out babe," Dean blinked up at her glassy green eyes "you're running a pretty high fever." Dean shivered and coughed.

"Great," he sat up slowly Andy helped support him. He leaned forward and put his head between his knees and breathed hard.

"Come on, let's get you in the car. You can sleep for a while." Andy grabbed Dean's arm and hauled him up.

"Where's Sam?" he asked in a rough voice as he managed to stagger to his feet.

"He was right behind us give him a second." They waited. And waited. Dean looked around his brow furrowed with concern.

"Andy?" he said fear entering his voice.

"Just another minute." They waited.

"Andy…?" Suddenly there was a loud splash and something broke the surface of the water. A horse and rider rose out of the water and walked to shore straight towards the car. Andy and Dean stood up, panicking slightly. Dean swayed a bit but Andy balanced him. The horse stopped 10ft from them and the rider dismounted. It was Sam, drenched and shivering but alive and unharmed. Dean broke into a relieved smile. Sam looked a bit sheepish.

"Sorry I took so long," Sam said stepping forward. Dean embraced him hard. Sam hugged him back, concerned about the heat of Dean's body.

"Don't do that again," Dean said quietly looking hard at Sam, then he sneezed violently.

"Bless you, and I won't. Trust me." Said Sam

"All right boys we need to get you back. Dean get in the car and put the shirt on. Sammy come over here and I'll dry you off." After she was done she convinced Dean to let Sam drive. It wasn't much of a fight. She pulled the blanket that the boys kept in the trunk out. She threw it over Dean once he was in the passenger seat. She smiled at him lightly and closed the door. Then she grabbed her bike and sped off after them.

In the car Sam watched Dean shivering under his blanket.

"What happened Dean?" Dean just looked at his brother with fever glassy eyes. "Dean?"

"Look I thought it was Andy ok. Went looking for you and I saw her bike was missing. I panicked. Figured she had gone back to the lake. When I got there I thought I heard her call for help so I went. It was stupid but that's what happened." Sam couldn't help but crack a smile. Dean coughed harshly "What's funny?" Sam wiped the smile off his face.

"I'm sorry Dean. It's really not funny."

"Ok now I'm just confused…"

"You really should just tell her how you feel."

"What are you talking about?"

"Dean I'm your brother and I know you. You're in love with Andy. Just tell her and get it over with."

"I am not,"

"Yes you are Dean, and she cares about you. Probably more than she even knows." Dean was quiet for a moment.

"There's no way," he said.

"Dean you've been avoiding each other for years. It's really not that hard to see." Dean sat there shivering thinking about what his brother said. He coughed a bit to clear his throat, but it back fired and he ended up falling into a fit. A deep racking fit that when it finally finished left him panting.

"Shit Dean you sound like hell."

"I feel like hell," he said hoarsely leaning his head back into the seat only to snap forward with a sneeze "H'utshhe!" he groaned and held his head in his hands.

"We're almost back at the motel."

"Mmm" Dean murmured. Sam sneaked a glance at his brother. Sam was really getting worried. Dean was so pale and he could hear Dean wheezing. He reached over and rested a hand on Dean's forehead he flinched a bit and half heartedly tried to push Sam away. 'holly crap he is burning up.' Sam thought. He pulled into the motel and hoped that Andy was close behind.

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So this is the last part. Hope you all enjoy!

He shook Dean's shoulder to wake him up. Dean looked at him with fever bright eyes.

"Come on bro. Let's get you in to bed," Sam said. Dean smiled slowly.

"Sorry Sammy you're not my type," he said and chucked. Which turned into a cough, which turned into a fit of deep barking. The sound made Sam cringe. He got out of the car and went quickly round to the passenger side to help Dean out. For once Dean accepted the help quietly. He was really out of it, and he was still shivering. Sam heard the growl of Andy's bike just as he was getting Dean in the door of their room. She came in right behind them. Sam helped Dean to his bed. He just sat there staring into space. Andy knelt in front of him.

"How you doing?" she asked taking one of his hands.

"Peachy," he answered and lay back on the bed. He coughed once. Andy started taking off his shoes. Dean didn't do anything to stop her, which was worrying. Dean would normally never let anyone do something like that for him. She turned to Sam

"How's he doing?"

"Not too good. He's burning up, and his cough is really bad."

"I'm fine Andy."Andy got up and went over to Dean and tried to lay a hand on his head. He flinched and pushed Andy's hand away. "I know I'm sick you don’t have to baby me." Andy made a sound in her throat that could only be called a growl. "Threats won't help." he said and closed his eyes. She looked at him brow furrowed in frustration. A small smile spread on her face. She gave Sam a look. He looked at her puzzled. She bent and kissed Dean's forehead. The touch startled him. His eyes flew open and he stared at her.

"Shit," she muttered under her breath. She started opening his jacket and flannel.

"Wait…what…what the hell are you doing?" Dean said trying to sit up. Andy pushed him back down.

"Behave and let me check you out," she said and laid and ear to his chest "Deep breath for me," he complied. She could hear a distinctive wheeze and crackles rattling through his lungs as he breathed. The deep breath triggered a small coughing fit. He was forced to sit up and cough hard into his fist. Once Andy had heard that she knew.

"Christ Dean," she said looking at him worried.

"What?" he said roughly with the last bit of his cough.

"I think you may have pneumonia," Andy said.

"What? No I don't. It's just a cold…" he broke off coughing again. Andy looked at Sam who had a mix of concern and fear on his face.

"Sweetheart that is no cold I have ever heard. You need to do some serious resting."

"She's right Dean. You really need to give yourself a break."

"All right all right you two. But I'm going to have a shower first." Dean stood up unsteadily and made his way to the bathroom. Sam looked at Andy."He's in rough shape, isn't he?" Sam said. Andy looked at the closed bathroom door.

"Yea, he is, but he's tough he'll be fine." Sam nodded then smiled slowly. He looked up at Andy. "what?"

"You sure gave him a shock when you kissed him," he said. Andy chuckled.

"I know. I didn't really mean to. I just wanted to catch him off guard." She smiled and shrugged. "It worked." Sam laughed.

"Sure did." Sam picked up his computer and started surfing around. Andy lay back on Dean's bed and closed her eyes. She was wiped and worried. Dean could be a real pain. A few minutes later they heard the shower turn off and heard an new round of deep racking coughs. They didn't sound like they were going to stop soon. Suddenly they stopped and there was a loud thump. Andy's eyes flew open.

"Dean?" Sam called out. No answer. Before Sam could call out again, in one fluid motion Andy was up and off the bed and heading to the bathroom. She pulled the door open. Dean was lying on the floor panting for breath.

"Oh Dean," she said stepping over him and kneeling next to him as Sam rushed over as well. Dean's eyes were open and they found her face.

"I guess…I'm not as…fine as…I thought…" he said haltingly between breaths. She looked up at Sam, his face was echoing her feelings. Together Sam and Andy managed to get Dean on the bed. Andy laid an hand on his forehead. Dean had closed his eyes and didn't open them.

"Shit," Andy said quietly.

"What?" Sam asked.

"His fever's risen,"

"What? How can you tell?"

"I'm not positive. Sam do you have a thermometer?" He thought for a moment.

"I think there might be one in the med kit in the car. I'll be right back." Sam left. She looked back at Dean. He was so pale. Dark circles under his eyes. A light sheen of sweat covering his face. She took his hand. He opened his eyes.

"Andy?" he breathed. There was fear in his voice.

"Hey Dean, I'm right here."

"Are you ok?" His eyes were glassy, and he was looking at her concerned.

"What? Yea sweetheart I'm fine,"

"You were, you were hurt. You called for help. But you're ok?" Andy was confused but she played along.

"Yea Dean I'm fine, you saved me, but now you need help. So let me help you baby. Go to sleep," she said caressing his flushed face. He nodded slowly and closed his eyes. Sam came back with a thermometer and a bottle of Aspirin. Andy took the thermometer and stuck it in Dean's mouth. It beeped a minute later. "104.2, damn it."

"Is he ok, what's wrong?"

"Sammy, he needs a hospital. His fever is way too high. He's delirious." Dean's eyes flashed open.

"No. No hospitals!" Dean said fervently. Andy looked down at him.

"Seriously Dean - "

"Andy," Dean choked out "No h-hospitals!" Andy closed her eyes. She had forgotten how stubborn and afraid of hospitals Dean could be. Sam had started pacing muttering to himself about whether to risk taking Dean to a hospital.

"Andy, what do we do?" Sam asked her with tears in his voice.

"First Sam, you need to calm down. He isn't in any danger at the moment. All we can do right now is ride it out, hope his fever breaks soon." she said looking down at her sweet green eyed boy. A thought flashed across her mind. 'It's not time for that. If he gets worse, then it might be.'

It was a rough night for all of them. Dean would wake up panicked about something or other and try to go racing off to kill something or rescue someone. It was all Sam and Andy could do to keep him in bed. When he slept, he slept restlessly. He moaned and cried out. Sam sent Andy to her own room around midnight. She was so exhausted that she didn't argue. Around 4am she went back. Sam was sitting in a chair next to Dean's bed. He looked up at Andy when she came in.

"How is he?" she asked.

"Not much better, but not worse as far as I can tell." Andy looked at Dean. His hair was limp from sweat, he was still death white and he was trembling. She looked at Sam. He had his head in one hand and was fighting a losing battle to keep his eyes open.

"Sammy, why don't you go and get some sleep in my room. I can sit with him." Sam shook himself and sat up.

"It's ok. I'm good." He rubbed his eyes and blinked rapidly.

"Sam, honey, you look wrecked. Almost look as bad as your brother. You need some sleep. One sick Winchester I can deal with, but both of you would be too much of a handful for this girl." Sam looked up at Andy and gave her a weak smile. He got up stiffly and hugged her after she gave him the key to her room.

"Watch out for him,"

"You know I will," Andy got herself comfortable in the chair. She watched Dean sleep, which under different circumstances he probably would have found creepy. She was buzzing with concern. He was coughing frequently and hard. He would moan slightly after a fit, which told her that he was in some pain. She reached out and took his hand. Suddenly as she looked at him. The boy she had loved for almost as long as she had been in this world. He was sick, and vulnerable, and she couldn't help but wonder what could go wrong.

"Dean?" He shifted and opened his eyes. His eyes were glassy and unfocused.

"Andy? What's going on?"

"I just wanted to ply you with more drugs. Sit up for me?" Dean struggled his face creased with pain to sit up. Andy helped him to get as comfortable as possible. She got up and grabbed a glass of water and some aspirin. Dean had started to cough. He was bent double, fist pressed to his face. Andy put the water down and began to rub his back soothingly. It took a long time for him to come down, by the time he had he was gasping for breath.

"Breathe Dean, breathe."

"Doin…my best…Andy."

"Here," she handed him the glass of water and aspirin. He took them both gratefully.

"Thanks," he breathed. Andy smiled at him. She took a cool cloth and passed it over his face and neck. Dean moaned. "That feels stupidly good," he said slightly slurred.

"Glad to help," she wiped the sticky sweat off Dean's upper body. When she was done Andy helped him lie back down. It seemed like he fell back to sleep in moments. Andy sighed. She hated seeing the man she loved so sick and weak. She got up to make herself some tea. Suddenly a hand reached out and grabbed her arm. She looked down and saw Dean looking at her wide eyed.

"Don't leave. Please," he said almost fearfully.

"I'm not going anywhere Dean." she said and sat back down on the bed. Dean let go of her arm and pushed himself up in bed. He grabbed her hand and held it tightly. Andy looked at his pale face concerned. "Dean, baby, what's wrong?" He swallowed and looked away from her.

"I…I don't…" He couldn't seem to get the words out. Andy touched his face turning it so that he would look at her again.

"Dean, you can say anything to me." He gazed at her for a long moment with his fever bright eyes.

"Andy…I…I want you to know, how I feel. In case…" Andy's eyes popped.

"Dean, there is no in case. You are going to be fine!"

"Andy, please. Just let me get this out." She was quiet. "I want you to know, how much I care about you. I think I fell for you the day we met, and I have never felt that way about anyone since." Andy swallowed back the tears that had risen in her throat. "I figured it was time that I stopped worrying about what you might say and just get it out there." Andy was quiet. She thought that if she tried to speak she would lose the battle against her tears. Dean watched her, his face going from hopeful to crestfallen to embarrassed. "Please say something so I don't feel like a complete fool." Andy couldn't help but laugh, her voice cracking through the tightness in her throat.

"Dean, you are always a fool." she said smiling at him. He grinned sadly back at her. "But you are a fool that I fell for years ago and was afraid to tell you." Dean's face lit up and Andy laughed again at the drastic change. One tear had managed to escape. Dean brushed it away with his thumb and caressed Andy's face. She leaned forward and wrapped her arms around Dean's neck.

"We are both fools for not letting this out earlier," she said.

"Too true," Dean replied chuckling. His chuckles turned into coughs, which turned into deep wracking barks. Andy pulled away from Dean and placed a hand on his back. He joyful mood swung to gut wrenching concern as she watched Dean desperately try to catch his breath. When the coughs finally stopped Andy kissed Dean's forehead.

"Time for you to go back to sleep. Need you to heal up.

""You bet," Dean said rasping. He settled down on the bed and was soon dead to the world. She sat just watching over him that night, floating on clouds of ecstasy. It wasn't until early that morning when something went wrong. Sam had woken up and come back to the room. He and Andy were just hanging out keeping an eye on Dean. Suddenly he gasped and went ridged. He started to spasm and twitching. His fever had spiked dangerously high. They had to throw him in a cold shower to get his temperature down. His breathing changed to short and shallow. Sam was panicking. Andy watched Dean lying on his bed, possibly dying because she couldn't convince him to go to a hospital. She couldn't do it. She refused to watch another person she loved die because she wasn't strong enough.

"Sam…I can help him." Sam looked at her. His eyes wild. Without even thinking he said,

"All aright go for it. What is it a ritual? A sacrifice? Because at this point Andy I really don't care what you have to do."


"Andy just do anything you need to, I'll get you whatever you need, just get him better"


"What Andy!"

"Sam calm down. I can help Dean, but I just want to warn you that I haven't done this in a long time and it will be dangerous for me and him. It's nothing that looks complex but it will take a while ok. Just bare with me and please don’t interrupt for anything." Sam nodded and sat down. He put his head in his hands and heaved a big sigh. Andy knelt next to Dean on the bed. She closed her eyes. She knew she would have to gather as much energy as possible. Healing took so much out of her in this world. She didn't know how long she stayed there meditating, gathering her energy. Sam kept quiet. She opened her eyes and looked down at Dean. She could see it. The poor guy was riddled with infection. Little pockets of virus wreaking havoc through his body. She looked at his lungs and winced. There was so much fluid in his lungs she was amazed he could breath at all. Andy placed one hand on Dean's head and one on his chest and she began. She worked like she always did. Carefully drawing everything up and out. She heard him gasp at one point and she had a brief fear that Sam might stop her, but he kept his promise and stayed where he was. As she kept working her energy kept dropping. She was starting to lose focus. Dean fuzzed out of focus for a moment. She bore up and focused harder. Finally everything was gone. Dean was going to be fine. She let go and almost fell off the bed. Everything went black for a moment. Sam was there in a moment.

"Andy? Dean?" he said urgently.

"It's ok Sam. He's going to be fine." Andy said panting "he's probably going to sleep hard for a while."

"What did you just do?" Sam asked helping her off the bed.

"It's complicated. It's one of my abilities." Sam just nodded.

"I don't know how to thank you,"

"It's… fine…Sam," Andy said slowly. Sam looked at her. She had gone almost grey, and she was sweating heavily.

"Are you ok?" Sam asked laying a hand on her arm.

"Yea, M' fine. Just…need to…lie down…for a…" her eyes rolled back in her head and she fainted into Sam's arms.

"Whoa," Sam scooped her up and laid her on his bed. Sam watched his brother and his friend sleep through the night. Dean's colour had come back, although he seemed to have passed it onto Andy. Sam tried his best to stay awake, keeping an eye on the two precious people on the beds but he just couldn’t keep his eyes open.

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  • 3 weeks later...

What is Andy? A witch? I don't know what else that could be 800 years old and have abilities.

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Andy is a world jumper. And for some reason unknown to her she doesn't age.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

Okay, read this since you said you wanted my feedback ;)....

You do a really good Sam, everything he says is something I could picture him saying :) I love, love his concern for his big brother...

Also, I love the way you spell sneezes and I love even more that you didn't always include a spelling :)

Finally, I love how you had a unique case for them (I've always wanted to write an SPN fic but blanked on a case, haha), and you went through with the case much in the same way that they do on the show.

Good job! And thanks for sharing!

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