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Sick For Shore Leave (Star Trek TOS)


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Yeah the title sucks and this story is probably going to suck too, because this is shameless, shameless, indulgence on my part. My muses have decided all they want to do is write stories about McCoy and since I think the poor man never gets nearly comfort or TLC in canon I’m piling on the hurt/comfort on him in this story. This first part though doesn’t have him as the sneezer so I hope that’s okay.

Also this story takes place directly after the episode ‘The Immunity Syndrome.’

Sick For Shore Leave

“Captain’s log stardate 4307.9. We have been diverted from starbase 6 once again to attend to a trading agreement renewal on Sigma Seven. However, since they are part of a major trade route their leave facilities are excellent. Because of the stress of our most recent mission with the space organism we’ve have been given extended shore leave there, and I know the crew will make the most of it.”

Jim Kirk finished his log abruptly as McCoy pressed a hypospray into his shoulder.

“You should warn a man before you do that,” he groused.

McCoy smirked and put the hypospray away. “You’re the one who didn’t come down to sickbay on time, Captain.”


Jim and McCoy turned to the engineering station, where Scotty had his faced buried in his shoulder.

“Bless you, Scotty,” Jim said.

“Thank you, sir.”

“Scotty, that’s the fifth time already today. Maybe you should have Doctor McCoy examine you.”

“Oh no, Captain, I don’t want to impose-”

“Consider it an order then. I don’t want anyone sick for shore leave.”

Scotty looked like he wanted to object further, but thought better of it. “Yes, sir.”

Scotty got up from his chair went over to McCoy, and both of them stepped into the turbolift.

“You really don’t have to go to any trouble, Doctor,” Scotty said as the lift started up.

“It’s no trouble, Scotty, it’s my job.”

“Aye, I know, but you see Sulu got some new yellow monstrosity for the botany lab. I was there this morning fixing one of the UV lights the blasted thing needs and I’m pretty sure I’m-ehh-I’m a-aller-esshhu! Ihh-ishu! Allergic to it.”

“Bless you. Well let’s still go to sickbay and make sure that is all it is, and I’ll check that all those stimulant shots are making their way out of system properly. Like the captain said we don’t want anyone sick on leave. Especially you, Scotty, word at the last poker game was that you had plans with a young lieutenant that involved candlelit dinners, wine, roses-”

“Oh, now let’s not get carried away! The lassie has to say yes to me first.”

“Of course,” McCoy said as they got off the lift and arrived at sickbay. He gestured to the door. “Patients first.”


Scotty fidgeted on the bio-bed as waited for his test results to come back. He hated having to be taken away from work like this, especially over something as silly as an allergy. Alpha shift was almost over and he didn’t want to work overtime if he could help it.

He straightened up though when McCoy came out from the lab with a smile on his face.

“Well, Scotty, everything checks out pretty well. The stimulants are moving out of your system at a good rate. I would suggest you try to increase the amount of water you drink for the next few days if you can though, and get as much rest as you can. Also you do have an allergy to the plant so I would further suggest getting another member of engineering to deal with anything in botany from now on, and changing into a uniform that isn’t covered in pollen.”

“Aye, I’ll do-do-hehetchh! Do that.”

“Bless you.”

As Scotty got off the bio-bed and grabbed a tissue from a nearby dispenser to blow his nose. McCoy opened up the small medical bag on his hip and pulled out a small white pill, slipping it between his lips.

“Are you all right, Len?”

“Oh, I’m fine, Scotty, it’s just a slight headache.”

Scotty was about to inquire further when two crew-members, from his department, appeared at the door. One of them was holding their arm tightly to their chest, blood starting to seep through the makeshift bandage.

“La Forge! Laddie, what did you do now!?”

“We were working on a plasma coil and he cut his arm on the wall panel,” Lieutenant Munro explained.

“That’s the third time this month! I swear if you don’t learn to be more careful I’m going to ban you and your descendants from ever being near a starship engine again!”

McCoy sighed.

“Scotty, you’re released. La Forge come with me and let’s get you fixed up.”

McCoy helped Munro get La Forge onto the bio-bed Scotty had just vacated. Rolling his eyes as he wondered how the crew always managed to get themselves in such a mess. A doctor’s work was never done.

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I do so love your ST stories, F&W. Regardless of what universe they're in. And hey, I'm not complaining that you pick on McCoy. He's my favorite character, so please! Go riiiight ahead, haha. Anywho, I'm liking this one so far. Can't wait to read more! :)

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry for the long wait for an update guys!


The trade agreement had taken less than two hours to be negotiated and signed off. Afterwards the natives of Sigma Seven had insisted on entertaining the crew of the Enterprise. They had set aside a large hall for their guests to use and they were greatly accommodating hosts. Having been part of the Federation trading routes for generations they always did their best to have anything any species could want on hand. The size of the buffet certainly spoke to that. All fours walls of the banquet hall had tables set up along them. Every inch of the tops of the tables were stuffed with every kind of food imaginable.

McCoy had discovered that some of the dishes were spicy though. He found that out when he had tried an appetizer that sent out on the balcony to deal with an embarrassing coughing fit that left his eyes and nose streaming. Thank goodness McCoy always kept a handkerchief on his person. Jim might think him old fashioned for carrying one around, but it certainly came in handy; especially now.

McCoy sniffled and wiped at his nose as discreetly as possible. He didn’t want to draw attention to himself in this state, especially when he told Scotty not to worry about him on the ship. McCoy rolled his eyes and tried his best to stifle a yawn. It just figured really. Shore leave was finally here with the promise of lazy days of sleeping in, fishing in cool streams, and being able to relax with the crew. Instead McCoy had woken up that morning with a tickle in the back of his throat and the feeling that someone had filled his head with cement. He could have gotten some things from sickbay to help him, but after spending so much time there in the past few days he wanted to be anywhere else.

Not wanting anyone to be caught in his increasingly foul mood, or catch his cold, he was keeping court over the punch bowl in the back corner of the hall. The concoction in the bowl and the fruit surrounding it felt good on his sore throat.

From his spot he watched couples dance together on the floor. He smiled a little when he saw that Uhura had said yes to Scotty’s invitation; although Scotty could stand to work on his waltzing skills. Still they made a cute couple and as he watched them McCoy realized with a start that he wanted that too. He had gone on a few dates since joining the Enterprise, but lately it seemed he had wanted more. Now that time had put distance between him and his divorce he had started to miss the life he knew when he was married. The feeling of security, of belonging. The feeling of cherishing someone and having them think he was that important too. McCoy snorted softly and shook his head. He must be running a fever. He was too old to be having fantasies like that. His day was over and it was time for everyone else to enjoy themselves. So, McCoy grabbed another drink and fell back on his old habits from his cotillion days. Hide by the punch bowl, and try to look like a terrible dancer until it was time to leave.


When the entertaining was over at long last McCoy accompanied Jim and Spock back to the cabin they had rented for their stay on the planet. They made their way inside and all three men took a moment to admire the rustic design of the place.

“Well it’s been a long day I’ll see you two in the morning.”

With that McCoy quickly went upstairs to his room and shut the door. He sighed as he unpacked his suitcase. The room was beautifully laid out with a dresser and a large bed and a great mountain view; and McCoy knew he didn’t deserve any of it. He was only here because Spock had asked him to come when McCoy revealed that he didn’t actually have anywhere to stay while on leave. He had totally forgotten about it and by the time he had checked all the hotels were full.

McCoy had nearly finished unpacking when his nose began to tickle. He swore to himself and knuckled a hand under it to and stop the itch. He knew Spock would want to meditate after today and with his sensitive Vulcan ears, McCoy didn’t want to disturb him.


He pressed his hand harder under his nose, trying to hold the sneeze off as his other hand reached for his handkerchief.


He got his nose buried in the soft folds off fabric as his breath hitched harder.

Huhh…huh’isshtt! Hhgggtt! Hhempshu!

McCoy listened as the fit ended, but no response came to his sneezes. Good Jim and Spock shouldn’t be paying any attention to him anyway. This shore leave was for them as a couple. Oh they hadn’t told McCoy that they were together, but it was obvious they were and everyone knew it. He shouldn’t even be here. Anyone with half a brain could figure out that a picturesque cabin in the woods didn’t translate to having to take pity on your best friend who had so much on his plate from the last mission that he forgot to book a hotel room.

That fact was only confirmed as McCoy pulled his nightshirt on and heard the sound of soft footfalls in the hallway, traveling towards the far bedroom, not even stopping by his door.

The evidence was clear to McCoy. They didn’t need him here. They didn’t want him here.

He scowled and shivered as he got into to bed. Tossing and turning as his fever rose and his nose blocked up even further.

Meanwhile the soft footfalls in the hallway arrived at Spock’s bedroom door and opened it.

“Spock, may I come in?”

Spock turned from where he was sitting on the floor and nodded.

“Sorry, if I disturbed you.”

“Not at all, Jim.”

Spock got up from the floor and went over to the bed as Jim sat down on it.

“I’d like to talk to you.”

“Jim, if you are upset because I asked Doctor McCoy to join us without asking you first, please know that I only wished to help him.”

“I know, I know and it’s for the best anyway. It makes it easier for us. I’m just nervous I guess.”

“Why? If you have changed your mind, Jim-”

“No, no! It’s just…well Bones and I have been friends for so long and I guess it’s still weird for me to think about him as something other than that. Even though I do, and if we ask him to be with us and he says no-”

“Then we have the rest of shore leave to become comfortable with each other again, Jim. I must admit I’m surprised that you are hesitant about this. You are usually more optimistic about these things.”

“Well it’s not every day we decide to try and turn our relationship into a threesome. Especially since we’ve gotten together so recently ourselves.”

“And we have both agreed that our relationship is…not complete without McCoy.”

“I know, and we’re going to do this, Spock. You’re right I should be looking on the bright side. If he agrees we have the rest of leave to be together, just the three of us. We just have to figure out the right time and place to tell him.”

Spock nodded and stretched out on the bed, leaving enough space for Jim to join him.

“Sleep, Jim, we can discuss it further in the morning.”

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  • 2 weeks later...

McCoy’s eyes fluttered opened and he was greeted by overcast skies and raindrops running down his window. Well at least the weather agreed with his foul mood McCoy thought as he sat up, groaning as he did so. God he felt awful. His head pounded and his nose was totally blocked up.


And itchy.

McCoy swore as he remembered he’d left his handkerchief on the dresser.


He quickly reached for the small box of tissues on the bedside table. Pulling out a handful he brought them up to his quivering nose.


Of course now that he had something to sneeze into the tickle decided to tease him. Backing down enough to make his eyes water and leave him just on the verge of a sneeze.

“Oh, come huh-huh…come on snf! I just want to-to sneehh-sneeze…ehh…hahh-ASSHHuu! Ahh…ahhh-ARSHHhh!

As he blew his nose and then threw the tissues away he realized that the tissue box was now empty. McCoy rolled his eyes and punched at his pillow, well that was just dandy. His handkerchief alone was not going to make through this cold he could tell that right now. McCoy sighed. It would do for getting him to the store though. It would be a long walk, but he didn’t have any other options. So McCoy reluctantly got up, dressed in as many layers as he could find, and headed out into the rain.


Jim glanced at the clock again as he finished putting away the food stores that had been delivered to the cabin. How much could one man sleep? He thought as he turned the teapot on and put Spock’s favorite flavour on the counter next to it.

“Do you think Bones is ever getting up?” he asked Spock as he came into the living room, where Spock was stacking up wood by the fireplace.

“It is well that he sleeps, Jim. He has put in a significant amount of overtime since we destroyed the organism.”

“How much is significant?”

“At last check he had logged 16.5 hours onto of his normal 8 hour shift over the last two solar days.”

Jim frowned. McCoy shouldn’t be working himself have to death like that. “I guess that puts grand love reveal dinner plans off the table. He must be exhausted.”

“I believe it is best if we discuss this with him in private, Jim. Taking such actions in public could pressure him to agree to be with us merely because of outside influence.”

“Of course you’re right.”

Jim came up behind Spock then and wrapped his arms around him. He pulled Spock gently down on the couch

“But you know I did tell you my feelings over dinner.”

“I don’t believe trying to blame burning plomeek soup on being distracted about trying to impress me counts, Jim.”

Jim slid one hand over Spock’s and then he kissed him lightly on the cheek.

“It worked didn’t it?”

“So it did.”

Just then the front door opened and Jim and Spock, still embracing, looked over to see McCoy staring at them.

McCoy just shook his head. “Don’t stop anything on my account.”

With that he went up to his room and shut the door.

Jim remained still until his brain kicked into gear again.

“Spock, what just happened?”

“I believe as they say in human parlance, that we have just blown it.”


Both men quickly scrambled off the couch and raced upstairs, knocking on McCoy’s bedroom door. It opened to reveal McCoy with his pyjama shirt half open and towel around his neck.

“Bones, about what you saw we weren’t-”

“Oh, Jim, you don’t have to bother explaining or apologizing I’m not some prude I…I…heh-heh’esschu! Isshchuh!” McCoy managed to turn his head and muffle the sneezes against his sleeve. “Excuse me.”

“Bless you!” Jim and Spock exclaimed.

McCoy nodded in thanks and swayed slightly. Jim put one hand on his arm to steady him.

“Bones, are you all right?”

“Yeah, must have just got up too fast.”

Jim put his hand on McCoy’s other shoulder and sat him down on the bed. Spock was about to join them when a shrill noise came from the kitchen, letting him know the tea was ready.

“I’ll get it and return with enough for all of us,” Spock said.

McCoy opened his mouth to protest, but was cut off by a coughing fit.

Spock left and Jim remained beside McCoy, rubbing his back soothingly.

“Sorry, Jim,” McCoy said when the fit ended, and sniffled thickly. Then he sighed in defeat, knowing there was no point in pretending. “I just have an awful cold.”

“I can see that. How long have you been like this?”

“Since yesterday, but it wasn’t so bad until this morn-hehh!-morning huh’assuhh! Isshu! Ahh…hh’ASCHu!”

“Bless you,” Jim said, and frowned as McCoy shivered. “Why on Earth did you go out like this?”

“I needed snf! more tissues,” he answered, and as emphasis pulled out two fresh ones from the box he had bought and blew loudly into them.

“Bones, you should have said something. Spock or I would have gone for you.”

“Oh, I couldn’t ask you two to do that!”

Before Jim had a chance to question McCoy further Spock returned with the tea.

“I took the liberty of adding honey to yours, Doctor.”

“Thank you, Spock, you didn’t have to go to any trouble for me.”

“I noted no drop in efficiency in adding one extra ingredient to one cup.”

“Of course you didn’t,” McCoy said, holding the cup tightly in his hands, letting them warm up.

The honey was soothing and the tea helped warm him from the lingering chill of the rain. The tea probably even had nice a flavour if he could still taste anything that is.

He put the empty cup by the large box of tissues and tried to stifle a yawn.

“You are fatigued, Doctor.”

“Yeah, tell me something I don’t know.”

“Well you apparently don’t know how to rest, Bones, since you were off playing in the rain instead of doing that.”

McCoy tried to glare at Jim, but was interrupted by a wet sniffle.

“Fine, then I’m taking a nap and you two can get back to whatever it was you were doing.”

McCoy flopped down on his bed and was asleep within minutes. Rather than leaving Jim and Spock made sure the covers were tucked in around McCoy and then lay down on either side of him. At that moment they were never more certain that they loved McCoy and wanted nothing more than to take care of him.

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This fantastic, I'm loving it more and more with each installment. I'm not usually into the Kirk/Spock pairing, but you've written it so well, and with the addition of Bones I'm really enjoying this and looking forward to more :D

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Oh yes. YES. Yes to all of this! It's wonderful and I'm totally appreciative to you for writing an OT3 that I didn't even know I had until this very moment!

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  • 3 weeks later...

McCoy could still hear the rain outside as he awoke, but he didn’t open his eyes. The bed was warm and comfortable and McCoy was ready to fall right back asleep.


If only that hadn’t happened.

“Good afternoon to you too, Bones.”

McCoy opened his eyes to find himself buried against Jim’s chest.

“Oh god, Jim, I am so sorry!” he exclaimed, backing away and stopping when his back came up against Spock.


“Because I just sneezed all over you!”

“So? I can always get another shirt. I remembered to pack more than one set of clothes you know.”


“Bless you.”

McCoy nodded in thanks and sat up to reach the tissues and blow his nose; wincing and rubbing his neck when he was finished.

“What’s wrong, Bones?”

“Nothing, my muscles are just a bit sore.”

“Doctor, if you are experiencing body aches that can be a symptom of a more serious illness.”

“Relax, Spock, I don’t have the flu. It’s just all those stimulants; I said they catch up with you.”

Jim rolled his eyes. “Bones, you’ve been on the whole crew to make appointments with you and eat and drink properly to make sure those stimulants didn’t have any lingering effects; and you didn’t do any of that yourself?”

McCoy glared at him. “I’m a doctor I worry about other people’s health,” he declared, and broke into a short coughing fit.

“Leonard, I…may I call you Leonard?”

McCoy turned and looked at Spock quizzically. “Sure, Spock, I guess.”

“Leonard, if you are amendable to it I could offer assistance.”

“I wouldn’t turn him down, Bones, he has great hands,” Jim said warmly.

“A-all right.”

Spock slowly began massaging McCoy’s back and neck and he relaxed as Spock worked the knots out, but he couldn’t help but feel a little guilty.

“Sorry you two I know you guys didn’t plan to spend your first shore leave together babysitting me,” he said.

Jim blushed. “Well actually we sort of-wait what do you mean our first leave together?”

“Oh, Jim, don’t play dumb with me. You and Spock aren’t exactly subtle. I know you’ve been a couple for at least a month now.”

This time Spock’s face flushed.

“It appears we were not as discreet as we believed, Jim.”

“I guess not.”

McCoy shrugged. “Like I said I don’t mind. I just would have liked to have been told before and-ehh-oh damn...hihh! t-tissues.”

Jim quickly grabbed some, pressing them to McCoy’s nose just in time.

Hih’ESHuh! IhhhSCHuu! hehissuhh!

“Bless you, Bones.”

“Thanks,’ he said and sniffled as Jim removed the tissues. “Sorry, I can’t help all this sneezing.”

“Bones, you don’t need to keep apologizing for everything.”

“Sure I do I know I keep getting in the way of two being together right now.”

“Leonard, if I thought you would ‘get in the way’ I wouldn’t have asked you to join us here.”

“That was done out of pity, Spock, and I know it. You’re a Vulcan, but you aren’t cruel enough to leave a man with no home on shore leave.”

“Well it is true that I wish to give aid to you, you being here offered us the opportunity to discuss something quite important.”

“And that is?”

Spock said nothing unsure of his next words and Jim took over.

“What Spock is trying to say, Bones, what we are trying to say is that we are together and we would like to join us in being together…with us.”

McCoy titled his head.

“You want to run that by me again in Standard?”

“Leonard, we want you to join us within our relationship.”

McCoy looked at Spock slack-jawed.

“You’re joking.”

“We are completely serious, Leonard.”

Mccoy turned back to Jim.

“You really want me, Jim?”

“Yeah, Bones, I really, really do.”

McCoy sat there is stunned silence. He might fantasize about the idea of a loving relationship, but no one was supposed to actually take him up on the offer.

“I-I don’t know what to say.”

“You don’t have to say anything right away, Bones. We just wanted to tell you. You can take some time to think about and if you want to say no we'll never bring it up again.”

“Okay, so what so we do now?” McCoy asked.

“Well you should still be resting, but we could do that on the couch downstairs I picked up movies we can watch.”

McCoy thought that sounded like the typical movie and dinner date, but refrained from saying anything out loud.

“Sounds like a plan.”

The group went downstairs and Spock assisted McCoy by draping a thick blanket around his shoulders and putting the box of tissues next to him.

“Okay, it’s your pick, Bones,” Jim said as he picked the small stack of movies he had put on the table by the couch. “I’ve got Gunfight at O.K. Corral, Tension at Table Rock, Gunfight at Comanche Creek, Bonanza-”

“I’m sensing a theme here.”

“Wait I also have Where Love Has Gone, a story about a daughter on trial for stabbing her mother’s lover.”

“Sounds charming,” was McCoy’s sarcastic response. “All right put it on.”

Jim did, but as the opening credits started Spock noticed that McCoy was fidgeting, rubbing at his nose, and there was a slight hitch to his breathing.

“Leonard, you don’t need to attempt to suppress your illness out of a sense of courtesy. You should sneeze freely if you need to.”

“I’m doing it on purpose!” McCoy snapped and then immediately regretted it. “Sorry, S-Spock, it’s just that I caahh…can’t sneeze right now I’m snf! I’m too stuff-hihh…huh…huh! Ugh, I’m too stuffed up.”

Jim took charge of the situation as was his nature and moved in close to McCoy. Reaching one hand up he began tracing his finger lightly over McCoy’s nose.

“J-Jim, what are you…heh! doing?”

“External stimulation, is it helping?” he asked as he pressed his against the brdige of McCoy's nose.

“Yeah…huh, snf! My nose is really t-tickling now and I think I-I’m gonna sn-sn-hehh…hihhh…

McCoy nostrils flared and his head tilted back as Spock pressed several tissues into his hands.

Huhh…hh’ESHuu! Isshu! Ahh…ehh’ESSHU! Ihhh…ASSHhhh!

“Bless you, Leonard.”

McCoy answered him with a gurgling blow into the tissues.

“Jim, where did you learn to do that?” McCoy asked.

Jim shrugged.

“Practice,” he mumbled, and went back to watching the film.

McCoy shrugged too and settled in close to Spock to watch the movie.

Jim smiled. “Look at that, Spock, he likes you more.”

At that comment McCoy grabbed Jim’s arm and pulled him close to his other side.

“This doesn’t mean anything you two I’m just feeling cold that’s all.”

“Of course, Leonard,” Spock said, and moved the blanket around so it covered the three of them, then settled in to watch the film himself.

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its pure gold!! <3

So cute and adorable and i approve them all being together :))

Oh please tell me you will update again soon!!

my heart will break if this will just end </3

FEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELS :stretcher: :surprise::doublethumbsup::yay:

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  • 4 weeks later...

McCoy’s eyes fluttered open and slowly focused on the screen where the movie’s end credits were rolling. He sighed as he realized he’d fallen asleep again.

“How long was I out?”

“30.56 minutes,” Spock responded.

McCoy yawned and rubbed at his eyes. “I feel like I’m turning into Rip Van Winkle.”

“There is no shame in getting rest, Leonard, you clearly need it.”

“Yeah, I g-heh-guess…hah’ashhu! Esshuh!

“Bless you.”

“Thanks. You didn’t have to stay you know,” McCoy said as he got a tissue and looked at where Spock’s arm was wrapped around his shoulders.

“I wished to make sure you weren’t chilled, should I leave?”

“No, no it’s just that I really shouldn’t be around you so much.” He sniffled. “I don’t want to get you or Jim sick.”

“That has a low probability of occurrence considering Jim and I have gotten more rest than you in recent days, and my immune system is quite different from yours.”

“Yeah, viruses don’t like your green blood that much I forgot.”

McCoy sighed and leaned against Spock a bit more.

“Spock, are you sure you want this? Me I mean?”

“I do not understand.”

“Well I mean that you and Jim…well you know how you two are, how well you work together. Me I’m the grouchy curmudgeon who injects sarcasm into everything. What can I bring to that?”

“While you personality can indeed be gruff as you say. I also know you are incredibly caring and dedicated person. While Jim in the decisive one and I am the logical one as you say. You are the passion, heart if you will, of the equation.”


McCoy let that sink in, realizing that they had actually given a lot of thought to this. Maybe it would be okay to try the whole relationship thing again after all.

He sat up properly and stretched, noticing the space beside him was empty.

“Where’s Jim anyway?”

“He is making dinner.”

“And you’re letting him do it unsupervised?”

“So long as he is focused he is an excellent cook, Leonard.”

“Oh, this I have to see.”

McCoy got up and made for the kitchen. Spock followed him, grabbing the box of tissues as he went. He was certain McCoy would need them, and could only despair at how his human companions constantly seemed to go unprepared into every situation.

They found Jim in the kitchen cutting vegetables and keeping watch over a large pot on the stove.

“Nice of you two to join me,” he said.

“I offered to help, Jim, you declined.”

“Yeah so you could spend your time curled up with another guy.”

McCoy smirked and played along. “Never pegged you for a jealous guy, Jim.”

“Well it’s not every day I see you cuddled up with a Vulcan, Bones.”

“I could return the favor, Jim, you know, you have other movies and we have a lot of shore leave left.”

Jim stiffened and turned away from his work, staring at McCoy with a hopeful look.

“Bones, are saying you-”

“I can’t promise anything, Jim, but I willing to give it a try-”

He didn’t get to say anything else as Jim reached over and hugged him tightly.

“Thanks, Bones.”

McCoy blushed. “Yeah, well you don’t have to go all mushy on me. So what are we having?” he asked, trying awkwardly to change the subject.

“Stew, all vegetable of course.”

Letting go of McCoy Jim put the last of the vegetables in and stirred the pot. Then grabbed a smaller spoon and tasted it.

“It needs more pepper,” he declared and reached for the needed spice. As he did though he shook the bottle just a bit too hard, causing a small cloud of pepper to mess the pot and drift towards McCoy.


The effect was immediate as the pepper irritated his already sensitive nose. His breath hitched and his eyes began to water as the itchy feeling spread through his sinuses. McCoy tried pressing a finger under his nose to keep the sensation back to no avail.

Heh…hehh-hihhishhu! Heh’eshh! Isshu! Uhh-urshh! Ehhh…ahh…hh’ashuu!

“Sorry, Bones.”

“It’s all right, snf! wasn’t on purpose, but now I really need a tissue.”

He started to go back to the living room when Spock held up the needed box.

“Oh, thanks, Spock.”

“You are welcome, although your ability to ignore basic needs during illness is quite remarkable, Leonard.”

McCoy rolled his eyes and wiped his nose. “Five minutes into a relationship and we’re already back to the insults.”

Jim sighed as he spooned the stew into bowls, wondering what he had just agreed to. “All right if you two are done sniping at each other, let’s eat.”

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UGH BEST THREESOME EVER <3 and i love how you really retain their character :D <3 its like im watching it happen in my head~ <3 cant wait :D

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  • 5 months later...

Jim opened his eyes and frowned for a moment at the unfamiliar room before remembering that they had all spent the night in McCoy’s room, despite his protests that he didn’t need a couple of babysitters. As he sat up Jim could see that the rain had finally stopped and the sun was out. He smiled; maybe today they could do a little more than watch movies and teach Spock how to play poker.

It seemed the others had the same idea as Jim was already alone in the bed. Getting up and leaving the room he caught the scent of incense coming from the bedroom at the far end of the hall. Knowing Spock never liked to be interrupted when he was meditating Jim went into the bathroom only to stop short when he saw McCoy lounging in the sunken Jacuzzi tub.

“Sorry, Bones, guess I should have knocked first.”

“It’s all right I just thought the hot water might help a bit.”

“Is it? How are you feeling?”

McCoy shrugged. “All right, not better not worse.” He looked at Jim. “You know you can join me if you want to.”

Jim was silent for a moment before nodding. He stripped down and slid into the water. Then he moved close to McCoy, pressing his palm against his forehead. Jim was relieved to find that he didn’t have a fever.

“You don’t trust your doctor’s judgement, Jim?”

“Well I don’t know if I should when he let me drag him off to some diplomatic function instead of telling me he was sick.”

“Jim, you know I don’t like all that spit and polish anyway.”

“So being sick during it just makes it worse.”

“It’s just a cold,” he said and then shivered.

Jim smiled knowingly and wrapped one arm around him, but McCoy stiffened.

“Is it too soon, Bones?”

“No, Jim, it’s just that I’m still so sn-sne-hah’atchu! Hih-hh’ashchu!

“Bless you.” Jim pulled him in close, feeling McCoy’s nose twitch against his neck.

“Jim d-don’t I’m not heh’eeshh! Asshhu! Ihh’ISShuu’! hahh…ARSHhu! Ugh…snf! I wasn’t done.”

Jim moved back slightly looking McCoy in the eye.

“I don’t mind, Bones.”

“Well you should I’m disgustin’ right now.”

“No, no I mean I really don’t mind.”

McCoy just stared at Jim thoroughly confused and Jim reluctantly continued.

“You look good when you do that…to me at least. But I swear last night with the pepper was a complete accident!”

McCoy just let Jim’s babbling sink in for a moment and then realized Jim liked that sort of thing, sneezing that is. It was shocking for a moment. He knew Jim enjoyed being intimate, and while he knew those women in every port rumours were just that, McCoy also knew that Jim was adventurous. He had figured that Jim’s relationships probably involved a trapeze over someone’s bed. It seemed strange for him to have something so tame for a fetish. For a moment McCoy was almost glad he was sick, because at least someone could enjoy this.

Jim pulled away from McCoy and McCoy, realizing that Jim thought he was upset, kissed him softly in reassurance.

“It’s okay, Jim, I don’t mind.”

“Thank you,” Jim whispered softly.

“So, how did Spock react when you told him this?”

Jim blushed and looked away.

“Actually I haven’t told him yet.”


“Yeah, I mean I don’t think I’ve ever even heard him sneeze. There just didn’t seem to be a good time to bring it up, but you’re already sick and sneezing and we’re here…together…so…you know I’m just going to stop talking while I’m behind.”

McCoy chuckled. “So you told me first because my nose is more sensitive than his is?”

Jim blushed harder.

“Kind of. Are you angry about this?”

“No, no in a way I’m oddly flattered. You trusted me, Jim, I appreciate that.”

“Well I appreciate you not freaking out on me over it.”

“It’s just a part of who you are that’s all.”

McCoy ducked his head, rubbing his nose against Jim’s shoulder and sniffling.

“Excuse me.”

“You all right?” Jim asked.

“Yeah, just tickles a bit.”

McCoy suddenly looked up and smiled widely at Jim.

“Don’t suppose you’d want to help me with it?”

“You mean it?”

“Jim, do I say things I don’t mean?”

“What about the time you compared Spock to a green popsicle?”

“That doesn’t count! Now are you going to help me or not?”

“All right, all right.”

Jim reached up his hand to McCoy’s nose, touching the tip gently with one finger.

The response was immediate as his nose crinkled and his breath hitched.


Jim kept going, tracing his finger around the flaring nostrils before rubbing his thumb along one side of McCoy’s nose.

“J-Jim, I can feel them com-coming…hehh…”

Jim moved his hand to cover McCoy’s nose completely.


Jim shivered as the sneezes erupted harsh and wet against his palm.

“Bless you and thanks.”

“You’re welcome.”

The water was starting to cool by then and they got out. Spock was still meditating and so they went downstairs, where McCoy insisted on making breakfast.

“I’m not an invalid, Jim, now stop hovering!”

Jim relented and went outside to chop more firewood to replace what they had used up last night.

As he knelt down to pick up the ax his nose suddenly twitched and he raised his arm pressing his wrist against it.

Hehh’eschu! Esschu!”

He sniffled afterwards and rubbed a finger under his nose.

The pollen count must be high today he thought.

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Oh my goodness it's back.

It's been a while, I had to re-read the previous parts to remind myself of what was happening, not that I minded. This is so hot and perfect and fdjhaldfjhdflkh McSpirk my lovely OT3. <3 WITH FETISH!JIM HOW MUCH MORE PERFECT COULD IT GET

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