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DumbA$$, supernatural fic for tarots meme


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"Where's Dean?"

Sam plopped his backpack on the table, noting the empty motel bed. John looked up from his journal to acknowledge Sam's presence before going into some rant about skipping school, and drawing attention, and he can draw attention by running instead.

"He's sick dad." Sam said sternly, as if he was much older than some teen who just got his learner's permit.

"It's just a cold, he would have been fine at school. And from the sounds of your tone it sounds like you want to join him on that run."

Instead of the normal grunt of disagreement John was expecting, Sam came forward almost full throttle.

"And if you weren't passed out last night you would have known that it's gone well beyond just a cold since I was wiping him down all night as he tossed and turned crying about mom!" Sam snatched the keys off the table and slammed the door behind him. Ugh, why couldn't Dean just tell him when it was getting bad. Normally colds brushed right off Dean, but if he was crying for mom, that meant one hell of a fever. Damn, why hadn't he checked the kid's head.


Where would he go? Sam drove the streets wondering how far his brother would have made it. Would he have been smart enough to bunker down inside? Nope, knelt over a park bench was his brother's visibly shaking body.

"Hey," Sam said as he hightailed it to the bench.

"Hey." The croak that greeted him sounded nothing like his brother, gravely and filled with congestion.

Dean must have been bad since he wasn't slapping Sam's hand away, heck he even seemed to lean into the palm.

"Dean..." Sam's voice was laced with sympathy, and shock when Dean collapsed against him.

"Jesus, come on, let's get you in the car."


Sam tensed as he entered the motel room, preparing for the wrath of John that was sure to follow his theft of the car. But then there was nothing. Well, nothing except for the huge sneeze that blasted against his back, and moan from his now crumpled up brother.

"Bless you. That hurt?"

Dean nodded.

"Take a shower and get in bed. I'll check you out in a minute."

As his brother shuffled off, Sam was surprised to find their first aid kit splayed out on the table; clearly John's attempt at an apology.


Several sneezes echoed off the bathroom walls followed by a string of curse words.

"You okay?"

Dean opened the bathroom door. Sweatpants hung loosely from his hips while he mumbled further obscenities.

"Doctor Sammy time." Glossy eyes met Sam's and damn that fever had to be high.

"Temp first." Dean took the thermometer but didn't stick it in his mouth. Just before Sam was about to yell, Dean twisted his head to the side.

"H'RSHHH!" and the whimper that followed the sneeze nearly broke Sam's heart.

"Bless you."

Dean felt a tissue box being nudged against his knee.


After taking one and giving an unsuccessful blow, he obediently attempted the thermometer.

After the beep Sam traded more tissues for the stick.

"h'KTSHHH heP'SHHHT h'NGXTuh fugk!"

"Bless you."

Dean flopped down on the bed, allowing his self pity to consume him.

"One oh three."

"Jusd give be tyledol." The moan was half whisper.

"One more thing."

Sam gently pushed along Dean's cheekbones. The older brother immediately pulled away in pain, a tear slipping down his cheek.

"Got yourself one hell of a sinus infection." Sam offered more tissues and Dean wiped at his eyes before whimpering through another blow.

"Tylenol?" Dean looked hopeful as pills were thrust into his hands.

"Sorry, antibiotics first."


A few hours later John walked in to find the two boys cuddled under the ratty motel comforter. He may not have had Mary, but at least he had Sam.

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This is good of for the love of Andy Biersack please continue<3

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*melts into a pile of gooey Sammy and Dean love*

bye. :wub:

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AWwwwww! Poor Dean! I love that Sam's being the caretaker, and how he reprimands his father for being such a hardass, and how Dean's just like... "Meh. I'm okay." And Sam's like, "I'mma take care of you now." And does. Perfectly. And is adorable. And Dean is struggling hardcore, and cursing, and is adorable also.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Continue it, PLEASE! I love the image of Sammy and Dean cuddling. It just melts my heart.console.gif

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  • 1 month later...

Dr Sammy. Love it! Do continue!

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