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Sick at the PCAs (SPN RPF)


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Hello lovely Supernatural fans and/or readers! I have made the decision to join the meme over on tarotgal's livejournal... and it's probably the worst timing of my entire life, but it's too fun to quit.

Here's my first meme fic! And here's the prompt, from our own wonderful Sen Beret! Hope you like it!

Prompt: Jared was actually (in real life!) super sick at the People's Choice Awards (according to him, "shivering and shaking, uh, with a fever"). I'd love to read something describing him muddling through all of the red carpet interviews and having to present/accept the award(s) onstage all congested (seriously, listen to him, it's the cutest thing) and maybe Jensen or Genevieve (or both!) taking care of him.


The sound of her heels clicking across the floor was intrusive. Her concern was nearly palpable, and he could feel her eyes looking him up and down. He just couldn’t stop shivering. The thin, ratty excuse for a sweatshirt was doing nothing to stop his trembling.

“Jared, honey, we need to go pretty soon.”

Her hands were suddenly there, she was touching his neck and his face and thank god her hands were warm because he was cold enough as it was.

He turned to face her with shiny eyes. “I dknow, I’b just so cold. Hih-iihhhshhoo! Huhh’kktshhuh!

She sighed, and bit her lip. The bed sunk a little, and he could feel her body against his back.

“I’m gonna help you up, okay?”

He gave a little sound like a groan, but nodded, and pulled himself out of bed with her help. The room spun a little, but she held him steady, despite being about half his height.

And damn, because he was sure he’d never seen anyone in the world look better than his wife at that moment. The deep red dress hugged her shape perfectly, and her hair was pulled back in an intricate updo. What had she called it? A chignon?

He caught sight of his own face in the mirror and grimaced.

“I think your fever’s up, Jared. How long ago did you take the Tylenol?” She pushed back his hair a little to touch his burning hot forehead.

He shrugged, still shivering. “I thingk its tibe to tagke sobe bore.”

She made a face. “Interviews aren’t going to be much fun for you and your poor stuffy nose.”

HHT’tshhhuuhh! Huh-ETSCHH-uhh!

“Bless you!” Genevieve placed a few tissues in her husband’s hand, rubbing his back and taking his outfit out of the closet. “Time to get dressed.”

He stared at the tissues for a moment, dazed, then seemed to remember what they were for. He blew his nose, while Genevieve shook a few Tylenol pills from the container, placing them in his hand with his cup of water.


“Bless you.” She predicted, smirking a little as she watched his chest swell with a deep inhale.

Huhhh-hih-IITSHHEW! Ugh.”

Jared sniffled, took the pills, and then finally convinced himself to get dressed. Once he was finished, he was shivering violently. Genevieve placed a blanket over his shoulders and looked at the clock.

“Amy’s late…” She picked up the phone and had pressed three buttons when the doorbell rang. She looked relieved. Jared could hear her high heeled shoes clicking as she walked down the stairs.

“Hi Amy! Thank you so much for coming. Tommy’s sleeping. He’s kinda cranky today, he’s got his daddy’s cold, poor baby.”

“Aww, okay. We’ll have a really low-key night, then.”

Jared listened to the strains of her conversation with the nanny as he struggled with tying his shoes. The blanket trailed behind him as he walked into the bathroom, splashing water on his face. He rubbed it dry with a towel, gave the mirror an experimental smile. Ooh, he should probably brush his teeth. He blew his nose again, brushed his teeth, then tried the smile once more. It would do.

“Jared, come on, sweetheart, we don’t want to be late!”

He kissed Thomas’ forehead, which felt warm beneath his lips, but not worrisome.

Then he followed his beautiful wife out the door.


The medicine must have begun to kick in, because Jared was able to make conversation with Gen on the ride over.

“I’m worried about Thomas.” She said, twisting her hands a little.

“He’ll be okay.” Jared reassured, rubbing her back. “I checked od hib right before we left add he diddn’t have a fever or addythidgg.” He pulled a tissue from his pocket to blow his nose.

He felt his wife wince as he began to cough harshly.

“I’m worried about you, too. You still feel really warm.”

He shrugged, sniffled. “I’b okay. This cad be like a date dight. Whed was the last tibe we wedt out, just you add I?”

This got her smiling. “That’s true… Probably since before the baby…” she mused, slipping a hand into his larger, warm one.

He suddenly took a few hitching breaths, grabbing his hand back just in time to pull a tissue up to his nose. “HH-HHPTSCHH-uhhhhh! Heh-eehhhtsshhew! Huhhh’tshhshuhh!

“Oh, bless you, honey.” She reached for her purse, handing him another tissue.

“Thagks.” He sniffled.

The car was pulling up to the People’s Choice Awards, and Jared climbed out, before graciously turning back to help his wife out as well. They smiled, he tried desperately to avoid the flashing of the bright cameras, not wanting to set off a sneezing fit.

They got many pictures taken, and met up with Jensen and Danneel, who were dressed to the nines, Danneel’s glowing skin and baby bump set off perfectly by her tight gold dress. Jensen shot Jared a concerned look.

“How you holding up?” He wanted to know, once they all had a moment away from the flashing cameras.

“Ugh… I barely got here…” Jared replied stuffily, sniffing in an attempt to clear his nose.

Genevieve handed him tissues absentmindedly, deep in conversation with Jensen’s wife about her pregnancy.

“Man… And we’re supposed to be shooting next week.”

“Yeah.” Jared scrubbed his nose, twisting away hastily to cover a quick sneeze. “Hht-tshhoo!

“Gesundheit.” Jensen said, looking even more concerned for his co-star.

After a moment, a woman was interrupting, asking Jared and his wife for an interview. His head was aching.

“Uh, sure.” He answered, turning to face the camera and giving it his best grin.

He conversed with her freely for a few moments, commenting about staying warm, when he himself couldn’t stop shivering, and after a few moments, Genevieve took over so he could attempt to get his brain to start working again.

He made a few jokes, did his best not to sniffle, and tried to make his fuzzy mind say anything close to intelligence.

Aware of how congested his voice must sound, Jared did the best he could to answer her questions, hoping that any moment she would take the camera off him so he could sneeze.

After what seemed like ages, she finally thanked him and moved away, and he let out a series of harsh coughs into his shoulder. Gen rubbed his back sympathetically. He sneezed, pulling the tissues out of his pocket blearily. “Hhp’tshuuhh! Heh-eehhtsshhuuhh!

“Bless you.”


The rest of the night was a blur of bright lights and cheering. His only moment of clarity was going up on stage to thank the fans. Jensen did a lot of the talking, which was helpful, because Jared’s voice was not doing well by that time. Jensen read off the name ‘Maroon 5’, and Jared was free to relax for the rest of the night.

He seemed to remember trying to avoid sneezing and sniffling when he could tell he was being filmed, but it was too difficult to tell most of the time, so he just sat there in a fog.

By the end of the awards, Jared was having trouble staying awake. His mind was muddled, his voice was nearly gone, and he couldn’t go two minutes without coughing or sneezing.

Genevieve, although very concerned for his health, seemed to have really enjoyed the night, though, so Jared was grateful for that.

Jensen was saying something to him as they were leaving.

“Huh?” Jared looked up, eyes glassy.

“Jesus, he’s really sick.” Jensen said to Gen, his eyebrows creasing. “Do you…” he hesitated, then plowed on, “do you want me to come home with you guys tonight? I know he can be kind of a handful when he’s sick, and you’ve got Thomas, too. I could just be there as an extra set of hands?” The man looked rather self-conscious to be offering this, but the look on Genevieve’s face was so relieved that he was glad he’d said it.

“Oh, would you? I can get the guest room all set up for you, and it’s the furthest from Tommy’s so he won’t wake you up in the night! Thank you so much, Jensen!” Genevieve threw her arms around her husband’s co-star in a fit of relief.

He grinned sort of shyly, pulling back after a moment. “Danneel… would you mind?”

“Well… why don’t I come too? I can get some practice being a mommy.” She placed a hand over her round belly and smiled. “That’s okay with you two, right?”

Jared looked extremely confused. “Wait… who…?” He turned to his wife. “You’re sleeping at Jensen’s house?”

She laughed. “No, I’m sleeping next to you, in our bed, so you can get well again. Jensen and Danneel are coming too, to help us out, because you’re pretty sick.”

Jared nodded, but still looked a little blank. He twisted away to sneeze. “HHT-TShhchshuuhh! Heh-ehh-etshchuuhh! Uhh…” He stood there for a moment, frozen. His breath hitched audibly. “HuhhUh-huh-huh! Hup’TSCHHEW!

“Bless you!” Genevieve pulled a tissue from her purse and passed it to her husband, who looked somewhat dazed.



By the time the party had reached the house, Jared was sleeping soundly, and his fever was raging again. Genevieve had placed her hand on his shoulder to wake him up, but once she felt the heat radiating off of the sleeping man, she began to get worried. She helped Jared into the house, as he was having trouble not ending up in the bushes. With Jensen’s help, they even made it upstairs without incident.

Jared sneezed helplessly into his sleeve. “Hhh’ktshhoo! Huh’kksshhheww! Huh-EH-EHHTSHHEWW!

“Jesus Christ.” Jensen was finding his friend some tissues, while Genevieve busied herself with getting the man’s suit off.

“How’s his fever?” she asked as she untied his shoes.

“Not good.” Jensen answered, handing her a pair of Jared’s sweatpants and a warm-looking sweatshirt.

“Thank you so much for doing this. I seriously don’t know what I would have done with out you.”

In his defense, Jared wasn’t completely helpless. He managed to get himself dressed in pajamas with no extra help, and he even made a trek to the bathroom to brush his teeth while his wife got on her own pajamas. She had lent a pair to each of their guests, who were now working on getting the cranky Thomas to settle down and go to sleep.

“He won’t stop crying!” Danneel said as she bounced the baby on her hip.

Jensen pulled him from her side, trying a different hold on the squirming 9-month-old. When that didn’t help, he started to hum to him.

Thomas eventually stopped wailing, much to the couple’s relief.

Danneel went to get help as Jensen continued rocking, trying not to do anything that would start up the waterworks again.

Genevieve came to the rescue and sang a lullaby to the baby, trying not to wince at Jared’s harsh coughing echoing from the other room.

Baby Thomas was not entertained. His lower lip protruded and began to wobble dangerously.

At this sight, the couple made a hasty exit, muttering something about going to make tea for Jared, whose cough was getting worse by the minute.

“Shhh, don’t cry!” she soothed, picking him up into her arms and rocking him gently. Eventually, he dropped off, sleepy eyes drooping. She pressed her lips to his forehead, which seemed cool enough, and then gingerly set him down in his crib.

There were sounds of commotion coming from the kitchen.

In an attempt to make tea for his friend, Jensen had accidentally dropped the tea kettle on the floor, which caused Jared to come downstairs to see what the sound was.

“Jared, you should really be in bed,” Danneel was saying as Gen padded down the stairs.

“Tommy’s down for the count.” She said, putting her arm around Jared and looking up at him. “How are you feeling, honey?”

Jared gave a sound of discontent, coughing, and then murmuring, “Crappy.”

“Well, then let’s go to bed. Jensen and Danneel will bring you some tea and medicine, and then you can go to sleep, and tomorrow morning you’ll be feeling a lot better.”

“Yeah. Sorry guys, I just—Hh-kkschshoo! Ugh. I’m just not feeling well.”

Their guests laughed.

“Yeah, we know, Jared.” Jensen said, handing his friend the cold medicine and patting him on the back. “Time for bed.”

With the relieving notion that Jensen and Danneel were handling things, Genevieve was left with only one task, getting her husband into bed. This proved to be easy. In moments, he was sleeping. Genevieve ran her hands through his hair affectionately and tucked him in, snuggling into his warm body heat. After a few moments, they were both sound asleep.


When Jensen came up with the tea a while later, he decided against waking them, and instead put the cup of tea beside the bed, slipping out the door silently.

“Fast asleep.” He told his wife, smiling tiredly.

“Our turn,” she murmured, leading the way to the guest bedroom for some much-needed sleep.

“Goodnight, Jensen.”



THE END. What do you think? <3 Thank you for reading!!

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I can't believe I came home from a long night out to find this waiting for me! You are seriously THE BEST.

Wonderful? Me? Oh my god. Blushing like crazy! Expect an epic response over at the meme after I read this, like, five thousand more times. I cannot handle how much I adore you right now.

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Ahhhhh I love this preach it love it adore it and demand more

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That was amazingly satisfying. You have no idea! I love how you had Jared hold back sneezing in front of the cameras. It felt very in character for him.

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Aaaahhhh you guyyyyyyys!!! biggrin.pngbiggrin.png

@Sen Beret: You ARE wonderful. You're SO wonderful. Thank youuuuu.

@gummiflummi: heehee, thank youuu!

@DeathNoteOwner: thankyouthankyouthankyou! I don't have more for this one... but I've got my eye on a lot of prompts over at the meme, so you can probably expect more from me soon.

@Alexys52: I can't believe it, thank youu! In-character? YES! That's my biggest goal!!

@iluvsneezes: He was so sick!! It was so sad and adorable and ILOVEHIM. Plus you. Because thanks!! Also NICE SIGNATURE. I haven't said that yet, and it really needed to be said.

Edited by Zwee
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Awe nuh more? Please wrote something else than. About a black veil brides or death note please? You're an amazing writer

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