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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Altitude (SPN Fic)


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Something else from the meme! This is for darklemur532, who prompted:

"Sam's one of those people who just cannot stop sneezing on planes. 'Cause I like the image of Sam looking out for a terrified Dean while being all sneezy..." and also asked for sneezekink slash.


“It’s only for a few hours, Dean,” Sam is saying reassuringly – almost soothingly – after he hands their tickets over and steps into the aircraft.

“Could’ve taken the car,” Dean mentions, his voice tense. Sam throws their luggage overhead and takes the window seat, and Dean slides in after him.

“Not really,” Sam replies just before clearing his throat. “For one, the haunting’s on an island; besides, Bobby said they needed us there by tomorrow morning. I doubt there’s a pair of wheels anywhere that could get us there that fast.”

“Welcome aboard,” a voice suddenly sounds over the plane’s speaker system. “This is your pilot speaking. We’re looking at taking off in just a couple minutes. If you could please direct your attention to the television monitors…”

“Deep breaths,” Sam instructs in that same soft voice, and Dean shoots him an irritated glance.

“Flight attendants, please prepare for gate departure…”

Dean blows out a steady breath.

Sam clears his throat again. “You know you’re way more likely to die in a car crash than a plane crash, right?”

Dean runs a hand over his face as the plane starts to move. “Doesn’t matter. Still in the air.”

“Nothing’s going to happen. We’ll be fine. Try to think about something else.”

“Cabin crew, please resume your seats for take off.”

The plane lifts off the ground, and Dean can feel it in his stomach, a dropping feeling to accompany the bundles and bundles of nerves he feels are shooting terrible electric feelings through his body. He tries to match his erratic, nervous breaths to Sam’s calmer ones, and then pauses when Sam’s breathing becomes quick and irregular.

Hh’NNGHttch!” It’s fast and contained, stifled against the back of his wrist, and it rocks Sam forward in his seat.

Dean says, “bless you,” a little distractedly, and waits for a second one because he knows that Sam’s sneezes are often persistent when he tries to hold them in.

Ktxschch! TSSHchuh! Uht’MMPTshew!


“I’m okay. Sniff! You okay?”

“Guess so,” Dean answers. At least it’s a neutral statement this time, and he sounds a little less tense.

KpXXthshuh! HIHHngh’tssSHew!

“Hey, quit holding them in,” Dean suggests. “Not good for you.” Sure, Dean’s never not looking out for his little brother, but Sam knows that isn’t the primary reason for his petition.

And as much as Sam really, truly doesn’t mind (and sort of – okay, maybe a lot more than sort of – maybe even enjoys) Dean’s little quirk, he really doesn’t want to be looked at as the guy spreading germs in a confined space full of recycled air. (Really though, with his luck he’ll end up picking up some sort of bug from the flight anyway.)

“We’re on a plane, Dean.”

Dean pales. “Oh yeah. Yeah, you’re right.”


Dean grins. Sam feels his face get hot, but the itch in his nose is satisfied at least a bit more this time. This is absolutely not the kind of distraction he had in mind.

“You’re sneezing a lot,” Dean comments, sounding a little hopeful.

“Yeah.” Sam sniffs. “I think it’s – huh’ITSCHHew! HpTCHHEW! I think – tchISHHUH! Sniff! Uh. Think it’s hih! the altitude, or – ngHTCHSH! – or something.”

Still grinning, Dean raises his eyebrows.

Sam rolls his head and looks up at the ceiling. He squeezes Dean’s thigh, and then he stands.

“Okay. Meet me in the bathroom in five minutes.”

Edited by Sen Beret
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Right, I want to get this right because I feel like you need to be aware of this (if you aren't already).

Your stories are AMAZING. I mean seriously, I love them! You're such a talented writer and it's awesome to come on here and find so many fics posted in such a short space of time! I've been on a bit of a break from the forum recently but I felt like I had to contribute here. I started watching Supernatural a few weeks ago so I'm pretty new to the fandom but I believe that you nail the characters (as well as the fetishy parts twisted.gif ). So much love wubsmiley.gif Please continue, just gaahh worshippy.gif

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Oh no, oh my god, are you serious? Ohhh my god! I don't know that to say, that's so nice! You absolutely just made my night, thank you so much! I only started watching a few months ago (because of all the stuff on the forum!) and I don't know, I've just been writing like crazy lately because of all the feedback I've been getting! You are amazing!! I can't stop smiling, wow, thank you!

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Yes, I'm deadly serious. I came out of hiding didn't I ;) ? It's true so you're very welcome. No way! Really?? I honestly thought you were a hardcore fan from the beginning or something! It's crazy how the forum has pushed so many people into this Fandom. I love it! I'm so glad, I can't get enough. Sammy is just adorable wubsmiley.gif Aw thank you, I can't wait to see if you post more! :)

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You're so sweet! Hehe yeah I'm fairly new to the fandom but I'm pretty obsessive so I ended up reading a lot of, like, fanfiction and stuff, and researching a lot about the show! So happy you like it! They are both really really cute, aren't they? Hehe, I started reading because there was just so much material on here, then after I read it all I went to watch the show so I could appreciate the fanfiction better... kind of backwards, but I've been hooked ever since!

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Oh my, I remember you now! You replied to me in the Dean Winchester thread when I said I was going to start watching it, doh! Ahh you went the other way around then. I read like one story ages ago when I didn't know who was who or that the fandom even existed so I thought I'd be patient. Well backwards has payed off laugh.png. I think Sammy is my favourite because he seems so innocent (I'm only on season 2 by the way so I don't know if that changes teehee.gif ). Either way, I'm hooked too! I blame the forum.

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Oh my, I remember you now! You replied to me in the Dean Winchester thread when I said I was going to start watching it, doh! Ahh you went the other way around then. I read like one story ages ago when I didn't know who was who or that the fandom even existed so I thought I'd be patient. Well backwards has payed off laugh.png. I think Sammy is my favourite because he seems so innocent (I'm only on season 2 by the way so I don't know if that changes teehee.gif ). Either way, I'm hooked too! I blame the forum.

Yeah girl, that was me! Hehe! It's crazy how many people the forum has ended up converting!

Sam is such a cutie! I really love Dean, I think he's so like, I don't know, handsome and charming and stuff and I have such a thing for him but I've definitely got a special crush on Sam. He's just begging to be taken care of all the time, with that hair, and those eyes...

Update I love this<3

Aww thank you so so much! <33

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I think this is probably one of the hottest possible SPN-boys-on-a-plane scenarios I've ever pictured. I never even thought about sneeze-kink Dean getting distracted from his fears because of sneezy Sammy!! WOW. I love it. Excuse me while I replay this scene over and over and over...

Well done!!!

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Thank you thank you thank you! It is a nice scenario, isn't it? I never thought about all of the possible allergens on planes! Like, people with pet hair all over their suitcases, or maybe someone is wearing perfume, and all of the air is dry which irritates sinuses anyway, plus there's the air pressure thing and change in altitude, and then there's also the opportunity for contagion since it's such a small space with recycled air for however many hours, full of people from different places with tons of different germs... how nice...

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Omg I love all your threads and stories so much, I always scream when I see a new one! Thank you so much for all your amazing stories XD I haven't actually watched an episode yet (Whoops) But I watch loads of clips here and there on youtube and I'm reading the transcripts, so I can imagine... I dunno why I haven't started to actually watch yet though :P

You've never done one that includes Castiel I don't think... Do you prefer to keep this between Sam and Dean? A few people have written fandoms that include a confused Cas (I don't think it was you...) they are so sweet XD But not as good as yours!

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Aww, do you really? You're so so sweet, thank you so much! How nice of you to say! Hehe, don't worry, I started off with mostly clips and stuff too... don't feel in any rush to start watching if you don't want to! Some of the stories on here are pretty spoiler-heavy, and I personally love spoilers so it wasn't a big deal for me but if you don't want some parts of the story ruined you might want to be a little cautious! Hehe.

I love Castiel! I'm really not great at writing him (I'm still getting the Sam/Dean dynamic down, actually!) so I haven't written him in anything yet, but maybe someday! I have really really liked all of the Cas stuff people here have written, though! I think everything has been amaaaaaaazing, not just my stuff! I'm so lucky that everyone else on the forum is so talented so I can go and read all of this amazing amazing stuff!

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