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Magic Isn't All That Magical - Another Lord of the Rings Fic (3 Parts)


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Yes, I know, another sneeze story about Merry and Pippin...hopefully this one is better! THERE WILL BE THREE PARTS TO THIS JUST SAYIN'.

Plot: Merry and Pippin get into Gandalf's magic and things escalate pretty quickly.

Setting: Takes place in the area when the Fellowship saw the 'Crebain from Dundlin'. (Can't remember what it's called...)

Excuse the spelling used for Pippin; it's used to sound like his accent. Also, sorry for the lack of sneezing in this part. There will be more in the others.


(Part 1)

Not a sound was heard whilst Gandalf the Grey continued in his slumber. The air was crisp; not a cricket chirped a single melody in the night. Meriadoc Brandybuck, who was well known as Merry, slipped his hairy hobbit feet past many of the sleeping members of the Fellowship. He signaled for his cousin, Peregrin, or Pippin, Took, to follow his lead and to not make any noisy movement.

Samwise Gamgee slyly lifted his head up from one of the rocks that he used for a pillow to see what the whispering was about. He rolled his eyes as for he knew that Merry and Pippin were obviously off to one of their childish schemes again. 'What in the name of Middle Earth are they up to?' He shrieked in his head. As the two hobbits began to tip toe by Sam, he immediately shut his eyes and slammed his head back against the rock.

The two trouble makers made their ways over to where Gandalf had laid out all of his belongings. They looked turned heads to each other and both gave a light smirk.

"Shall ah grab th' staff?" Pippin whispered to Merry with a grin smothered on his face.

Merry looked him in the eyes and gave a sarcastic look. "Why take only the staff when we can grab everything?" He pointed out.

"Yer a genius!" Pippin pleaded and shoved his arms into the pile of wizard items. "Ye get tha' box an' ah'll take everything else."

Merry and Pippin quietly carried all of Gandalf's belongings while making sure they didn't bang together. They slowly stalked on the edge of their toes over to an area where they knew they wouldn't make any commotion; a place where no hobbit, elf, man, nor dwarf was resting. Pippin let go of all of the items that he was carrying and allowed them to crash onto the ground.

"Shh! Pip you could have woken someone up! Why don't you think about what you're doing next time?" Merry scolded his best friend as Pippin put on a guilty face.

"Soorry, Merry, well at least nothin' broke!"

Merry shook his head but eventually let out a quiet chuckle. "Well let's see what we got here!" The two hobbits looked merely surprised as they came across a pile of junk, except they found a few things that they could enjoy together. They knelt on the ground and one by one they picked out the many treasures to search through. In one brown sac was a pipe and a miniature barrel of Old Toby; there was only enough for one hobbit to get a whiff of. Pippin began to open up the large silver box that Merry shuffled over. Their eyebrows lifted in full synchronization and their mouths dropped completely.

"Look Merry, it's magic! 'Tis real magic powder!" Pippin raised his voice in glee. The box contained such beauty that nobody could resist staring at. It carried a sparkling powder that looked so unrealistically magical. "Do ya think tha' it works?"

Merry shrugged his shoulders to Pippin's question. "It may or it may not. It might only work by the use of a wizard...well we're just going to have to find out!"

"Oh no you don't!" A voice called from out behind the mischief makers. All of a sudden they both felt a hand grab the back of their shirts and they were yanked off of the ground in harmony. "What do you two think your doing?"

"We're just having fun, Sam, that's all!" Merry exclaimed to the furious hobbit.

"Stealing Gandalf's belongings is what you call 'fun'?" Sam crossed his arms and questioned the two.

"We're not 'technically' stealing if we're going ta put it back! No harm done, right?" Pippin smirked as Sam shook his head in disagreement.

"FINE! I'm not taking part of any of your schemes...but don't say I didn't warn you! You never know what could happen when you come across Gandalf's things." Sam advised them to keep cautious and backed away from the situation. He began to make his way back to where he was sleeping until he heard a big bang coming from Merry and Pippin. "I'll leave them alone."

"What did you do, Pip?!" Merry snapped when Pippin managed to knock over Gandalf's staff.

"I...I didn't mean ta! I just...oh!" He interrupted himself by spilling all of the powder onto himself and creating a cloud in the air.

Merry instantly backed away from the sparkling cloud that surrounded Pippin's face. "Pippin! Pippin, can you hear me? Are you okay?" He asked his cousin with quite concern.

Pippin had began a coughing fit as all of the magic powder filled his lungs. "Merry...I can't breath!" He couldn't stop wheezing until he felt something stir in his nose.

Even though Pippin is quite the foolish hobbit, he had never felt this sensation before. It had felt as if it was almost something was stinging the inside of his nostrils. His eyes began to water with this sharp feeling inside his nose. It was as if the powder flew into his nostril and stared tickling every nose hair he possibly owns. He rubbed his entire hand against his nose trying to stop the itch, but that seemed to irritate his poor, sensitive nostrils even more. They started to flare up and his nose twitched in a rapid motion. Pippin began to hitch his breath. "Heh...heh..."

Merry knew exactly what was happening to innocent Pippin just by his facial expressions. He already had the knowledge of his best friend never sneezing before, so he couldn't recall what type of sneeze he was going to withdraw. He didn't want any members of the Fellowship to wake up from even more loud sounds, so he plugged his own nose and made his way through the cloud of magic. He began to cough a bit but he managed to push his index finger under Pippin's nose to try and stop the sneeze.

"Merry...wh...what's... heh..happening to me?" Pippin cried as Merry tried his hardest to block any more powder from entering Pip's inflamed nose.

"Oh my gosh...Pip I'm so sorry. I'm trying to help the best I can..." Merry uttered but Pippin pushed him away from himself.

Pippin shot his head foward into the open air and couldn't control his first sneezing fit. "Heh...hehAee'SHOOOOO! Heh...HAII'Tshooo! HehAee'Shaaaaw!"Poor Peregrin Took, he had a mix of emotions spurring through his mind as his eyes continued tearing. "Merry...heh...HAIE'tshooo! I can-heh...sto-heh...Heh'AEEshoooo!"

"PIPPIN!" Merry shouted toward his best friend as he looked around to see what he could do. "Gandalf...I NEED GANDALF! GANDALF PLEASE HELP!" He screamed as he sprinted to a sleeping wizard near the other members of the Fellowship.

Immediately Gandalf arose from his slumber and shot up from the ground. Legolas quickly awoke from his rough sleep and his eyes widened at the sight of the hobbit who was surrounded by the sparkling cloud.

"Gandalf! It's Pippin...he's in trouble! LOOK!" Merry roared as he pointed to Pippin sneezing his lungs out.

"FOOL OF A TOOK!" Were the words that poured out of Gandalf the Grey's mouth.



Hope you guys enjoyed!

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Oh my goooooood!!!! I love it love it love it!

Wow, and we get to read TWO MORE AMAZING PARTS =D

Yay, I'm really looking forward to it :)

Pleeeeeease continue soon <3

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Oh my goooooood!!!! I love it love it love it!

Wow, and we get to read TWO MORE AMAZING PARTS =D

Yay, I'm really looking forward to it smile.png

Pleeeeeease continue soon <3

Thanks sooo much biggrinsmiley.gif Part two will be up tonight!

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Hope everyone is enjoying it so far! I love writing for you guys!


(Part 2)

Gandalf carried an angered look on his aged face. He knew, just knew, that it was an idiotic idea to bring the most two troublesome hobbits in the Shire along their serious journey. He suspected that at least one of them was going to get them self into some sort of trouble; the thing is that he didn't think that it would be because of his belongings. He rushed over to the foolish Peregrin Took and snatched his own staff off of the ground. He examined it to make sure that nothing was cracked or broken to the slightest bit. He motioned his staff back and forth to create a glowing light on the head of the staff. He had started to repeat one of his spells out loud, causing Merry to look up to his allegiance.

"What are you doing?" Merry cried to the wizard doing his work.

Legolas held his hand in front of Merry motioning for him to not go near him. "Wait...let the wise one speak."

Gandalf lowered his staff to the ground and ripped the box that used to contain his magic out of Pippin's hands. Pippin rubbed his index finger back and forth under his nose. "Sniff...Gandalf I'...heh...hiishh'uh! PPSH! Heh'AEEshooo!" He continued to sneeze into the crook of his elbow.

"I think you underestimated the power of magic...the both of you!" Gandalf snapped at both Merry and Pippin. "Magic is NEVER something to be messed around with, and having two ignorant hobbits play with it is quite enough! Once it is inhaled or taken in, it is merely impossible to get out. Only the luckiest ones are able to get rid of all of the magic in their body. You better pray that you are lucky, Peregrin Took, because this may take days to clear out, if it ever does!"

"Heh'AHEEtshoo! Sniff...what?" Pippin questioned the wizard as he collapsed onto the ground.

"PIPPIN!" Merry shouted as he ran to his dear friend to see if he was okay. He slid his hand under Pippin's head and lifted it off of the ground.

Gandalf shook his wise head as he began to continue, "The side effects of the magic can be very serious. Let us hope that Pippin doesn't face them all; he may not be able to stand up but that isn't nearly the worst of them. Listen, this is just karma at its best."

Pippin could not get rid of the irritant feeling in his sensitive nose. He kept having to rub his hand back and forth and wipe it on his teal coat. "I'm soorry, I didn't mean for this at all. I...I...heh...HAI'tshoo! I really am soorry." He couldn't even finish what he was going to say so he ended off with another apology. The effects of the magic were already getting to the halfling; since he is so small the magic already made its way into full mode. Legolas was very concerned for Pippin, but he couldn't bare watching him in pain anymore. He made his way back to the others and Gandalf followed.

Merry felt absolutely awful; he thought that it was all his fault. He laid down next to his best friend, pushing Pippin's fringes behind his pointy ears. 'Why couldn't it have been me?' He thought to himself as he watched his cousin suffer. 'Pippin doesn't deserve any of this...he didn't mean any harm!' He placed his hand onto Pippin's forehead as he felt the vibration from his friend's chills.

"Merry, I'm scared. I can't do this." Pippin whispered to Merry while his eyes were still tearing up."Heh'NGXT!" He pinched his nose between his index finger and his thumb and stifled.

Merry began to tear up as well; he despised seeing Pippin in such a state. "I know, Pip, and I will be with you for every second."

"Heh'NGXTZ uh..." Pippin stifled another sneeze. Merry grabbed Pippins hands away from holding his nose.

"Don't do that Pip...if you have to sneeze then just do it. Holding your nose isn't healthy." Merry instructed in fear.

Legolas and Gandalf made it back to the campgrounds to find Sam sitting upright on a large rock, thinking. Sam expressed a worried look as the elf and wizard made their way towards him. Sam spoke up quietly as the others were, surprisingly, still asleep. "I warned them not to go near you magic, Mr. Gandalf. I tried but they just wouldn't listen! I told them that they were going to get in trouble and..." He rambled off but Gandalf interrupted him.

"Samwise Gamgee, that is enough. I understand that you tried your best and that is all I need to hear. The two hobbits have learned by their mistake and Pippin is going to have to suffer for his mistake. There is nothing we can do."

Sam turned his head toward the ground as he mumbled quietly, "I'm just worried about them, that's all. Especially Pippin, I'm afraid he can't handle any of this."

Legolas patted Sam on the back as he understood how he was feeling. "It will be okay Sam...Gandalf, shall I wake the others?"

Gandalf nodded his head as Legolas began to go around to each sleeping member and wake them up. Back at where Merry and Pippin were laying, Pippin continued to sneeze and cough. "It's really hard for meh ta breath...I feel like my lungs are...heh-AIIT'shoo! HepAEE'shooo! Pshh!! Uh..I feel like they're shrinki'g by the minute. An' mah nose won't stop itchi'g." He explained to Merry.

"Come on, Pip, I'll take you to the others. Maybe someone has something to help you!" Merry objected as he tried to help Pippin off of the ground.

Pippin shook his head and coughed some more. "I wish I could, but I can't get up! I feel like I don't have the strength!"

"Then I'll carry you!" Merry uttered as he dug his hands under his cousin's body. He used all of the strength he had to lift Pippin into his arms. He looked down to his best friend who looked extremely pale and his nose was a shade of rosy pink.

"Thanks." Pippin attempted to force a grin onto his face.


Enjoy! I know this part was a bit boring and dragged...but the third one will be more interesting!

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  • 1 month later...

I am so sorry it has taken me this long to update this story! I’ve been quite busy with school work I just didn’t have time. I hope this is somewhat good!


(Part 3)

Two night falls later…

The sickly halfling awoke to the vibrations of the fellowship’s voices. He quickly shot up from where he was laying down; he had absolutely no idea of where he was taken to. Had he been kept in a deep slumber for the past how many days? He was oblivious to his surroundings and couldn’t recall where he was taken to. He quickly caught a glimpse of the environment and he realized that they were still at the grounds where he fiddled with the magic. He had no given clue of what time it was, except that there were blurry stars in the dark night.

“Merry?” The poor hobbit called out, but there was no response to his shout. He felt betrayed at the fact that his best friend promised to stay by his side, but he was nowhere in sight. “Frodo…? Sam…?” He called for his other friends but they did not answer to him either. He slowly sunk back down to where he was laying and he turned over to his side. There was an empty feeling spurring through Pippin as he moaned for his friends. He shouted their names in another round but nobody came to his calls. He was too weak to keep shouting; he couldn’t even stand up from the ground.

Pippin still had a slight tickle in his peculiar nose, but the hobbit was tired of sneezing constantly all day long. The weakness in his body made him feel nauseous and unable to get anything out of his nose. There was particularly one stuck in the back of his naval cavity but he simply did not have the energy to get it out. He kept rubbing his nose viciously with the knuckles on his hand.

The voices that he overheard before suddenly began to grow louder; he thought that maybe he could call out once more to get their attention.

“Gandalf, I say we must continue onward. The halfling is holding us back; we cannot stay here much longer.” Aragorn suggested to Gandalf the Grey as he thought Peregrin Took was still asleep.

Boromir stepped up and argued the idea. “Well we can’t just leave him here and continue further! He needs us, Aragorn, and I intend to stay with him.”

“Pippin may be a fool, but he does have a lot of intention in him. We cannot continue onward with him not able to walk. Yes, we may be a bit behind, but think of what could happen if we left him here. The orcs or the spies of Saruman could reach him and we all could be in great danger.” Gandalf proposed to Aragorn.

Pippin listened onto the three’s conversation and felt the emptiness inside of him grow stronger. Was this a side effect? Was it normal to become so empty feeling and depressed this quickly? His thoughts were interrupted by the continuous tickle inside of his nose. He then realized that if he let out the sneeze, it could warn the others that he was awake and needed someone. He tried focusing really hard on letting the tickle grow larger and larger, but then he realized one key fact. The more he focused on the sneeze the more it wouldn’t come out. He began to relax the muscles in his face and let his eyes gaze at one single tree. He took in a few deep breaths and then let his lungs control the rest. He squinted his eyes and slightly opened his mouth. His breath began to hitch and he finally built up the energy to let the sneeze out.

“Heh…he…Heh'AHEEtshoo! HAII'Tshooo!Pippin let out two large, heavy sneezes.

He kept having the urge to sniff and rub his irritated nose. After he exploded with the huge sneezes, he heard a bunch of leaves crunching underneath one’s feet. The crunching noise reached closer and closer to him; he looked up to see who it could have been.

“PIPPIN! YOU’RE AWAKE!” Merry Brandybuck cried into the quiet area.

He fell onto the ground and wrapped Pippin into his arms, bringing him close in a welcoming hug. Pippin suddenly felt a large shock run through his entire body. The emptiness that he was feeling suddenly vanished away and he felt like a completely new hobbit.

During the time Pippin was in his sleep, Merry had felt emptiness with his emotions as well. It was as if the two hobbits needed each other’s company. He had been waiting two days for Peregrin to wake up from his slumber. Every hour he would go to comfort Pippin and sit by his side. He would place his hand on top of his cousin’s forehead and do everything he can to make him wake up faster. He followed through with his promise to be with Pippin. Whenever Pippin would sneeze in his sleep, which is possible for a hobbit, Merry would be the one to help him with wipe his nose with the bottom of his shirt. Whenever the sleeper would go into a coughing fit, he would help lift Pippin up and pat his back.

“Merry, I thought you said tha’ you would be here with meh.” Pippin mumbled to his best friend, feeling betrayed.

“I was Pip! I really was!” Merry held his closer and felt like he couldn’t let his best friend go.


“Yes Pip?”

“I need to sneeze.” Pippin stated thoroughly.

“Go right ahead.” Merry had no intention of letting him go; he honestly didn’t care if he would get sneezed by Pippin. He only cared that he had his best friend back.

“Heh...hiishh'uh! Sniff…I’m sorry Merry.” Pippin rubbed his nose on his own jacket. Merry felt the spray on his hand; he wiped it onto his pants with a disgusted face.

“It’s okay. Tell me, are you feeling better?” He looked down to Pippin and waited for his response.

Pippin paused and answered him after he went into a coughing fit. “Better than I was the other day. Merry… do they all hate meh? I bet they do…”

Merry squeezed his eyebrows in shock of the question Pippin asked him. “Of course not; nobody could hate Peregrin Took!”

Out of complete nowhere Pippin let out a short, stifled sneeze. "Heh'NGXT! Oops…”

“Maybe your sneezes hate you, but that’s only it!” The two hobbits chuckled together at the victory of being with each other again.


“Easy there…there ya go! Good as new!” Sam helped the new and improved healthy Pippin up from the ground. He was finally back on his hairy feet again, ready to take on the rest of the adventures with the fellowship.

“I’m glad to see you’re back again, Pippin!” Frodo Baggins grinned and patted his friend’s back.

“It feels good to be back. Sneezing was such a pain and it got tiring after a while!” Pippin exclaimed with justice.

"Hett-ishhhheww! Great…” Merry sneezed wetly into his hand and wiped it onto his pants.


Hope you all enjoyed!!!

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  • 2 months later...

Awesomeness. Thanks for writing this!

On an unrelated note to this post I love your sig!! :D

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  • 2 months later...

Awesomeness. Thanks for writing this!

On an unrelated note to this post I love your sig!! biggrin.png

Haha thanks! :thumbsup2:

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