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April Showers (F/F Glee Faberry! Just a fluffy little cold fic)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys, hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful spring sunshine! Here's a faberry update, enjoy :)

April Showers

Part 5


Quinn fell asleep halfway through the epic all-day marathon of RuPaul's Drag Race, but Rachel stayed awake, enjoying the extra attention from Kurt and Santana as they brought her endless cups of her favorite tea, painted her toenails, and even called a truce on their usual intense fashion arguments brought on by reality television. By the time their two friends went home for dinner later that evening, Rachel knew she was on the mend; she didn't feel feverish anymore, and the spacey, stuffed-up feeling in her sinuses had gone down dramatically. Her throat still felt a little scratchy, but the ridiculous amount of tea she'd been drinking for the past three days had definitely helped, and she felt pretty confident that one more good night's sleep and a hot shower would have her ready for class tomorrow.

Quinn, on the other hand, didn't look like she'd be getting out of bed anytime soon. Her fever was obviously climbing while she slept, leaving her pale face flushed and shining with sweat; and she whimpered and coughed in her sleep, producing the deep, rattling sounds that Rachel had learned to associate with a doctor's visit for her poor little blondie, ever since the accident that had left her lungs crisscrossed with scar tissue.

“Poor baby...I'm sorry I got you sick,” The little starlet sighed despondently, stroking a sweat-dampened lock of blonde hair back from her sleeping angel's face, and pressing a cool washcloth to her hot forehead. The cool touch roused the blonde girl from her fever dreams, and she opened her eyes woozily, blinking up at her girlfriend with a dazed expression on her pale face.

“Uhh, I'mb late for class,” she croaked, immediately closing her eyes as another raspy cough gripped her body. “Gotta get up, there's a test today...”

“Easy there, tough stuff. You stay right where you are,” Rachel commanded, pushing Quinn forcefully back against the pillows as the blonde girl struggled to sit up. “You're not late for anything, angelfish, it's Sunday. And you're too sick to go anywhere, anyhow—except maybe to the doctor's office. Shh, I got you Quinnie-pie...just relax now. Here, can you drink a little of this for me?” The dark-haired girl picked up a bottle of vitamin water from the bedside table, and offered it to her fever-flushed girlfriend, glad to see her drinking eagerly. “Good girl,” Rachel murmured, kissing her angel's warm cheek.

“Ughh, dambit...” Quinn rubbed her eyes, sniffling softly as she blinked blearily around the room. “I...*snfl*...I remember ndow. Where did...*snghf*...Kurt ahd Sandti go?” She wiped her nose on the back of her knuckles, and Rachel handed her a tissue.

“They went home for dinner, baby. It's almost eight o'clock, you were asleep all afternoon. Are you hungry at all, hmm sweetness? Maybe we'll order some udon soup, would you like that?” Rachel played absently with her girlfriend's silky blonde hair as she spoke, cuddling up as close as she could get without climbing into the sniffling girl's lap.

“Uhh, sure,” Quinn sighed, scrunching up her eyes as she pinched her runny nose in the wadded tissue. “Whatever you...*snfl*...whatever you wadt...ahht'chshh!!” Her shoulders trembled as she doubled over and sneezed into the soggy tissue, followed immediately by another raspy coughing jag.

“Shh, you're okay angel, I got you,” Rachel hummed, rubbing her girlfriend's shaking back and offering her another sip of water once she got her breath back. “Poor baby girl, maybe it's time for another checkup with your pulmonary specialist. I don't like the sound of that cough.”

“Ughh, doe,” Quinn groaned, rolling her eyes as she slumped back against the pillows. “I just wedt last mbodth. This is...*snghf!*...gettig rihh...ridiculous...” Her pink nostrils quivered irritably, and she pinched them firmly in the crumpled tissue, her head tilting back involuntarily as her wheezy lungs filled sharply with air. “Ahh...ahhhchOOoo!!!” Her whole upper body snapped forward in the bed as she sneezed again, shuddering with the force of another round of wheezy coughing behind her cupped hands. Rachel just hummed softly and rubbed her girlfriend's shaking back, feeling her heart break into a thousand pieces the way it always did when Quinn was in pain.

“Oh, honey. God bless you. Here, I'm getting your inhaler. If you won't go to the doctor yet, at least let's do what we can to nip this cough in the bud before it puts you back in the hospital, okay?”

“'Kay,” Quinn croaked miserably, taking a fresh tissue and blowing very softly into it, so as not to aggravate her lungs any further. “Stupid scar tissue. You caught a cold ahd you got better after three days...ahd then I catch it, ahd we're already talking about the...*snnghf*...the hospital.” The blonde girl pouted as she wiped her leaky nose on the fresh tissue, taking the little blue inhaler from her girlfriend's outstretched hand and taking two deep puffs, one after the other.

“I know, Quinnie...I wish you didn't have to go through this, either,” Rachel sighed, offering her cranky girlfriend another sip of vitamin water to wash the medciney taste of Albuterol out of her mouth. “But you know, I felt better cuz you were taking such good care of me...how about you just relax now, and let me take care of you for a little while, hmm baby? I may not have magic powers, but I do have a few tricks up my sleeve.” Rachel winked, and Quinn chuckled weakly, wiping her nose on a fresh tissue.

“Ohh...okay,” the blonde girl nodded, her eyes welling up with a faraway expression as a dribble of snot slipped from her leaky pink nose, making her nostrils quiver in ticklish irritation. She pressed the tissue back to the glistening rims of her nostrils as they pulsed open involuntarily, her puffy eyes clamping shut as another wheezy breath filled her scarred lungs. “Iiih-iitchew!! Ehhkx'cheww!!! *Snfl*...”

“Bless you, sweetness,” Rachel cooed, noting with some relief that Quinn didn't cough this time; which meant the inhaler was doing its job of counteracting the irritation in her chest every time she sneezed. That was a start, at least.

“Thadks,” the blonde girl sighed softly, holding the tissue wadded up firmly against the snotty underside of her pink nose, her eyes still half-lidded as her lower lip quivered. “Ehh...hhih...hhiISHsheww!!” Quinn sneezed again, wheezy and shivering; but all that followed was more congested sniffling. That was definitely a step in the right direction.

Bless you, my poor little angelfish,” Rachel cooed, stroking a mussed lock of blonde hair back from her girlfriend's fever-flushed face. “Here, you hold onto these,” she sighed, pushing the whole box of tissues from the bedside table into her girlfriend's lap. “I'm gonna make you some rosehip tea, okay? I know it's not your favorite, but it will help your poor little nose stop sneezing.” The dark-haired girl leaned in and kissed her sniffling girlfriend's hot forehead, and gave her a little tap on the end of her runny nose.

“Uhh...*snfl*...uh-huh,” Quinn nodded distractedly, rubbing the underside of her pink nose in little circles as her breath hitched desperately in her chest. “Hheh, ehh...” Her eyes fell shut again as her head dropped back helplessly against the pillows, pointing her glistening pink nostrils straight ahead into the air as they quavered and ran, snot issuing slowly down her lip. “Ahh-ahtchOOoo!!!” She pitched forward with another pink-nosed sneeze into the damp tissue clamped in her hands, followed by a single, wheezy cough before she straightened up sniffling and wiping her nose.

“God bless you, my little sniffleboo. Be right back with your tea.” Rachel kissed Quinn one more time on the cheek, and left her blowing her runny nose into a fresh tissue. It may be slow going, but Rachel was determined to get her baby girl feeling better by any means necessary. Starting with weird-tasting tea.

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Oh this this this is so cute my brain is fried I'm like melting -melts into a puddle of goo-

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Oh this this this is so cute my brain is fried I'm like melting -melts into a puddle of goo-

Me too! Please continue it!

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awww, thanks for your devotion guys. I will post another part soon! rockon.gif

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